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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 400x400, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10465795 No.10465795 [Reply] [Original]

Honest and really dumb question. I never tether'd up because I didn't believe in it, but isn't that the only way to sell high and buy low instead of jumping on whatever altcoin gains next?

>> No.10465805

Unless you're trading on an exchange with fiat pairings, yes

>> No.10465811

No you short the market.

The market goes up: You win
The market goes down: You win

>> No.10465825

going in tether is shorting the market you fucking retard; it's just with 0 leverage

>> No.10465848
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tethering is the same as shorting

Do not make another post again.

>> No.10465863

binance doesn't have leverage though

>> No.10465883
File: 16 KB, 281x325, 1515586333614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah k, that's what I figured. Thank you

>> No.10466109

so you were not trolling, off yourself nigger seriously this board has gone to pure shit

>> No.10466135
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>Tethering is the same as shorting

>> No.10466152
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Is your IQ in the double digits?

>> No.10466166

he said with 0 leverage which makes it pretty much true tard

>> No.10466172
File: 145 KB, 752x497, 54363453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>going in tether is shorting the market
>its just with 0 leverage

>> No.10466209

>the aim of the trader is to sell the items at a high price then purchase them back at a lower one

>> No.10466244
File: 7 KB, 445x431, 35234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A transaction undertaken by means of a derivative contract is a short position but it is technically not a short sale
>technically not a short sale

>> No.10466315

They're both shorting. What are you on about? Do you have autism?

>> No.10466341


SHORTING, or SHORT SELLING by definition implies leverage. You need to borrow to short. If you simply sell the stock or currency you own you are not shorting, you are SELLING.

Is it really that hard to grasp?

>Shorting and leveraging

>putting in money in a short position because you believe the price will go down
>if it goes against your position then you lose your money in the short position


>Selling the stock at a certain price
>If it goes against your position nothing happens to your stack

>It's the same thing

>> No.10466347

Hes right you mong, tethering up is shorting without leverage, what do you think happens when you short? You sell and buy back later.
What happens when you tether up? You sell and buy back later.

>> No.10466352
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stupid dummy

tether 0 leverage short in PUREST SENSE

>> No.10466367

>this thread
selling is not shorting you dumbfucks

>> No.10466374

answer honestly: have you ever actually shorted anything in your life? no, selling is not shorting
have you shorted with no leverage? be honest

I know the answer is no because you're fucking retarded

>> No.10466403

>While short selling and short position generally refer to the same thing both in common parlance and technical jargon

>> No.10466407

Lmfao yes, have you? You know you can short with 0x leverage, right? You're so fucking autistic it's impossible for you to grasp such a simple concept. Hint: what's the POV?

>> No.10466414

Or point of measurement is a better term

>> No.10466438

shorting with no leverage is not the same as selling you stupid fuck

>> No.10466453

Tethering up IS you stupid fuck
Explains it flawlessly

>> No.10466591

You are the dumbest motherfucker alive, how are you even alive, when you short you are betting against BTC by buying USD
Tether is shorting with 0 leverage. if you still don't get it I give up there's no hope for you.

>> No.10466621


>Tether is shorting with 0 leverage.

No it is not. You stupid fuck.

When you are shorting, you are putting money in a short position. When you are selling, you are selling a stock. How is that hard grasp for you? Or you are too much of a vagina to short anymore more than x2 therefore you need to justify that shorting is the same as selling? Even the Investopedia definition contradicts your argument. You smell like shit. You have no valid stand. Fuck off and never come back. You low IQ mongrel.

>Selling is just shoring with 0x leverage


>> No.10466637
File: 250 KB, 740x557, WuY4S91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, you're one of THOSE people! You're that kind of special retard who thinks:
>"selling btc is the same as shorting btc"
>"holding btc is the same as longing btc"

Ladies and gentlemen, behold >>10465825 and savor the moment, for that anon is one of the finest examples of true brainlet level retardation which /biz/ has to offer.

>> No.10466768

t. chainlink holders

>> No.10466784

non-white detected - what are you, some inbred muslim mongoloid?

>> No.10466828 [DELETED] 

This Grug's think-strength be low. >>10466109

>> No.10466834

This Grug's think-strength be low.

>> No.10466845

Why is a retarded tranny the only one who gets it?

>> No.10466849
File: 90 KB, 1440x1080, picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are the dumbest motherfucker alive

>> No.10466862

prove that rkg is not a real female! you can't!

>> No.10466868

>99% of /biz/ in 2018 doesn't know that tether is the same as shorting with 0 leverage

I guess it's time for an oldfag to leave, this board is truly dead.

>> No.10466874


>1 month old lurker

>> No.10466881

thanks for buying my bags in december nignog

>> No.10466897
File: 292 KB, 583x576, 32412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>8 month old lurker
>still doesn't know the difference between a short and a sell

>> No.10466980

Oldfag, right, good one. Hell you're probably fresh from reddit and found /biz/ recently when someone talked about it there. If you truly believe selling equals shorting then you must be a very very new fag. Of course you could be an older fag who's just bored and baiting for cheap lulz.