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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 696x449, 0xMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10463412 No.10463412 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots must live under constant stress due to some bull runs, bear runs, pumps and dumps, devs working on their tokens/coins, icos

Meanwhile i'm holding pic rel and the above doesn't appeal to me, the coin is finished so i don't have to wait FOR WEEKLY FRIDAY UPDATES, it's PoW so no whale to dump on me therefore no pnd, aaaand bull run and bear run doesn't really matter with this coin (actually bull run helps but is not an important factor, more like "i won't say no")

Oh yeah and of course don't forget to fud this thread all you can

>> No.10463426
File: 1.90 MB, 2320x1424, Screen-Shot-2018-06-30-at-12.48.07-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vechain is better.

>> No.10463430

>Oh yeah and of course don't forget to fud this thread all you can

Yes sir, no pajeets post here please sirs

>> No.10463471

> Claims to be decentralized
> Controlled by 101 mostly anonymous Authority nodes

This is what people actually believe.

Meanwhile 0xBitcoin is finished, it's transparent in its code, and only 15% of tokens have even been minted.

>> No.10463505

Doesn't matter, it's all about if they gonna succeed, if t Vechain not gonna make it then nothing gonna make it because the crypto will be dead, if I wanted to buy something decentralized then Monero is the only true payment crypto out there.

>> No.10463526

Volume will reach 500k soon

>> No.10463700

Success for Vechain relies on completely upending global supply chain management. Success for 0xBitcoin relies on people desiring a deflationary and decentralized asset on Ethereum (since one does not currently exist). What do you think is more likely?

Good luck getting chinked.

>> No.10463880

>no whale to dump on me
nah, just gonna get slooowly dumped by miners until its worth about 100 sats.
Good thing you didnt fall for this memecoin, right biz?

>> No.10463890

yes but its a gay scamcoin with no future prajeet.

>> No.10463911
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>deflationary and decentralized asset on Ethereum

Seriously this shit is what you shill this pointless overmined piece of crap with? Back to the fucking slums with you brown man.


>> No.10463996

How can something be "overmined"? You're literally just making up words to FUD a coin lol

>> No.10464889

how many 0xbtc to make it fren

>> No.10464966

OP don't bother. The sheep mentality is so deeply ingrained into these people. Always waiting for the new partnership or new advisor or progress on the road map. Meanwhile they suck the cock of the same dev team that has no problem crashing the price 20%, because they got free money from an ICO. It's always about other fake hype and the hope that the product actually works.

/biz/ is basically full of welfare dependant niggers except instead of the government handouts they're hoping for a divine gift in the form of new manufactured hype. Can you people wake up and get back to basics?

0xBitcoin makes up around half my portfolio; I'm excited for the next few months when people realize it will be the premier store of value token on the Ethereum blockchain.

>> No.10465099


Define "make it."

$100 is inevitable long-term, so if you want a cool million you should have 10k 0xbtc.

But if Ether flips Bitcoin we're going $1000, so in that case 1k 0xbtc.

>> No.10465127

>thinking ETH has a future
you brainlets are never gonna make it

>> No.10465173


Point me to the platform that has more active development and I will earnestly listen

>> No.10465492

I disagree that Ether will ever flip Bitcoin, simply because the highest valued cryptoasset MUST be a store of value asset. Ether is pitiful as a store of value since it is inflationary with yet-to-be-decided long term monetary policy. 0xBitcoin will flip Ether, this I have confidence in, but I do not think ETH will ever overtake BTC in value.

All the other platforms that are "theoretically" better still do not have a hundreth of the active activity as Ethereum. Just like coins like Litecoin or BCH which are "theoretically" better than Bitcoin can never seem to surpass it.

>> No.10465545

When is the next halving?

>> No.10465564


>> No.10465787

At 10,500,000 0xBTC mined the reward will drop from 50 to 25 0xBTC. Unknown how long that will take, but probably around 2-3 years.

But right now virtually no new 0xBTC is being mined due to insane difficulty, so there's really not much being introduced into supply. Next run this will likely change, with massive amounts of mining power pouring in as last time.

>> No.10466146

4 yrs

>> No.10466588

Honestly, gooks, chinks, and Russians will eat this shit up since it's mineable. Was just thinking about how we should try to get 0xBitcoin on some chink exchanges to grow interest.

