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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 590 KB, 750x1334, B036BCE4-6BDA-4F01-A1AC-77DD5DC226E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10458909 No.10458909 [Reply] [Original]

Rory - 1
4Chan NEETS - 0

>> No.10458932

>We will unltimately by the quality of the project in the end
Yeah im sure the quality will be grate

>> No.10458939

I can’t tell what’s more retarded. People who think they’ll affect the success of Link by sending abusive emails to an address that gets read by an intern or people who are worried about people sending abusive emails to an address that only gets read by an intern.

You really tweeting retarded autistic nonsense at her will affect the price of Link at all?

>> No.10458962
File: 54 KB, 640x320, 1532043210382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please guys don't ruin this beautiful thing we have here. You are just being toxic and hateful for no reason at all.

>> No.10458986
File: 809 KB, 900x1200, 1532712841556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>channers find gold not meant for them
>whales preparing to moon with LINK displeased at some peons trying to ride their coattails
>hire an asian woman and the spergs all dump their bags

crisis averted

>> No.10458990

kek. rory pls go

>> No.10458997

I feel really sorry for the team. This shit is just such a waste of time and energy. Something happened to biz in the last year. There used to be some decent discussion, but now it's just a bunch of pathetic retards trying to turn 400 bucks into a billion dollars as a last hope of having any meaning to their lives.

>> No.10459013

>Nick the normie

>> No.10459020

I can't tell if you're this new/reddit or just stupid but your syntax tells me you're not part of this. Pestering the gook and flailing about is only meant to troll other spergs. Some spergs get off concern trolling the gook agitators. Other spergs enjoy trolling Rory and use any excuse to message him. It's all theatrics idiots like you have never understood.

>> No.10459037

P. Much this. Holders fudding other bagholders by understanding part of 4chan culture

>> No.10459260

That’s my point you absolute retard. Both groups are as bad as each other. The ones who troll thinking it’ll have any effect on the real world and the ones who take the bait and worry that it will harm the project. Obviously it does nothing but rile up other idiots.

>> No.10459275

checkmate incels

>> No.10459280


dumb autists cant even properly FUD. kys you queers.

>> No.10459284

>tattle telling to rory
the absolute state of link bagholders
this is truly an sjw coin now

>> No.10459287


The Absolute onions in his comment lmfao

>> No.10459302

God you retards are pathetic. This project needs to fizzle out and die already.

>> No.10459310

I know, the ass kissers going to daddy rory to make the bad feels go away, epitome of sycophants

>> No.10459313

And there are anons who genuinely think that they can charge anything by spamming her with memes. It’s not just to troll other bag holders.

>> No.10459554

That red pepe, is freaking me the fuck out. Can we kill this meme asap plz?

>> No.10459717


>> No.10459739

nick is a NIGGER

>> No.10459781

That's not very nice :(

>> No.10459816

God damnit man stand up to that fat incel faggot and call him a fat nigger.

>> No.10459845

what are you 12? lol. they dont give a fuck about your incel ass. try harder faggot.

>> No.10459855


>> No.10459867
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>> No.10459896

Ok. The sjws will win. The white race will die out. The definition of niggers will be transferred from niggers to fat white incels who believe if they lived in Germany in 1939 they would be part of the glorious master race, when in reality their smell would have gotten them pushed into ovens like the dirty mutts they are. Faggot.

>> No.10459907

How about just calling him pudgy?

>> No.10459908
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>> No.10459946


>> No.10459994
File: 1.22 MB, 1261x578, 1532794670086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfriends btfo

>> No.10460014

kEk saved

>> No.10460025

what app is that OP?

>> No.10460035

As great as this project is and the high chance of us being able to become rich.....and me wanting it so succeed with ever fabric of my DNA and cum......

It would actually be just as great and amazing if it failed because of a bunch of racist NEETS.

The pleasure is seeing normies ring so close to riches and get btfo by some autistic racists and seeing their reaction would be just as satisfying as becoming rich unironically

>> No.10460060
File: 49 KB, 268x420, whipmeagain5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10460128
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1516491459176s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe how many normies are here holding Link and don't even understand what is happening today.

This is just a great way to flush out more faggots in a high IQ elaborate way. OP pic is either someone larping as a normie to psis of autists, or is a normie and is making autists angry. its highly effective no matter what.
All the people harassing Zhou are shaking out faggots from the project and causing as much chaos as possible. this is good to get rid of low IQ fags who cannot see the bigger picture still

>> No.10460152

Don't the retarded deserve a chance at getting rich as well?

>> No.10460308


>> No.10460421

Who the would fall for this type of Fud? That’s low level thinking

>> No.10460687

>us normies
this fucking larper

no normie calls themselves a normie