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10471805 No.10471805 [Reply] [Original]

How has your relationship with women changed upon them finding out about your wealth?

>> No.10471877

I always dress and act wealthy, so women are always naturally flirty towards me.
When they find out I’m loaded, they will literally suck my dick 7 days a week trying to get a ring (that never comes)
Pussy is boring to me now, I rather get sucked, jerked and titty fucked for a half hour.
My dick literally smells like KY Jelly 24/7

>> No.10471882

Significantly easier

Assuming u aren’t a 10/10 sperg you are treated as de facto alpha

>> No.10471907

This is the way to go, I’ve always dressed like a bum so the car/ House is wat gives it away 4 me
It’s a nice contrast

>> No.10471909

Im on the same boat, kinda scared continue doing it with all the crazys and the metoo movement

>> No.10471913

nice larp fantasy bro

>> No.10472261
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No because I don't speak with women

>> No.10472288

How does one dress wealthy

>> No.10472444

With garments made from the leathery skin of the poor. (Preferably children's skin if your swag)

>> No.10472579

Nice LARP bro.

I have a similar scenario to you though. I'm actually loaded, but I dress like a normal person. The other day I had just finished doing my grocery shopping and I saw about a young 30's looking wannabe chad dressed in a really nice suit, and a really nice haircut. I wasn't fooled though because I could literally see the estrogen seeping out of his fake chad body. After I loaded up my groceries into my 2017 Toyota Camry XLE, I drove by the fake chad while hes loading up groceries into his audi rs5, I rolled down my window and called him a faggot. I could see him a little bit angry at first but once he turned around all he needed to do was catch a glimpse of my thick chad skull and muscular neck to know that he was outmatched. He pretty much wimpered back into his car. Its just funny how hard he was fronting, but he was such a bitch lol. I genuinely enjoy putting fake chads like you in their place. Afterwards I went home and fucked my girl. I already felt 100% satified because I fucked her that morning too, but I fucked her again because her pussy was already dripping wet. I've never used KY Jelly before because I know that anal is fucking disgusting and I've never fucked a dry pussy before. Anyways, I went to bed with this radiating feeling of assurance like I always do and I slept a solid nine hours like a baby excited for the next day. I'm only 35 but I'm already retired.

>> No.10472820
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What was your business

>> No.10472843

norwegian motorboat coin

>> No.10472875


>> No.10472876

No one cares, normie.

>> No.10472897


>> No.10472917

You sound like a shit person with no friends kek.

>> No.10473261

what is the sauce

>> No.10473502

they think I'm weirder and possibly criminal

>> No.10473590
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I don't keep them around to find out about my wealth, they just know about my "wealth". I think that's called rape now, but I'm confused why using makeup isn't.

>> No.10473630
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Imagine being this gay.

>> No.10473682

>manlet cope

>> No.10473767

>How has your relationship with women changed upon them finding out about your wealth?
I haven't been asked to use a condom since my net worth went above middle 6 figures.

Funny thing is the chicks get really REALLY upset when I tell them I have a vasectomy a few weeks after we have been fucking bareback.
Super weird, right?
Nice dude keep it up.

>> No.10473848

Tell storys how assblasted thots got about vasectomy

>> No.10474009

They get upset because I didn't "trust them enough" to tell them about it earlier in our relationship
I ask them why it matters, and even the most brick-stupid thot usually has to spin the gears for a little while to come up with an excuse besides "I was trying to make you my baby dady".

The one encounter that stands out in particular was a chick who I was fucking every couple of weeks telling me she was pregnant and its mine, then I email her my vasectomy paperwork and she flipped out and threatened to sue me. Told her to go for it, and sent her my lawyers contact info also.

I don't fuck quality women so its my own fault these situations happen. Intelligent career oriented thots stay on birth control or rack up abortions. The dumb gold diggers believe that a rich man is a meal ticket for the next 20 years as long as they can catch enough of his sperm.

>> No.10474034

It doesn't take much money to achieve these results (of course depending on the woman, in some tiers it's not enough obviously). Getting a mortgage and owning a home isn't particularly difficult, but women seem to respond well to finding out men are homeowners.

>> No.10474047

>chicks get really REALLY upset when I tell them I have a vasectomy a few weeks after we have been fucking bareback
I literally can't imagine being more alpha/chad than this.It's like in 2018,being a chad it's the complete opposite of old times when only alphas used to knock up lots of women.NOT GIVING them your seed is the most alpha thing to do in this day and age.

