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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10487070 No.10487070 [Reply] [Original]

My dad accidently transferred 10k to my bank account last month. I don't even know how he did it but he sucks at using the banking app. I haven't touched it since I've been expecting for him to ask me for the money at any moment, but he hasn't. I would feel guilty if I spend it in shitcoins but he makes a lot of money anyways plus he calls me a useless neet every chance he gets. What to do?

>> No.10487096

>What to do?

It's a test you dumb bastard. Bring it to your dad's attention and don't spend any of it.

>> No.10487098

Give it back to him u fool, I know why ur here.

>> No.10487103

Tell him, let him decide, your conscience and father's trust is worth it.

>> No.10487109

buy as much monster as you can you fucking faggot

and then use all ur time to wagecuck mc donalds and buy IOTA as long as it is cheap.

or kys faggot!

>> No.10487113

Use him, retards don't deserve money this is the most basic rule of /biz/.
Remember, moralfags are poorfags, if you are not using the advantage given to you, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.10487123

Ask him if you can keep some of it lol

>> No.10487124

>considers stealing from own family

You are an irredeemable piece of shit kill yourself right now you worthless NEET faggot

>> No.10487126

Buy 8 ounces of gold and give it back to him and tell him the banks are going to fail soon

>> No.10487133

Put that 10K into bitcoin and when it becomes 20K, you also keep 10K. He'll be proud of you AND you made money.

>> No.10487138

Family is more important than anything. If you don't tell him or even use the money he will find out eventually it is all on the banks record you can't really deny it.

And if he does you will lose his trust. I would not do it. Also 10.000 is not really worth the legal trouble apart from all what I said earlier.

>> No.10487139
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>be 51
>have a 24 y/o son who is somewhat secluded, but has great potential in his life even though he often does not think so
>often mentions he does not know what to do with his life
>decide to transfer $10k to him and then later tell him to spend it on a world trip
>transferred the money
>never hear from him about it

>> No.10487140

Galaxy brain is investing in "makes a lot of money" dad not writing "useless neet thief" out of the will.

>> No.10487141

I don't know man is your dad rich? Me and my brother once spend $24k on steam during a year and he didn't notice but we felt bad afterwards.

>> No.10487142

I doubt its a test. My dad is a brainlet who sells tiles

>> No.10487159

My dad makes around 900k per

>> No.10487165


>> No.10487168

Short it.

>> No.10487171
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Lose your shit coins, have no trust and no family. Thanks for playing.

>le based gen z

>> No.10487182


>> No.10487185

10k is not worth the shitty feeling of knowing you did the wrong thing. If you think it is, you're larping because nigs don't have dads.

>> No.10487189

Unironically all in LINK

>> No.10487191

Not my fault the dad is a retard who squanders money away.

>> No.10487227

Reminds me of how my mom gave me 9k to invest into crypto in December ontop of my 6k. I have 3.1k now and she won't stop nagging me for the 9k back.

>> No.10487249
File: 18 KB, 236x288, main-qimg-8637f961ec72491cfb3b1cd494e228a8-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS you psychopathic sleazebag.

>> No.10487254

your family must be smart

>> No.10487262


>> No.10487288

I fell for the HODL meme but she's a complete cunt about it too, and she knows how this market is. She's got plenty of her own investments. If i make it with crypto i almost wanna give her back exactly 9k just for the absolute mind fuck games she's put me through but I'll probably cuck out and give more to mommy

>> No.10487324

lol did you just scam your dad you smurf bitch?

>> No.10487351
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>> No.10487357

KYS moralfag, all of human history have been written by smart people, not the stupid moralists who cry about being unable to avoid obvious and easy to deal with situations. That someone should protect them from their fuckups like OP's dad.

Honestly OP should just kill his dad at this point and pawn his stuff, literally worthless asshole hoarding money from smart people.

>> No.10487373
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>unironically thinks not having any morals means you're smart

>> No.10487391
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>> No.10487423

smart people take into account all societal forces that make people do things. the thing you said is literally retarded in your transparent attempt to craft a self-serving ideology/worldview

>> No.10487443


>> No.10487450

I don't know if that is really a lot, its a lot by normie standards sure.

>> No.10487463

>smart people take into account all societal forces that make people do things.
Selfishness, morality and "goodness" is just self serving to wimps who can't get anything done. Nobody becomes a doctor or a cop to help people, you want the fat paycheck and the validation of good boy points from coddling the fat and stupid.

There's a reason why moralfags don't own several companies or run their own business. Because they're stupid and worthless.

>> No.10487482
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>buy 10K LINK
>sell it for 25K one month later
>15K good boy points

>> No.10487488
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All-in sugar

>> No.10487509

Is the joke that its secretly cocaine?

>> No.10487514

If you faggots trusted LINK you would buy one of their accelerometers to measure how hard their worthless stock is going to hit the floor.

>> No.10487517

Heh, yeah I took a philosophy class once

>> No.10487550

Put it in a CD for him and tell him to enjoy the annual 1.5% that fucking boomer lol

>> No.10487569

lol i can't wait till you're home invaded by a pack of gay niggers that take turns in raping that white boy ass.

>> No.10487595

He probably did it on purpose you stupid faggot.

Anyways go all in on link and make him proud for once you absolute fucktard.

>> No.10487597


>> No.10487668

this happened to me once.

my mom got her money back from the bank and the didn't take it out of my account.

was only $500 tho

>> No.10487703

"Hey dad it's me, i got a bank transfer from you that might be accidental just calling you to confirm if i should transfer it back to ya ok thanks bye"
wow that was hard

>> No.10487713
File: 26 KB, 729x434, 1532323579940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn his 10k into 12k and give him back 12k

>> No.10487723


He may try to evict you from his home and say you had a verbal agreement to accept money and use it to relocate.

>> No.10488195

You don't have to give it back if he's dead.

>> No.10488888

Moral? I am not moral. It would be fun to watch you choke to death on your own bile.

>> No.10488910

Give it back you stupid nigger, you know deep down that you would lose it all if you tried to “invest”

>> No.10488913


>> No.10489012

Congrats you've upgraded from being a useless NEET to being a useful rat hole. He's either hiding money from the IRS or he might be planning on divorcing your mother. Either way, $10k is low enough for him to claim it was a tax free gift to you, but obviously he expects you to give it back once he's done with his shenanigans.

>> No.10489063

buy xbox one and japanese stuff

>> No.10489079

Whether or not you know it, it is a test. It isn't your dad testing you, it's the universe. Do the right thing here, and be rewarded. Blow the money on shitcoins, and see your money lost and your relationship with your dad degrade even further.

>> No.10489145


>> No.10489169

he's not a brainlet then. tell him. you already waited too long

>> No.10490253

if you put that ten thousand into link you could give your dad 1 million dollars back

>> No.10490272

this is actually best idea except buy about 900 silver eagles

>> No.10490288

Kys memebags

>> No.10490308


KYS useless NEET

>> No.10490424
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close thread. Also ignore all troll posters, i saw you created thread about frens. don't ask such stupid questions next time.Especially don't steal shit from your family.

>> No.10490545


>> No.10490582

The simple fact you have to ask already means you are a piece of shit.

>> No.10491464

>banks record
This is why we need trustless crypto without bank records.
>inb4 bitcoin has records
You can just use a different address than your normal one and there's no way to prove its actually you.