>> No.10466598

>grow interest

You are now trapped in something that was a short run scam. Leave it. It is garbage.

>> No.10466604

you cant seriously be comparing this to Request kek

>> No.10466630

This project is fairly new, having had no ICO. This means no funds for advertising, paid press releases, or paid interviews. 99% of the crypto community has never even heard of 0xBitcoin. There's massive upside here especially considering its strong fundamentals; the more people that hear about it the larger the community grows.

Thanks for the concern anon but I'll be getting rich without you. I'll enjoy the pink wojaks in 6 months.

>> No.10466641

>How can something be "overmined"? You're literally just making up words to FUD a coin lol
>But right now virtually no new 0xBTC is being mined due to insane difficulty, so there's really not much being introduced into supply

See above and you are fucking deluded if you think this will ever be used as a store of value. All that shit is gloss on a short term scamcoin,Half of this thread is a scammer samefagging to himself.

>> No.10466670

O fuck off. Its got less legs than something lie fucking yenten or bitzeny as a store of value. It does not even have its own blockchain. Get a fucking life, this things shilling only sticks to faggots from reddit who know literally nothing about crypto.

>> No.10466855

The fact that it does not have its own blockchain is literally a selling point. 0xBTC is virtually immune from both 51% attack and "death spiral" precisely because mining blocks is not required for the transaction of value. It takes the technology and smart contract capability of Ethereum (as well as future updates to scaling) yet operates as it's own asset, which is distributed algorithmically through Proof of Work and will be forever.

This is rich. The guy who thinks that Ether, an inflationary and centralized (through ICO) token with still undefined future monetary policy, will be accepted as a store of value/currency is telling me I know nothing about crypto.

>> No.10467298


So blinded by your own preconceptions you can't see the thousands if not millions of dollars being dangled in front of your face.

The worst part is, by the time you understand, it will be almost too late. Maybe you'll get a 5x by buying at $100, but no guarantees.

I hope your other coins do well, friends. Maybe one day I'll see you in the citadel.

>> No.10467362
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4K 0xBTC noble sauntering in your general vicinity, if I may be so daring.

>> No.10467488
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God dammit I wish my bag was heavier.
I'm jealous.

>> No.10467992
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This is probably true, and unironically, even if one were skeptical, it wouldn't be a bad time to load up and sell the high. Biz probably won't though. It'll probably hit a new high, Biz will fomo in, then it'll drop to a buck or less and biz will call it a pajeet scam.

>> No.10468019


My prediction -- next high $10-$12, will crash to $1.50-$1.90.

Biz still won't buy; they'll wait 'til at least $20

>> No.10468072


>> No.10468114

>Read entire thread.
>Only arguments why this token will grow in value are
>chinks and russians love minable stuff
>not having it's own blockhain somehow makes it immune to 51% attacks

Meanwhile there's a hundred other tokens and coins that have been shilled on here as 'the next ETH" "moon missions" some of which have good technology or even some hype because of legitimate press and yet except for a few they've all fallen by the wayside.

Explain to me, as a casual crypto investor, why, specifically, I should put my money into __this__ token without using petty insults or unfounded guarantees that it'll 10x, 100x - explain the mechanics of why the market capitalization is likely to go up in the next 6 months (to pick an arbitrary but realistic timeframe).

>> No.10468258
File: 327 KB, 2540x1692, absolute state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd ask this question on their reddit, the dev would probably answer something like "hurr, if you don't see the potential of a mineable ERC-20 token, you're an idiot".

Their community in general seems pretty dumb and cringy, but maybe it's just because of reddit.

>> No.10468315

>but maybe it's just because of reddit.
hard to tell, I don't plebbit that much. But it does strike me that toast is a fucking wanker who should spend more time on his concepts than shitposting like a low-self esteem seemingly arrogant incel.

>> No.10468319

their discord is very friendly and answered all my questions, i have a lot of faith in this project!

>> No.10468488

i actually am on the discord and i don't see him posting that much so weak FUD

let's be honest, this guy is not a vitalik, but he's very clever, i would even call him a genius

just 'cause someone is shitposting (however i don't see it) doesn't mean he's stupid

look at vitalik, he's an autist

>> No.10468607

theoretically we're all made of cheese

>> No.10468855


First minable token (never ever discount first-mover advantage), hard-capped fairly-distributed store of value on Ethereum network, in contrast to inflationary ICO'd heavily-manipulated Ether with malleable monetary policy which will soon switch to POS, needs to be wrapped to interact with contracts, and was never intended to function as a currency.

