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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10450505 No.10450505 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry for my inactivity. Will be here for an hour or so. Hope you’ve all been well. AMA

>> No.10450517

sup watchbro

how many LINKs to make it?

>> No.10450518

Where is the bull market? Why is MAN doing so terribly? How do you feel about SophiaTX SPHTX? Love you Watchbro <3

>> No.10450520

How's that endor?

>> No.10450523

Do you own LINK yet?

>> No.10450529

Watchbro, welcome back man. Been following your posts on Telegram. What are the chances of seeing ETF for btc approved? are we in for a 2 year bear market?

>> No.10450534

Nice Lambo WatchBro, been following Radix and am quite excited about it. I've recently acquired a large stack of DBC (Deepbrain Chain), what are your thoughts on distributed AI power networks and the token in general?

Thanks for your time!

>> No.10450538

Will the CBOE ETF be approved in your opinion? If so, when?

>> No.10450542

How much do you bench faggot

>> No.10450549

What to hold right now, and for how much time, watchbro?

>> No.10450553

Opinions on Liquidity Network, EOS and SKY?

>> No.10450562

I’m sorry my man. Link may have good tech, but tech is only one of many things that constitute a successful project. Let’s not forget that in business, the development department is just one of a multitude of departments which lead to a business. Sales / Marketing / Partnerships / Legal / Compliance etc

>> No.10450564

jesus christ money doesnt buy taste does it

>> No.10450579

DAV, Sparkster DXchain and Pchain, that lambo looks ico flipping money...and go...

>> No.10450584

post more pics of fancy shit

i need to make it soon

>> No.10450588

Lack of liquidity - all the noobs left in Feb - March and now it’s just fabricated volume driven by MM’s. There’s likely one or two more cycles left but the gains will possibly be less and less each time. ie. x100 will become more rare as the market matures.

>> No.10450594

so which is it?

lottery, inheritance or did you find some old bitcoin wallet?

>> No.10450600

So bad man. Can’t believe what their development team did to the project. Just goes to show that management is critical and one must evaluate and meet them face to face prior to any investment

>> No.10450612

What coins/tokens are in your accumulation radar? And since your previous AMA's, what coins/tokens have you sold and no longer want to hold (ie EDR)?

>> No.10450615

Good looks and a good attitude.

>> No.10450629

so lottery, got it

>> No.10450650

Prepare yourself for the Radix DEX date / time. Due to their timed logarithmic algorithm - the earlier you buy, the more circ supply you will acquire. I also like BCH - download the app on the AppStore / android store, settlement / xfer times in 5 seconds.

>> No.10450667

Hey pal, what do you think of ZIL?

>> No.10450709
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>> No.10450721

Thoughts on VEE? Been in since ICO but seems like they're not bothered about marketing it at all.

>> No.10450746

I have 1k to invest, which coin would you recommend ?

>> No.10450757

You know they have people hired for all of those roles now right and have for like six months?

>> No.10450768

Hmm....good question. Prob BCH

>> No.10450770

What is your favourite project in the supply chain sector atm?

>> No.10450775

>wrong hand drive

Into the trash it goes

>> No.10450782

Adoption then, and once adoption is there. Revenue from customers, then scalability to bring more customers onboard

>> No.10450785

Hello Anon.
What do You think about INT

>> No.10450789



>> No.10450792

You have lambo and you are rich.

But could you give 1 million pounds to a random stranger every month and continue to be rich?

>> No.10450804
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>> No.10450807

Since the incoming coinbase listing i was thinking in ADA

>> No.10450831


Should I be all in on AMB?

>> No.10450837

Nice car watchbro. Thoughts and Oyster Pearl (PRL) and WABI? Will they ever reach their previous ATH?

>> No.10450846

You shouldn’t be all-in on anything other than BTC in 2009. If you missed that opportunity, never go all in, ever.

>> No.10450894

I think mass scale adoption is key here. If you’re old enough, think how MySpace got taken over by Facebook and it ended up being irrelevant, along with all others - Friendster / Bebo etc. It’s all about the community and mass adoption. As Crypto is so new, it’s like the first wave of websites - they all had value, until barriers to entry were so low, anyone could build a website - but it was the ones which added the most value with mass adoption (1%) which remain today - I would be confident that it may also be applicable to Crypto too.

>> No.10450898


Understood - I've been looking into radix but I really like the look of AMB for now as well.

What are your thoughts on Ambrosus? Do you think the project will succeed? Could you give an EOY price prediction?

>> No.10450933

So you think PRL and WABI are MySpace and Bebo of by-gone era? No hope for them anymore?

