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10474207 No.10474207 [Reply] [Original]

If ETF Approved
>Moon to 50-60k.
If ETF delayed until Feb/March 2019, probably a big dump. (buy the rumor, sell the news)
Place your bets faggots.

>> No.10474216

>It will go up or down

>> No.10474261

why would it be approved a mere month after the winkleclone etf was denied? the reasons are the same. jesus christ you people are stupid

>> No.10474267

I think the ETF will be delayed, cuz you know "muh goberment" and we'll see a dump down to 5-6k.

>> No.10474290

Have you actually read the differences between the Winkie and CBOE proposals? There's a lot of differences. Insurances, OTC, High buy in focusing big investors not "retail", CBOE is way larger and more respected and has more experience, the list goes on.

>> No.10474300

Even if they don't outright deny or delay it, they can "initiate precedings" on for essentially the same effect. Short pump then down we go since it'll be mostly priced in. Hopefully it gets delayed or rejected though.

>> No.10474305

because winkleclone is not a tried and tested financial institution with low liquidity. whereas (((van eck))) has decades of experience and a worldwide market. van eck was the first u.s. gold fund in 1968.

>> No.10474308

i think the common sentiment/assumption is that the etf will be delayed, and that's why i think it won't be.

>> No.10474315

> The SEC said in June that it would need until Aug. 23 and Sept. 15 to consider two rule changes -- regarding Bitcoin funds from ProShares and GraniteShares respectively -- and said last week that it would need until Sept. 21 to evaluate another change for several Direxion-branded ETFs.

All rejected lol

>> No.10474317

what if this sentiment is priced in and we only go up from the denial?

>> No.10474336

If ETF approved, everything in crypto moons
If ETF rejected, alts will moon and BTC dominance will plummet

>> No.10474343

>If ETF rejected, alts will moon and BTC dominance will plummet
why? I think alts will continue to plummet personally

>> No.10474358

Always opposite of the market, touche.

>> No.10474362

yeah the cboe will probably get approved but not before they take every available chance to delay it that they legally can.

>> No.10474378

up is up.

>> No.10474389


Priced in.

If it's not approved we get a huge crash. If it's approved we still get a small dump at least.

Priced in.

>> No.10474462

Gotta love red tape.

>> No.10474615

If VanEck is rejected BTC is over for institutions. VanEck is easy-mode. Insured, share prices anchored to 25 BTCs at OTC pricing. It is only really usable by large funds and wealthier accredited investors. There is zero risk of mom and pop losing their pennies trading this instrument. If it doesn't happen here, it's not happening short of actual legislative and regulatory changes.

It's either mooning like crazy until the liquidity is such that retail-priced ETFs show up and allow a cash out, or it's fucking dead. Not for a few years. It is going to be swirling around mediocrity indefinitely. This will not be a down syndrome "buy duh woomah sell duh nooos" event.

At worst it will get delayed and be allowed to go through at the last minute. The retail-accessible ETFs will be shot down for a year though. So that ma and pa can sit on the sidelines and be enraged that they can't buy BTC while they watch institutions and pension funds pump it. This will be a year long version of the October/December hype before hilarity ensues.

>> No.10474630

it will 100 % be rejected, they will never give cred to this pirate currency, this will be the easiest $$ youve ever made shorting

>> No.10474705
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, The One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure whales arent gonna just wait around for BTC to moon, if its delayed or cancelled its alt-season.

>> No.10474737

>if its delayed or cancelled its alt-season.

>> No.10474818

People are dumping their BTC for ETH and altcoins, because they don't anticipate BTC pumps anymore.
ETH is enormously undervalued right now in terms of it's satoshi price and below 470$ is still kind of a bargain.
I'm happily accumulating right now on the daily dips.

>> No.10474846

>>being this dumb
implying blockchain tech and crypto doesn't offer more than a way to "anonymously" move currency. How many fucking million/billionaires/early investors of tech company's you didn't even know existed have said this tech is a game changer.

