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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10477667 No.10477667 [Reply] [Original]

this fucking whale literally will not let the token exceed $0.35 its like he took the fucking whitepaper meme way too seriously. he keeps fucking dumping his BAT for WARPED ETH when the FUCK will he stop and what the FUCK is he trying to accomplish here? serious replies only

>> No.10477688

its Brendan making the price stable to lure investors in

>> No.10477689

If it dips under 30 I might pick some up

>> No.10477717

i kek'd

>> No.10477731

dude shut the fuck up brainlet. the price is unironically lower then before the fucking coinbase announcement do you not realize how fucked up that is?

>> No.10477732

could someone please explain to me what wrapped eth even is, I literally cannot understand it

>> No.10477744

honestly why the FUCK does this FUCKER keep selling his BAT for shitty WARPED ETH?

>> No.10477758

actually is it WRAPPED ETH or WARPED ETH? either way hes a fucking piece of shit for this bullshit behaviors

>> No.10477760

if it's not announced by coinbase by 3rd week of August I'm dumping my bags

>> No.10477855
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Contract eth

>> No.10478537

who cares? $50 EOY

>> No.10478574

isn't this one of the best performers of the recent bear market? up there with BNB, ZRX, and HOT? why the fuck are you even complaining you literally already hit the jackpot

>> No.10478596
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shhhh im still accumulating

>> No.10478618

I fucking wish

>> No.10478813

i fucking know

>> No.10478873

tree fiddy would be a fat profit. 50 and I'd never stop spontaneously ejaculating.

>> No.10479073
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Probably going to $100 tbqh. FOMO is a fickle thing.

>> No.10479104

i used to own bat for a little while but i realized it's one of the absolute worst cryptos out there.
Just the facts here

BAT is has two potential revenue streams. Pay to watch ads, and donations to avoid ads
The "pay to watch ads" model has been tried several times before, it simply doesn't work. And even if it did work the revenues would be so tiny. No company is going to pay much to customers to watch their ads. It's antithetical to business. And the ad watchers would make so little, with so few ads to be able to watch. So they would not have any incentive to go out of their way to watch the ads.

The other case is people buying BAT to support their favorite websites without the annoying ads. Think Forbes.com
But if you're willing to pay for that, why not just subscribe directly to the content creator?
Only 26% of internet users even use adblock. BAT charges 5% fees to publishers to act as a donation collector. For the foreseeable future there's not enough pain from publishers to justify paying 5% middleman costs to grab such a tiny portion of market share.
Publishers won't even bother to collect the donations, because 1 it threatens their revenue model, and 2 not many people will buy BAT tokens when they usually get it for free with a normal adblocker.
Until we see something like 70% adblock use (think 20 years from now when millenials are boomers), this type of model is completely out of the question, if it would ever work.

So you have this token with a shitty strategy for a < 0.03% market share browser .... what's the end game?
i get there's a lot of stupid in the crypto market but imo BAT should be one of the first to completely capitulate. It's a cool idea with no revenues in sight for years

>> No.10479131


>> No.10479176

>google doesn't currently exist as a middleman for most advertisements
anon, I...

>> No.10479186

assuming user wallets means "funded user wallets" that's $14 average for 11% of MAU, so BAT's current real valuation is $5.6 Million
and no one knows if these customers will be repeat. this is just starting curiosity.
$300 million speculative valuation
$5.6 million real valuation.

In order to justify this price, BAT would need to obtain 1.6% browser market share, or 150 MAU, 53 times as many users as they currently have.

>> No.10479204
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Charles everyone

>> No.10479244

>DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?! on fucking Twitter

audibly kek'd

>> No.10479289
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Since February, I've received 40 BAT from Brave and donated it to content creators that I like.

I've donated ~$12 (current price, ~$35 ATH) to people that make cool stuff that I like on the internet. Some of that went to our very own Bizonacci. That's pretty fucking cool that I've received and donated free Crypto just for using Brave and hodling BAT.

Once the BAT for Ads starts up, I'll probably be receiving even more. So I guess just be patient, this project is a long-term thing with big, aspirations and goals.

>> No.10479291

this, people might think it's a joke but he has been doing this for a long time, that's why I stay away from this trash and pity anyone who was suckered in. Eich micromanages the price.

>> No.10479329
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this fhat headed alien will moon it for the ultimate public awareness once the time is right

>> No.10479345
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You brainlet, there is a difference between Brave and BAT. Brave has two revenue streams, not BAT. BAT is simply a token built into a web browser that can theoretically be used for all kinds of micropayments. In 5 years from now, when micropayments are commonplace on the Internet you will feel like a moron when you remember this terrible post you just sperged.

>> No.10479366

I buy cryptos to make $, I don't know or care the story behind them. But BAT? I want BAT to succeed because I fucking loathe Google.

Eich got booted from his own company because Silicon Valley SJWs. I bet he hates them as much as I do.

>> No.10479385
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>be me
>the year is 2020
>no one uses Chrome anymore
>Brave is as widespread as Javascript and more popular than Firefox ever was
>every single news corporation uses paywalls to collect BAT from readers
>Google actually supports BAT because they collect a percentage of BAT from every contribution to a YouTube channel
>the NFL and NBA stream games online which can only be accessed after paying your game fee in BAT
>reddit uses BAT to monetize upvotes and downvotes, like Steem but better and actually mainstream
>online games use BAT for micropayments
>Netflix charges BAT/hour of viewership
>Brendan Eich's homerun project actually saves the internet from regressing into a catastrophic implosion
>feels good man

>> No.10479474

Or Google makes their own token and everyone uses it because "muh Google" sort of like how everyone uses Tensorflow even though it sucks

>> No.10479508

My brother works at google, he said people around the office are worried.

