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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10424620 No.10424620 [Reply] [Original]

i'm the heart anon from a couple weeks back. they found a fucking blockage in my LAD. widowmaker time boys. trips gets my stack when i'm dead

>> No.10424638


>> No.10424641

me pls

>> No.10424647


>> No.10424652

GL anon

>> No.10424656
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I don't want your stack but you have my prayers.

>> No.10424657

plz sir i have only 2 days left to live because of a terminal illness previously undiagnosed but then found when i went in with symptoms similar to the common cold. im only 4 years old sir please let me live my dying wish of going to america and eating a hamburger please sir

>> No.10424665

ILY pls respond

>> No.10424672

rolling without shame

>> No.10424680

So close

>> No.10424681


>> No.10424710

Since they found it... That means a PICC was performed, which means they either fixed the problem by placing a stent or referred you onto get CABG. Nice try faggot.

>> No.10424714

god bless you, sir. best of luck.

>> No.10424731

777 gibs me dat

>> No.10424734

rolling and praying for the healing of your physical body

>> No.10424749

op is a nice guy. rolling

>> No.10424758

nope. had a nuclear stress test and kept having 1mm st depressions. now need to go get a ct scan because it's not 100% confirmed. i'm only 33 and in good shape, such bullshit.

>> No.10424766


>> No.10424768

GL boss :(

>> No.10424778

ok last try

>> No.10424779

Le desperate man

>> No.10424782

how big a stack we talkin

>> No.10424783

so close

>> No.10424784
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>> No.10424794


>> No.10424804


wew LAD

>> No.10424807


>> No.10424810

Good Luck.

>> No.10424812
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what are trips

>> No.10424822

Stop eating sugar and oils. Only use butter, lard or ghee.

>> No.10424831
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>> No.10424845

What’s your family history?

>> No.10424851

exact opposite of what i've been told anon. they have me on the mediterranean diet. no refined or processed sugars but i eat fruit and olive oil. fish, some poultry, shitload of fresh vegetables.

>> No.10424852

Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.10424854

God bless man

>> No.10424860
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Jesus Christ loves you, Anon.

>> No.10424861

Hitler did nothing wrong. FUN AND REQ $1000 EOY

>> No.10424863

mom and dad both in their late 60s and no issues. mom's dad had a massive heart attack at 49 but was heavy smoker. he survived it and lived to 87. dad's side apparently had heart problems in aunts and uncles having attacks in their 50s. 33 would be unheard of though in my senpai

>> No.10424872

I'll give you credit for playing the emotional appeal angel here. If you are implying that you are currently walking around with "a widow maker" the medfag in me cannot let this bullshit slide. Unless that "widow maker" reduced your ejection fraction/cardiac function to the level of needing an LVAD to serve as a bridge to transplant, your an idiot that doesn't understand shit.

>> No.10424878


>> No.10424880

what is this pic from? i like it

>> No.10424882

Will use to make white babys.

>> No.10424885

You will make it, be strong Anon.

>> No.10424887


>> No.10424888

Well shit that's no fun

>> No.10424899

I move to turn this thread into a best heart health practices info dump so anons can enjoy their sick gains for as long as possible. Do I have a second?

>> No.10424902

Uh well I don't want you to die but about that stack..

>> No.10424907


>> No.10424908

I’ll pray to God. I think you’ll make it anon. At least you’re getting it checked out, smart moves.

>> No.10424913

i'm not walking around with a widowmaker, i'd be dead. my stress tests seem to conclude i have blockage in my LAD, it's obviously not 100% otherwise that would be the widowmaker. they are giving me more tests to see the extent of the blockage. i feel like fucking shit 24/7 and have zero energy and get fatigued fast. been laying around for 2 months. but i have yet to have that insane chest/arm pain that people talk about. i'm on lipitor and a beta blocker but i'm hesitant to take the latter because my heart rate is typically like 60 and it makes it hard to breathe

>> No.10424915

least your death will be quick

>> No.10424919


>> No.10424927

winner gets my stack when i'm dead

>> No.10424932


>> No.10424950

yeah it sucks to potentially die young but at least no cancer or violent death. just 30 seconds of pain then i probably pass out and never wake up. could be way fucking worse

also the thought of dying in like a car accident or some bullshit triggers me. at least this is just my body giving out

>> No.10424957

Give me your stack.
Also taxation is theft.

>> No.10424965

Bad way to go homie

>> No.10424968

Once you hit the afterlife, just send the keys my way. Hopefully it doesn't have to come to that

>> No.10424974

What's a trip

>> No.10425003

I hope you live a long life

>> No.10425005

issa meeahh

>> No.10425006

If they die off it ends up helping the price action in the long run. Considering they will never tell anyone, even family about their stash. Which takes things out of circulation. So yeah, keep sippin and vaping please it is great for your health, along with the tendie diet.

>> No.10425010


>> No.10425012

>restrict calories
>exercise at least 30 mins a day 5-6 times a week, mix of lifting and cardio
>no soda or junk food or fried greasy bullshit
>minimal alcohol, stick to red wine
>get physicals regularly even if you're healthy
>drink lots of water
>eat mediterranean diet centered around fresh vegetables and seafood, also nuts, olive oil, fruit, some lean poultry
>limit red meat

>> No.10425021

What about coffee? Is it killing me?

