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10471981 No.10471981 [Reply] [Original]

so i found online this old industrial warehouse in Kiev that i can rent for about 1250 $ a month. It has 540 sq. meters and is in a nice commercial district within the city.

im considering renting it and setting up a btc / crypto mining farm. am i stupid?

i have about 50k$ to throw at this and a friend of mine has another 50k$. we'd have to reform and build basic infrastructure in the warehouse (probably pretty cheap as not much is necessary) and, of course, buy some mining rigs to get the ball rolling.

electricity in Kiev costs about 0.05$ per KWh (which is pretty cheap).

no licenses are necessary to start a mining farm there either.

we also have a couple of rich guys willing to put 100k$ worth of mining rigs each in our farm (and we'd charge them a fixed price per month per rig to take care of everything. we thought about charging 70 bucks per rig).

how high are our chances of success? are we missing something? what do you guys think would be our costs to set everything up and also monthly cost to manage everything?

>> No.10472011

Interested and lurking

>> No.10472024

you would be better off throwing 50k off into link and getting millions of dollars in the future instead of some stupid mining operation

>> No.10472027

Are you Ukrainian? If not, be prepared to pay bribes and protection money to the mob. If you are, you already know this lol

>> No.10472029

You can send me your money. I live in Ukraine.

>> No.10472035

Fuck it dude. I’d take all the rig rent/maintenance fees in crypto tho, but that’s up to you

>> No.10472042


Do you speak Russian?

US. Citizen with experience in mining and fluent in Russian (hold a degree in it) here.

>> No.10472074

Do you own link?
There are people with east euro accents calling some link holders who have a PnD discord. Is this some Ukraine thing?

>> No.10472083

we're not from Ukraine but i can speak decent russian (not fluent, but can read everything, speak most things, and understand most things).

the mob part does worry me a little (i know how things work in ukraine, belarus and russia), but mostly about how much the mob taxes would cost us.

yeah, the plan is to get more rich ppl to buy rigs and put it under our management, making money off them fees.

>> No.10472094
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My friend has a couple of miners on his balcony in Ukraine.
It should be fine, but you might get special electricity rate for big amounts of electricity and you may need to and ask to extend the electricity limits with the local electricity provider. My friend had a 3kw/h limit, but obviously it's just an apartment and I'm not sure how this translates to a warehouse scale.

>> No.10472131

how would you secure your facility?

>> No.10472172

i dont see any way to secure the facility other than paying the local mob for protection and not letting people know there are expensive mining rigs in there.

>> No.10472201


>> No.10472212

There is a reason everything is so cheap in Ukraine. One of the most corrupt and dangerous countries in Europe, makes Russia and Belarus look like Switzerland by contrast. You're naive if you think the mob is going to let you operate with a reasonable income, and you're even more naive if you think the cops aren't worse than the mob. Unless you're planning on hiring private security you're asking for trouble.

>> No.10472224
File: 534 KB, 534x900, REKKKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electricity in Kiev costs about 0.05$ per KWh (which is pretty cheap).

Ukraine is a fuckin' wasted place, pathethic Ukrafags thought they could wage war to Russia, US used them as expendable proxies, yet they only pay $0.05/kWh ?
That's ridicolous.

Pic related: Ukraitank rekt by Russians

>> No.10472225

>we're not from Ukraine but i can speak decent russian
You should kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.10472238

>5 rubles were deposited in your shitty bank account

>> No.10472317


But we have been repeatedly assured there are no Russian forces in the Ukraine...

>> No.10472374

>t. Putinbot from one of those state-owned troll farms

>> No.10472410


Stay away from subhuman sl*vic shitholes.

>> No.10472415

hmm ok?

u implying you cant get around with russian in ukraine? lmao

>> No.10472439

>I'm with her

>> No.10472455

russians are dogs, they will steal anything

>> No.10472475

I run a small mine in a similar size house in Iceland, you need to worry about more than just electricity rate, electrical installation and shit like that is costly and time consuming

>> No.10472476

They are not russian soldiers! They all left the russian army before invad... making a trip to ukraine.

>> No.10472925

>I'm a Russian faggot pretending that my impoverished third world oil oligarchy is not a shithole in the same league as other slavic failed states
Yeah, I'm almost convinced now that you elected the orange mutt.