>> No.10450953

I’m not a magician, if I knew the value EOY then I’d be on an island sipping cocktails with little unbrella’s - the world doesn’t work like that. You take calculated risks based on your personal investment criteria / thesis and continue to improve your knowledge from there. If you’re adding so much value into the ecosystem, there may be opportunities to not just invest in projects, but also advise / become a board member of them. This allows you to shape the future of the company. Once that happens - then you can play a small influence in - “what will the price be by ‘X’ date.

>> No.10450967

oh this faggot again, join the revolution, get info of chan with 3rd party software to pump n dump and join my telegram group.

rented lambo, fake person, a shill for ico's etc.


-9$ Nebulas strong buy (currently 3,3$)
-0.3$ CMT STRONG BUY ( 50% loss)

Go fuck yourself pajeet and stay off chan.

if you want recognition go on reddit or put sharpie in your ass faggot

>> No.10450983

>7,800 miles

Shit is already on the way out. Enjoy the upkeep, bitch.

>> No.10450985

Wow lol. I feel sorry for you. You should read a self help book, they’re really good and help people like you improve in life.

>> No.10450994

You're a fag and have a ton to learn in life - you'll end up lead even if you make it because you're a sack of shit

>> No.10450998

don't bother asking about LINK, he's only shilling the coins he is paid for. His end game is ICO shill and marketing shill which is targetting biz and other sources. Confirmed in many threads by anons with IQ higher than double digits and also by himself on his telegram group.

"I want to help community".


>> No.10451006

When you look out the window do you see rain when I see sunlight? The glass is half full, not half empty my friend.

>> No.10451023

nah faggot, I can go on warosu and dig all of your bad calls, go on your telegram group and dig even more bad calls which I already mentioned here and I can break down your game even more. you don't know me or anything about me, but I know for sure who you are. go fuck yourself

>> No.10451026



Nope this is clearly "ask me a question and get a cryptic response"

Fuck off

>> No.10451027

Do you still pay rent to your parents whilst still living at home?

>> No.10451047

Cool story bro. Tell me more.

>> No.10451048

Im all in on IOTA

Will I make it?

>> No.10451063

No. IOTA is a DAG, which does not scale well. Reconsider

>> No.10451078

Like bb.com misc? Why do you bother with that shithole just go to /fit/ if you want to larp as a powerlifting gay guy.

>> No.10451081

Why are u guys sucking some dudes dick who has a lambo and bites his nails and wears wrinkly ass fuckboy shorts? Dear God you guys are insecure losers. Just like this faggot who thinks he's hot shit because he has some change

>> No.10451088

That guy might need help but you should also own up to your shit calls.

>> No.10451092


Agreed, this watchbro guy is actually cancer.

>> No.10451094

this can be said for basically any crypto right now (ETH and BTC specifically). no offense bro but your advice in this thread sucks. nothing you said had any inherent value. pls leave. we dont want you here.

>> No.10451097

You are a fucking braindead pajeet if you don't invest in IOTA and I hope your mommy will die in her sleep tonight!

And now go back to your moms basement and prepare her funeral bitch!

>> No.10451104

also your fashion sense fucking sucks. get rid of the cargo shorts. this isnt 2003

>> No.10451118
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Still ad hominem, watchbro, please answer questions and let's talk about truth.

How much you got paid for AMB,MAN,NAS,CMT shills which went down 50% or more from time you shilled it here and in telegram which I'm part of just for laughs?

What would you tell to all those people that lost 50% of their money ? 70% in NAS example?

MAN is multiyear? I think I can grab your exact writing that it will go only up, and it's a hidden gem.

>> No.10451122

DAGs work, IoTA is just absolute shit.

>> No.10451130


This is not going how you thought it would, is it?

Next time try to be less of a braggadocious dick head.

>> No.10451161
File: 551 KB, 1024x576, 1522768738362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no richfags lurking /biz/ they said
>it's all an elaborate larp they said
I knew it, we do have /biz/lets who've made it to lambland.

>> No.10451164

How do you keep your hands so pristine and hair free?

>> No.10451171

Did you enter crypto last week? You’re aware that the majority of coins have gone down 50%+ right? You know that BTC went from $20k to $6k? You should invest in bonds if you’re looking for stability

>> No.10451175


>> No.10451177


>> No.10451181

How was your appointment with vitalik?

>> No.10451184

lmao btfo

You're still a faggot fagbro but it's fun to shitpost in your threads sometimes.
See ya.