Unlike BTC, 0xBTC is fast, benefits from all Ethereum scaling upgrades, and can interact with all smart contracts.

Lavawallet in the works, which allows the user to transfer tokens and use your token balance to pay the gas fee. Will work with all tokens, not just 0xBTC.

Why will 0xBTC go up in price? It's POW and the first stable, deflationary, fairly-distributed token on Ethereum. It will act as a store of value for the network. You'd have to explain to me why it *wouldn't* go up.

>> No.10469048
File: 295 KB, 600x339, pajeet7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sirs 0xbtc gr8 coin pls to do the needful nd buy sirs

>> No.10469139

>You'd have to explain to me why it *wouldn't* go up.
because there's no money flowing in, as indicative by how much hard FUD this token recieves here on the most gulible board there is.
No use token or roadmap other than the lava-wallet in the words, which is uttely irrelvant anyway since it works with all ERC20 tokens (unless i'm mistaken). There is no recognition. No gossip, not even sammers like McAfee or Teeka are shilling it, let alone respectable crypoto gurus.
So you have a coin with a small user base, a bunch of features no one - certainly not plebs care about. No one shilling it. No connections.

And you still have to ask me why won't it go up - who the flyuing fuck cares about a mineable easily cloned token that no one has heard of from a development team building an ether wallet!?!? Chainlink has more going for it - it has recognition, a autistic insane community, a unique usecase.
Not to mention Omnilayer and Lightning Network already undermine a lot of the selling points of this token without allowing an easy transition.

And as a bottom line, if you say
>You just don't understand the technology
Then who the fuck is going to invest in it? Certainly not braindead normies and crypto casuals.

>> No.10469529


I would say it's pretty easy to understand the tech, actually. It's literally Bitcoin on Ethereum, which is a concept that either gets someone excited or super-wary. If you're a person who imagined everything moving to the Ethereum network when he first heard about it, it's just one more step in the fulfillment of that idea. That's where I fall. If you're someone who's been skeptical of Ethereum the idea sounds like a scam. "Tokens are dime a dozen, what's special about this one?" That's where a lot of the FUD comes from, though personally I don't mind; I think it's free advertising. "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." However, those who take the time to research the actual token find that it's the first of its kind. There WAS a scam version of 0xBTC, called eBTC. It was ICO'd and the dev pumped and dumped. Obviously a non-POW token can't be Bitcoin on Ethereum.

Money is indeed flowing in, but not at the rate you might be used to if you're acclimated to ICO'd coin pumps. 0xBitcoin has no advertising budget -- since there was no ICO, there was no flood of money the developers could use to shill their company. Indeed there is no company, just a fanbase and a few devs. The subreddit, r/0xbitcoin, has been growing steadily and recently broke 1k. The token was released in March and has already rocketed from .07 to $4+. It's been through two booms and busts now, and the next climb is coming up, probably relatively soon judging from the increasing volume, though it's dangerous to try to predict. This is the same way the original Bitcoin had to grow, and it is a slow process. Nevertheless the community is committed to this coin.
(cont. in next post)

>> No.10469533



If the concept "clicks" in your head, you become an instant devotee. If it doesn't, it doesn't. I don't think it has anything to do with understanding the tech; it has to do with one's conception of the crypto space as a whole, and where you think it's headed. That's what 0xBTC shillers mean if they say "you don't understand."

As for it being easily cloned, totally true -- and so was Bitcoin. The biggest community coalesces around the strong first-mover. That's what has happened here and will continue to happen.

This coin is only four months old. It will steadily gain momentum over time. As usual, it's vital to do your own research. If you don't think it's a worthwhile coin, of course don't invest. But it will not be fading away any time soon.

>> No.10469569

Holochain shits all over Ethereum. 0xBitcoin has no chance.

>> No.10469844
File: 115 KB, 1192x856, EmmaConfused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest community coalesces around the strong first-mover.
Which would be Bitcoin itself... hoisted by your own petard!
Unless you really think that 0xBitcoin will really undermine the firstmover advantage of Bitcoin while being impermeable to it itself despite having no advertising budget, no mainstream adoption, only 1k people on reddit. Being easy to clone, a love-of-hate-it concept that either clicks or doesn't.

