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10484354 No.10484354 [Reply] [Original]

1 USD will always equal 1 USD. >Refute this /biz/
>protip: you can’t

>> No.10484375

Actually if you look at the super market index you can see that 1 dollar = 1 dollar but what it gets you has consistently gone down. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCU4451104451103

>> No.10484383
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....yeah you are right.

>> No.10484384

Prefer tether tbqh

>> No.10484387

from 1999 to 2018 1 dollar gets you almost half as much groceries. in 2019 it'll get you exactly half as much.

>> No.10484406

Not true. In some countries a used dollar bill gets refused, a crisp new dollar bill is required.

>> No.10484416

purchasing power of the dollar goes by half every 20 years. this means a million in 1999 is equal to 500k in 2019. therefore if you have a fortune you must at least double it for it's value to remain the same every 20 years.

>> No.10484425

breaking of a dollar would refute the whitepaper

>> No.10484426


>> No.10484464

Not if you rip it into tiny little pieces

>> No.10484526
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>what is adjustment for inflation
the absolute state of /biz/tards

>> No.10484564
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>> No.10484598
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Weak bait but ok

>> No.10484620

>buys crypto token for $1
>token crashes to less than 10c
>hurr durr at least it’s not fiat

>> No.10484633

Crypto regularly crashes 80-90% so what makes it better than something that only crashes 50% over 20 FUCKING YEARS

>> No.10484655


Yes a dollar would always equal a dollar. But that is very way superficial looking at the matter. What matters is not the dollar(Or how many you have) , but how much buying power those dollars you have , have. You see ? Owning 3000 dollars in the 1920 is once you adjust inflation , equal to owning 39K$ today.


Same goes to lets say Bitcoin. One bitcoin will always worth one bitcoin right ? But right now , while one bitcoin in December 2017 was worth 19.5K$ , one today is worth around 8100$.

The difference is thought , I still believe that Bitcoins would eventually rise in price(Or at least some other Crypto Currency would , if it replaces them) , dollars on the other hand are made in a debt based consumerist system , were the only way for the government pays for a lot more projects than it should , and in order to fund it all , money comes from printing and not taxing. And their are 2 problems with that :

1.The central bank doesn't belong to the government , it loans the government the new dollars for an interest , hence keeping us in an ever increasing debt.

2.The more dollars their are in circulation , the more inflation rises and the less they are worth. At least crypto currencies try to limit this problem by attaching the supply increase to money(Which means that eventually the supply would be limited and miners would get their money purely on fees over transactions).

>> No.10484673

Look at the price of Bitcoin one year ago. USD can't compete.

>> No.10484750
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Are you that much of a retard? Do you even comprehend what the actual purpose of investing is? Fiat will always lose value,keeping it under the mattress or stockpiling in your bank out with minimal interest rates is totally pointless.I don't know why i m wasting time on you but here have this maybe your little brain will be stimulated by this picture.

>> No.10484752

Yeah but then the transaction fees are going to be ridiculously high to offset miners verifying them

>> No.10484777

But then why not invest in cash flow assets or industrials that produce real products. During hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic the value of real assets businesses owned and farmland became way more valuable

>> No.10484909


The transactions fees would "increase" the moment they can't get money out of pure mining , yes. BUT by that time , computer power would be a lot stronger , which would mean fees would get down in price. And even if that's not the case , the fees are still gonna be much cheaper than what you got with modern banking. Since its so much more efficient , competitive and does not require regulations(Their are regulations and permits on who can open a bank and when , the block chain on the other hand is decentralized).

>> No.10484939

all in on tether . cant wait for this shit to moon 100k

>> No.10485444

sure 1 USD == 1USD
However 1 USD != (1 USD worth of gas in the 60s)
Inflation will always rule. The buying power of the USD in everyday life changes. It's also a fallacy, considering the USD is a means of exchange, a 'currency'. You shouldn't be comparing USD to USD unless you're looking at USD to USD relative to it's buying power in respective times. In other words inflation. 1 USD 2018 != 1 USD 1920 regarding what can be bought with jsut 1 USD, but 1 USD will always equal 1 USD regardless of how little you can buy with it.

>> No.10485521


>> No.10485818

In a given moment, 1 USD is worth 1 USD.
But the actual value of it will be always be 99.999999936% of what it was 1 second ago.

