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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 300x168, 1501899745461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10458212 No.10458212 [Reply] [Original]

STOP this harassment campaign before it gets bad for everyone. She is not what you think. She is not the smug and quiet chinese girl who didnt give you the time of day. She is going to be Link's tiger mom and take us to $10 eoy.

Remember. All her self worth is going to revolve around the Link price from here on. If it dips she will have flashbacks to being beat with a bamboo stick by her mamma for looking up from the math textbook. All that chinese takeout you get. Remember how good that is? That is the sort of A+ perfectionist you are dealing with. They fold the mother fuckin EGGROLL with PERFECTION !!!!!

>> No.10458224 [DELETED] 

>site riddled with spelling errors

>> No.10458250
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1532605153598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay tiger mom!!!!!!

>> No.10458282

Thank you for not being racist, now we can have a normal discussion at last.

>> No.10458289

>killary shill
>tiger mom
>Fake outrage life coach
Just sold my stack

>> No.10458303
File: 45 KB, 778x512, milkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how biggies are the milkers?

>> No.10458307

Thanks just bought it. Going to be rich.
>yay tiger mom!!!!!!
The right tool for the job

>> No.10458325

I wonder if her milkies taste like spring rolls

>> No.10458348

Im collecting every harassing post, every racist comment, every torade from the autists here

And im emailing big partners about it

Also going to contact the media, this will be gamers gate 2, they love this shit

Going to be a big test for sergey, how will he handle his disgusting fanbase? If he fucks up its byebye link!


>> No.10458375

Meh. I thinks she's a great hire. Watched the AI presentation. Excellent 10/10

>> No.10458392
File: 630 KB, 1411x1125, Screenshot from 2018-07-28 15-33-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame us about it. This is being made to look like /pol/ autists, but it almost for sure has a different source.

There are powerful forces at work that are going to be doing everything possible to prevent LINK from getting off the ground.

Billions of dollars are at stake.

>> No.10458429

So what? No one cares about that ugly bitch. Give it some baby birds to eat and send it on its way.

>> No.10458535

>it almost for sure has a different source.
its some people in the pnd group they just got raped, went to dump and the less mouthy ones bought instead of dumping. now they have to fomo
I care. We have a good marketing hire. Will celebrate with a golarge and pretend I'm dining with sergey and sharing the fries.

>> No.10458583

>bad for everyone
lol you mean bad for linkies

>> No.10458756

You may also wonder why I select a “White men” instead of “Asian man”, “African American man” or just a generic “man”? It’s because when looking around the boardroom or VC partnership lists, it’s white men that we see. If one wants to be at the top, then you have to learn to play the rules of the top.

Be unapologetic in fighting for your worth. If you don’t, who will? The next time you find yourself wavering rather than advocating for yourself, dare to dream bigger. Dare to “think like a white man.”
-Adelyn Zhou

>> No.10458784

“think like a white man.”
Frankly I think this hire places link in certainly levels of success. Singularity doth approach. Strap in. She can grab me by the cock anytime she likes.

>> No.10458797

Biz pageet incels could take that advice

>> No.10458801

hmm i wonder why she would think this way. im puzzled. reading /biz/ today might not show any clues to why she would feel like a victim surely

>> No.10458816
File: 6 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitfit is just organized FUD, right? Please tell me nobody is actually stupid enough to make investment decisions based on /pol/-logic...

>> No.10458831

Crypto was literally created on /pol/ logic. You're all doing it.

>> No.10458858

That doesn't make any sense but okay.

It's actually incredible to me that some /pol/iticians seem to believe crypto somehow exists for their shitforbrains autistic army...maybe step out of your bubble sometime if young tech people being left-leaning surprises you.

>> No.10458877

It only doesn't make sense to you because you're a retarded normie with no understanding of the history of crypto. That does not surprise us.

>> No.10458898
File: 52 KB, 500x404, drool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459216

You shit for brains motherfuckers are so goddamned stupid. This slant eyed chink cunt literally and gleefully uses pol tier logic just in her own context. Read her tweets, watch her presentations. "White man this white man that." This is the kind of idiot that will rekt a project. Fuck you guys, I'm outta here. Selling my fucking stack right now. Enjoy 1 cent eoy cuz you're so full of white guilt you're too stupid to look out for your own interests. nb4 the bitch fuds the project out of spite then goes on a virtue signalling pivot of how she got one in against the "white man."

>> No.10459283

TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2020

>> No.10459368


>> No.10459395

Sell it then faggot. This isn't /pol/ this is biz we are here to make money not to project our tiny dick insecurities on women and minorities. She's a good hire regardless of her politics if you don't like it gtfo

>> No.10459435

Yeah, fuck /pol/ logic. By the way, invest in Bancor.

>> No.10459465


>> No.10459474
File: 49 KB, 268x420, whipmeagain4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459488


>> No.10459500

look at this literal paid shilling

anons aren't making these memes, some fucking paid shill agency is to try and make her seem desirable since Sergey just fudded his own project by hiring this retard

>> No.10459501
File: 50 KB, 268x420, whipmeagain6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sell it then faggot. This isn't /pol/ this is biz we are here to make money not to project our tiny dick insecurities on women and minorities


>> No.10459511

>look at this literal paid shilling

KEK. MSPaint. Now I'm off to fap to Asian bdsm.

>> No.10459546

You fucking neet manchildren don’t think this shit is necessary for silicon valley? After all the research and leads and conspiracy tier links you don’t think having a libshit on board would happen or would be necessary? Flabbergasted that anyone thinks she will be bad for link’s future.

>> No.10459562


Linkies are so weird. The whole project looks like a joke.

Crap team.
Crap website.
Crap name.
Crap roadmap.
Crap whitepaper.

Absolute crap.

>> No.10459629
File: 132 KB, 400x600, cryptowhip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am weird. Fapping while I buy link. Also bretty sure we just got rich

>> No.10459650


I can almost guarantee that your money will grow more just from accumulated dust in a shoebox that it will being put into link.

>> No.10459696

maybe that was those plan of those chainlink shill threads,,,,,, some redditor is gonna get chainlink on every single TV via fake outrage porn on CNN

>> No.10459707

>I can almost guarantee that your money will grow more just from accumulated dust in a shoebox that it will being put into link.

And you would be wrong. Though mobius is a better bet for you

>> No.10459720

just sent both of these images to her kek

>> No.10459744

Yeah, chainlink was going to have to add women and miniorities to the team at some point, and hiring an asian woman is clearly the result of Sergey's racially aware reasoning. Women are generally pretty good in marketing roles.

That being said the fact that she even has a history of publicly voicing racial and political issues is problematic.

>> No.10459769

Your use of the word problematic is problematic.

>> No.10459789


Sure, mate. Time will tell, link will sell, and better platforms will toll the death knell.

The book of link will slam shut and bag holders will be trapped beneath the pages. In 10 years LINK will be little more than a wikipedia article geting <10 reads a month.

>> No.10459865

sfyl dumbfuck

>> No.10459871

Yes, Tiger Mom. LINK will succeed, no matter the costs

>> No.10459885

I sent her a pick of my coke can thick 7 inch ubcut white cock and told her I would be happy to take care of her chinkhole any time.

I know she got it because she blocked me.

>> No.10459903

lol what a retard cunt

>> No.10460587

She's not ugly, she's beautiful!

>> No.10460700

You're the hero we need.