>> No.10479540

It's called accumulation, he's artificially supressing the price to buy it all up before making it scarce and pumping the price sky high

>> No.10479568

yes anon, and also don't forget that Brave's data scientists figure out new brilliant advertising algorithms based on browsing activity and history, patterns, etc.

$20.20 BAT by 2020

>> No.10479570

...anon....the point is to capture a % of the yearly advertising market. Brainlets like you should stick to the boomer stock market, BAT is too complicated for most non whites it seems.

>> No.10479588
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>Or Google makes their own token

Yeah Google can't make their own anti-advertising token, at least not the same way BAT works. It would go against their entire ad revenue model to allow users the option of blocking advertising. A huge part of Google's business revenue is in advertising. Basically Google Ads are broken, they know it, and they're going to need to find a way of fixing it (that most likely will have nothing to do with blockchain/crypto).

Imagine how pissed off normies would be if Chrome all of a sudden introduced a cryptocurrency and wallet and everything. They'd be terrified.

>> No.10479801

or google+

>> No.10479939
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>> No.10479949


>implying netflix doesn't have a 400-1 PE ratio

>> No.10479991

alright /biz/ let me give it to you straight, this right here is the next netflix

you realize eich has close enough ties with the browser he fucking started to be able to get it on their right?

thats a solid 80 million users, factor in the fact that it's going to be included in appstore apps. Class of clans, one single app made more than 5x Bat's current valuation.

If you are not in this coin for at least 10% of your port, you are honestly insane

>> No.10480038

Google's investors would absolutely freak the fuck out if they tried to do something like that. That's a complete 180 on their current advertisement model. Eich has them stuck in a checkmate and they know it.

>> No.10480078
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At first I only bought in because the coinbase rumors. But then I started using the brave browser more and more naturally because the online converter website I go to is covered in pop up ads. The browser is going to stick around. Soon they will be adding a tor attachment to it aswell. Brave is legit.

>> No.10480131

I thought it already had TOR integration. I'm more looking forward to the built in Eth wallet that wont be subject to the metamask problem from earlier in the week.

>> No.10480291
File: 1.23 MB, 1292x612, Brave metrics July 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it already has a Private tab with Tor. I love the browser already but I'm excited for Brave 1.0, basically they're using as much of Chromium as possible and then improving it. There will simply be no reason to use Chrome anymore if you're into cryptocurrency.

>> No.10480381

Its swapping it out for weth which abides by some ERSTUVWXZY-22 standard that normal eth doesnt. As I understood it, this was a temporary thing until some point soon? Could be wrong there

>> No.10480395

lol people are exchanging their alts for btc. no mysterious bat whale


>> No.10480417

fucking based

>> No.10480446

The timing of this whole project couldnt be any more perfect. Tech has always self regulated, but now its not enough, and companies are getting strangled by GDPR. People are becoming increasingly aware that their data is being harvested, sold, and then they are being followed everywhere they go. A lot of people are creeped out. Brave offers an opt in advertising model that pays you. People love free money, and the media is going to push this in everyones faces. Everyone loves an underdog fighting super villains like facebook and google.

>> No.10480450

I am just praying every day for monero to randomly fucking moon before bat gets added

>> No.10480464

Except the largest BAT address has been constantly flashing million dollar sell walls on a not so well know decentralized exchange. If you're trying to liquidate millions of dollars you dont flash huge sell walls.

>> No.10481438

Unironically BAT is easily the biggest whale coin in crypto. The ICO sold out in like 30 seconds and there was no cap on individual addresses. You are a fool holding it. I tried to get in the ico to ride the whales but couldn't even get in and I never bought the token after that because I knew if I didn't get in on the ico, it was a dogshit coin to own. Dump it while you can or hold for 3-5 years and hope it works out as it's intended to. You seriously have no chance here.

>> No.10481496

But then wouldn’t the whales want it to moon?

>> No.10481575

They do, which is why they sell just enough to keep the price steadily rising. The FUD in here is just Mr. Shekelstein trying to steal your tokens

>> No.10482073

BRAVE gets 20% market share = ~ 1 billion users.
11% of users own bat
average bat holder has $14 of bat.
that leaves a $1.4 Billion valuation.
now all valuations are always overvalued because of speculators.
Difficult to calculate, but market cap of 5x sales is common in tech stocks.
so $6 Billion is theoretical maximum valuation or $6 BAT
IF user base grows by 300 times from 3 million

current value $0.3 Billion
current actual users $56 million baseline

remember BAT already went 10x and never went back to ICO. the moon you are seeking is simply silly

>> No.10482271

This seems pretty likely. It's not even difficult for a medium-sized whale to do this since BAT has relatively low daily volume and weak liquidity. I suspect this will continue until we see a volume increase from coinbase normies.

>> No.10482530

You pearl fags are getting pretty desperate

>> No.10482565

Why the fuck doesn't the OP just buy chainlink before he has a heart attack?

>> No.10483372

Exactly. Even real boomers like my parents don't like the idea of being bought and sold as a commodity. They're starting to look for a way out too.

>> No.10483627
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what is a chrome extension?

>> No.10483748

Now if only they could make the UI not so damn shitty and actually support more than 5 extensions, not to mention support for common media codecs.

>> No.10483979

BAT doubles as a stablecoin when its not pumping. its literally the best hold to manage stress so not sure what u talkin bout.