>> No.10451185
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Want more of calls ? May 18th calls from Telegram.

Check those losses out LMAO

>> No.10451202
File: 72 KB, 1409x745, manfrommay18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man from May 18th.

>> No.10451207

There’s a project called “fiat” you should buy it. It provides extreme stability. See my post above

>> No.10451229
File: 67 KB, 1469x774, nebulas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebulas from May18, remember LamboBro shilled it for 9$ a piece

>> No.10451232

Show the bitcoin chart too. The fact you don’t understand how the crypto market works and/or we have been in a bear market since Jan illustrates you being a novice in the market.

>> No.10451242

What did you make your money on?

>> No.10451246
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GAZELLE OFF IN 130th position, yet this nigga is talking shit on link

>> No.10451254

So you're still accumulating then?

>> No.10451260

your doing god's work, anon

>> No.10451265

love your style bro. also im super fucking jealous of you.

>> No.10451268

If you think everything goes up in a straight line you’re a fool. Dips and lows allow buying opportunities, gains and highs provide selling opportunities. If the fundamentals of a project do not change, and the prices decreases, this is seen as an opportune moment for an investor, it’s cringeworthy reading your idiotic messages which state clearly you do not understand market cycles or an astute understanding of finance.

>> No.10451276
File: 68 KB, 1611x757, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go mr.marketer Bitcoin is 300$ short from May 18th.

Yet your fuckin shitcoin calls, are down 50%+ in most cases.

Oh should I dig AMB calls mister lambo bro ?

Those will be funny aswell. How much did Versetti paid for that 4chan tool ?

>> No.10451306

Thoughts on OMG?

>> No.10451314

When bitcoin hit $10 from a high of $100, did you sell or did you buy more? I’m not saying that all coins which depreciate 90% in value will reach higher highs, but the fact you state a timeframe of 3+ months, when projects have roadmaps if 3+ years, tell everyone you’re not only short sighted, but inexperienced in investment. Great businesses take years to build not 3+ months. Please teach me more.

>> No.10451318
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Yeah OP is a faggot LINK all day baby

>> No.10451328

what the fuck, you're in Hong Kong?

>> No.10451334
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DIPS NIGGA ? Those people just lost 50% of their investment in less than 2 months, nigga, your call should be "stay in tether BTC dip incoming,buy in later".

Meanwhile your calls :
-Nebulas strong buy 9$
-AMB strong buy 0.6-0.8$, praising the project
-some fuckin shitcoins that are down aswell

nigga get the fuck out of chan

This anon gets it. The other people in the thread might be dudes from his paid fuckin shill group or employees.

>> No.10451345

Hey Watchbro!

Thoughts on Orchid Protocol and CProp?

>> No.10451378

God Rolex's are fuckugly.

>> No.10451382
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say 'project' one more time faggot

>> No.10451393


Hey watchbro! Love hearing from you man don't listen to these jealous anons. JK you're a massive faggot. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.10451403


Pretty sure that skyscraper in the background is the Shard, aka London

>> No.10451404
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you are trying to seem pseudointelligent yet you didn't refute any of valid arguments i presented while outing you on your bullshit paid shills. nigga just give up, you are not an oldfag, you are not a friend of chan, you specifically started first thread and created telegram group to earn money by marketing yourself to ICO and coin companies. nigga do you think you are talking to a baby? your endgame was fuckin dissected through more than 5 threads already.

we followed you, joined this bullshit group and laughed at this fkin watchbro website. join the revolution hahaha.

good luck on your fuckin fake life nigga.

this is not a place for you. fuck you forever.

>> No.10451414

>Hmm....good question. Prob BCH
>I also like BCH - download the app

OP is a thinly veiled BCASH shill. Go back to sucking Jihan and Roger's dicks for some shillbux instead of giving /biz/lets fake brainlet-tier advice.

>> No.10451420
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fuckin snake in the grass

>> No.10451443

Lol where you got that from?

>> No.10451455

Why the fuck you do you use the word nigga? If anything, you should be using the word nigger. Isn't this watch faggot a chink anyways?

>> No.10451461
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>namefag got BTFO

>> No.10451465
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Another great call, Guys TRILLION of dollars coming, buy Neo at 80 bucks.

Fast forward , oh now you got 30 bucks, sorry, buy next coin.

>> No.10451471

you're right, my bad.

Looks an awful lot like HK. Haven't spend much time in London.

>> No.10451482

Thanks for reminding BIZ what kind of fake personality OP is.

>> No.10451492

warosu, this guy got doxxed like in second thread or so.

and yeah Neo call>>10451465

Is from May 18th 2018 aswell.