>> No.10474063

thanks for the advice, rabbi

>> No.10474082

I've been shitposting with queen paraskeva's pics for awhile now champ.

>> No.10474103

You can choose to marry western cumpdumpsters and be the father of niglets for the rest of your life man,nobody forces you not to.

>> No.10474116

Or live in EE, work for western companies and win the best of both worlds, you absolute kike.
>western salary
>eastern living costs
>eastern slavic virgin wife

>> No.10474143

>eastern slavic virgin wife
>implying eastern slavic women aren't the most pathetic desperate golddiggers after years of living a close to 3rd world life
I come from EE,I know my shit.

>> No.10474146

I mean that does sound like something you should let them know if you want a healthy relationship but sounds like you dont kek

>> No.10474167

If you complain about slav girls being golddiggers, then stop being poor. I'm richer in EE than 85% of western cucks.

>> No.10474170
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They literally don't give a fuck about ypu, what you do or how you get money.

And only a few of them hang with you only for money.

There are various levels of gold diggers.

Escort girls for instance don't care about you being rich or anything, it's cash straight out to get my pussy and mind you this is the most honest form of venality.

I would like to learn or know there are other kind of women, but most girls in this world are shallow minded and don't give a fuck about getting educated or enrich their mind, they just want confort and luxury asap.

What that means, is getting rich won't help you find girls and even if you do be really careful what you expect, even if you don't care if she is with you only for your wealth be aware that it literally means that she gives 0 fucks about you.

See the ambassador who got killed in Brazil by his wife and military lover, didn't want to get her pussy fucked by a handsome boy without the money.
So she simplu burned her husband alive in hope of getting the money...

>> No.10474179


no way dude its my ace up my sleeve for when they say they are pregnant

women fuck around a lot where I am (california coast), there is no way to ensure their fidelity, but I CAN ensure that I am not liable in any way for the results of their infidelity

I've already got enough sperm frozen for 800 million kids if I ever decide I want to start a real family instead of participating in this shitty rat race

>> No.10474186

Nobody fucking complained,my aim was to ruin your muh pure virgin slavic waifu meme.

>> No.10474199

If you think there are literally no virgin women left over the age 16 you might need to step outside more.

I met her when she was 18 and virgin.

>> No.10474211

Fucking sauce

>> No.10474215

>I've already got enough sperm frozen for 800 million kids if I ever decide I want to start a real family instead of participating in this shitty rat race
Holy shit,is this a thing?This nigga be living in 3018.

>> No.10474232

I don't blame you then I suppose,women are fucking harlots today. Major places like cali have to be the worst, all the music festivals and shit where they just get dicked down.

>> No.10474256

Are you from 1900? Sperm banks have been a thing for decades.

>> No.10474257

dude sperm cryobanks have been a thing since the 70's
there are old farts in SEA who fly their SEAmonkey 20 yo wives to the USA for invitro fertilization with the sperm they froze in the fucking 80's no joke.
god fuck the music festivals, its so goddamn gross
there is nothing worse than sweaty, smelly camping sex with only public trailer showers
I wish I could free myself from the biological compulsion to nut inside of every attractive chick I see, without terrible side effects.
California women are THE WORST of the worst.

>> No.10474275

They are, but tell me how many dudes get their sperm stocked and then get a vasectomy to live a carefree life?Why isn't that a thing?

>> No.10474282

Im 24 and earning nearly 70k and I feel like a fucking loser when I read these posts.....

ambition totally consumes me..

>> No.10474380

I'm a senior in college with a 32K/yr job
I turned down a $52K a few months ago when I was 20 since I'd have to quit school for it. One of the harder choices I've made but I guarantee they'd still hire me and I'm optimistic I can make $80K+ when I graduate next year

Also fuck you Hiro for banning VPNs

>> No.10474402

What job or field?

>> No.10474439

Vasectomies have been a thing since the 50's or so. Rates vary a lot between countries but it's around 10% in developed countries, mostly done by married men with children.
It's a semi-permanent procedure so it's naturally not as popular as The Pill™ for women, but there are similar procedures for women too.
There's research on male birth control pills too but I don't know the current status of that and if it technically works then expect a lot of FUDding by the feminazi-controlled media.

>> No.10474460

>your relationship with women
Good one.

>> No.10474486

Mostly larping and exaggeration.

>> No.10474497

My current job is a cyber security internship for a hospital

I turned down a job for DellEMC where I'd troubleshoot their servers

My bachelor will be in computer science however I plan on getting a masters in machine learning / data science

Hell maybe some day I'll combine cyber security and machine learning

>> No.10474511

>she gives 0 fucks about you.
DESU I''m fine with this so long as she puts out.

