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File: 1002 KB, 977x565, Platform comparison chart by Jamie D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10480290 No.10480290 [Reply] [Original]

I have


Best I am curious, which DAPP is the best in terms of projected gains and potential (from this point) in the next 12 months ?

Would love to see comments pitched in by you guys ?

>> No.10480314

Ethereum would remain to be the dapp king. Cardano is pretty solid but the supply is too much. So among the HODLs that you have Cardano and Lamden will get you the best profits. Also if Ada & Tau, do what they say, they want to do...

Sky is the limit

>> No.10480315

Keep your eye on Waves. Sasha is a Russian Chad. Smart Contracts are in test net right now and should be launched into mainnet soon. The network can do 400 TPS and the limit is 1000 TPS.

Plus it comes with its own DEX and its easy as hell to use. It can do an easy 10x and I see it in the top 10 in the near future.

>> No.10480365

>doesn’t have EOS

>> No.10480448

You forgot EOS totally my friend. DYOR, its a fab coin..100k TPS

>> No.10480483

I agree with you. I bought more Cardano just 3 days ago worth umm $900 and around 5900 coins. So I was glad cuz I had bought far lesser before.

Why do you think TAU will be among the big DAPPs ?

>> No.10480493

Ya its a solid DAPP the only thing is, I don't have it in my folio. I was about to buy this at 196k sats but then it fell like a tree, infact a falling knife.

>> No.10480582

Its pretty simple maths, in all of the coins that ya HODL. Icon has the least supply.

The lowest Market cap coin in all of these is Lamden! It is also :
the lowest cap
highest TX per sec coin
only coin with free Txs (with anti-spam security unlike NEO which was spammed yesterday)

Remember when Ada was 2 cents, no body could think it'll go to $1 plus with a 50x. Thats the charm that this under-valued coins have.

>> No.10480601
File: 113 KB, 959x706, WhatsApp Image 2018-06-03 at 05.00.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People got eyes on Stu (Lamden's founder) , they know that he is gonna be rich soon.

>> No.10480629
File: 85 KB, 674x960, WhatsApp Image 2018-04-28 at 05.45.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, check out the coin the (OP) has, Tau. Its already aiming for 10k TPS on its first mainnet launch and further increase the speed once in 2019.

I have 100k TAUs, how much do ya have ?

>> No.10480649
File: 10 KB, 200x192, WhatsApp Image 2018-06-05 at 03.54.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have around 8k Tau mate.
haha Chic checking out on Stu eh!

>> No.10480670
File: 141 KB, 1165x960, cardanotrannycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethereum is king
>Cardano is solid
you'll never make it

>> No.10480798

Can you shill me on Tau?

>> No.10480869
File: 108 KB, 634x1155, WhatsApp Image 2018-06-08 at 10.31.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Lamden is a great project not as big as these but got some great project.
- 10k tx speed (3x of Neblio)
- Zero tx speed
- Master nodes capable
- Python-powered
- Fiat to TAU and vice versa in seconds
- Developers& enterprises are audience
- Robust team.

>> No.10480914

Team is garbage with only 2 devs
2 blacks In the team
Python is slow as fuck
They will never ever fullfill their roadmap

>> No.10480938

What does a Masternode give you exactly?

>> No.10480949

Ethereum will remain #1, first mover advantage is a big deal. Microsoft was and is shit compared to the alternatives but is still #1.

>> No.10480972

Jesus christ this thread is nothing but pajeets trying to shill their poocoins

>> No.10480979

I know it's a Lamden shill thread but for you question, Zilliqa

>> No.10481004

Windows only won because it was "good enough". Ethereum is nowhere near close to good enough for normie adoption, both from a technological point of view (too slow) and a UX point of view (gas fees LOL)

AOL, Alta-Vista/Yahoo, Nokia, Macintosh, IBM, Xerox, Microsoft (windows phone) are all examples of companies/platforms that had first mover advantage but were crushed by superior technology and/or marketing.

>> No.10481053

Profits. Just like what Lisk does with theit delegate nodes but a far better way.

>> No.10481057

Lamden also makes no sense. A tool to create even more blockchains. Wtf

>> No.10481059

Youre a black asshole MF. Every one I know in Lamden is white, Icon is Asian White, Cardano is white.

What the fuck are you talking about MF

>> No.10481069

So you mean to say EOS, TAU and Cardano will be among the Top coins ?

>> No.10481086

>Sky is the limit
The only valid sentence

>> No.10481111

EOS yes. Cardano is a steaming pile of vaporware that will barely outperform Ethereum even if it ever gets finished (it won't). I haven't looked into TAU.

>> No.10481117
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Garbage team

>> No.10481134

I am very worried about the eos ram ponzi. Also the staking instead of fee is retarded. Better make super low cheap fees instead of insane capital investment for staking.

>> No.10481164

So it's like staking? Have they released what sort of returns you can get with a master node? I cant find anything about it

>> No.10481192

>I am very worried about the eos ram ponzi.
The RAM problem is being solved in two ways. First, they're increasing the supply by something like 1kb per block. Second, they're going to start distributing the RAM trading fees to stakers instead of burning them.

