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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10481927 No.10481927 [Reply] [Original]


what was your average buy-in?

>> No.10481937

4c, sold at 70, sadly only a small bag

>> No.10481939

5 cents then 16 cents then 6 cents.

>> No.10481942

1200 sats.
i can wait

>> No.10481944

3400 sats anon. Those bags are heavy af

>> No.10481949

wtf i hate the french now

>> No.10481952

12c. Sold at 65c tho. Could have sold at 1usd but at least i didnt hodel

>> No.10482004

Welcome AbstractTORNADO faggot. Hope you took some french up your ...

>> No.10482042

don't be a nigger. req is shit but it will still moon.
literally stealing at these prices

>> No.10482101
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20 ETH at ICO. ready to die

>> No.10482330

75 cents
i contemplate suicide regularly

>> No.10482339

even people who bought the absolute top will be fine

>> No.10482350

5000 sats

>> No.10482374
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2 ETH at ICO here.

>> No.10482397
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rode all the way to $1 and then down
finally sold at $0.23 few weeks back

>> No.10482429


Bought a stack this morning, so about $0.068 - $0.071.

It is rock bottom right now, it has had the perfect cocktail of FUD, crappy news and now has attention diverted away from it, the risk reward ratio at this point seems good to me.

I'll check how it panned out in a month or two

>> No.10482435

yeah in maybe 5 years time kek

>> No.10482555

ICO price, which is the current price.

>> No.10482557

11c but I only have a small bag. Expected big things in 2018 and instead just got my pants pulled down.

>> No.10482767
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40 cents

>> No.10482804

mostly around 5.5cents and have held all the way past 1$ and back down. almost all my alt coins have been utterly wrecked so I know its just the market and not a reflection of Request network. Their app ideas are solid, im hopeful they can pickup steam.

>> No.10482972


>> No.10483075

Feeling based
t.30k badboys

>> No.10483081

I'm thankful literally every day that I got out of this token

>> No.10483202


>> No.10483215

can we make abstrac tornado mod of req threads on biz?

>> No.10483222


I tried warning you faggots.

Remember. .01 by September 28 2018.

>> No.10483250

thanks for the warning, i should have listened. avg buy in of 30 cents. i should probably sell now then huh? i could x6 my stack at 0.01 cents

>> No.10483289

0 because I don't invest in projects that have zero fucking use case.

>> No.10483392

Ok AbstractTornado. Team is shit—never accomplished anything successful. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10483414

3 ct still mad as fuck

>> No.10483423

Based on what evidence? There’s a reason this fell below ico immediately after the ico—insiders know this team is shit tier. To add insult to injury the team purposefully avoids public appearances so they can avoid accountability or pressure. Fucking cowards. Muh decentralized.

>> No.10483520
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Holy fuck I'm glad I sold with small losses.

- young kids trying to run a financial platform
- outsourced development (this was not stated in the white paper)
- no FIAT (the most important feature )
- removal of dates in roadmap
- changing roadmap
- Team don't respond to critical questions (why couldn't they deliver fiat etc)
- changing focus (crowdfunding app)
- the audit part won't be workable for companies since it can only process crypto currencies.
- no movement on the burner contract

Yes it will pump with an other bull run but till that time your playing with fire.

>> No.10483601

$0.23, well over 80k im basically a millionaire

>> No.10483623

Should I sell? Bought 40k at 9c

>> No.10483630

Reddit subs dropping like crazy

>> No.10483664

You won. I finally moved my money into ETC. Hopefully Coinbase can save me from my ignorance.

>> No.10483706
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> Good news - volume was almost dead, it's UP

> Bad news - volume spike cause by dumping

>> No.10483724

fucking shitcoin got in when all time high

>> No.10483751

I unironically thought it would be close to the bottom.

>> No.10483883

Are there any developers that can redpill us non-devs on the quality of the fundamentals behind req?

I was reading last night that a dev said req code is shit and would rather use web3. Not sure if it was a troll or telling the truth.

I could care less about the price right now, I just want to understand if the fundamentals are solid. One of the reasons I chose REQ was because I thought they had a strong team of devs and quality code. Not sure what to believe anymore.

>> No.10483964
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1600 sat, if it ever makes it back to top 100, which it has a good shot at doing, I'll be pretty happy with it.

For now, it hurts tho

>> No.10483973

Insiders are already telling you via price and volume action that the project is shit. No price support, no public endorsements by any reputable names. That’s all you need to know

>> No.10484049





>> No.10484136

Who is this angry faggot? Go kys

>> No.10484149


True but the low price could be due to Req's token economics. A very low price per token before mass adoption means there will be greater token burn, which in turn creates more value for long term holders.

Also read this below. Im totally confused by this whole project, market feedback, and who really is telling the truth.


>> No.10484206

So edgy. Such a hardass

>> No.10484215

>mass adoption
>it’s a meme

Req has virtually no usage right now. Let’s not even talk about mass adoption right now...it’s just plain silly

>> No.10484239

Ok AbstractTornado
Reqqies are delusional. I’m just trying to wake them up to reality, like I was woken up to before. The team is undeserving of your support. Make them prove their worth.

