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File: 226 KB, 890x857, moonchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10474936 No.10474936 [Reply] [Original]

go all in now.

>> No.10474946


>> No.10474960
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>> No.10474963

So how long will it take before it reaches 1million? 1 year? 2 years.. 20 years?

>> No.10475006


>> No.10475023

So it'll go to zero in a couple of years? Nice chart faggot.

>> No.10475054

You bulls are fucking retarded.

>> No.10475065

Thanks just sold

>> No.10475079
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>December buyer

>> No.10475091
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>> No.10475093

He's 100% right! It's not like the general public knows about Bitcoin or anything. It was only plastered on the news 50 times a day for 3 months last year. Even my grandparents know what Bitcoin is LMAO! Do you really think the general public is going to venture into this market after watching Bitcoin go from $20,000 to $6,000??? Hearing about scams? Bruh...Bitcoin was labeled as an unstoppable and easy way to make money last year. It would barely drop in price, then it would shoot up 20%. The general public already invested which is why Bitcoin went from 5k to 20k. These bulls are delusional LMAO.

>> No.10475100

it's Dennis guys

>> No.10475106

The chart actually cant be compared to crypto.
But this is the only one that makes sense. no institionial investors entered yet in a significant way thus we cant be there where OP says we are

>> No.10475110

The average retard didn't trust credit cards when they first came out either.

>> No.10475150

never. One million would mean an mcap of 19 trillion. A forth of literally all of the wolrd stocks combined.

>> No.10475151

Credit cards are based off the USD. Bitcoin is based off imaginary money. Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. You must have beanie baby fever lmao

>> No.10475157

I think we are in the end stages of stealth phase because although the general public has some idea of bitcoin, normies don't know about smart contracts or decentralization and it's use cases etc.

>> No.10475163

except that ccs are not hyper speculative digital tulips no one can use except for ponzi like price pumps/speculation

>> No.10475169

It's because of people like you I buy Bitcoin.
Don't worry, I have plenty satoshis to sell to your children in the future.

>> No.10475170

my words....

>> No.10475173

I think the overall crypto mcap can reach 10-20 trilion though.

>> No.10475177

Credit cards gained trust, but never lost trust though. On the other hand, crypto gained trust (through the media) and lost it just as fast (when it crashed).

>> No.10475180

So what ath are we looking at?

>> No.10475195

most normies don't even know about our monetary system, how usd is printed out of thin air and loaned on interest and how usd is not backed by gold.

>> No.10475213

Digital USD, 99% of the money on the books is digital, if the U.S. purposely shut off the internet millions would die in this country. Not only is it digital it's centrally controlled by specific people that have 100% complete control and believe they are more intelligent than you.

>> No.10475232

The usd dollar is the ponzi shceme lmfao, They had to link it to PM's and then waited for the average human iq to drop before they could take it off.

>> No.10475241

"Funds invested in derivatives alone total at minimum $544 trillion"


>> No.10475261

Also, all world money combined is worth 80 trillion.

And Bitcoin is the future world money.


>> No.10475282
File: 54 KB, 400x400, HEH_EXTREME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one knows exactly but in a few years time claiming you bought 5 digit corns would be the equivalent of saying you bought under 4k

Ironic...CCs are not based on dollars. they are based on rotating debt, aka 'imaginary meme money' trading between banks, whose bills are pushed to 80 IQ normies every 10-12 years.

crypto never gained trust. even its users use extraordinary measures when storing or sending. normies still choose to not understand, let alone believe something like BTC is even possible. even when explaining one of the primary problems with decentralized currency (the byz. generals problem), a typical human will not understand you, and will more than likely double-hear or misrepresent what you are saying.

>> No.10475295

just look at gold before and after the first ETFs were let loose

>> No.10475302

You disagree with my sentiment then? It's hard to believe the cryptocurrency mcap that is worldwide and runs 24/7 unlike stocks has an ath of only 800 billion.

