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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10439648 No.10439648 [Reply] [Original]

been working at the NSA for 6 years now. seen a lot of shit. ik this is business & finance but we all know its just a crypto board really and I have seen a few things over the years with BItcoin related things.


>> No.10439667

wouldn't NDAs prevent you from saying anything meaningful

>> No.10439674

is chainlink legit?

>> No.10439676

obviously the most sensitive shit but theres still a lot I can say w/o any real repurcussions.

>> No.10439684

How often do you guys watch hot girl shit/piss/change via phone cameras

>> No.10439691

What's your motivation for doing an ama?

>> No.10439697

its a pysop. jk. no one gives a shit about erc20 tokens here. its mainly bitcoin, eth and monero.

>> No.10439725

civ. survey. isnt my department. but ive heard of some fucked up shit that people there have done.


>> No.10439753

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto and why is it Sergey?

>> No.10439756

How many times have you watched me wank off through my webcam?

>> No.10439759

Q predicted this

>> No.10439772

>been working at the Nintendo for 6 years now. seen a lot of shit. ik this is business & finance but we all know its just a crypto board really and I have seen a few things over the years with BItcoin related things.

>> No.10439783

What stories have your heard?

>> No.10439788

Very big if true saboshi worked for both Nintendo and the NSA

>> No.10439808

what do you think about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange?

>> No.10439817
File: 234 KB, 1200x900, 092394839223456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Bitcoin CASH flip Bitcoin Core?

>> No.10439825

alright then- what is the nature of the top projects going on in the agency today? Any threats? Anything regarding withheld technology that we might see come in a few years?

>> No.10439845

Any funny stories?

>> No.10439852

where the fuck do all these pictures even come from

>> No.10439866

Do you guys know who satoshi Is? Is it nick szabo or hal finney?

>> No.10439879

when bcash kill bcore?

>> No.10439889


>> No.10439908

kek no. you cant have a distributed system with blocks that large. it is impossible to propogate that much data through the distributed nodes that consistently.


i dont know anyone that does but there are definitely some rumors that go around. most people think its wei dai.


>> No.10439943

Tell me how many levels of security clearance there are if you not some LARPing faggof

>> No.10439961

This is mostly a crypto board, but certain regular threads keep me coming back. Like stock market general.
I learn more from there in 2 days than most other data sources sometimes.
Put options? Some retard trying, failing, trying again, succeeding, and so on teaches a lot.
Shorting? You ever see a red faced wojack because he shorted too soon? Funny shit. Instructive as hell too.

Also, worked for the NSA for 8 years. I'm glad I left.

>> No.10439984


elaborate pls
ppl hate govt agencies because they're no different from crimes
just interesting to hear what you think about opposite team

>> No.10439987

Why are you shilling IOTA since 48 hours? Whats the point?

>> No.10439988

Not OP but I can answer that.
Public trust.
Top secret.
From there, there are the SCI components. It sucked getting read onto certain compartmentalized sections. You wind up having like 7 or 10 designations after your clearance.

>> No.10440002


are psyops real?

do you support trump?

are the nsa the good guys?

>> No.10440049


pussy incels all suck some larps dick buy the dip you poor anons

>> No.10440052

What do people at the NSA think about this Q bullshit? What is the opinion on the future of Monero?

>> No.10440087

Most people in the agency don't even know about him. Why? because it's the biggest non event there is. No security risk, no real inside information, no positions or operations threatened. Q is a non event because nothing of interest or value is even leaked. Why is nothing of value leaked? Because Q is not on the inside. If he was he would be able to describe certain collection assets and how their utilization came into play during the fisa warrant against trump.
Q is appealing to 4chan because 4channers as a whole don't know what the fuck even happens beyond the barriers. If they did, they'd be more surprised by how our government even manages to function.

