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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10465948 No.10465948 [Reply] [Original]

the current state of /biz/

>> No.10466182
File: 42 KB, 350x639, E8793D99-4102-4118-97CF-176D0E4702DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems right to me: you go to tether if you’re expecting the market to go down

I bet OP has salty mecroeconomic definition to short that has no use outside of the SEC. He’s a faggot - fuck OP

>> No.10466214
File: 51 KB, 640x428, 5B666688-C94C-4311-B57F-2ED642192BC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re stupid

>> No.10466255


>Short position = Short selling

Stay poor

>> No.10466319

SHORTING, or SHORT SELLING by definition implies leverage. You need to borrow to short. If you simply sell the stock or currency you own you are not shorting, you are SELLING.

>> No.10466327

this but unironically

>> No.10466338
File: 1.40 MB, 1520x1050, 1532001300188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid dummy

tether 0 leverage short in PUREST SENSE

>> No.10466353

at least the effect is essentially the same

>> No.10466359

Kill yourself

>> No.10466392

The outcome is the same, so the person is right that it isn't shorting, but it is like shorting.

>> No.10466419

>being so butthurt you make another thread on this

>> No.10466423

Being bearish is not shorting you retard.

>> No.10466431


>being so stupid you don't know the difference between the two

>> No.10466445

>he doesn't short with 0 leverage

>> No.10466458

The outcome isn't the same at all. When you sell what you hold you close a position and realize profits. When you short you open a new position and only realize profit when you cover. How the fuck are you people this dumb?

>> No.10466471

>I'm long 100k BTC with 0 leverage
>haven't done anything
See how fucking dumb that sounds?

>> No.10466478


>> No.10466492

dummy, when people with large position sizes sell, they are considered "short"

but also you are missing the point that TETHER NOT REAL USD, and by definition when using credit (which tether is) you are shorting

You are wrong on both angles

>> No.10466500

Its just semantics, I get both sides and i dont care what the fuck you use as long as you understand it correctly.

>> No.10466519

Strictly speaking shorting is borrowing something and closing it in the future at a hopefully lower price.

However in finance "being short" is also used as "being bearish" or "having no exposure".

>> No.10466525

They literally aren't considered short. Tether or USD it makes no difference. By your own retarded definition trading on any margin is shorting.

>> No.10466551

trading on ANY margin am shorting or longing dummy

>> No.10466559

You are shorting the market with 0 leverage if you're just holding fiat/tether, depending on your point of measurement. Yes that means all the people not exposed to crypto are doing this.

>> No.10466582
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>everyone without a position is short

>> No.10466596

I suppose this concept is too difficult to understand for your kind

>> No.10466633


>mfw these retards get BTFO and they still do not know the different between a short and a sell

/biz/ is truly lost.

>> No.10466647

Just to clarify, note that I said depending on point of measurement. You don't HAVE to measure in usd. Are you starting to slowly understand it yet?

>> No.10466662

Wouldn’t it be 1x leverage

>> No.10466666

>my kind
I was a professional futures trader. If someone said they were short bc they were flat they'd be looked at like a retard.

>> No.10466679

quints of truth

no you insufferable mongoloid SELL != SHORT. the absolute state of this board

>> No.10466680

You’re the brainlet if you don’t get it. Also, this thread is retarded as it’s just a matter of semantics.

>> No.10466688

>closing a long position is opening a short position depending on your unit of measurement

>> No.10466704

Never said this
Never said this
Jesus christ fags, this is starting to get worrying

>> No.10466705

you're the brainlet if you don't get it lmao. it's not a matter of semantics they're literally completely different

>> No.10466717

can you semantics fags just admit you understand the principle of what op is saying. and can op and others like him just admit you dont care about using terms accurately? everyone should at least be able to understand ops point is about opportunity cost

>> No.10466720

This entire thread just gave me cancer y’all some subhuman low iq niggers

>> No.10466721

>You are shorting the market with 0 leverage if you're just holding fiat/tether
by definition this is selling not shorting, there is a difference, if you don't get it you're retarded

>> No.10466741

Who fucking says you MUST measure in usd, this really goes to show your level of autism

>> No.10466759


Literally YOU.

>You are shorting the market with 0 leverage if you're just holding fiat/tether

>> No.10466770

1x is zero leverage. The op pic does make sense as going 1x short on BTC futures is essentially a USD position.

>> No.10466790

He's right, dumbfuck

>> No.10466815

1x is 1x leverage dumdum.

0 leverage would mean 0x AKA Shorting $1MM at 0x leverage means you're short $0

$1MM x 0 = 0

>> No.10466886

2x is 50% leverage. Leverage is the ratio of debt to your personal equity. Thus going 1x is zero leverage as you are using only personal equity. Dont embarass yourself.

>> No.10466920

You're wrong. Pull out a calculator and do any number times 0 and tell me what it says idiot.

>> No.10466933

Also 2x is 300%, do the math. The absolute state of biz...

>> No.10467012


indeed... but it's still funny when they think they're the ones giving a lesson

>> No.10467075

1x, 2x, 3x, etc. on futures such as bitmex means your exposure to the underlying asset, on how many "x" you will gain/lose versus zero leverage.
Leverage in a strict sense is the ratio of debt to your equity. for 1x, its zero debt, 2x, its 50% debt, 3x its 66.67% debt. Leverage=debt.

2x is 300%? Wtf?

>> No.10467088


hey biztards. I have a question. I heard a rumor a long time ago about monster being made from bull semen. Something about taurine. Anyway, I got to thinking after seeing so many monster threads, and threads about bull cum, that I finally LINK'd two and two together and realized MONSTER ENERGY is literally causing the largest bull run in history. Their monster memes are unironically causing people to ingest bull semen. WE BULL MARKET BOYS!

>> No.10467132

>ratio of debt to your equity
Yes, so if you have zero leverage you have zero debt, thus the ratio is 0:1 AKA 0x. 1x leverage means the ratio is 1:1 AKA every dollar of debt has a dollar of equity AKA 50% of your position is debt

>> No.10467571


Firstly in bitmex your balance is in bitcoin and those are inverse contracts, this is important and not a generality.

This means that by default you are always exposed to the market.
But even in bitmex, if you long 1x you will have 50% debt, try it yourself.

see >>10467132