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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 200 KB, 800x1421, 1532985962036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10487800 No.10487800 [Reply] [Original]

What really pisses me off about this picture are the glasses and drinks. REQ is destined to fail, who the fuck drinks that much in a restaurant? They're trying to impress and drunk rape the girls. This is Singapore, probably 1000$ on that table alone. Really tells you much about their finance management.

>> No.10487815

This picture will go down in history as the biggest “fuck you” from devs to their investors.

>> No.10487853

For real tho, how can you be THAT much of a fucking autist to post a fucking photo of your expensive ass dinner to your investors, who are 90% down? I refuse to believe they did it on purpose as a fuck you to the subreddit... r-right?

>> No.10487875

They're just having a good time with your money anon relax

>> No.10487876

I'm sure some girl or closet faggot chose to include this thinking it's a cute biweekly diary they have going on there. It's an absolute disgrace.

>> No.10487879

They really could have taken a picture before they got their food or outside of the restaurant
But instead it's this candid shit where they're about to stuff themselves with food and drink KEK

>> No.10487979

You guys must be poor I eat better with my parents

>> No.10488063

My sg gf said that each plate probably costs about $20 sgd

Not to mention the alcohol which is super expensive

>> No.10488066
File: 5 KB, 311x162, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat better with my parents
Okay Abstract but your Dad paid for that nice dinner, not you. Just like we (bagholders) paid for your mozza.

>> No.10488090

Did your parents fly you out to Singapore for free?

>> No.10488133

Kys AbstractTornado

>> No.10488492

AbstractTORNADO fag detected

>> No.10488526
File: 164 KB, 600x722, 1524653623956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you imagine Sergey posting an image like this? no you fucking can't, because hes not a fucking idiot

>> No.10488653

lmao theyre drinking singapore slings. like 50$ a glass.

>> No.10488933

Omg, he is so fat

>> No.10488956

that's you REQ "investors" paying for all those $20 glasses of wine. :^)

>> No.10488970
File: 320 KB, 1584x879, THE FUTURE OF SCAMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10488982

and $50 for that extra plate in front of Abstract fag that he is about to eat all by himself

>> No.10489014

This is what happens to all ICO money, fucking worthless millennials