>> No.10425024
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anon what do you want me to do with your stack?

>> No.10425030

Alright faggots. We need to set up a LINK smart contract that monitors OPs respirator. So this faggot gets what is owed.

>> No.10425038

get rich and be comfy and don't worry or stress

>> No.10425041

Ditch the olive oil immediately it will kill you. You are only to eat animal fats. No plant fats. Fruit and veggies should be fine but you must cook the veggies in butter. Take 3-6 fish oil omega 3 caps per day, take a ton of antioxidants and good multi. Look up dr Peter glidden on YouTube, maybe even contact dr glidden directly for a consultation. It’s not too late.

>> No.10425049


>> No.10425069

if you want max heart health you'll have to cut down on the caffeine. maybe go green tea. but that's only if you have risk factors. if you're young and healthy now you're probably good to go. it's why all of those fat fucks eat like shit for 50 years and never have problems. it's largely genetic and smoking is the other big thing that will fuck you. i just got fucked genetically, only had like 2 cigs in my life

>> No.10425078

i'll look it up, thanks. what about the mediterranean studies though? all those fags live forever and barely have any heart disease. not a coincidence

>> No.10425081

can I please have your stack. I will triple it in 6 months.

>> No.10425095

You're going to survive, but can I have part of your stack when I'm right?

>> No.10425101

In all honest you need to seek a second opinion and get it fixed now. They are only doing extra tests to maximize what they can bill your insurance. You are 33 with a lot of life to live yet, they are fucking with you anon get it solved. If you thick Jewish business practices are fucked up, they have nothing on healthcare. This is because most people do not educate themselves and "trust doctors" as they believe docs have their best interest in mind. That is so far from the truth that if people knew the healthcare bubble would pop. You have a brain educate yourself, and find a new doc seriously...

>> No.10425105

may I*

>> No.10425116

I wish you a healthy recovery.

>> No.10425127

Try water fasting, op

>> No.10425155

the guy gave me the choice: non-invasive ct scan to 100% determine the blockage (although apparently that test is somehow fucking botched with percentages ie if the test says 30% block it could be 70 and vice versa). other option was to do the cath and then i guess they could stent it right there if it's fucked. but the doc said stents sometimes aren't even as good as medical therapy. i decided to go with the non-invasive test first just in case it comes back clean and there's something totally else wrong with me.

i agree with your assessment of the medical profession and the insurance industry. i do not think for one second any of these people have my best interest in mind

>> No.10425178
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>doesn't know about basic biology
>gives medical advice on the internet

>> No.10425185

Shameless trips get

>> No.10425196

stay strong man

>> No.10425199

1 mo time

>> No.10425214

Sorry anon:(

>> No.10425216

I will use your funds for good!

>> No.10425259

If you don’t heat the olive oil it’s not the end of the world. Actual meds live long because they don’t eat processed shit/sugar or cook with plant oils, they use butter or ghee. I would avoid even olive oil until you are better, but really just use butter it’s better for you.

>> No.10425265

Yeah you are getting fucked around BAD. What is going to be the SOLUTION to the problem? A ct scan or a trip to the cath lab? The CT scan is for one not going to fix the problem, secondly it's not going to tell them anything they already don't know. You are getting played dude I'm dead serious... Go get get the PICC, you are doped up with Fentanyl and Versed the whole time, wont feel/care/remember it. And blood thinners are not going to solve the problem. You don't take steroids/test boosters do you? That only adds to the problem...

>> No.10425282

Don't listen to anyone here for medical advice (or any kind of advice) I tip a glass of red wine to your health sir

>> No.10425293

I'm sorry to hear that, OP. Life's a game. Maybe you just speedran it.

>> No.10425317

no i don't take any steroids and never have. i assumed the heart meds might make me feel better but so far i feel worse than i did last week.

will the picc + stent fix me and basically make it highly unlikely to have the widowmaker unless there's another blockage later in life? i'm not afraid of it i just want to feel fucking better

>> No.10425333

Rolling for inheritance

>> No.10425349

i feel ok dying at 33 if i have to, i just wish i had a kid

>> No.10425360

So how does this work, OP?

>> No.10425363


>> No.10425365

you're too late anon, the trips have already been taken

>> No.10425366

Op please watch

>> No.10425415

not gonna lie this guy sounds like a quack but i don't see much harm in supplementing with omega 3

>> No.10425461

The long and the short, yes the PICC will help. The heart is muscle tissue at it's basic level, with other extremely complex things going on. A muscle needs oxygenated blood, decreased oxygenation decreases it's potential. Look up mycordial oxygenation, action potential. So by placing the stent to increase blood flow to the myocardial tissue affected by your blockage you will increase cardiac output. Thus increasing your energy levels and quality of life. It's an in depth thing to discuss on a Basket weaving form from Nepal, but yes you will feel better, and the long term complications are minimal. You will still have to sign a waiver though as it is an invasive procedure. Seriously don't fuck around with this, the longer you wait the more muscle cells die due to the decreased oxygen they are getting.