>> No.10474905

they wouldn't approve a winklevoss ETF before a cboe. This denial does not mean the cboe etf will also be denied

>> No.10475348

i'm skeptical

>> No.10475482

>At worst it will get delayed and be allowed to go through at the last minute. The retail-accessible ETFs will be shot down for a year though. So that ma and pa can sit on the sidelines and be enraged that they can't buy BTC while they watch institutions and pension funds pump it. This will be a year long version of the October/December hype before hilarity ensues
this anon gets it. i cannot fucking wait. the next 5 years are going to be fun

>> No.10475498

>he thinks they think it's a threat

>> No.10475506

>This will be a year long version of the October/December hype before hilarity ensues.
Strikes me as delusional thinking tbqh

>> No.10475542


>> No.10475551

always do the opposite of what reluctant kneepad girl says. Time to buy alts faggots

>> No.10475552

So you believe that the cboe etf will be approved and then what, BTC will just run up and break previous highs? If it dumps, alts are going to dump, and if it runs, all but a select few alts are going to dump IMO

>> No.10475565

you do realize that if btc hits 50-60k, thats equiv to entire gold daily trading vol. not saying it won't, but gold's been around for thousands of years and governments buy/sell it so for btc to hit that and hold is unlikely.

>> No.10475567

Is there a 24-hour international gold market?

>> No.10475568

I see no reason to bet on this until the actual news. Tether or fiat and then either join the rally or take advantage of the dump.

>> No.10475596

>you do realize that if gold hits 50-60k, thats equiv to entire salt daily trading vol. not saying it won't, but salt's been around for thousands of years and governments buy/sell it so for gold to hit that and hold is unlikely.

>> No.10475628

well... anything can happen. From what i've seen btc and top alts run together, then money leaks into lower caps and it's alt season while btc consolidates. as long as theres a bull market, which we may just be on the edge of right now.

>> No.10475653

>which we may just be on the edge of right now
looks like we have one more big dump to go, I expect 3-5.5k

>> No.10475717
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>> No.10475768

I mean... I can see the trend line we ran along all the way through 2016, and I can see it touching the same line again, but why does it have to go now? ... here's my speculation, btc 100k by 2020, and back to 20k touching the line in the same year.

>> No.10475786

based on?

>> No.10475814

so bored waiting to get rich, just sitting around eating tendies and playing runescape

as soon as i make it im going to buy some 10/10 virgin qt from eastern europe

>> No.10475837
File: 66 KB, 720x707, 1518898194174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enormously undervalued right now
>below 470$ is still kind of a bargain

>> No.10475882

It's just my feeling. Stocks don't have much more room to rise, as soon as that shit starts to plummet the money will come in to crypto. And we have this possible etf. I read somewhere that the CBOE has never had an etf denied. It's just what makes sense to me. But if we did dump to 3 or 4k or whatever, i wouldn't be too surprised and will just carry out my accumulation as normal. Anything is possible.

>> No.10475948

>he didnt do his research and thinks he found a reason to blame for why he will inevitably not make it

>> No.10475952

>It's just my feeling. Stocks don't have much more room to rise, as soon as that shit starts to plummet the money will come in to crypto
big money is exiting the market ans has been since january. this is just the most recent info.

>> No.10476015
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>> No.10476028

think they're going into crypto? i don't

>> No.10476036

good luck on your bet

>> No.10476040


Yep. Stocks will go bear for atleast a year now imo.

>> No.10476071

I have most of my money in crypto, so I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.10476081

just in time for an ETF. curious timing.

>> No.10476082

lmfao yeah theyre just going to keep their profits in their savings accounts a round of applause for this idiot for embarrassing himself

>> No.10476085

Well, if I was them I would. Doesn't it make sense that at least some of the big players will, and then naturally others will follow

>> No.10476101

i hope you are too, fren

>> No.10476137

>lmfao yeah theyre just going to keep their profits in their savings accounts a round of applause for this idiot for embarrassing himself
why wouldn't they? you really think they're gonna jump on something that has dumped 50% in months? normies don't think that way

>> No.10476169

>normies = instituional investors
come on bro

>> No.10476176

It's the fucking CBOE, man. There's a reason to be hyped. ETF's allow real institutional money to more easily come in. Go look at Gold charts when the ETF was introduced.

>> No.10476177

Yes oh omnipresent authority figure

>> No.10476184

Never get into investing brainlet you are the people we make money off of.

>> No.10476185
File: 22 KB, 398x500, ijvje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes oh omnipresent authority figure

>> No.10476219

No mostly they'll fomo in like retards at 20k instead. And anyway if some of these normies are smart enough to pull there money from stocks now, or even a few weeks ago, they're smart enough to go into crypto at a low such as this. Big money is surly smart enough to be buying now aswell. All said and done crypto is not going away, we are quite literally at the beginning on a financial revolution here.