>> No.10484351

Mass adoption will be from the Audit and accounting Dapp, which isn't ready yet.

The fact that you have an agenda without a serious open discussion makes me bullish.

>> No.10484390

lol. i know a lot about this project. Req hasn’t written any code for the accounting app. Look it up, it’s the truth. They even said so 2 updates ago. If you’re waiting on the PwC France accounting dapp joint venture, you’re going to have to wait 3-5 years minimum.

>> No.10484412

I bought at 70 cents and like some kind of faggot, I'm still holding it all.

>> No.10484447
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> Audit and Accounting Dapp

>> No.10484457

Same FML

>> No.10484469
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jeez, and I thought I fucked up at 15 cents!

>> No.10484479
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>> No.10484509


Thanks for something honest, thats how long I projected it to take (3-5 years).

Price will be a rollercoaster until then but willing to load up more if it drops and HODL.

Laugh all you want but whoever makes the first Audit and accounting Dapp will make it, thats literally what blockchain tech is for. Whether or not it will be Req is all speculation, but looks like they are strongly tied with PwC so thats where my money is going.

>> No.10484511

38 cents, 30k req


>> No.10484535

>Laugh all you want but whoever makes the first Audit and accounting Dapp will make it, thats literally what blockchain tech is for. Whether or not it will be Req is all speculation, but looks like they are strongly tied with PwC so thats where my money is going.

I have no doubt someone will solve that problem but it won't be these shit-tier, fromage-loving frogs

>> No.10484556

Lol frogs. Anyone else who is a competitor?

>> No.10484559
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>5 years

Christ anon you cant be serious. I can make more from stocks in 6 months than wait that long for REQ to stop being REQT

>> No.10484573

Other companies like Deloitte and EY are making their own accounting dapps. Don’t believe me? Look it up. Req might not be the first. Also the team has become indecisive and slow, so they’re not the horse I’d bet on anymore.

>> No.10484648

This thread is just a bunch of fucking salty faggots. I've been using this bear market to put fresh fiat once in a while and accumulate by daytrading a bit. Just today I'm hoping to add a few hundred REQs more to my stack by selling high and buying up the weak hands. Req is so easy to daytrade its a crime to just cry over your buy in price when you could be making what in the future can amount to thousands €€€

>> No.10484678

I bought at $0.04, and I still think I fucked up. At least we admit our mistakes, unlike half the subreddit who showers the team in praise for doing nothing. Honestly, the team knew how to hype their ico and raise money, but when it comes to the nitty gritty work like marketing, coding, giving talks, they’ve mysteriously come up short...like they don’t even care because they’re already millionaires. If you still believe their updates, which are full of buzzwords and no details, well then you’re a fool.

>> No.10484679

>a few hundred REQs more
>literally six dollars

your gains are unfathomable, anon

>> No.10484684

lol at this team being the first at anything

>> No.10484718

I believe those are all centralized, which completely negate the purpose of decentralized transactions between two entities.

>> No.10484723

If you actually threw more weight around and were buying/selling 100k Req, you’d quickly realize this is not the coin to daytrade. Poor, poor liquidity.

>> No.10484766

Nope. EY is being secretive about it but they are working with several blockchain companies. Also it’s EY USA, not a smaller market like PwC France. What makes you think Req’s PwC app will be A) decentralized when they will be selling it with proprietary tech and B) this accounting app will benefit Req token holders at all?

>> No.10484825

That's the difference between you and me. I think long-term and I'm not a cry baby thinking I'm gonna get rich in months, nor am I an Adhd teenage kid who never experienced a bear market. I see opportunity in Req and for me is more important to slowly build up a stack rather than waiting for every update like it's your last chance in life. The truth is REQ's success is tied up to the overall crypto market, so I have no doubt it will skyrocket in the next bullrun. It's one of the most widely known fudded cryptos out there and that for me is a clear buy signal.

>> No.10484926

FUD is generally a sincere effort to erode confidence in a project. What's happening with REQ is different. It's people pointing and laughing their asses off.

>> No.10484943

thats fud

>> No.10484996

>Team can’t even meet a single quarterly deadline
>anon believes this is a good long term investment. in crypto

anon i know a lot more about this project than you do. i am just trying to warn you not to throw more money down this black hole. if you are a pro investor, you’d know an asset with this poor liquidity and slippage is not the one to go after. nor has the team shown any competency the past 3 months.

>> No.10485040

why the fuck didnt you sell at $1+?

>> No.10485057

So should I dump all my bags and FOMO into Link?

>> No.10485062

Btw, the Req team fuds itself more than anyone else. Just go back and read the last update. It’s absolutely cringeworthy for a professional company.

>> No.10485163

Is there going to be an update tomorrow?

>> No.10485176
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Wondering the same thing anon, v Close to doing it. Lost over 10-15k€ on the FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT & could see it going sub 1c unless some real & serious announcements are made

>> No.10485200

Next Tuesday and it's going to be a doozy lol. I have zero confidence these idiots will have a solid response to last update's disaster.

>> No.10485304

If they don't release the code from their private github to the public we are fucked.