>> No.10472938

I'm from Canada. I just know a brainwashed zealot when I see one.

>> No.10472980

Your diet probably consists of 100% Russian cum.

>> No.10472988

The only failed slavic state is Ukraine

>> No.10473022

A friend used to run one of the largest mines in the world. He now only invests. He says it’s much better to just invest properly

>> No.10473117
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Your uncontrollable emotions betray you.

>> No.10473505

Thanks, Putin. Just bought 100kk cryptorubble.

>> No.10473532

>setting up an operation in an unstable country that is actively being encircled and annexed by a super state

IDK dude but you better have a solid exit strategy

the FIRST thing that gets seized when a country like Ukraine goes to war are foreign assets that can easily be liquidated (like a crypto mining operation with limited security).

>> No.10473536


>> No.10473550


save your angst for when we've got you up against the wall, shitlib

>> No.10473618
File: 71 KB, 499x499, 8F367255-FB39-4B68-8C97-1EF5B2272A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice power fantasy, balding basement dwelling boomer faggot in late 20s listening to JP and söy vloggers like PJW. The only thing that you can put up against the wall is your tiny shriveled cock.

>> No.10473652
File: 26 KB, 623x475, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really should work on those anger issues anon.

>> No.10473690

You really should fuck off to your containment board.

>> No.10473697


It's not a power fantasy. You are vermin and your removal will be treated as a pest extermination, not a subjugation of human beings.

I'm not surprised to hear you are thinking about my cock. Let me personally assure you that any homosexual-oriented plea for mercy will fall on deaf ears. We may take your women for our wives, but the men, and especially faggots like you don't have any hope.

Your fag diseases and pedophilia will die with you.

>> No.10473751
File: 122 KB, 889x1200, clintonfanboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this triggered because someone doesn't think that everyone on the internet is a secret Russian agent

>> No.10473802

A friend of mine started a succesful company doing this, but in switzerland. Apparently really rich people would rather the security of a company set up in switzerland, even if it costs a bit more. I'm sure you'll find people interested in investing in ukraine though.

>> No.10473814
File: 126 KB, 376x309, 1510401309711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you trumptards are such a sad bunch. When you try to come off as aggressive you just end up sounding like an raging autist.
>We may take your women
I bet your only contact with women was a pay-to-play conversation with some twitch thot on skype, lmao.
Secret? You and your messiah are pretty open in bending over to your Russian daddy.

>> No.10473818

how will you protect it from being robbed

>> No.10473830
File: 23 KB, 480x403, clintonbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be suffering from some form of psychosis

>> No.10473858

Utilities might be cheap, but are they reliable? I doubt it

>> No.10473884

Imagine for a second the total delusion required to actually, 100% legitimately believe that the 2016 election was swayed by "russian agents".

It's absurd. However, this is the fun part...

If it was true, it means that the democrat party as well as all of their squealing, retarded shills and their hundreds of millions of dollars were less effective at political canvassing than a very small handful of foreign internet trolls.

Its like the dems and shitlibs admitting that their collective might is so impotent, so anemic, so pathetic that it can be subverted by a few fucking russians dicking around on facebook.

Of course this isn't the case, and its a pure smokescreen to direct attention anywhere but the fire that is producing the smoke (namely the corruption within the party and globalist kike influence), but its still fucking funny to think about.

They really backed themselves into a corner with this conspiracy, since no matter how you look at it, they are either weak and evil, or weak and stupid enough to get beaten by russian trolls. Either case is a bad look for a party trying to put people into office.

You can't be a victim and also appear strong at the same time. It doesn't work.

>> No.10473888

>how high are our chances of success?
You will get robbed by the mob

>> No.10473895

Is that the best retort you could come up with, trumpcuck? You look obsessed, just like your demented orange nigger, you probably think we're still in 2016.

>> No.10473937
File: 352 KB, 2048x2048, shitlibs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rent free

>> No.10473949


>> No.10473988

I think that everyone would be better off if mutts and slavshits were to get genocided.