>> No.10440127 [DELETED] 

oh shit your actually from the NSA... I was just larping lol. Thread revamped. Ask this anon anything >>10440087

>> No.10440128

Yeah that sounds about right to me. In that case how likely is it that Trump is impeached? There is a mass hysteria in the country right now

>> No.10440177

Bonjour mr snowden

>> No.10440186

Well, to be frank (And full disclosure, I voted Trump. Not gonna lie.), it all depends on whether Muellers investigation turns up any illegal activity. It doesn't have to be anything like Collusion with Russia or anything, but rather, because we have so many laws on the books, you're probably committing a crime without ever being aware of it. Then it comes down to whether or not the crime is actionable enough to warrant the impeachment proceedings.
Let's be frank, he MIGHT have done SOMETHING illegal, but minor while he was campaigning, and if democrats found enough votes, they could initiate impeachment proceedings. So it comes down to a few things:
Evidence of ANY illegal activities.
Support within congress to initiate Impeachment proceedings.
Whether the impeachment proceedings themselves even result in a removal from office.
Based on the investigation as it currently stands, he did ethically questionable stuff during the campaign but did not seem to break laws. Even the most recent tape. Especially since the action of reserving the right to publish a story is legal.
So, realistically, not very likely. Chances are that there will be the big hubub about it, but he will not be removed from office, but democrats can use it as ammunition during the 2020 election cycle.

>> No.10440288

You did not give any insightful information in this post. I can learn that information watching fox and friends at 5am. I was asking for NSA perspective on the issue since there is likely more information regarding various power factions aligned with Trump or Democrats. You have no info clearly and your blog post was boring

>> No.10440386

There's not much NSA perspective to be had. It's a nice story of him fighting the deep state blah blah blah, but in reality the truth is so much more mundane that it's almost beneath comment. For example Earnie is more concerned with operations in the stans and other shitholes where we have assets and is playing an apolitical game so that he can parlay his time as the Chief of Staff, National Security Agency into a better position down the line. Meanwhile Nakasone is so obsessed with cyber operations that he has reduced some funding to the SIGINT fields which results in some messes and squabbles. However, this has allowed the reconsolidation of resources to reduce overlap in collection efforts, which has always been a bit of a mess since the redundancy resulted in assets being wasted elsewhere.
So, the truth is that people are playing politics, but only so far as it benefits them. Nakasone is delightfully apolitical due to him still being a general who has Chief of staff as his ambition. Personal anecdote, he is a fucking awesome person. Recently one of the analysts from the basement (Sub floor collection offices) came up to have a word with him. He announced to Nakasone that he was going to be the DirNSA from then on. This sly motherfucker plays into the delusion and says he needs to call his secretary so she can bring in the press and whatnot. Instead he covertly tells the secretary to call the mental health people. And then when they got there, oh they were fucking slick. They told him that he needed to meet with the president and they led him out, into a van and off to a hospital.
He worked this all out well in advance.
If you're looking for a thriller tier struggle for power, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.10440407

will the government attempt to undermine cryptocurrencies?

>> No.10440437

DESU most crypto is based on algorithms developed for defense projects. The application of them outside of government efforts led to the development of crypto. It wasn't so much founded or initiated by the defense agencies, but rather, the applications were adopted from defense department projects. Much like internet today.

>> No.10440449


Why would they? There's literally zero adoption. It's not worth the effort doing anything about it when it's this small of a market.

>> No.10440484


>distributed system with blocks that large. it is impossible to propogate that much data through the distributed nodes that consistently.

Literally what? Define distributed, how distributed is necessary for a decentralised solution. Define impossible to propogate? What is the bottle neck? Internet speed or hard drive space? Explain why not tie bitcoins performance directly to the most consistently expanding field of technology instead of tying it to second layer solutions. Forget Ver, Satoshi, CSW, and 'muh whitepaper' forget all that.

Simple question do you even have a shadow of a doubt that in ten years 5+ terabyte storage will be *standard* in consumer grade laptops and that 100+ mbps internet will be standard in major urban centres in the Western and Asian world? If the answer to both of these is yes, then scaling blocks is a solution. If you think some fishing village in Africa needs to run a node to fulfil some ideological 'symbolism' of what you consider a decentralised currency to be, then you are really missing the forest for the trees.

Even 100 nodes across 10 countries is enough for bitcoin to fully serve its purpose as a decentralised currency.

>> No.10440595

Any gov't interest in OmiseGO?

>> No.10440624
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How wake is skycoin's synth on a scale of 1 to 10?

