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File: 14 KB, 325x325, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10426443 No.10426443 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to stay away from ADA.

>Charles Hoskinson, founder, leaves BitShares and gets called a liar by his former partners:

>He and his chink company claims his coin is the next big thing

>Cardano stopped talking to investors after securing ICO funds:

What the hell is this? Why are people eating this shit up?
Don't do this to yourself. Just stay in ETH or BTC, or find an alt that's not run by con artists.

>> No.10426486

nICE fUD bUD. :^ )

>> No.10426495
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Dan Latriner is sooooo envious of Chad Bosskinson.

>> No.10426654

>I am well aware of the lies you have been spreading since you left and would warn everyone that Charles is a salesman that tells everyone what they want to hear and has no compulsion with stretching the truth to absurd lengths or telling outright lies. Fortunately for Charles, I will abide by the NDA when it comes to discussing what actually happened. To the extent that he says anything other than that he resigned for personal reasons Charles is violating the NDA or spreading lies. The reality distortion field is strong with this one.

>Beware of this shark, he will be your friend one day and plan your destruction in secret the next. He treats people as objects to be manipulated and used for his ends. While we were working together I always wondered why so many people disliked him and were against him. Now I know.

>Fortunately we survived the loss and have moved on.
Wow sounds like a guy I want to invest thousands of dollars in!

>> No.10426663

Why do people still care about ADA?

>> No.10426722

Anyone who believes this fud is a fucking moron

Just go on IOHK's YouTube or Hoskinson's Twitter and forget about this shit.

I happily stuff my bags with cardano each week and have been in it since 15c (the first one)

>> No.10426753
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>> No.10426783

it is amusing to see how Cardano triggers the devs of other crypto shitcoins whose dev processes are incompetent and amateurish slapdash clusterfucks. do you plan to repost this thread on a continual basis OP? didn't like the results of last identical one? lmao

>> No.10426890

Brock... is that you?

>> No.10427001

He also got kicked out by the ethereum foundation for being fucking psycho that also coincidentally had no talent.

>> No.10427062

Charles is a fucking sociopath and con-artist.

>> No.10427110
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>do you plan to repost this thread on a continual basis OP?
I indeed plan to keep making people aware of this con game and prevent them losing their money.

>> No.10427125

Most CEOs are psychopaths or else they wouldn’t push the envelope for innovation and be stuck eating dirt of their competitors.

>> No.10427183


It is an all around shitcoin. I suspect they won't end up allowing it on coinbase. Probably a smoke screen. I think zcash won't be added either. I like zcash though. ADA was a scam coin from the beginning.

>> No.10427944

LOL the FUD. Means its time to buy.
Unironically holding 100K ADA.

Fuck off pajeet faggots.

>> No.10428010
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cardano will win my friend

>> No.10428178
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>> No.10428347

Top fucking kek
>the absolute state

>> No.10428695

Only normalfags will fall for this shit.

>> No.10428741

thanks OP, we don't have much time left to accumulate

>> No.10428838
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More like the opposite

>> No.10428936
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This just happened.
As I said, he's a sociopath who can't be trusted.

>> No.10428982
File: 32 KB, 476x393, 1526386063605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am; King Hoskinson, Royal Knight of IOHK, Duke of Cardano! How dare you ask me to use the support channel!

>> No.10429094

As long he delivers the roadmap, it's going to the moon.

>> No.10429200
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>> No.10429224

>A-a-as long he d-delivers the r-r-roadmap, it's g...going to the moon.
And what makes you think this douchebag and his team of trannies will accomplish anything?

>> No.10429860


>> No.10429905


Thanks for the warnings Mr. Larimer, just sold 100k.

>> No.10429907
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>push the envelope for innovation
Some of them might be decent at b2b negotiation and marketing, but mostly they're mostly just leeches on the people with true talent.

>> No.10430228

where did the cardano dev team touch you anon? is your slapdash project being outshined by an abominable dev process that is creating the best cryptocurrency in existence? did charles say mean things about your incompetent dev team?

>> No.10430292

jesus fuck you are miserably salty. the team has been delivering on the roadmap consistently... all 160+ employees. when did chad hoskinson flirt with your girlfriend, and why did she offer to suck him off?? you've clearly got issues you poor sad fuck

>> No.10430309
File: 289 KB, 2518x1024, dancharlesvirginchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this triggers the Charles

>> No.10430321

cardanoroadmap.com for the curious. also possible that hoskinson being a principled conservatie-ish liberatarian is triggering beta leftists everywhere

>> No.10431043

Cuckdano doesn't even have smart contracts yet. Its basically just a POS blockchain right now.

>> No.10431081

hoskinson is a quintessential basedaboy though, meanwhile larimer created the most used blockchains to promote liberty which is chad as fuck
still gonna pump along with eos and that's all that matters

>> No.10431289
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Wew. Source on him not liking animals?
The rest of the stuff is pretty severe, but that's the dealbreaker.

>> No.10431310
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>best cryptocurrency in existence

>> No.10431347

$4 billion in one year with virtually zero overhead.
literally not even billionaires at this level. pretty sure he made more money in 2017 than zuckerberg, bill gates or buffet.

>> No.10431698

there is a smart contract testnet up and running for solidity dumbfuck. do you understand what the word roadmap means? jesus christ the mongloids on this board are beyond hope.

>> No.10431722

he has horses and some animal or another in the background of his youtube videos that his wife collects... that meme retard bait.

>> No.10431753

for that 4 billion he delivered security flaw riddled code and no wallet. 4 billion ICO - the US govt is going to make an example out of the EOS scam.

>> No.10431755

Cardano is the only hope for the average poor man to be milionaire

>> No.10431852

Go to bed charles. The fight is already over.

>> No.10431897

Oh wow a TESTNET.

EOS ICO wasn't open to burgers so the SEC can fuck right off.

>> No.10431942
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>smart contracts running on the Ethereum VM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow nice product you got there

>> No.10431950

Hi Charles, you got that PM yet?

>> No.10432827
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Soiy confirmed, kek