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10465567 No.10465567 [Reply] [Original]

Think hard about it. Think about how bad it is for you and your body in general:

>wagecucks are stressed as fuck
>wagecucks are often exhausted when they get home from work, no matter what their job is
>wagecucks have no energy to pursue things outside of their wagecucking hours, often electing to spend their free time watching shows or playing games
>most wagecucks don’t exercise or use the healthy body they were given to do anything but wagecuck
>wagecucks develop back pain, knee pain, hip pain, arthritis, from doing the same thing over and over and over again
>many wagecucks end up on medications such as anti depressants or anti anxiolytics to help their brain cope with wagecucking
>wagecucks often hate the people they are forced to spend their days around, one life to live and they spend it around people they dislike because they have to
>many wagecucks have to take jobs in places they are not native to, moving across the country where they know no one, they spend their free time alone, isolated, bored, and sometimes depressed or drunk
>they might only get to see their parents and siblings a few times a year, if they’re lucky
>they are too tired to do anything with their children, if they have the luxury of having children
>they can’t raise their children correctly or teach them things and their kids grow distant because the wagecuck never gets to see them, the kids only want to play Fortnite
>the wagecuck spend their entire life wagecucking in a building, never getting to see the sun or nature
>when the wagecuck retires they are old and often incapable of doing the things they dreamed of, their whole life passed them by

>> No.10465578

NEETs are broke tho

>> No.10465607

>being part of the working poor sucks

no shit

>> No.10465618

imagine being disabled lmao

>> No.10465630

Oh wagecuck, your mind is so stifled by your job that you can only see things in black and white terms. NEET vs wagecuck, rich vs poor, monied vs broke.

>> No.10465701
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>Think about how bad it is for you and your body in general

It really fucking is. My coworker went bald before turning 30. I'm 28 and I have gray hairs coming in, no fucking joke. And I've aged dramatically from having to drink copious amounts of coffee to stay awake from sitting in a fluorescent lit room in a chair for 9 hours a day. Not to mention how bad it is for your back to sit for such an extended period of time.

>> No.10465871

When you say wagecuck are you talking about the ones that have no disposable income or ability to invest and have an early retirement or the wage slaves with no shot at ever having a decent career?

>> No.10465893


Living the life :^)

>> No.10466045

I’m talking about the vast, vast majority of people who work and who don’t have any savings or any assets really. But even if you retire at 40 (which the vast majority can’t and won’t) almost everything in the OP still applies to you

>> No.10466187

bump this is a serious fucking issue

>> No.10466282
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We wagies run this shit, remember that you fucking neet. Without us you would be nothing.

>> No.10466371
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Fuck man I don't wanna think about this right now

>> No.10466660


yeah i'm more stressed out now then when i worked at corporate. i feel like if i don't make a change i'll be stuck like this.

>> No.10466701


i'm applying for disability, they say i have schiziphrenia. i don't believe them, i think it's just a way to justify their salaries and job positions with bullshit "mental disorders."

but i kinda need the disability until i can find work again.

>> No.10466742

Rich NEET here,

Something needs to change...

>> No.10466934
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>get internship
>no pay
>developed alcoholism 2 weeks in to cope
>everyone there acts like they wouldn't care if world was nuked tomorrow
>thankfully it only lasted 2 months
I don't get the wagies that do this shit for +10 years. When I came in to the place they had to also fire some wagie who got divorced and started to act out.

>> No.10466954


> thinks wagecuck are inferior
> looks at the mirror
> a FAT FUCK that can't see his dick
> faps to Hentai
> won't get an erection if it's not violent porn
> useless NEET


>> No.10466961

the smiles on my wife's and childrens' faces make it worth it.

>> No.10467008

the only smile on your wife's face is after she catches a big fat nut from some dude she met at the grocery store while you were off at work wagecucking like a good betabux provider

>> No.10467026

awfully specific anon

I've been wagecucking a real office 8-5 for the past 2 years now. I had other jobs before this but it's my first real office job. It is hell. I don't know how people do this for 20-30 years. The prospect that I'm going to do this for a period of time that is LONGER than I've been alive up until this point is absolute insanity.

>> No.10467103
File: 30 KB, 960x548, wojack-life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