>> No.10476226

well I have a six-figure crypto portfolio and I'm doing okay so far. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be skeptical, claiming that there's an inverse correlation between stocks and crypto is a strong claim that requires some proof, empirical data

>> No.10476229

>normies dont think that way
you just owned yourself dont ever reply back to me again im embarrassed for you

>> No.10476244

>im embarrassed for you
then help me out instead of insulting me and give me your advice along with some solid rationale

>> No.10476267
File: 5 KB, 140x125, laughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a woman? you sure bitch like one!

>> No.10476272


>> No.10476274


>> No.10476303
File: 40 KB, 771x481, BTC-vs-SPX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anything there am obvious positive correlation

>> No.10476314

i concur

>> No.10476333

guess this is the effects of letting women invest into crypto. time to sell and keep all my money into a savings account to accrue 1% anum

>> No.10476354

Wow, these are some good links. Dot com smart money is moving to Crypto :)

>> No.10476356

not sure if larping or just brainlet

>> No.10476359
File: 501 KB, 910x914, 1532859663452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.25 BTC/ETH will never happen again.
Screencap this, anon.

>> No.10476364

can you refute the graph with actual logic? all you're doing is posting insults and nonsense

>> No.10476377

that never happened

>> No.10476395

i don't need to address the chart to know you're a samefagging brainlet

>> No.10476403

post an argument any time...

>> No.10476412

where do you think you are?
sure, friend. see >>10475952 >>10476015

>> No.10476421

can you address >>10476303

>> No.10476437

i don't disagree with the chart, hence i don't need to address it. how is this hard to understand?

>> No.10476443


>> No.10476461

then what is your point? are you just flinging shit to waste everyone's time?

>> No.10476495


>> No.10476512

what's your assessment on alts?

>> No.10476526

>wasting time
>on 4chan
i am wasting time trying explain to a brainlet why him being a shitty samefag makes him one

>> No.10476596

you seem like you're just here to post schizophrenic word salad desu

>> No.10476600

the loose correlation is the dollars valuation against literally everything. dollar goes up everything goes down. funny that.

>> No.10476631

fucking newfags
double dubs checked

>> No.10476634


>> No.10476744
File: 134 KB, 413x395, hiofwejf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>namefags as reluctant kneepad girl
>not a girl
wew lad

>> No.10476820
File: 114 KB, 676x1024, buy_duh_woomah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy! Crypto is 100% choreographed. We're all rich, lads.

>> No.10476845


OF COURSE it will be delayed... nobody actually believes it will be approved right away.

We need to wait until 1Q 2019 before it gets approved. Everybody educated enough knows that.

>> No.10476867


>> No.10476936

If ETF is approved won’t it just allow the price to be minipulated down, like gold and silver and every asset that has an ETF?

>> No.10476962

People moved a lot of their alts into BTC because it had better gains for a little while. If ETF is delayed then people are likely to move back into alts, causing them to rise.

>> No.10477034

are you dumb? That's not correlation at all. They both went up and down, the only fact here is that corrections tend to have the same structure, other than that...bitcoin went parabolic and dumped, all while the SPX was still trending up.

>> No.10477038

futures already have that effect

>> No.10477042

Honestly if it delays I don't see us dumping. Everyone pretty much believes ETF (the CBOE ETF specifically) will become a reality sometime in the next 6 months and having it delayed doesn't change that reality. It'll just mean 6 more months of sideways between 7-8k while alts suffer in no-volume purgatory.

Seriously, watching the alt charts on Binance these days is like watching fingernails grow, so fucking slow and anemic.

>> No.10477060

>That's not correlation at all
do you know what a correlation is...?

>> No.10477372

it being delayed is already priced in

>> No.10477598

>If ETF delayed until Feb/March 2019, probably a big dump. (buy the rumor, sell the news)
So it'll go up or down?
Thanks for that.
Also buy the rumor sell the news is more often when the news is bullish yet we see a big dump.

