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File: 189 KB, 1080x1473, signal-2018-07-26-232922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10440632 No.10440632 [Reply] [Original]

Who is making money off this?

>> No.10440640

The paper straw Co of China

>> No.10440672

Good. Finally strawcucks are going to get what's coming to them.

>> No.10440684

wtf they're banning plastic straws?

>> No.10440691

you can go to jail in California now for serving straws

>> No.10440710

lol cucklifornia at its best

>> No.10440978

Mcdonalds are banning them here, not sure what the plan is, just drink straight from the cup like a fucking neanderthal I guess

>> No.10440980

>lol cucklifornia at its best
The city is Santa Barbara it really is the best place on earth

>> No.10440996


>> No.10440997

In my east europe country they are banning plastic bags. Total madness. They have it out for plastic the crazy loons.

>> No.10441002

As a forester, I would like to thank all of the Californicucks for supporting the forest industry. We really need to shift back to wood and wood fiber products. :)

>> No.10441033

unironically win-win

>> No.10441048

I guess deforestation is a better alternative

>> No.10441098

Seriously though everything should be packaged in cartons, glass or aluminium cans only, these laws should have been passed 20 years ago, not now fucking idiots

>> No.10441105

It's always jews

>> No.10441111

>What is sustainable forest husbandry

Though in this case it doesn't matter since
The forest fires will solve it all. I hope the whole state burns down.

>> No.10441113

I think it's jut climatization to make normies think that big guys are trying to save the world.

"Aw, thats good!"

>> No.10441118


pretty soon the whole world is gonna be filled with plastic

>> No.10441421

What about hemp? With weed legalization coming, hemp is bound to be used as an alternative to a lot of plastic products

>> No.10441510


>> No.10441532

Not at the federal level while Sessions and Trump/Pence are still around

>> No.10441562

The environmental concern craze is just ramping up so by the time it hits full steam Trump probably won't be president

>> No.10441571
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>virtue signal so hard that providing straws now have a longer jail term than shooting at cops

Glad I walked away from that ponzi scam called liberalism just in time.

>> No.10441613

do you people know what fucking microbeads and plastic lint is gonna do? there's tons and tons of tiny plastic shits floating around capable of supporting its own biosphere. there is now a new habitat that certain types of bacteria can thrive on, and this shit gets into fish and birds and eventually we'll have plastic pumping through our blood. bacteria infested plastic. if you think this is some kind of conspiracy for money, you're wrong. yes it's liberals imposing their self-righteousness on others, but if you're not a little paranoid about plastic then more bliss for your ignorance.

>> No.10441728

I heard confetti is the worst

>> No.10441738
File: 136 KB, 750x429, 456DEF8E-8EB0-47F8-BEAD-02BB46CE108C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we’ll have plastic pumping through our blood
if you use these chemical bomb soaps and shampoos with ingredient lists filled with this fucking shit you already do

>> No.10441770

I'll be long dead before any of that happens and future generations can go suck a fuck

I don't want them to have anything nice while I'm dead

>> No.10441782

The gubment and establishment cucks. NASA. Social and geoengineering backers. Does anyone see the kind of shit we're up against? Society is fixed through manipulation of language. Memetics is real. Conspiracy theories (not all) have so much information that they are true.

Not sure what crypto will do because it relies on energy in the form of electricity and the internet. Say what you want, but what would you do if you can't access your wallets? What if the inevitable SHTF happens? It's back to precious metals, ammo, water, and other shit for survival. Crypto really is just gambling with the house even if some of these tokens are invested in. For now, it's manipulation and you still can't use bitcoin in general stores. That is the whole fucking point of it. It's not meant to be traded.
Can see tokenizing assets and on to off chain transfers as important steps for adoption.

The zionists, rothschilds whoever. The whole shadow government. These fucks have been in on this shit. If they weren't they took over Bitcoin core with Blockstream. All people do is short bitcoin and margin trade it. December 2017 really fucked up the psychological for people who were interested in buying Bitcoin and using it.