>> No.10485847
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>> No.10485923

Does gold save you against inflation?

>> No.10486036


Gold prices go up faster than modern inflation , in 1974 an ounce of gold costed around 63.9$ , which would be worth 370.66$ today. But the price of Gold itself rose to up 39286.52$(The price today).

Gold price chart from 18/1/1973 to today :


Inflation calculator :


>> No.10486056

Are you really this dense?
Fuck crypto, don't care about that. Look at the purchasing power of dollar over time and come back again.
Either LARPing faggot or brainlet.

>> No.10486069


I made a few mistakes in the last post , because I misread the graph.

In 1973 an ounce of gold costed around 63.9$ , which is 370.66$ today , but an ounce of gold is worth 1221.23$ today.

The 39286.52$ is the price of a kg of gold today.

>> No.10486138

Your OP was just not very exceptional man. This is just for the corn, but it may interest you, we don't even agree on this shit among yourselves.

> A postscript: Hasu and I are not claiming to have created an authoritative account of Bitcoin's narrative history – we thought "someone should take a stab at this," and did.

>> No.10486152

What kind of assets?

>> No.10486317

Because we are at a point in the economy where EPS of stocks, profitability, future expected profitability and performance are having very little impact on the actual asset.
That is a grossly dangerous territory

>> No.10486318

>What kind of assets?

Factories , real estate(Shops , farmland , houses\apartments). Land is something that could stay in your descendants possession for as long as their isn't some land reform in the country you live in. Historically it usually happen when :

1.Too much land is owned by few members the nobility
2.When a country is conquered
3.When the government tries to steal citizen's money and assets , like in South Africa's case.

>> No.10486338


1 shit will always remain 1 shit

>> No.10486402

>Because we are at a point in the economy where EPS of stocks, profitability, future expected profitability and performance are having very little impact on the actual asset.

Yes , because the average investors has no idea what he is doing , and does little research on what he buys. Instead they see funded articles about how a certain stock is under priced or gonna moon , and loose their money , to the same people who funded these articles.

Another problem is the neutral tendency to invest in whats rising , for example "OH Chainlink is up 30% I should buy" , than ChainLink gets dumped by traders , whose intention isn't long term investment but to make a profit by buying cheap and selling for a profit. And that is probably what most people in Crypto do(Since coins don't pay you dividends , you must either be a trader , or wait until they become useful to some companies , earning you money by selling it to them).

>> No.10486403

Industrials, utilities, those assets which keep mouths fed and the lights on

>> No.10486842

So gold is overvalued?

>> No.10487115

Yes and silver is EXTREMELY undervalued, however ETFs fuck this picture even more

>> No.10487116


Im not sure about it. Gold would become very important if people loose their faith in the government , or if there is a civilization collapse. Its not that far fetched that it would happen again as its something that happened a few times in history , look at the Bronze Age Collapse and the Dark ages in western Europe(Triggered by the Western Roman Empire).That is assuming your gold is with you , and not stored in someone else's place , because the Federal reserve for example , they allegedly(Allegedly since we don't really get to see all that gold) have a lot of gold that belongs to different governments and people stored in their vaults. I think they would steal all the gold if SHTF , they won't give the gold back to its owners(For example the German government).

Now when do gold prices go up ? Usually when the people loose faith in the government and stock markets. Modern examples for this would be when the Stock Markets crash , gold prices go up. Look how prices went up after 2008 or during the great depression.


For conclusion , would now be the best time to buy gold ? I don't know. But as a long term investment I think that even if you buy now , its still gonna be worth it(Since its value keeps going up on the long run , unlike fiat). And also owning some gold , isn't the worst idea , you could see it as an insurance for bad times to come.

>> No.10487161

1 bitcoin will always equal 1 bitcoin

>> No.10487633


>> No.10487675

Bitcoin is a series of car crashes to heaven

>> No.10487806
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lol its the other way around retard, if purchasing power halves you need 2 million today to match the 1999 million, not 500k

>> No.10488064


What he meant is that if you have 1M$ and you don't use them for 20 years and than decide to pull them off your vault for personal use , your gonna have the buying that would have equaled half of what they used to be able to buy 20 years ago(AKA 500K$ of back than).

>> No.10488215

right, it was strangely worded. Thats why you buy property/stocks/whatever i guess. Nobody's gonna have that money under a matress