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10469418 No.10469418 [Reply] [Original]

How much chainlink do i need to own to be comfy? I have 40k but unless i have 100k ill feel unfulfilled. If this starts mooning already ill feel like shit. Hoe many do i need to retire comfy?

>> No.10469440

I know that feel. I have 45k and feel like killing myself today. I have over 10k in fiat to fomo in

>> No.10469454

Being realistic and it hits 3B MC this year that is about $8.50 and puts you around 350K.

>> No.10469465

40k is enough if you just hold past the initial moons

>> No.10469469

10k will be enough, eventually.

>> No.10469470

First of all, stop lying. You don't have 40k fag. Second of all, if you really did have 40k you wouldn't be askin dumb ass fuckin questions like this. Quit posting trying to stroke your non existent ego you insecure autist.

>> No.10469478

What? We have a confirmed link whale with 1.9 million link on biz, see >>10469018

>> No.10469488

Realistically, if anybody has $10-30k to drop on a shitcoin then link shouldn't be it. 1) it's going to take a while 2) for it to reach 10 bucks is only a paultry 30x... There are a shit ton of lower cap gems that will get you in the hundred X's in less time. If link moons hard and this meme actually comes to life then you only need a few thousand link to make it. Anything more and that's extra...this shit will explode with a vengeance or it will flounder , no in between.

>> No.10469491

main network won't be ready until 2019
marketing campaign hasn't even started
the swift test isn't validated yet, but when the announcement hits, better strap yourselves boys
we know they're confident
it'll go down again in a few days, the pump is just binance speculators reacting
real moon will be 2019
we still have time biz
divorce your wives and sell your children before it's too late

>> No.10469497

why no mainnet til 2019? I thought september this year was the rumor

>> No.10469500

>Shitton of lower MCAP gems
>That may or may not go to zero volume
>Its better to invest 30K in that shit than Link
No. You are a gambling not investing. When the primary reason you pick something is because of its low market cap and not the fundamentals you are just gambling.

>> No.10469502

Wow ok, 1 guy. 99% of the people on here are poor fag no coiners who pretend to be bag holders just to feel included. When link blows the fuck up, you won't be seeing a lot of lambo windfall threads here becuase most of these posts are larps, most of you losers don't have any skin in this game.

>> No.10469513

I mean investing in link is still gambling. Like they could fail and the network could get hacked etc.

>> No.10469526

>When the primary reason you pick something is because of its low market cap

Don't assume that low marketcap is the only criteria, becuase it's not. I'm just saying that there are a few low cap gems that are ripe for explosion, real companies with revenue and real businesses behind them. You can't just throw your money into any low cap project on CMC and expect a moon because that won't work. It did last fall but those days are behind us. You still need to dyor and do your due diligence.

>> No.10469527

Are you schizophrenic or something? I have 25k LINK and I worry about making it every day

>> No.10469528

Lord assblaster said 10k Link will be enough for making it

>> No.10469539

Cool story, I totally believe you. My sister has 150k link and I'm about to buy 40k more.

>> No.10469552

fuck your sister

>> No.10469563

The presale and ico were heavily fulfilled by people here. The only question is how many people sold since then.

>> No.10469564

The degree is different enough. On a scale of gambling with your money to investing Link is a lot closer to the investing side but you aren't wrong.

Let me guess you are going to shill something like Hydro? You clearly just have a few grand or less. You know why? Risk aversion. Once you have more than 100K you aren't going to squander a big part of your stack on risky shitcoins. I don't need to take a risk getting a 1000X from a shitcoin because I will make it with a 10X.

>> No.10469565
File: 118 KB, 921x224, 3 days ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be late 2018 but september seems unlikely? they'd need to be in testing phase already but haven't finished dev

>> No.10469575

You're not going to make it if you can't even fathom other people owning more LINK than you

>> No.10469669

It's a gamble in the sense of playing poker and your hand is pocket aces.

>> No.10469772

Tbh it's probably more like AK or maybe tens, you're a favourite vs random hand but you can still get fucked.

>> No.10469830

Most linkers have no link. Snd the ones who do know they only need 6k link at most

>> No.10469906


You don't hire a normie marketing manager, with real world ties because your product is shit

>> No.10469910

ChainLink is like playing poker with YuGiOh cards. You think your Blue Eyes White Dragon strategy's going to pay off, but you're not even playing the right game.

>> No.10469923

>Implying I'm the one playing the wrong game
>Banish those poker niggers to the shadow realm for bringing a poker deck to a shadow duel

>> No.10470165
File: 223 KB, 496x384, 1530594645634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try being a poorfag with only 1.2k but who utterly believes this is the next btc/eth

>> No.10470249


>> No.10470784

100k to make it. Always has been always will be nothing has changed.