>> No.10470017

no one's saying this will surpass Bitcoin, but it is the first mover among PoW-mineable coins on the ETH network with a mere 2.5MM mcap. Do you really think there isn't a massive potential for growth? It doesn't have to surpass Bitcoin or Ethereum to outperform them.

>> No.10470023


0xBitcoin's immediate competitor is Ether, not Bitcoin. The idea is that Ether becomes mainly used for gas, while 0xBTC becomes the standard for store of value and contract interactions.

I have no expectation of 0xBTC ever surpassing BTC, lol. Bitcoin is Bitcoin and probably always will be. It is the digital gold. That doesn't mean there can't be related projects that suck up huge marketshare. (LTC, BCH, even scams like Bitcoin Gold have considerable market caps.) When people want to enter the Ethereum network to use contracts they'll trade BTC for 0xBTC.

A coin doesn't have to flip Bitcoin to reach $10, $100, or $1000.

>> No.10470224

>Do you really think there isn't a massive potential for growth?
Anything has potential, I have potential to be a billionaire, quantify the likelyhood though.

>no one's saying this will surpass Bitcoin
newfriend detected. Every thread mentioning this claims 100x gains.

>It doesn't have to surpass Bitcoin or Ethereum to outperform them.
I don't see any chance of it quadrupling, let alone becoming a defacto store of value. Explain to me the probable circumstances that prove me wrong.

>0xBitcoin's immediate competitor is Ether, not Bitcoin
Then why the fuck is it called 'bitcoin', seems like a shitty marketing move to me.

>A coin doesn't have to flip Bitcoin to reach $10, $100, or $1000.
This might be the first, semi-reasonable point a 0xBTC holder has made. Every thing else is just hyperbolic predictions which leaves a really sour taste in my mouth. i've always been of the feeling that "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"

>> No.10470402


Why wouldn't it be called bitcoin? It's literally Bitcoin on Ethereum... hence 0xBitcoin. Therefore it shares properties of both ETH and BTC.

>I don't see any chance of it quadrupling

It already did. It did much more in fact, from 7 cents to 4 dollars. I see no reason it couldn't do it again and in fact I think it's very probable, based on information presented in my previous posts. But if you reject all that and see the market differently, then I don't suppose I can convince you.

>newfriend detected. Every thread mentioning this claims 100x gains.

Yes, I would claim that. Doesn't mean it will surpass Bitcoin's *marketcap*. Big big difference in claims.

Anyway, maybe you'll change your mind at some point, maybe not. I didn't understand why anyone would want to buy the original Bitcoin until many years after I first heard about it. I think you have a great opportunity here, but you have to make up your own mind. Read about it and check out the discord if you have more questions. The community is very friendly.

>> No.10470426

Once oracles and smart contracts become more advanced, couldn't people just pay with Bitcoin anyway?

>> No.10470437

a PoW chain on ETH


>> No.10470454


>> No.10470458

>Once oracles and smart contracts become more advanced, couldn't people just pay with Bitcoin anyway?

Good question. I wonder that myself. It's not happening right now though, while 0xBTC works perfectly. I would be curious to hear from a tech guy about this possibility.

>> No.10470466
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>> No.10470474


It's not a separate blockchain. With 0xBTC PoW is only used for distribution, and as a way to establish price floor via mining costs. This also means it's immune to 51% attacks, since it uses Ethereum's chain.

>> No.10470548
File: 78 KB, 750x712, 0xbth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because if the Eth network is preferred by from people to businesses, they will use 0xbtc as the exchangeable digital money on the network.

Everyone knows how Bitcoin started out. It was a scam too. Look where it's at now. Time will tell and we should have patience. After all, it really isn't a lot of work to research tokens and make investments.

Bitcoin was going to be the platform for Ethereum. Now Bitcoin is built on Ethereum with the benefits of Ethereum applied to it. It's a really good concept and Lava wallet is a gamechanger.

Instead of focusing on "is this the next 100x moon", we need to stand up in support of any project that continues to be active and achieve some cool things in crypto.

