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10467354 No.10467354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else try to tell everyone about link? I know they won't believe I just tell them about it while secretly looking forward to there life of mediocracy.

>> No.10467363

inb4 this thread gets 100 sperg replies

>> No.10467373

never talk about crypto or guns to people in real life, or drugs, or sexual habits. they freak out

>> No.10467378

women don't care about gay internet coins

>that roastie patronizing you

>> No.10467380
File: 13 KB, 410x206, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like one of those callers from the Sims

>> No.10467479

She wasn't patrinizing me, I just thought I'd warn her about the singularity. I feel like Jesus trying to warn them they just won't listen and they hate me.

>> No.10467480

lol she doesnt need to buy LINK faggot. She'll take half of yours after you make it.

>> No.10467502
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The autistic linkie can only match with fatties

>> No.10467528

>telling normies about link BEFORE it moons
You tell them about it when you're rich and ready to dump your bags dumb faggot

>> No.10467560

I NEED a qt Japanese wife

>> No.10467563

I NEED a qt Japanese wife

>> No.10467567

I have a big heart so naturally I try explaining how big smart contracts will be. Only one friend has listened while my family, coworkers, and other friends treat me, yet again, like I’m a brainlet because I don’t follow the normie train. How many fucking things do I have to be right about before these stupid fat faggots ever listen. They will never see a dime except my father, but he has to divorce the hamplanet he eloped.

>> No.10467570


>> No.10467578

I NEED a qt Japanese wife

>> No.10467750

same here anon, you are my real senpai

>> No.10467957

holy shit linklets got ir right nowall along

>> No.10468094

it only got 14 replies ya dingus

>> No.10468391

She didnt reply.. typical of the non linker when will they learn?

>> No.10468465

Mediocracy is a wonderful word for our current political system.

>> No.10468918

It's happening 34 cents

>> No.10469314

I need a Snorlax plushie