Curtain down. Thread derailed.








>> No.10451507

fucking saved
watchfag btfo

>> No.10451518

Btfo haha

>> No.10451534

Anyone who read that cryptic BS past 'the chinese govt is very supportive of crypto', deserved to be fleeced.

>> No.10451552
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jesus h christ op is getting btfo

we thank you for your service fellow autist

>> No.10451555


>> No.10451560
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>the chinese gov are very supportive of crypto
Nigger what?

>> No.10451564
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>> No.10451563

Please tell us why Penta is not doing well... Thanks

>> No.10451572

I guess he will try another day right?

Pass the torch.


>> No.10451597

>tai lopez here with my Lamborghini
>in my Lamborghini
>getting fucked by my Lamborghini
>behind me are all my watches here
>I wear a watch a week
>let me tell you the five secrets to how I got my wealth

>> No.10451605

You are an idiot. Nice rental, douchebag faggot

>> No.10451621
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>How does it feel to know you tried so many gullible anons into buying a shitcoin and dumping their bags on them?
>month later, hmm let's create thread with lambo pic

It was a pleasure reminding what a fuckin piece of shit you are, come visit next time.

>> No.10451631

Whos this aids patient?

>> No.10451645
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I'm not a fud but these guys raise some real concerns. I understand we're in a bear market but the projects you recommended here and on TG really had some big losses.

penta was the last coin that dumped and no wonder looking at the supply

as for icos you only recommended the ones you are an advisor on your website and for now endor was one of the worst icos ever.

you can see how this screams payed shill
most of us are poorfags and are looking for a chance to make some money. you said you make these threads to help but you haven't did that so far with any of your picks. no offense but with all your wealth and insiders info you can't trow us a bone?

>> No.10451658

MISC? Do you remember MrAngry?

>> No.10451689

QASH thoughts?

>> No.10451701
File: 314 KB, 1000x1271, 1518423815594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you be that stupid is beyond me. i guess you need to be drained to zero, can you send me your BTC ? I will trade it for you and give it back mister.

>> No.10451717


why are you, a grown man, wearing short pants outside of the house?

>> No.10451733

Lol the OP got btfo.

>> No.10451736


OP's name is Ryan Donnelly


>> No.10451756

checked. he's a chinknigger in my eyes now

>> No.10451758

>OP so utterly BTFO'd he just stops replying
A true man would defend his convictions because he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing. But apparently you DO know you're in the wrong, causing massive losses. Kys pls.
And to think I was curious about your position on REQ.

>> No.10451761
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> Please teach me more.
did i teach you enough?

>> No.10451782

You just fucking raped him, man. He's already dead anon! Kek

>> No.10451813


>> No.10451846

Stop defending yourself watchbro. You've made me a lot of money, and given me a lot to research, from which I've learned quite a bit.
>Hello Misc
Why did you do this?

>> No.10451879

Or health
>That wrist

>> No.10451902

lets call him watchfag

>> No.10451921


alright, what's the shortest path to lambo?

>> No.10451951

I guess you're right he's not gonna help he just came here to larp his lambo

I just hope he's not using his wb private tg to shill and market his icos rather than helping people

>> No.10451964
File: 257 KB, 1909x907, ez7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah totally, awesome calls from the start.
WhoreBro is more fitting i think.

Does anyone have a link or remember how his thread from February 13-14 2018 was named?
Somebody named him watchbro in that thread,and can't find it on warosu. His nebulas explanation was hi-la-rious.

>> No.10451980

asking real questions

>> No.10451989

i can't help you more, if evidence i provided in this thread are not enough for you, you are just a brainlet. also this place is not plebbit so gtfo aswell,i bet you are on chan less than 1 year.

>> No.10452029

Took you guys long enough to catch on, don't worry he will jump into another one of his alter egos to try to shill you stuff

>> No.10452033

he gave you one


look it up

>> No.10452045
File: 8 KB, 426x155, ez8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the first thread
>Board advisor in Crypto, NYSE company, Bought bitcoin in 2012
>Buy NEO at 130$ a piece

Damn feels good

>> No.10452061
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>> No.10452091

fag is getting rekt more than brazil

>> No.10452102
File: 92 KB, 1522x790, ez10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally not ICO shill

>> No.10452135
File: 48 KB, 707x235, ez11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endor part 2
>just buy k
>just fuck me up
>just lose 50%
>1600 sats to 600 sats

Not an ICO shill

>> No.10452174

I bought AMB at $.30 sold at $.90 and EOS at $5 and sold at $20 and POLY at $.35 and sold at $1.05. Watchbro helped point in the correct direction but you had to be willing to research and watch charts on your own and make your own decisions. I don't consider these calls anyway. He said, "look at (x)". I looked, read papers, decided to invest and then sold.

