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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 526 KB, 1057x1013, 20180730_033537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10479159 No.10479159 [Reply] [Original]

any watch bros on biz? you like the batman?

is anyone into trading luxury watches? all sports model rolex go over 20-100% premium over retail in after market right at the moment because of high demand from stock market aths, new crypto wealth and a new generation of asia kents getting wealthy in general + artificial low supply from rolex. So people who are good with authorized dealers can make bank

>> No.10479339


>> No.10479434

>unironically lusting over rolexes.

Actual boomer, poor, or non-white? Tip: Actual watch afficionados see Rolex as gaudy nouveau riche territory. The Cadillac escalade of watches.

>> No.10479458


Real money is AP, Vacheron, Patek

>> No.10479539

Still, easiest to resell if necessary. True /biz/ choice.

>> No.10479546

>he fell for the muh holy swiss trinity meme
you sound like sheep anon. vacheron is legend status but been dead for ages now. zero demand. ap is just going with the trend and the 41mm oak is a bulky pos. the 15300 is legend. and patek is going through migos nigger tier status right now

>> No.10479565

exactly this. brb get lucky and buy a diver model retail and sell it for 20% premium instantly if you wish.

>> No.10479600

If you are going to buy anything like a batman or a pepsi DO NOT get it serviced by rolex. They will strip your genuine parts!

>> No.10479651

literally just an overpriced regular watch

and ugly at that

>> No.10479665
File: 658 KB, 1000x750, Omega Seamaster II - Arctic (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 year old Boomer here. Only salty poorfags or people that have been into watches for a month or two hate Rolex.

If you buy steel sports Rolex on the used market for the right price it's easy to flip them for a profit if you wait a few years. Most of the new designs with the maxi-dials and mazi-cases are ugly anyway so the pre-mid 00's models that still have classic proportions are likely to go for a premium going forward.

Pic related my daily wear. It's a U-serial with the drilled lugs and the original tritium dial.


>> No.10479679

looks like some shit I could buy at Macy's for $80

>> No.10479694

>literally just an overpriced regular watch

You know that they're old school mechanical watches right?


>> No.10479711

Forgot to add:

>not realising that the Timex Easy Reader is the true watch of patricians.

Imagine voluntarily choosing not to bask in timeless style, force your underlings to listen to your watch tick, and being so insecure with your position in life that you feeI compelled to try and signal your networth with your time piece.

Ever notice how a disproportionate amount of wealthy and powerful people favor relatively cheap and understated time pieces? That's because they know that conspicuous consumption is for poor people and classless oafs.

>> No.10479713

Here's your (You) for the filename.

>> No.10479745
File: 801 KB, 1000x774, Omega Seamaster II - Coaxial Movement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's your (You) for the filename.

Thanks :)

>> No.10479792

>hate rolex

Nobody "hates rolex." They make watches and sell them for as much as they can get. All they're doing is what a good business should do, and I can't hate on them for that.

What people hate are the plebs who tend to gravitate toward rolex. Pick a random basketball American from a vibrant and diverse neighborhood, tell them that you'll give them a free watch. Bet you 90% want to know if you got dem' rollies.

And that's the thing with a conspicuous consumption item like luxury jewelry. It's a hipster's game. Once the unwashed hordes learn about it, nobody wants it anymore because it's no longer elite or special.

>> No.10479825

>patek is going through migos nigger tier status right now
this. nigs ruin everything they touch. if you buy a watch or drive a car that rappers talk about you're not class

>> No.10479843

you realize the Jews did that on purpose right? had them rap about Maybachs and Rolex and Gucci - just another way to tear down anything of class that whites tried to build.

>> No.10479875
File: 30 KB, 175x302, A29C0657-B9E2-49D8-AA1F-FA118017475B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black overseas is my goal

>> No.10479933

So the solution is to buy hard to pronounce/rap brands that are premium

>> No.10479962
File: 791 KB, 1498x1000, 75157B93-5CA0-4AFE-AB3D-CB2F6580AC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out castle watch company they are bringing a titanium automatic (nh35) to Kickstarter soon

>> No.10479970

You're missing a huge piece of this. Jews don't fuck stuff up for funsies. They do it so they can profit on something else by getting in cheap and shilling it.

The real redpill on the jews is that they don't spend time thinking about destroying society. They're autistically focused on extracting profit and securing comfort. Any casualties along the way are just a cost of doing business and not a consideration that they give a shit about.

The jews don't think about destroying euro white things any more than a mosquito thinks about passing malaria.

>> No.10480006

So if Jews are just business oriented people, why do so many anons on /biz/ hate them? Aren't they just like us, but more successful on average?

>> No.10480012
File: 47 KB, 1024x576, Bateman-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a batman and love it. up 25% from where I bought it two years ago.

>> No.10480055

Probably because they profit directly off the decline of western civilization

>> No.10480087

And you wouldn't want a slice of that if it ensured you lived a comfortable, happy life with no financial troubles?

>> No.10480161


Because they're disproportionately exploitative in how they generate their shekels and are perfectly willing to do so at the expense of society at large.

Whereas the goy might want to fix up a house and sell it for a profit, the Jew is happy to build "affordable housing" in a nice, white neighborhood to drive property values down to shit so they can get a cheap deal on other properties then start gentrifying the area.

Again, they dont give a flying fuck that they just forced two groups of people out of their homes (the first group often at a loss of they didn't get out before property values tanked). To them they just seized a great opportunity to make profit.

>> No.10480336

So they are ruthless businessmen? And...? Just how easy do you think it is to both make it big AND follow a high moral standard? I get why people are upset, and don't love them, but I find it hard to blame them. Business is business.

>> No.10480456

I mean that's what we're all doing. There's no other choice really.

>> No.10480613

You can make loads of money while at least trying to be ethical. Offer a great product, fill an underoccupied niche. It sounds old school, but it still works.

Example? Did you know that in all of New York City there are only like three suppliers of truffles to restaurants in the area? One of them is just some young kid who realised that demand was high enough and supply was small enough that he could cut himself a slice of the action. And he makes a killing because he offers a premium product that lots of people want.

Contrast that with something like, say, passing out subprime mortgages like candy and not giving a fuck if you crash the economy doing it because you know that you'll get bailed on the taxpayer's dime.

>> No.10480646

fuck me senpai. i love pol but you niggers fucked my thread all the way up