>> No.10474520

Same here, now that my wife knows I'm all in on REQ she just loves me for my body and character.

Pure alpha

>> No.10474549

I got $10K in the bank and still drive my 2000 Ford Taurus that's falling apart

>> No.10474561

Needless to say I don't pull any pussy with that car

>> No.10474563


Jealousy consumes you , ambition would have driven you to work harder , think of a business(Even just a side business) and do everything to get what you want !

Now the good thing is that jealousy is a trigger for ambition , so start working.

>> No.10474574

>is getting rich won't help you find girls
Complete fucking nonsense. 99% of all girls LOVES successful guys. Money will always be a nice bonus for you, which is why its hard to find the right girl when you're rich or very well off.
The fact that some believe that women would rather hook up with a poor loser over a rich and successful guy just because they are "more nice", are pure lies made up to keep the poor losers sane.

It's /biz/, people are larping. Stressing about a girl when you're young (18-35) is just stupid. Focus on larger goals in life.

>> No.10474594

they mooch off you for the money while they fuck the chad, rich or poor, behind your back

if you are not physically attractive you will never be able to have a woman be faithful to you

>> No.10474610

>I think that's called rape now, but I'm confused why using makeup isn't.
based and redpilled

>> No.10474647

The point I was trying to make is that they seriously don't love YOU.

And no, trust me, I've been there and done that, I too thought that I didn't care as long as I could fuck her.

Remember that it's only human nature to want acceptation and recognition.

When I mean she doesn't care about you, it means she doesn't care how you make money or how educated you are, how smart you are or anything, you will never impress that woman and she would rather go fuck a chad of lower wit and rank than you with your money.

You are sure you are ok with that?

You find out that you are not at your own expense.

Be 100% careful with gold digger, simply spotting a gold digger is hard you can even fall in love with one.

If you are unsuccessful with women before being rich, you will be even more miserable after.

>> No.10474675

probably a larp but net worth?

>> No.10474716

>Complete fucking nonsense. 99% of all girls LOVES successful guys
I might as well add, that it's a fucking big myth.
Women don't give two flying fucks about success, that's the hard truth to swallow.

You can see it in everyday life, how one loser can date a good looking girl and fuck her just thanks to his amazing looks or eloquence.

Try meeting real people, of various lifestyles and social classes and see for yourself.

You really think that only successful and suitable men can get to breed that pussy?

How do you count so many single moms nowadays then?

>> No.10474732
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Like Satoshi.

>> No.10474811


Coming to terms with this makes things easier

>> No.10474819
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In view of this.
What do women want?

>> No.10474887

By the way, that does not mean there isn't a "good" woman for you.

You might just and very possibly find a woman that likes you even if it's thanks to your money, what you should take attention to is if she admires you more than your wealth.

I haven't met such woman myself yet, but I've seen it happen and I believe every man can find something of this sort, just don't expect or dream a lot, if you fantasize too much about it, you will end up in despair.

>> No.10474907

Bro, what the fuck are you on about? Are you talking about golddiggers or all women?
You keep changing it for every passing post.

I have been around, I have a large friend circle at home. I went to NY last year for new year's eve and got to talk with some wall street freaks and their friends.
From my experience, it's not a myth at all. Women drools around successful guys because living a comfy and good life is their goal. Obviously there will be golddiggers all around your ass aswell, but they are usually simple to spot.

There ARE loyal women out there, not all women are out to fuck the next fucking Chad that passes them on the street. You have clearly watched too many golddigger prank videos on Youtube.
If you are this paranoid, do like one of the wallstreet guys and travel back home if you lived outside a city as a youth and find a girl that you know are normal in the head.

I left home when I turned 20 and been investing since then, I have never entered a single long term relationship and I feel great because I can handle my own life. But I still know there's loyal women out there because I have actually known a few that I know would never cheat on their partners.

>> No.10474919

What i find the strangest is that theyll let me choke them out...like completely till they pass out while i fuck them...before i had wealth or before they find out theyll stop me...now they let me keep choking them till they pass out fully...usually il blow a fat load in them while theyre passing out...shits cash.
But its pretty weird that wealth makes a difference in this regard

>> No.10474944

>that feel when middle panel

>> No.10474991

nothing, theyre not people. you should treat them like objects and do whatever you want with them

have one night stands, some sort of fuck buddy for a longer period, marry or simply nut inside with no condom if you want to have a kid, without askign her opinion

>> No.10475043

This desu.
Happy /fit/ and good with women(not online in real life, cant pull tinder thots). Many friends and graduated engineering uni. Only thing now is to make money. To the moon link coin
I was happy when I was broke and still am, got a decent job I'm starting next month, be happy with yourselfs and everything else is a bonus.