>> No.10474019


finally something we can both agree on

russians are subhumans and nobody would miss them, mullatos need to go also so they cannot potentially pollute the anglo saxon gene pool further

I knew we could find some common ground, friend

>> No.10474117

Not to mention being a big blinking red "Hack me" neon sign for every hacker in Eastern Europe.

>"Bbbut, we have Norton anti-virus, we'll be fine..."

>> No.10474223

There are more secure locations with cheap electricity, like Quebec.

>> No.10474224

Dummy, nobody in Washington believes the hacking bullshit. They know this is just Kabuki theater for the voters. Hillary knows why she lost, she just won't ever admit it in public, because she's a malevolent narcissist.
This is, and always was, the deep state and the beaurocracy rejecting an outsider, who's threatening to upset the pork barrel spending trough and the balance of power. This is all distraction to slow Trump down and keep him busy fight this off, instead of getting his agenda done - and they've failed spectacularly so far, which is why it's still going on. They know nothing will come of it, only guys like Mueller risk their jobs over it, but he'll get a fat, cushy job as a consultant or lobbyist when he does inevitably get forced out or fired.
The biggest mistake they've made is not getting decent candidates ready for the next election. The next presidential election is gonna be hilarious, Trump is gonna sweep harder than Reagan did. Just watch.

>> No.10474359

Don't. Unless you know right people that can protect you.

>> No.10474586

another option ive been pondering is renting a residential apartment in a good city area. it's probably on the same price as the warehouse and obviously a lot safer / more private.

i can get S9s to ukraine for 600 bucks + 10% as bribes through a connection that has a huge mining farm in there (not in Kiev tho). thinking of buying a few of them and going from there, instead of going big right from the get go.

>> No.10474629

>fixed price per month
>price of electricity goes way up

Sorry anon we have a deal.

>> No.10475077

This. Even within central Europe

>> No.10475129

it's pretty ignorant to deny Russian backed nationalist psyops on boards like /pol/
you faggots think you're woke but you just consume whatever is shoved down your throat
muh left vs right, get with it you blind plebian

>> No.10475221

also op it's just too risky setting up in ukraine unless you have the right connections
asking to be robbed. same for places like Venezuela etc
unironically India is a good place to setup a mining farm

>> No.10475772

maybe, but i doubt there are locations where you can get imports (rigs) without paying taxes like you can in Ukraine

>> No.10476188

I'm doing this near Venezuela

It's smart

>> No.10476692

Big mining rigs need more than power, they need cooling - more than the A/C units in an apartment would provide. You'd just end up burning the place down.

>> No.10476868

As aons before said
Your highest expenses will be bribes
They can hire a pro soldier for $300-400 a month
Or some guy to burn your building down for 200 bucks
Average ukro mafioso can toss entire village of hohols upon your operation
I strongly suggest against your plan if you dont want to get rekt

>> No.10477413

Mining in a warehouse is not safe. I suggest setting up a few asics in an apartment if anything.

>> No.10477946

Is the mob really that prrse t in Ukraine? That's what it seems like from tv/films but I thought that was just a meme.

>> No.10478175

OP, I have a relative there that can translate English, Russian, Ukrainian. She has translated for crypto projects before. englishforyoutoknow at g m-a-i-l

>> No.10478340

I wish I had a 10/10 beautiful Ukrainian bride.

>> No.10478383

>paying the local mob for protection
yeah sounds good, until they ask for 10% more, then 10% more, then they either take 80% or your profits or burn your facility down with you inside. Brilliant plan you got there

>> No.10478456

It's a failed state, meaning the state has no real control over most of its territory. Every area has its local strongman affiliated in some way with one of the oligarchs. The police has some power in cities but zero outside of them.
On pc I have a link to a funny article from just before Euro 2012. Apparently armed gangs were literally conquering hotels, just going in with guns and telling it's theirs now. Sometimes it ended in inter-gang shoot outs as two gangs were fighting for the same hotel.
That was in 2012, before the war and near total collapse of the state (saved only by IMF).

>> No.10479067

thats the ancap dream right there

>> No.10479242


have fun when the ruskies come to liberate your mining farm.

>> No.10479442

Why don't you mine in a nice place with lax laws instead of a literal low conflict warzone you fucking brainlet jesus mainland China even would be safer do you have some fantasy of working with the mob?