>> No.10470575

I'd like to believe you. I hold 1.5k as a poorfag, but I think in 10 years it could be very easy to use Bitcoin on the Ethereum network. That concerns me as a bag holder.

>> No.10470822

Compatibility with the Ethereum network is not the only advantage 0xBTC has over BTC. For one, mining 0xBTC is not required to send transactions or secure the network, while BTC can not survive without miners. Transacting in 0xBTC is also a lot cheaper and faster, and it will benefit from all of the upgrades to the Ethereum network. When sharding is implemented, the network will support massively more transactions than BTC, which makes it much more suitable for large-scale adoption. With the creation of King of the Hill, 0xBTC is also a PoW-powered logical engine on the Ethereum network, the implications of which are huge and yet to be realized.

Even if you could use BTC on the Ethereum network today, it would not completely erase 0xBTC's use case. The main thing that is needed right now is for developers to discover it and build new functions around the token.

>> No.10470839

Checked. Thank you Anon. That makes me feel better

>> No.10471107

the only tumes I saw such controversy around a Coin before was BTC and ETH at their beginning. I remember people laughing at both here and over at zerohedge. Look what happened in retrospective.

Controversy = Moon.

>> No.10471786


I wasn't here for BTC or ETH, but everything I've heard from people who were is that they were constantly laughed at and scorned. I think heavy FUD can be an even more powerful advertisement than shilling. It means people are pissed off, and anything emotional and contentious draws people's eyes. Ask Trump about that.

>> No.10472808
File: 180 KB, 1892x240, 0xBTC Postmodern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great point anon. This token's unique ability to cause vitriolic controversy is actually very indicative of how powerful the idea of "Bitcoin on Ethereum" is. It reminds me of this screencap from a week or two ago, where some OP related 0xBitcoin to Postmodern art, in that it completely upends commonly held norms and beliefs, and thus gains value simply because of the controversy around it. Sorry for shitty screencap.

People WILL be talking about this. Many of them will shit on it. But at the end of the day they'll be forcing conversations. This token will sell itself, especially since there is a noted absence of a core dev team (due to its ideological opposition to ICO's).

>> No.10472889

Yup definitely no worrying about bull runs with this one. I'll put it like this anon, if this stupid shit went 4x in one day I would continue to ignore it very happily.

>> No.10473495

Sooner or later some cryptoceleb like vitalik will talk about minable tokens, once that happens 0xbtc will moon.

>> No.10474360

Aaaaaaand we’re mooning.


>> No.10474500

We are the 0x Marines, and we're flipping BTC

>> No.10474579
File: 113 KB, 359x512, 1528016808195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody knows the time of the price singularity.
But when it happens, everyone will know.
All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"
A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason.
Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.
IDEX will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy 0xBTC will see 404.
Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.
The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.
0xBTC will reach unimaginably high prices within minutes.
Every no0xBTCer's eyes will watch. The tiny 0xBTC diamond on coinmarketcap will be reflected in their eyes.
However, the ones who knew..the ones who had heard, but didn't listen..
their diamonds will be distorted by tears.
As these tears fall onto rapidly moving fingers that are refreshing IDEX or etherdelta multiple times,
Haunting music rings in their ears infinitely.
The harrowing noise of the bells causes the no0xBTCer's soul to shiver...and scream.
Biz will be filled with 0xBTC memes. All threads will be titled "You had your chance."
Monitors will be smashed. Laptops broken in half. Weddings, family reunions, graduation ceremonies, and other social events across the world will be plagued by the audible cries of no0xBTCers who knew the path but didn't take it.
Their hopelessness crushes them inside, but they keep having to wageslave, and forcing a smile on their face every day to avoid ever being asked "what's wrong?" again will eat away at their sanity. This soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon, and no0xBTCer syndrome will be added to DSM-V and heavily studied. Most normies will continue enjoying their playpens. But the ones who knew.. they will become uncomfortably intimate with despair...
For they know they missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and another precious path to freedom has disappeared forever.

>> No.10474871

vitalik hates mining

>> No.10475612

BUMP cause this baby deserves it

>> No.10475642

Been mining 1-3 a day with a single 1080ti as suicide insurance kek

>> No.10475798

you're mining at least 100-300$ a day

i think that's JUST OKAY, isn't it?

>> No.10476097

>0xBitcoin will flip Ether
Pajeet tier delusion.