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10443518 No.10443518 [Reply] [Original]

>two minute walk to gym
>ten minute cycle to work
>five minute cycle to supermarket

How do commutercucks/carcucks cope with spending hours of their life everyday going from one place to another (not to mention the costs of having a car)?

>> No.10443543

>ten minute cycle to work
i have a 4 minute drive to work nigger

>> No.10443552

Why do poorfags brag about not being able to afford cars? This is the weirdest cope I have ever seen. Are you by chance european because if you are, it starts to make a little more sense.

>> No.10443683

I am European. I could afford a car if I wanted to, but I'd rather save more money so I can become financially independent sooner. Why trade a year of my life wagecucking so I can buy a hunk of metal that moves around the place? And I'm perfectly happy cycling, I don't have any need for a car.

Cool, but I'd rather cycle because it's healthy and it saves money.

>> No.10443729
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I love when the cyclists block traffic because they're enjoying their pastime hobby and blocking everyone else's drive to work

>> No.10443743

One tiny info you have forgot
>Spending 70% of you income for your 30 square meter condo

>> No.10443751
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>he doesn't drive

>> No.10443764

>everyone can get a job within a practical cycle distance of their home

>> No.10443778


I am European too and I share same opinion as OP. Thank you Americans for ruining our planet with your fat CO2.

>> No.10443781

pieces of shit don't care how much time they waste.
They love just sitting around doing nothing.
They do it for entertainment all day long (they say they watch tv 5 hours a day but the whole day they just sit and rot there like pieces of shit they are)

>> No.10443787

i prefer european cities but europeans don't seem to understand anything outside their incestous little villas.
USA is big. HUGE and sparse. biking to work would take most people 3 hours one way

>> No.10443789

Sounds like projection.

>> No.10443793


I used to cycle to work but moved further out. Feels bad not having sick cardio and being lean from cycling 12 miles a day.

However 30 min drive means I can punch out 2 pimsleur lessons a day and I'm starting to become fluent in Russian.

>> No.10443809

Enjoy straining your perineum and rekking your sperm count.

>> No.10443811
File: 426 KB, 1653x1023, slow your roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I intentionally pedal slow when there's enough cars behind me during peak hours. eat shit wagies

>> No.10443834

Does the sound of an engine frighten you or something?

>> No.10443847
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love this meme

>> No.10443849

I love going 4mph taking up the whole lane up a hill as traffic piles up behind me. Dumb trafficcucks deserve it.

>> No.10443876

>Metro 30 minutes to work
>8 minute walk to several supermarkets
I would be severly depressed if i was a commutecuck. Beeing a wagecuck is already bad as it is but atleast im not a commuter

>> No.10443886
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>>Why trade a year of my life wagecucking

>MFW I realize europoorfags are so poor they cant even find a clunker for less than a years salary

>> No.10443889

Driving cars is for poor people who cant afford a chauffeur desu

>> No.10443896

i love driving so close to you you visibly shit yourself and pull over to let me pass. fucking bikefags.

>> No.10443916

I get that a lot of the american wagies here can't afford to live in a walkable transit-friendly place, but the fact that they feel the need to defend blowing tons of money so they can be stuck in their cars for hours a day is what's baffling. I guess it's the definition of cope.

A cities' quality of life is directly proportional to the number of people who choose to walk or bike to work. There most common argument is "europoors can't afford cars" but its just not true. Not driving is just infinitely more pleasurable than traffic.

>> No.10443970
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>but the fact that they feel the need to defend blowing tons of money so they can be stuck in their cars for hours a day is what's baffling.

Anon, you can find cars in the US for $500.

Even a mcdonalds employee makes $18,000 a year in the US.
1/36 your yearly income is not a ton of money.

>> No.10443997

This is the problem. Americans are really this stochkholm syndromed into the car mindset they think like this despite all of the obvious problems. I genuinely think this guy isn't being a disingenuous ass. He's just retarded and drank the koolaid.

>> No.10444010
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>this confuses the american

>> No.10444040

>Have a car for situations
>Walk/ cycle to job anyway
You're a faggot

>> No.10444046
File: 390 KB, 951x542, nmfMDlv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe we just don't live in a small ass fucking country.

>> No.10444060

I train and subway to work and use the time to read and listen to podcasts and improve myself. What do you do with your free time? Gym and shitpost on 4chan?! KEK i'm years ahead of you. I do calisthenics at home, why spend money on an overcrowded gym to look like every bloated faggot out there when you can acquire true strength, stamina and ideal phisique with your own body weight, a couple of dip bars and a pull-up bar?! Not even talking about the injuries your gym equipment is gonna do to you that you'll need to spend thousands in therapy for when you're older.
Get fukt faggot

>> No.10444135

yeah, why would you put that shit in your car when its literally $500 to make it auto and then you can text while driving

>> No.10444221

never understood why manual is seen superior to automatic for your average driver.

>> No.10444242
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>I train and subway to work and use the time to read and listen to podcasts and improve myself.

>> No.10444282

Ive hit 2 bikes lol fuck em I hope they died

>> No.10444343

I live in Chicago and do the opposite with my bike. Because think about it, is any person in a car really going to intentionally hit a cyclist? Their insurance would go out, the police would come out, their car would be damaged. No driver wants to deal with that. That means you can control the road as a cyclist. Cars might get close to you and try and freak you out, but in a came of chicken, they always give first. Get REKT, carfag,

>> No.10444366
File: 932 KB, 1920x1299, 1527953551587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drive to work because its the most efficient way to get to work.

You're faggot yuro ass wouldn't know a goddamn thing about efficiency.

>> No.10444393
File: 453 KB, 280x207, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 minute car ride, and he doesn't just walk

>> No.10444431

>That means you can control the road as a cyclist.
Keep living in memeland. Cyclists *always* pull over to let me past when I'm revving behind them. They look like pathetic weak effeminate little cucks as they look over their shoulder and start to panic as they the superior vehicle approaches. They know who the alpha in the situation is. It's a fucking great feeling breezing past them in my comfy, fast, pussy-magnet automobile with my hot bitch in passenger and seeing the little bike cucks pedal away on their little two wheeler. Such a fucking *SNAP* moment.

>> No.10444467
File: 2.86 MB, 720x480, car_culture.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're being too pragmatic for this board.

/pol/ neets are simply too angry and too frustrated by sexual inexperience, making them incapable of listening to reason

>> No.10444476

you sound like a typical ameri fat.

>> No.10444487

eurocarcuck here
going to work 20 mins a trip in my turbocharged miata.
best 40 minutes of the day

cope harder

>> No.10444562

That image is fantastic

>> No.10444591

Before I quit I had to drive 20 minutes to work. America is cucked

>> No.10444604

>bragging about being so poor that people can't afford automatic transmissions

>> No.10444610

>4 min drive when you’d be better off walking the 15 minutes to get your exercise in

>> No.10444654

>auto cope

>> No.10444680

I drive manual as I apparently am expected to as a german but I don't really see the advantages

>> No.10444725

I walked everywhere for years and getting a license and car felt like freedom. Walking is great exercise, but relying on outside influences to get anywhere outside a 1 mile range in a timely manner will create many inconveniences. Especially if you want public transit.

>> No.10444764

>work from home
>got an electric bike anyway with govt subsidies just for fun
It feels great to pass poor people with a regular bike at a leisurely pace

>> No.10444861

automatic transmisions are for cucks

>> No.10444868

t. europoor pleb