>> No.10440629

Cut to the chase... drop some fucked up shit. Also is 4chan a honeypot?

>> No.10440657

have they back doored or cracked Monero?

>> No.10440662


>> No.10440680

Talk about the upcoming 21st century criminal Enterprise using private encryption cryptos

>> No.10440685

>Anything regarding withheld technology that we might see come in a few years?

I bet you faggots figured out how to factor large primes.

>> No.10440699

tips on how to pass the QNV test. Want to get into the NSA after muh military.

>> No.10440735

Sounds about right. My dad was a Colonel and he always said anyone general and above is pretty much a politician. Also that sucks about that dude. Sounds like he cracked.

>> No.10440749

I’m glad you are enjoying your meth

>> No.10440752

I'm surprised you didn't just go intelligence. 35S was a hot MOS when I was still doing my thing there. Most intelligence MOS's worked at the NSA at one point or another.

>> No.10440844

This, you larping faggot

>> No.10440951

How "woke" are any of the well known crypto names?

>> No.10441275

How big is your cock

>> No.10441394

Do you have to go military to get into intelligence?

>> No.10441428

No just read some books

>> No.10441443


Was the NSA involved in the creation of bitcoin? If not, who was?

>> No.10441452

Kill yourself you LARPing attention whore

>> No.10441468

Is the NSA/gov't worried about quantum computing at all? Especially commercial quantum computing? Otherwise, do they have any vested interest in in-house quantum computing?

>> No.10441494

whats the plan with venezuela

>> No.10441507
File: 29 KB, 575x323, child10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of nsa are masons? Any chance other agencies will eliminate the see eye eh?

>> No.10441511

How invested are the Chinese and Russians on Bitcoin?

>> No.10441515

There's alot of mormons.

>> No.10441519

this thread is so gay...

>> No.10441526


No but it helps. You need a degree at least to do anything meaningful if you're not prior military and it's tough to get hired if you don't have a clearance already. Best entry point for civ IMO is get a technical degree then start working as an engineer at a place that'll get you your clearance and move from there.

>> No.10441536

>assange is a cunt
larp confirmed.
suck a dick.

>> No.10441543




Y'all are posting in a LARP thread.

No joke.

>> No.10441556

which agency killed julian and what method?

>> No.10441590


By forcing him to drink five gallons of almond milk.
Julian has a almond allergy.

>> No.10441593

Way to put it on display that you dont know shit about Q or why they are posting.
Hasn't been posting on 4chan for quite awhile now.
Why cant you just admit you didnt actually research or analyze what was being said in depth and quickly wrote it off as a LARP.
I believe you when you say you're N$A ppl from the gov always think they have it all figured out.

>> No.10441644

He admitted to being a larp dont get overworked.

>> No.10441657

what are the aliens thinking?

how can you detect a non physical life form beyond the realms of human thought?

>> No.10442000


>> No.10442059

They generally are great employees

>> No.10442093

why are you larping pajeet?

>> No.10442143

fantastic bullshit swallowers, true believers to the core.

t. secular ethnic mormon (my dad's dad's dad's dad's dad's dad was one of the first converts, described in his obituary as "bosom friend" to the guy that started it.

>> No.10442553

This whole thread is a larp. OP is posting from multiple IDs

>> No.10442578

We're getting shadow larped

>> No.10442666

When are you going to break btc and make SHA 256 unsafe and obsolete? It's obvious it's coming.

>> No.10442681

What do you think of snowden's attempt to shill garbage like zcash as a superior coin to monero? What is the NSA doing about XMR in general?

>> No.10443371

What is the mental age of the AI project today?

>> No.10443407
File: 8 KB, 194x123, C462F1F9-DA02-44DD-9208-8BBA5E60B0D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the CIA kill Kennedy?

>> No.10443451



>> No.10443452

The NSA/CIA whatever are holding satoshis bags aren't they?

>> No.10443595

When are you guys going to crack SHA-2?

>> No.10443750

OP has been detained for treason against the state. He has disclosed gov secrets.

For all of you who has been here in this thread will be monitored!

>> No.10443825

Because he refused to go to vietnam.