>> No.10470815

i have 2544 links and that way i wont make it
oh being poorfag is a punishment that never ends

>> No.10470827

Yeah but what price does link need to be, for 100k to make it?

>> No.10470854

I sold half my link and only havr 12k now. Lost most of what I sold trying to catch some gains. Fuck everyone with 40k+ who thinks they dont have enough

>> No.10470865
File: 5 KB, 224x224, 1517887366383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: UWWq5HGx) 07/29/18(Sun)07:16:48 No.10469910▶>>10469923
>ChainLink is like playing poker with YuGiOh cards. You t

>> No.10470866

This question gets asked a lot in pretty much every thread of every coin that is promising a moon. How much money is making it to YOU is the question.

>> No.10470898

Come on. There must be a minimum barrier to 'making it'. An average of 'making it'. Then you have the absurd caricature of 'making it' i.e. Lambos, mansions etc.

Link can realistically reach $3 EOY but selling 100k wouldn't be 'making it', you'd merely have a healthy amount of cash to operate with.

>> No.10470960

It depends on where you live and your lifestyle. I would be making it with just $50k for example.

>> No.10470970

Have you ever lived outside your parents house? What kind of faggot 300k is barely anything? That is a house you can rent out while never being forced to work a full time job for the rest of your life if you wish, cunt

>> No.10470982

I said 3B tops EOY earlier. 200K would be enough to make it with that assuming you consider 1.7M before taxes making it.

>> No.10470994

nigger you're asking price valuation. Nobody knows. Fact is we still dont know that chainlink even fuckin gworks

>> No.10471004
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1525598643087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think you're feeling left out, I'd like to remind you that I have 42 LINK right now. I don't have funds to put in crypto. I'm just hoping it would moon like crazy. Don't feel too bad.

>> No.10471035

But 40k really is not enough.

>> No.10471060

You are the kind of person making others rich here, bro

>> No.10471201
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that link's preparing for the singularity, everybody wants to measure they's dick.

my friends, just stop it. we all gon make it. keep holding and increasing those stacks. the only thing preventing us from becoming the LINKsta we want to be is ourselves.

$1000 eoy.

>> No.10471260

Pepe Baller always have something positive and unifying to say. Why cant this board be more like Pepe Baller?

>> No.10471276

i need link dumps so i can buy more
only 2k.5 here

>> No.10471291

If you still think link is a meme, there's no helping you.

>> No.10471294

i have 70k link and its literally 80% of my net worth.

>> No.10471310

All in?

>> No.10471332
File: 33 KB, 830x582, 1516386245034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two biggest holdings are XLM and LINK

>> No.10471335

>tfw 2.5k linklet

>> No.10471355

26k linker here, convinced by 2020 I’ll have made it.

>> No.10471382

i have 700 link. fml.

>> No.10471405

>not 100%
Not gonna make it

>> No.10471440

well i have 70k so as long as you have less than me that also implies you wont make it

>> No.10471513

Post pictures of your sisters tits

>> No.10471524


>> No.10471604

>There are a shit ton of lower cap gems that will get you in the hundred X's in less time.
it's not 2017 anymore

>> No.10471950

Why can't I see the post?

>> No.10471987

(((THEY)) removed it

>> No.10472087

Fucking kikes

>> No.10472372

>wah pepe baller is life
>wah wah
Why dont you just put his balls in your mouth why dont ya? That way nobody can say you're not a pepe baller.

>> No.10472409

>tfw only 9.5k

I unironically won't be making it unless we really go to 1k usd

>> No.10472413

oh fuck off

>> No.10472501

Kys op theres people with like 1000 link itt and youre complaining about having 40k and make people question themselves

Dont post stupid shit like this it pisses me off

>> No.10472589

300k is fucking chump change you're all a bunch of broke ass pajeets. Pathetic.

>> No.10472638
File: 475 KB, 601x402, errytiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls let it be true
i need more time

>> No.10472668

>telling your whore sister about LINK
Woman don't deserve the financial freedom Chainlink will provide. They need to endure the hardships of life.

>> No.10472735

15.5K. Makin it by 2020

>> No.10472754
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this insecure

>> No.10472841

>Paultry 30x

Whew lad. Delusional if you think these type of gains fall out of the sky anymore. There's WAY too many shitcoins out there right now. You have a slimmer chance finding the right ones now compared to any other day in the history of crypto. You will not make it.

>> No.10472928

just because you can't retire forever on it doesn't make it chump change, you dummy.