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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.10425245

>Implying Rich people go to jail

>> No.10425261

My jew brother got his reparations from dumbass goyim

>> No.10425264

Is that even legal? Selling stocks before your financial report?

>> No.10425268

Shrekeli went to jail

>> No.10425286

yeah there something called a trading window

>> No.10425297

Shrekeli made the mistake of challenging other key government players, in this case big Pharma. Zuck is central to the NSA spying program and various social engineering campaigns the world over.

>> No.10425316
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>> No.10425338


Thanks goyim for the $450M = )

>> No.10425350

Glad I never bought this premined shitcoin

>> No.10425407

where can I see a log of sold shares like this?

>> No.10425437

what the fuck?

>> No.10425458

This is fucking too easy, he is going to make so much money with a trade like this, just because of insider infos. Can't believe how fucking easy it is to make millions when you have millions this makes no sense

>> No.10425510

>Zuck is central to the NSA spying program and various social engineering campaigns the world over.
you're correct, but I could have sworn they ended that program right around the time all this facebook FUD started dropping a couple months ago
If I had jew IQ I would have put it all together
I'm looking for the links to prove what I said can't find them right now

>> No.10425664
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>> No.10425679

>that steely, cold look in his eyes

>> No.10425718

generally only brokerage firms can see this kind of data although normies can buy access for some retarded price like $4000/month or some shit or at least thats what i remember reading

>> No.10425731

do the jews never rest? what the fuck?

>> No.10425798


Scammed and Exited

>> No.10426347


>do the jews never rest?

cockroaches never sleep, goyim.

>> No.10426359

trading window typically opens AFTER quarterly results are reported

>> No.10426419

Here is the mistake

>> No.10426431

He has literally been selling all year.

>> No.10426494
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Someone will shoot this fucker.
He built a wall around his home.

2nd american civil war starts soon.

>> No.10426518
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>> No.10426535


>> No.10426540
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Kek someone make screencap compilation of this thread lmfao

>> No.10427031
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where is nasim when we need her the most

>> No.10427406

It'a somewhat amusing but also sad that the main character trait I seem to find on the /business & finance/ board is hating succesful /business & finance/ people.

>> No.10427561

>cashing out to accumulate link so he can create revenue from monetizing data mining

>> No.10427940

Based zuck dumping on facebook fags. He made them bank for years and this is how they would repay him.

>> No.10427961

He's been selling his shares once every month for the past year now. Every time this happens, people accuse him of inside trading. Jesus fuck.

>> No.10427980

>didn't even announce it like our based Charlie

Fucking worm

>> No.10427981

I honestly didn't know Facebook owns WhatsApp...

For the last month or so WhatsApp has been running in the background every morning on my phone even though I basically never use it and it has fuck all permissions. Dodgy as fuck.

>> No.10427995

imagine actually holding some kike stock like facebook

>> No.10427999

He's jewish

>> No.10428359

>Having anything good to say about a manipulative kike who sells data and tries to sway the vote while having the audacity to want to live in a secret fort

>> No.10428486

>t. believing they willingly end global mind control programs just because normies caught wind for 5 minutes.

You're never going to make it.

>> No.10428546


What an ugly fuck tho.

>> No.10428957

Its not insider trading retards. Its his company and he can sell whenever he wants

>> No.10429854

That faggot went after Hillary. He is in jail because of that.

>> No.10429911

This is bad news for boomerbook. Even old zuck no longer has skin in the game.

>> No.10429940

Insider transactions are legally required to be reported to the SEC, currently using a document called Form 4. Form 4 filings are a matter of public record, but the SEC doesn't do the leg-work of compiling the data into a resonably easy to access format. They should do that, though, since the point of making it public is so that the public can see it and the public are paying them a lot of money to gather the data in the first place.

>> No.10429959

>Shrekeli went to jail

he would never have done time if he hadn't opened his mouth and criticised the wrong people. why do you think it took so long to actually charge him with anything? shkreli bought about his own demise

>> No.10430744

Or maybe because he was middling in securities fraud? Or sure believe your delusion.

>> No.10430822

he isnt a billionaire. he is just a ugly little grifting manlet

>> No.10430908

Thank god im not a normie, i was just looking at the chart randomly and saw that run up after the dip, zuck knew his time is coming, smart faggot nigger

>> No.10431033
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>1 week later

>> No.10431048

>Shkreli went to jail for jewing other rich people
Fixed that for you

>> No.10431083

Don't fall for this FUD.

>> No.10431875

poor Zussy

>> No.10432263

literally crashing this ship with no survivors.
good thing he sold his shares, what a (((coinicidence)))

>> No.10432424

>Having anything good to say about a manipulative kike who sells data
Nobody forces people to give their data to him for free. If he hadn't done it, someone else would have. In this case the problem is the narcissistic userbase.

>> No.10432449

Is now a good time to get a facebook account? I hear it's all the rage with the young people these days.

>> No.10432478
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He has been selling fb shares publically for ages now. It is the investors to blame if they did no pay attention. And it is always the same cry whenver bad traders lose money, always blame others

>> No.10432576

look the jew covering for the other hook nose half human, what a surprise. I think zuckerfuck is a great kill. A Toast to whoemever hangs the zucks stuffed head on their cabin wall

>> No.10432599
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Rip Zucc

>> No.10432664
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So is it time to sell or buy shares atm?

>> No.10433242
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>He bought? Dump it.

>> No.10433331

There is very little to admire in Zuckie, he built his entire empire on jewing people with his spyware which is not even that great, I mean I dislike jewgle too but they actually provide cool services.

>> No.10433514

What security has a 1500% daily jump?

>> No.10433552

Why doesnt CNN talk about early sell off

>> No.10434492


>> No.10434525
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The short I opened on 213 got SL at 215, yesterday or 2 days ago.
Feels good man.

>> No.10434571

How can you have shares of your own business and sell them when you are an executive/managing director, right before an earnings call. Doesn't that qualify as inside trading?

>> No.10434891

bump for answer

>> No.10434912

unless you've locked away you shares ahead of time and have them being sold at scheduled intervals without your consent.

>> No.10434977


absolute scumbag jew

>> No.10434982

ofc he got lawyers and shit in his to help him jew you