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10464237 No.10464237 [Reply] [Original]

Are there some things that trigger you guys not to hire someone...for me it’s visible tats

>> No.10464244


investments in crypto

>> No.10464253

If he doesn't give me a firm handshake.

>> No.10464254

shitposts on 4chan

>> No.10464274


>> No.10464284


>> No.10464288


>> No.10464291

basically fat people, can't stand being around them

>> No.10464295

Link sticker on the car

>> No.10464298
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>> No.10464308

Straight white men

>> No.10464345

as well as looking me right in the eye

>> No.10464376

After graduating I've been doing HR since. Its extremely easy and I get to filter the applications first. I have no political agenda and let the applications go through that are best qualified as I think its the best way to keep my job. That said, I will delete all applications with an Odd ending ID number. I do this to eradicate 50% of all applications and it prevents us from letting through anyone who is unlucky.

>> No.10464412
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>> No.10464415

if he doesn't shitpost on 4chan

>> No.10464423

if ze doesn't put at least 6 genders on the application.

>> No.10464438

>and it prevents us from letting through anyone who is unlucky.
Kek I fucking love that.
T. Odd number guy

>> No.10464443

if i wouldnt want to have a beer with you i automatically reject

>> No.10464447

>tfw short fat bald link holder

>> No.10464480

Won’t suck my balls

>> No.10464487

>men under 5'9"
>women over 5'10"
>ugly people
>men with high pitched voice, or women with masculine voices, people that talk like retards
>visible tattoos and/or piercings
>bags under eyes or yawning(shows lack of sleep which will impede performance)
>poor sense of fashion or sloppy dressing
>unable to make eye contact(some shyness is allowed if they show potential to overcome it)
>poor small talk abilities(unless hiring for a technical position that does not involve much client contact)
>drives a vehicle that looks un-maintained

>> No.10464490

XYZ chink name or pajeet name.

>> No.10464503

>Are there some things that trigger you guys not to hire someone

I won't hire someone who has any of these:

- Tattoos
- Any piercings (guys)
- Owns a motorcycle
- Has children
- If a guy, wears square front shoes or shoes with no laces
- If a girl, wears flats
- Owns any type of firearms, or does any type of shooting or hunting as a hobby.
- Has any stickers on the outside of their car
- Has any facial hair
- Any denomination of christian
- Baseball, football, or soccer fan
- Plays golf
- Has a twitter or instagram account
- Wears wife beater t-shirts under their work shirts
- Allows anyone from their personal life to contact them during work hours.
- Lives more than a 30 minute drive away
- Uses any of these words or phrases when they talk: "think outside the box", "push the envelope", "strategic", "streamline", "synergy", "win-win", "actually", "literally", "social circle", "happy hour", "vertical", "client", "hacking", "in the loop", "empower", "game changer", "no brainer", "thrown under the bus", "all hands on deck"

>> No.10464562


>> No.10464617


So you only hire cucks and reject all Chads due to your own insecurity? What kind of business are you in, anon?

>> No.10464628

Some of these make no sense.

>> No.10464651

>T. Autistic restaurant manager that will be dead by age 55

>> No.10464871

What's it like managing a McDonalds, bruh?

>> No.10464898
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For me it's visible lats.

>> No.10464899

what's wrong with "thrown under the bus"?

>> No.10464975

fuck, i wouldve been your perfect candidate up until come of those words. i have to use the word client at work and usually use thrown under the bus

>> No.10464983


>> No.10464986

not the guy youre replying to but in my personal experience its frequently used by failures whose failure is pointed out, or failures who feel bad for the same happening to other failures. frequently used by shit-stirrers and people who think office relationships are a game like "did you hear what so and so did to so and so?" and then takes petty revenge themselves and/or convinces others to participate by dragging their feet on projects or adhering to policy too closely

>> No.10465139

sounds about right kek

>> No.10465160


It's not a cucks or chads thing, because my qualifiers weed out both of those. It's not a liberal or conservative thing, because again, both of those are disqualified.

All of the things I listed are high percentage indicators of aspects of a person's personality.

>> No.10465216

It's about with work ethic and intellect not your shit checklist.

I hired a geologist with full torso tatts and had kids from 2 different women. At work he put in the hard yards and was a fucking smart dude. He spearheaded a bunch of exploration and convinced the board on 2 oil prospects.

Back to back discoveries with over 5 million recoverable barrels of oil.

A moron like you in management would have passed on this guy because of "muh checklist."

>> No.10465285
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>You know how bananas usually taste bad when they're blackened? Well, I ate one so black it could pick cotton on its own and it was delicious, therefore I am smart for eating a nigger banana and you are wrong for trying to dodge risk.

>> No.10465312

Drug Screen - Any moron who cant figure out how to circumvent a positive screening is someone I don't want working for me.

>> No.10465357

Women below 5'10 are fucking ugly though, femininity in general is a bad trait.

>> No.10465431


>> No.10465444

What if they're actually clean though?

>> No.10465459
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>> No.10465464

Those people are losers.

>> No.10465469

>It's about with work ethic and intellect

Work ethic and intellect are not special traits. 50 years ago, yes. Now with the current population size, not even remotely special. There are millions and millions of people on the planet with outstanding work ethic and high intellect who perform average at best at work.

>> No.10465535

>go for a handshake
>the guy cant even look me in the eyes
>lanky ass nerd
>give him a desk job where he has to sift through a lot of data and use databases a lot
>faggot loves it and does it even when at home

Autists are a great hire if you can give them the right job.

>> No.10465558

Have you considered being born again anon?

It might help you to find some piece and you could let go of your other inadequacies driven by your lack of confidence from your own short comings.

>> No.10465600

>women over 5'10"

Fuck no! Tall women are superior-grew up stronger and less coddled, always the leaders of their sports teams, aren’t as likely to see themselves as victims so less likely to cry harassment .

>> No.10465656

The biggest thing is how they will interact with other people-will they be able to integrate seamlessly or will they cause friction constantly. People with social problems always cause problems even if it isn’t entirely their fault and the issues when people can’t understand each other’s personality or way of doing business is the most expensive and time consuming part of management.

>> No.10465680

But wouldn't those losers pass your drug screening?

>> No.10465704
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this is you

>> No.10465844

If you can keep them isolated

>> No.10466487
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Seriously? Can't tell if genius, insane, or both. God speed, you diabolical bastard.