>> No.10475307

I don't keep a single dollar in the bank. I don't use credit cards for anything. I pay cash for anything I want to buy. Have any of you actually thought of a future with BTC replacing the USD? Would you want the banks to monitor EVERY single transaction you make? The banks would have 100% control over your funds. You wouldn't be able to hide $1 from the Gov. Good luck with that future, I'll keep acquiring PM's and hoarding cash. I already bought BTC last year around 2K and I thought that was high. Dumped that garbage at 15K. Bought LTC at $33 and dumped at $281. The days of making easy money in this market are over.

>> No.10475336

Credit cards haven't lost trust because they keep handing out bigger percentages of debt to keep their system going. Don't worry you keep blindly putting faith in our monetary system your kids will be the one to suffer. I'm 24 all through highschool the teachers brainwashed me and told me I had to go into debt "straight to college or I was going to be a loser", you can't blame them for going into debt.

>> No.10475354

Also, market cap for gold is 7 trillion.

And Bitcoin is the digital gold.

With 7 trillion market cap 1 Bitcoin would be worth 400k USD

>> No.10475403
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I own PM's too, they haven't done shit in the past 50 years but ride through inflation. They are a great defense but they will never pose a threat to the current world leaders monopoly on currency, the way the crypto has.

>> No.10475405
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>> No.10475491

I agree 100%, but desu the world leaders will never allow for mass adoption of something such as BTC. They control a monopoly on the total cash supply. If Bitcoin was to become a "world currency" best believe the banks would find some way to fuck us all over. We don't even know who created blockchain based tech. It could be the Government for all we know :O

>> No.10475497

When the world changes and bitcoin is no longer needed? just like the currencies that we know at the moment. they are all going to 0.

>> No.10475514

>blue-pilled but thinks he's red-pilled
t. used to be there in 2014

>> No.10475528
File: 51 KB, 875x568, bitcoin_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10475543

So bitcoin is still at $17k?

>> No.10475555

no. its still up 5000x

>> No.10475561

Don't know what you're getting at. If you've have ever used a credit card before, you know you can't borrow money beyond your credit limit. The other stuff is irrelevant.

>> No.10475564

>The general public already invested which is why Bitcoin went from 5k to 20k
How socially recluse does one have to be to believe this ? Do you go out and talk with people ? Do you read serious studies made on who has bought bitcoins ? Get the fuck off 4chan for a while

>> No.10475585

Bitcoin wouldn't capture the whole market though. A more reasonable estimate would be about 20-25% of all crypto would be in bitcoin.

>> No.10475593

Are you fucking retarded? CCa with high interest and constant hacks, fees, and downtime are not free of negative perspectives

>> No.10475615

Everyone I knew was talking about and even buying Bitcoin/Ethereum in December

>> No.10475623

When customers of mine that have IQ's < 100 are telling me about Bitcoin, then it's safe to say the public is aware. Not everyone is a brainwashed bag holder like yourself. I'm guessing you work at your local grocery store since you like holding bags so much.

>> No.10475640

Yes everyone YOU knew. Don't you realize how little you and your friends and family matter on a global landscape? And yeah, I bet you all parroted headlines and bought $100 of BTC for Christmas. That's not mania you idiot. Go back to plebbit

>> No.10475655

The people who say Bitcoin is still in the pre-mania phase are deluded. Their argument is that 100% of the world population hasn't yet bought BTC, therefore, we're in the pre-mania phase. That's a moving goal-post/no true scotsman. The majority of the public hasn't bought stocks from Apple or Amazon, but it's obvious those companies are already way passed the awareness phase.

>> No.10475657

Same goes to you, moron. I bet none of them know how smart contracts work, how it relates to AI and every single industry on the planet. It's pathetic watching you people try to deny how big crypto is.

>> No.10475658

Dude, any bar you walked into in December had people—normies—talking about Bitcoin

>> No.10475666

I don't care about your anecdotal evidence, read studies and surveys, it'll calm your bias and your overheated tits

>> No.10475669
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>I'm guessing you work at your local grocery store since you like holding bags so much.

>> No.10475674

Can you show me something that directly contradicts my position?

>> No.10475683

I'm aware. Doesn't mean they bought, or bought much. It's not the same.