I don't want to get rich anymore. I want to use programs, apps, payment systems, and fuel my future for my children. Because the central governments systems are corrupt period and they will not give up. The British monarch, all the families, the illuminati, the hidden hand, all of it.

How the fuck are we gonna have a better world?

>> No.10441813
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By crushing them with our lambos and sending them plagues of frog macros.

>> No.10441819


It's all a big con game and Crypto is the newest part of it. It gives people the illusion of freedom, while quietly enslaving them. We're fucked either way.

>> No.10441837

Reed farmers. Fucking Big Grass.

>> No.10441850

yeah anyone that doesn't support the ban enjoys estrogen leeching into their food and making them women i guess. maybe that's why when i go to fit there's always these low testosterone meat cucks chimping out from all the plastic leeched into their meat

>> No.10441858

except it's already happening retard. plastic is in all our food especially seafood and it's likely the main reason why test levels and iq are decreasing worldwide

>> No.10441864

beautiful area but the people are retarded, good times make you a weak cuck

>> No.10441875


private prisons

>> No.10441882
File: 855 KB, 4608x2592, IMG-20180706-WA0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed to stir my coffee in Seattle with a straw made from organic plant matter...it melted and went limp dick instantly. But hey, at least shooting up in the streets is legal in Seattle.

>> No.10441955

based quads

>> No.10441968

forest area in USA has been steadily growing(heh) for some time now

>> No.10441987

or just don't eat Mcdonalds you prehistoric idiot.

>> No.10442011
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>> No.10442015


>> No.10442020

>eventually we'll have plastic pumping through our blood. bacteria infested plastic.

Already there slowpoke

>> No.10442025

Fucking based

>> No.10442150

I'm still gucci so whatever

>> No.10442205

uh yeah you're not supposed to actually "feel" it retard. unlike drugs, it is gradual and chronic to assimilate you so while you'll feel "normal", the effects are still there and can only be easily distinguishable when you do extensive tests to compare the past you vs now.

>> No.10442313

California did that like 8 years ago

>> No.10442324

because we practically destroyed them all generations ago

>> No.10442351

they are not nigger. They are only taxed ... which is a good thing

>> No.10443104

Strawcucks BTFO

>> No.10443121

use the straw, get the rope

>> No.10443219

Yea because plastic polution isnt real.
I hate all the environment bs but plastic polution is fucking disgusting and sad. Would gladly pay 1$ extra for removing plastic.

>> No.10443342
File: 36 KB, 750x732, 1532532535816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, tree nigger. Industrial hemp is the future.

>> No.10443354

A beautiful place and locale don't really make up for retarded people and delusional city/state leaders. The leaders should be publicly executed

>> No.10443392


>them only possible material a straw can be made out if is plastic

>> No.10443435
File: 63 KB, 1229x885, plastic rivers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't see the point, it's just symbolic feelgood politics. The plastic westerners use just ends up in an incinerator or dump.

>> No.10443484
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>> No.10443583

Same here friend

>> No.10443608

Typical idiotservative.
>don't ban things that are bad for the environment!!! what are you a KEK? FUCK YEAH PLASTIC AND OIL!!!

>> No.10443622

Shit wordfilter is shit.
>KEK = cúck

>> No.10443632
File: 10 KB, 250x240, 1529672920620s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I need a plastic straw to get exposed to HIV?

>> No.10443654

Can I save this Pepe?

>> No.10443677

ok stop using your car hypocrite
guarantee your car has 10 billion times as much impact on the environment than all plastic straws combined

>> No.10443826

Some plastic crap should be taxed to hell.
Use a fucking cloth bag or a reusable plastic bag. Not sure about straws though.

>> No.10443848

That’s too much to ask for a Fatclapistani.

>> No.10444980
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Should have been here a year ago, friendo.

>> No.10445321
File: 3.00 MB, 620x349, C4CA85AA-BFC6-4CA6-9B95-FBACD7A81EF0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked based rekt and effect

>> No.10445397

Hemp isn't weed.