>> No.10477781

Did you even read the thread? I put 2 lines down where I think the market is headed.
No, you sell the news and buy the rumor. When there is a set date for "something" to happen the market typically dumps because people have bought the rumor, aka priced in.
Jesus how fucking new are you? Making me explain all this shit

>> No.10477826

>No, you sell the news and buy the rumor. When there is a set date for "something" to happen the market typically dumps because people have bought the rumor, aka priced in.
>If ETF Approved
>>Moon to 50-60k.

How fucking stupid are you to contradict yourself and try to teach me what I already know.

>> No.10477905

The thread title was rhetorical, I see its working.

>> No.10477966

dumping to zero of course

>> No.10478428
File: 483 KB, 2288x1364, Снимок экрана 2018-07-17 в 23.48.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been witnessing how this "bullrun" has started and can say it's obvious manipulation and we're heading down on bad news for next 2-3 weeks to retest bottom

Why I'm so certain about manipulation? Well, it was more than a month of dead market with few exceptions, and then literally from nowhere came green dildo +1000$ after which top10 coins were marketed at 7300.00$ 500.00$ 850.00$ 90.00$ and etc (pic related). Now, when some time passed, you can go to cmc and open any coin's chart for 1 month and see how BTC value fell down for 10-30% while USD value kept the same as month ago. Whales did their job, now they need to upkeep the sale for few more days in order to get rid of their bags, and after this we can go down, while media which belongs to whales (such as coindesk, cointelegraph and many others) will start to write negative headlines to shake out weak hands who bought high. Bottom which will occur in result of this will be your last chance to get in early. Starting from 2019 it will slowly become mainstream and socially acceptable to be involved in this space which will start next market cycle

>> No.10479557

>and socially acceptable

>> No.10479587

Everyone was watching and waiting for an opportunity to buy. When it broke through resistance people took that opportunity. Hence the volume.

>> No.10479654

No whale is waiting for ETF to buy bit coins, they are waiting for ETF so they can short.

>> No.10479687

remember consensus pump in april?

I'm all in fiat at the moment, it's just way too big red flag for me as these prices were drawn. I didn't realized some profits because I exit my positions at 7800 and price jumped +500$ once again, but still this is way too obvious manipulation of dollar value. just think of how market will look when btc will go down to 6500 or even further. you could expect to see 200bn mcap which will be reached by pink wojacks who see how their USD value decreases at x2 speed as btc will go down

read about 1918-1929 market boom in US, how it was introduced to plebs. similar stuff is about to happen, but this is only one piece of puzzle about crypto in general, there's much bigger picture and this is only one tiny piece of it

>> No.10479730

how big is your crypto portfolio, vlad?

>> No.10479752

sure don't. I didn't think consensus would do anything and it didn't. I'm out now too. I think it's got a good chance to break through another resistance though. Bears asked for volume and they got it.

>> No.10479764

I see us hitting 8500-9500 and then retracing significantly

>> No.10479811

I used to buy new home for living previous summer and had to cover moving costs and many other shit, so I had very little amount to invest and now I'm less than 10k in crypto. Does this answer satisfies you?

Consensus itself did nothing but establishing connections between people who actually bought tickets for 3000$, hype was used to produce at least something on the news front. Media need at least some kind of input in order to generate headlines, whales used this opportunity for month long pump. Similar shit is happening now around ETF. They need to bring attention to crypto for other lads who scroll fakebook or other places to see "crypto is not dead!" headlines, see green wojacks and spend some shekels. When this wholesale will be finished whales will take profits and we will go down. Pump is going on for two weeks already, expect cooldown very soon as it was in previous times

>> No.10479932

lol all these niggas saying etf delayed or disapproved in reality etf is going to get fast tracked. then btc to 100k before major correction following btc to 1 million. all alt coins moon 10-100x and we all make it. but these fucking cunt shorts want that uncertainty so they can fucking make a quick buck. btfo bear fags. die bobo.

>> No.10480001
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>> No.10480041

>doesn't know the difference between the two
>calls other people stupid

>> No.10480084

It's obviously going to get delayed. You think the SEC will reach a decision first time around when they can delay it up to 3 times?

>> No.10480100

no sweetie

>> No.10480105

I bet my net on Afee

>> No.10480114

Based and redpilled

>> No.10480123

seems quite delusional

>> No.10480354


Going to agree with this fag. Pretty much every move in crypto makes sense when you look at it as whales making cave drawings. The market is still to easily controlled by a (very relatively) small amount of money.