>> No.10475689

Of course they don't...are you really that dense??? The average population doesn't understand how a bank works, but they still use banks right?

>> No.10475691
File: 7 KB, 250x187, 1532808383907s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to think you guys were idiots. but now i think you might just be right.

>> No.10475694
File: 8 KB, 222x204, 1532882220987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK. It's so fucking funny how we have defiled this meme chart, there is no meaning anymore. BTC literally new paradigm.

>> No.10475708
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, btc-big-if-true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happend to that pic...

>> No.10475709


Here are some press articles to start your own research

>> No.10475713

What do they have to do to meet your criteria? Does the average person have to have a Bitcoin retirement account or something?

>> No.10475718

When I bought my house, I got pre approved for 300k, even with my car loan. I made 22$ an hour at the time, I know other people at work just a couple years ago with student loans buying 300k houses. If you can't see that they are letting people borrow more than they ever have then you are blind. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4340506/Most-Americans-die-debt-owe-average-62-000.html
A government that bails out corporations and banks when they fail is the opposite of a free market, The U.S. has been socialist for a long time now.

>> No.10475727

what kind of retard took this gigantic photograph of his monitor?

>> No.10475740

>8% of Americans own crypto
from your own source
that's a mind-blowing number
less people own AAPL

>> No.10475748

>i used to think you guys were idiots. but now i think you might just be right.
thanks, brainlet

>> No.10475754
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you bears are fucking retarded

>> No.10475785

You don't have to get credit cards with those kinds of fees/terms. If you rack up a high debt with your credit cards, it's your own fault. If used properly, there would be low or no fees. On the other hand, with Bitcoin, you can't do anything about the snail-paced transaction speed, fraudulent transactions, or it suddenly crash 80% in value. Bitcoin has no advantages over traditional monetary instruments.

>> No.10475793

poor kid still don't know the bad guys are behind btc

>> No.10475805

It's a miserable number. Even if it wasn't, we're still far from your "everyone has bitcoins because I went in a bar and heard people talking about it".
Also, the mass public involvement was prevented by the mass failure of all exchanges in the middle of the pump, people had to wait 2 months to have their account validated.
Shares are in no way comparable to cryptos, buying shares is excessively complicated by regulations and high entry prices

>> No.10475808

>comparing one stock to an entire asset class
your point would make sense if fewer than 8% of americans own stock

>> No.10475813

Ill get right on that...biased case studies that cherry pick participants to create a false conclusion. When my uber driver knows what bitcoin is...then it's time to sell bruh.

>> No.10475815

no idea screenshot seems easier really.

>> No.10475825

The government, also banks, loves do makes ppl get in debt
For that i believe they see Bitcoin with good eyes, as a weapon to rekt the majority of ppl, by manipulating it as they can
So play along and hope to be on the surface of the waves.

>> No.10475827

suck my dick kindly!

>> No.10475828

>intentionally conflating knowing about something and owning it
shill harder

>> No.10475845

9/10 boomer larp. nice job, anon. the exclamation point gave it away

>> No.10475861


>> No.10475887

>.biased case studies that cherry pick participants to create a false conclusion
So... you'd rather believing your infinitely biased feelings instead of reading a study ? You know survey companies and public surveys expose their methodology, right ?

>> No.10475893
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>> No.10475921

Shut up! You superfluous cunt!

>> No.10475938

You may think I am saying bitcoin is pre-mania. What I am saying is that there is still a great amount of potential demand going forward when ETFs are released and blockchain tech matures.

>> No.10475950

LMAO what am I shilling? I'm education bag holders that bought btc at 20K.

Dude...you can't be this retarded. If TONS of people were talking about btc (uber drivers, customers, my own grandparents), then don't you think the majority of the population is at least aware of btc? Sure the starving Ethiopian children may not know, but the avg normie sure does.

>> No.10475961

mania phase comes over and over for different demographics. there may come a time when btc will be the most conservative """investment""" mostly just keeping up with inflation.

>> No.10475999

now who is in denial? lol.

>> No.10476050

>t.newfag who can't into memes