>> No.10475111


>> No.10475178


Kek, based. I would get a vas, but I do want children in the future and I don’t think I want to go through the hassle of reversing. I know I’m missing out.

Fuck man, I wish I could do that shit.

>> No.10475215

>costs a lot to get the vasectomy, painful and lengthy recovery
>have to pay recurring fees to keep your sperm frozen (not cheap either)
>have to deal with the hassle of moving my sperm if I move to a different place.

It's not worth it to most people, and OP is larping anyways.

>> No.10475272
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Wrong wrong wrong. The answer is love. What strange people you are.

>> No.10475278


Be attractive, don't be unattractive. There's very little difference between what Chad and "creepers" do, it's only a question of how inherently responsive she is to you. She'll become a neonazi for you if you make her taint tingle enough.

>> No.10475306
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male birth control exists

it is called steroids and yes it is fudded to hell by the media

I've been on em for about 3 years, hooked up with about 30 girls in that time and I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually used a condom or pulled out, and of the 3 LTR's I've had none of them were on the pill and we'd fuck at least 5-10 times a week.

not even a single pregnancy scare too

>> No.10475332

what even happens if you get cut and cum seems like that would feel bad

>> No.10475338

It would probably take you all your hands and toes to count your HPV strains.

>> No.10475362

That suit probably cost more than my portfolio.

>> No.10475374

Oh yeah and testosterone (the most common steroid) will also just generally make you act/look/feel more Chaddish

Like you just will not put up with women's shit for very long generally

Just be careful bc I ended up fucking things up with a really good girl bc you think with your dick all the time and I cheated on her with an actual 10/10 but it was a mistake and I couldn't get a good handle on my horniness at the time when my gf was in europe with her mum for a week

>> No.10475378

Not sure, as I still fire full rounds, but it looks like pain during ejaculation is not one of the potential complications.


>> No.10475407

breh it's legit way harder for STD's to pass from female to male

and most of the chicks I fucked were not degenerate sluts. I got checked and my dick is clean as a whistle

>> No.10475449

I'm still holding out hope that the perfect gf will materialize as soon as I am wealthy enough to live my dreams.

>> No.10475495

abstaining from ejaculation for a period of minimum of 7 days, optimum of 30 days will make you live in god mode similar to being on testosterone, women will flock to you and want to suck it out asap

>> No.10475531

>freezing sperm and getting a vasectomy
holy shit this is a great idea, thanks anon

>> No.10475602

I dont get this...its just not true at all...are you some sort of closet cuck/beta?

>> No.10475791

humans are not meant to mate for life, meaning she will always be seeking out more attractive males to fuck.

read up on hypergamy

>> No.10475922

Youre autistic...it works both ways u faggot. Women are also inherently more worthless. I cheat on my girl weekly and she kno2s nothing and willw ait for me to come home like a good little whore

>> No.10476803

>bstaining from ejaculation for a period of minimum of 7 days, optimum of 30 days will make you live in god mode similar to being on testosterone, women will flock to you and want to suck it out asap
I concur. Literal succubi.

>> No.10476811

i read that and for some reason my penis just kegelled in waves 6 times on its own

>> No.10476938
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This entire thread is a LARP. Every one of you niggers lost 90% of your portfolio in the crash. Quit acting like any woman in the world would

1. Give a shit about your collection of worthless shitcoins
2. Fuck your smelly fat ass

>> No.10477021

>Implying everyone here has a portfolio

>> No.10478070

steroid are not reliable as birth control medication.

and I am actually a physician

>> No.10478346

If you're rich and can't get women you're either gay or an aspie

>> No.10478440


>> No.10478524

Me too lad, but in a different way, I would recommend you to enjoy the way up instead of the peak...

>> No.10478597

U have fantasies of being alpha one day

>> No.10478624

You can freeze your spemz

>> No.10479199

It costs like $400/yr to keep them frozen, that's nothing.

>> No.10479394

someone watched too much of the disney jew

>> No.10479735
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I'm 24 as well, earning about 50-60k (depends on commission) and I still feel so damn poor. The city i'm in has expensive rent, expensive fuel and food, I have to make high profit sales to get any real savings at all. Anyone else here earning above average wage (even slightly) and still feel so realistically poor?

>> No.10480247

larps are up 1000% lately