>> No.10452177


>> No.10452195


>> No.10452220
File: 5 KB, 135x40, Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 4.37.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have shots from most of that thread. Here's the moment of conception

>> No.10452229

>shills BCH
>responds like an asshole

>> No.10452259
File: 107 KB, 1437x811, ez12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liar, his first thread was in February 14th, when EOS was at 10$ already.

Did You bought Tomocoin elite gem pick ?
>pic related

That's your guru.

I can also make 50 fuckin calls, and be right about two. But I don't pose like some fake persona, and make people lose their hard earned money.

99% of his calls were bad, and my case and many others is, he used this calls to pnd and/or was paid to make, but i guess you know shit about how marketing is done.

>> No.10452318
File: 105 KB, 1548x886, Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 8.10.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't buy immediately haha
I was waiting for reasonable entry but I was only watching EOS because Watchbro said >watch Dan Larimer. You must've missed the IQ threshold. Out of everything he mentioned I only went for Amb, Eos, Poly. All successful. I would've gotten into Endor though honestly had I not been burger. Also CoinMetro was from Watchbro if I remember correctly, but I didn't get into that either

>> No.10452326
File: 33 KB, 1782x457, ez14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought AMB at 0.3 ?
>0,52$ when he made that call

You went 50% in ETH in NEO in February aswell?
So I think you lost most of your money anon. Sorry lambo bro got to eat.

I'm bored. This thread is abandoned, and this fag will come back next month.

Was fun frens.

Buy LINK. Fuck FUD.

>> No.10452334
File: 1.36 MB, 1200x3835, pf2-b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my portfolio, please. Advice appreciated.

>> No.10452356

Yeah sure, sure, he made you a lot of money. I guess You picked only those 3 and sold at peak, because you are the most intelligent person out there. You totally passed 99% of his calls which would lose you 50% or more money.


>> No.10452366

Hey watchbro don’t listen to these losers. What you working on atm?

I’ve spent the last 6 months increasing my skill set. Managed to join the management team of a couple of legit upcoming icos and trying to figure out a way to make consistent income from this space. To have more you need to become more. Godspeed friend

>> No.10452434

> Managed to join the management team of a couple of legit upcoming icos

Interesting daneesh, can we hear more about those ICO's or you will create thread tomorrow with your shitskin friends ?

>> No.10452468

I like BLZ as a project though :(

>> No.10452471

Excuse me, Sir?

>> No.10452516

>you've succeeded where I failed. Not possible
t. Salt

>> No.10452520

>i witnessed the great chan firewall

Thanks to whoever put that up. Glad I helped WatchBro.

>> No.10452539

Completely missed the point and like 15 screenshots. Good for You dude, follow his calls more, just get the fuck out of chan. This isn't p

>> No.10452673

All your ico picks have performed worse than average, or were outright disasters like endor. (Good icos still held value in this bear market; yours are shit). You are essentially a low key amb shill—this much is obvious. You have no true valuable insider info.

>> No.10452781

no 1 good chart from 4chan archives

this thread is trash

>> No.10452817
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1531153338108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Retard confirmed

>> No.10452856

Do you dab when you make a dollar?

>> No.10452918

Lot of good projects waiting on the sidelines for the market to gain steam again desu. The real believers have their heads down working rn.

Anyone whining about the draw down in the last 6months is missing an opportunity to marshall their resources and build products for the next line of greedy norms that will inevitably enter the market. Be it 3 months from now or 2 years.

>> No.10452927

His trade calls are thrash anyway. why do other anon engage with these clown posters?

>> No.10452976

I wonder how much money you actually make orchestrating a telegram pump and dump group?

Like, how would a bunch of third worlders from a cambodian basket weaving group have enough money to make any appreciable movement in a coin?

Unless you were focussing on super low volume shitcoins on some backwater exchange that no one has an account with.

>> No.10453150

LMAO this guy gets wrecked in every thread all the time. Very entertaining. He'll have to switch names again soon though

>> No.10453260

>Link may have good tech, but tech is only one of many things that constitute a successful project. Let’s not forget that in business, the development department is just one of a multitude of departments

LINK is a network, more akin to a protocol that crypto needs to have functioning businesses.
>Sales / Marketing / Partnerships / Legal / Compliance
The lambo is getting to your head.