>Also the staking instead of fee is retarded. Better make super low cheap fees instead of insane capital investment for staking.
The feeless model is the only way to get mainstream adoption. Normies will never "use the blockchain". Having any cost at all associated with web app usage is a massive psychological barrier. No one would ever use google if they had to pay $0.02 per search, or facebook if they had to pay $0.10 per image upload.

>> No.10481208

A bit diff, Check out this old thread


You can hang on to lamden's team on their TG official group for the exact Nos...

p.s. I dont have MN, you need 100k TAUs for that.

>> No.10481229

The company/owner of the dapp pays the fees for the user. Also blockchain make no sense for webapps, only for financial stuff.

>> No.10481233

So it depends on the tx cost? Not really too much info on that link i guess it's still too early in development

>> No.10481239
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Also blockchain make no sense for webapps, only for financial stuff.

>> No.10481263

Phantom, the dApp hosted on SHIFT, provides decentralized web-hosting.

FACT: No other dApp is at this stage of development and has this sort of potential impact.

FACT: Shift has under 15 million market-cap.

FACT: Their website is hosted using it. You can even host your own website on the testnet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MboE7S6Glw

FACT: The development team are a bunch of autists who'd rather have their code do the talking before they invest in marketing.

Anyway, just my $0.02

>> No.10481273

Blockchain is just an ultra high security database with 100% uptime. Your tweets do not need the ultra high (ultra high cost) security of blockchain.

>> No.10481316

They do if you don't want some kike run corporation shadow banning you for your political opinions, or governments shutting you down for "hate speech" or criticism of the government in China's case. The costs aren't that much higher, anyways, and will gradually decline per Moore's law.

>> No.10481515
File: 58 KB, 960x540, stu lamden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest problem with BTC and ETH is TX cost and speed. TAU resolves both of these.

TAU has zero tx fee.

>> No.10481519

LARPs are beter

>> No.10481551

But doesn't that mean that the network can just get spammed?

>> No.10481592

It's Augur ofc you're fucking bots

>> No.10481682

Nope, there is a protocol that prevents spamming unlike what happened to NEO 2 days back, when it was bombed with spam TXs.

>> No.10481737

Then why is it worth so little? Because it's so early in development?
Thanks for answering my questions btw

>> No.10481935

exactly, Mainnet is slated to launch in Q4 2018. Once the mainnet launches, Tau will have its unique blockchain just like ETH, BTC, LTC does but the founder has said it on and off that he will eliminate the key issues in other blockchain codings and come with a original unique code, if this happens, Tau will be huge.

>> No.10482277
File: 111 KB, 387x711, 44A7385A-6D8B-46BE-ACF7-48A0072059C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is centralized with a board of governors who confiscates funds at will... it is EASY to launch withhigh TPS on a centealized plarform. (pic related). What part of Cardano is vaporware you dumb pajeet fuck? Their roadmap is clear as day and there are no claims to anything that does not exist. They have consistently delivered solidly on their roadmap. cardanoroadmap.com for those interested

>> No.10482892

Go and look at the Ethereum Alliance than come back

>> No.10482924
File: 204 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180730-100501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest issue is that lamden is written in python. Everyone witha little code experience will tell you that this language is completly unfitting for a blockchain vm where performance is super critical.

It is like minecraft written in java only 10 times worse.

>> No.10483514
File: 385 KB, 660x473, Stratis-Payment-Processing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest speeper right now. Tumblebit for BTC on mainnet Wednesday. Gonna pop despite all the other good shit the devs are doing. You have been warned

>> No.10483669

Guy in the middle drew his eyebrows on with a sharpie.

>> No.10483694

you can't compare crypto based on technology, if that was the case bitcoin would be worth nothing. Ethereum will remain the king for a long time due to being the first.

>> No.10484396
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Did not bother to mark all pajeet comments

Dapps are a meme like IoT or flying cars.
Nobody needs a decentralized candy crush.
You were never able to refute this argument and you never will be

>this lamden butt boy also looks totally gay. I bet everyone is just causally raping him.

>> No.10484624
File: 378 KB, 655x527, DQmYPQw18XqC9K7LQV81d1ph3nH2PCaHmAe9VCUgWAmCUdN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread and nobody has even mentioned NEO

>> No.10484670


Coordinated fud

>> No.10484691



> He actually unironically thinks that DApps will be limited to android style bubble games

Remind me to shit on a $100 bill and let you lick it off when I'm rich you fucking peasant

>> No.10485294
File: 21 KB, 400x267, a5m24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were never able to refute this argument and you never will be

>> No.10485446

Chart needs some updating. ARK for example has mobile wallets now.

>> No.10485478

If you’re not holding LSK I feel so bad for you all.

>> No.10485680
File: 40 KB, 707x503, original-26115-1457435983-3.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You were never able to refute this argument and you never will be

>> No.10485699

shiiet this looks nice. Any more shills/fud about this?