>> No.10485320


>> No.10485342

They were doing that for a while (and people said the code they pushed was poor) - why'd they stop?

>> No.10485397

35 cents, 40k REQ...

>> No.10485416
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Is this really the bottom tho?

>> No.10485437

I'm really not sure who's fudding and who just hates REQ at this point, but the price just won't stop dropping. I might buy back at 300 sats at this rate.

>> No.10485438

61k REQ around 900 sats. Could be worse but the shit factor of this retardcoin never ceases to amaze me. Always hitting new lows like a sad mofo.

>> No.10485462

Which blockchain companies? Could you show me where it states that it is EY USA (I legit want to know)? Isn't the PWC France blockchain labs the main one? According to the AMA REQ plans on monetizing their accounting and auditing apps. They also said that REQ tokens are for audit or other applications and are necessary to create requests. Later, they will be used for governance and potentially staking.

>> No.10485581


>> No.10485586


>> No.10485609

I bought at $0.05
Watching it go to $1, didn't sell.
Sold most at $0.4.
Put my money to Ambrosus at $0.6.
Stupidly I didn't sell AMB at $0.9 in early may.
Waiting for the promised partnerships announcement which don't fucking come even until now, I sold those AMB at $0.4.
Bough REQ at $0.15, thinking it's already the bottom.
Now here I am REQt so fucking hard.

>> No.10485629

Bought in at .30, sold at .80, bought back in way more at .30 again on the way down, sitting here fucked in the ass. Not ever selling.

>> No.10485948

*audit and accounting applications

>> No.10485987

You did better than just holding Req though.

>> No.10486557

10c. Still comfy.

>> No.10487329

>Defraud investors with false roadmap that they knew was impossible
>No proof of work from any employees
>Put out bare minimum software, Dapps and documentation
>Hire literal teams of pajeets to build Dapps you were supposed to code
>Hire a brand ambassador who didn't think it would shit idea to blogpost about flying, wining & dining subreddit mods on investor funds
>No one using shitty network or even trading at this point (volume RIP)
>Subreddit mods who were flew out for mozza constantly banning and censoring the reddit
>Same moderators who are confirmed bizposters making REQ threads shilling agressively (AbstractTornado, thats you)
>Still somehow does not support Bitcoin ?!
>Doesn't even support QR codes ?!
>Only compatible with metamask and ledger (literally no normies use this shit)
>Dapps stalled out and forgotten about (Chango, Crowdfunding)
>Only one partnership with 0 code written, just for hype
>Only other partnership attempt being Wikimedia, a serious disaster. Mainnet is so shit right now it doesnt even matter
>Zero marketing over 7 months to consumers, businesses or developers after heavy ICO marketing
>Team pivots from only other relevant project Moneytis to Request Network after the company dies
>YC Backed with less than $150,000 in series funding, literal chump change to valley VCs
>Half a year and still a team of 10 or less idiots
>$30,000,000 in funds and less than 10 applications being built
>Team has nerve to talk about building their own blockchain when they can't even produce a second layer Ethereum platform
>"Decentralized" so no frontfacing team members, another way to avoid accountability (probably when they exit)
>Logo is a stolen, overused vector
>Unironically, why would ANYONE "Request" a payment instead of having the person send it directly (aside from invoicing)
>Price will have no support going up as ICO investors sell off to break even or take profit
>Whole community at this point is fully delusional, they see no issues

>> No.10487360
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how comfy is your near 50% loss

>> No.10487395

0.12 cents but I'm not sure. Actually it was like 25 cents and watched it fall, bought more at 7 cents. Sitting on 15thousand, now is a good money time for this very solid project, you should look to their update very soon.

>> No.10487414

Desu this is pretty good kek. I bought high (at 0.35 cents) but have all the confidence to hodll

>> No.10487501

do we have him on that monkeys photo.
i wanna cum on his face, bonus point if he brought his bitch gf to dinner. i'm bisexual

>> No.10487561
File: 371 KB, 800x1421, 1_jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes the fat one inbetween the 2 guys on the right

assuming he has a gf is a joke in itself. look @ him, straight outta biz

>> No.10487726

omg, staceys on the left are shocked that he is constantly eating. what a looser.

>> No.10487757

holy shit it just keeps dumping.
the bottom really is 200 to 500 sats.
holy fuckingg shitteroni.

>> No.10487762

twenty dollars

>> No.10487788

Absolutely fucking destroyed Jesus Christ

>> No.10487902

the sad part is that this post is entirely true.
but there's more.

they already lied to investors when they did their ICO. they had presales and didn't tell the public.
it dumped straight after listing and went to -50% becuase of this lied about presale and 2x bullrun starting.

the cheapest req bag I managed to pick up was at 480 sats....

I'm so glad I sold.
I'm so glad I learned to not marry my shitcoins.
I'm so fucking glad I had a feeling this project was shit and listened to myself.

fuck .

>> No.10488329


Pick one.

>> No.10488386

.10 and sold at $1. Thanks for the 10x you deluded fuckers. This shit token was never going anywhere.

>> No.10488449

Based as fuck. Friendly reminder that REQ tards are in absolute denial of people who took profit like this.