>> No.10425481
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Gimme dat

>> No.10425509

thanks medfag, i'll consider just getting the PICC over with because i'll probably have to get it either way. my echocardiagram came back really good, the guy taking it said i had a super strong and healthy heart. i have no clue why i'm having the blockage. EF is normal too. but i just feel like shit and do not want to fuck around if i can avoid a heart attack

>> No.10425531

time to ldar

>> No.10425537
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Sorry for your heart problems, I hope somehow you will be alright

>> No.10425547


>> No.10425548

been doing it the past couple months, it's pretty comfy in a melancholy way

>> No.10425553
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If I get trips. Please donate it to a foundation that helps stop this. I pray for your safety anon!

>> No.10425567

syd mead, should have known that

>> No.10425588
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>> No.10425644
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Next time you're feeling pink from dropping a few sats remember OP, health is one of the very few real riches and we often ignore it

>> No.10425659

I am a Paramedic and currently work in Cardiac Intervention Radiography AKA cathlab shit. Trust me go get the stent placed, I've been in the biz for years... The other factor they are considering is your age, most protocols don't consider a 33y/o male with chest pain cardiac in nature. This goes into the numbers game and how it effects their accreditation. The best thing you can do is be firm and direct in your demands. No one knows yourself better than you. In addition educate yourself to what's going on, it always catches people off guard when they have to deal with someone who knows what the fuck is going on.... Good Luck, like I said you are an obvious candidate for getting cathed, it's retarded they have not done it sooner considering your symptoms. Then again gotta milk that insurance, right....

>> No.10425663

I like apple pie

>> No.10425668


>> No.10425680

Genetics play a major factor in things...

>> No.10425691

Hey anon I was the anon who encouraged you to go see russian heart doctors man, we love you you fucking faggot, sell some cryptos and go, let me know if you need a guide I can go with you probably

>> No.10425699

I hope you get better anon

>> No.10425706

>Genetics play a major factor in things...
no they don't lmao

if genes coded for heart disease then they would be selected out

>> No.10425735
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Shot through the heart and you're to blame, you give love a bad name.

>> No.10425746

If you want we could get into the nurture vs nature debate but, I have real doubts you understand things beyond the /pol talking points you picked up at some point.

>> No.10425756

unless they only manifest after you're old enough to have had kids, and have some other benefits while you're young

just like sickle cell anemia conveys malaria immunity

>> No.10425765

Bon voyage to where we all will go one day fren.

>> No.10425768

please be me

>> No.10425782

i'm fit and have played sports my entire life, low resting heart rate like an athlete, heart is very healthy and strong. i shouldn't have a potentially deadly artery blockage at 33. that definitely suggests a genetic component. in march i could run 8 miles on a trail without even thinking about it, yesterday i almost had to call the hospital from walking up the street and back just to try and get exercise, thought i was gonna pass out

>> No.10425788

Sorry to hear bro, do you have any hope?

>> No.10425793

this. i'm evolutionarily worthless at my age. i should have passed my genes on many times by now

>> No.10425806

If this is true get in touch with guy on Youtube who runs snake diet. The guy gets people on extended fasts and they heal.

>> No.10425814
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Mental gymnastics, love it.

>> No.10425815

i mean the weird thing is if i was gonna have a massive heart attack i feel like i would have fucking had it by now. i didn't think you could just slowly get worse and worse for months and then have a fatal heart attack, people seem to just have them out of nowhere right? otherwise no one would have them because they'd feel like shit for months and realize they were fucked and get help... so i don't really know what the deal is. i'm on heart medicine and eating perfectly and i live literally 20 seconds from a major hospital so if i die i was gonna die no matter what.

>> No.10425823

>muh evolutionary shadow

Medical establishment don't know what causes most diseases (hint it's nutrition and pollution) so they make up nebulous "genetic" causes.

If the evolutionary shadow were a real or significant effect in humans then it would simply be that you die after you reach breading age. In k-selected species there isn't a strong evolutionary shadow because the previous generation hasn't finished the process of breeding until the next generation has reached maturity.

In addition to this basic logic, one observes that all the shit people die from thesedays are "modern" diseases. The problem being that the genetics are not modern while the diseases are.

Your soil contains almost none of the minerals you need to live. Our ancestors built up their soil burning wood and putting wood ash on their gardens generation after generation. Now fertiliser is NPK.

Plants can't make minerals. Almost all modern illness is simple deficiency of minerals you can avoid for about 20c a day if you take a decent multi-vitamin once a day every day.

>> No.10425827

>people seem to just have them out of nowhere right
only because they never listen to the warning signs, there are always warning signs

>> No.10425857

Endothelial function is not a function of exercise. Your ancestors also ran 50 miles in a day chasing down animals but they didn't suffer a blocked artery due to genetics. The genes aren't new, the disease is new.

Your endothelial cells and smooth muscle in the artery walls need magnesium, copper and vitamin C to remain healthy. If you get a break in the artery wall for any reason the body will build a scab under the endothelium to stop you bleeding to death. The scab is supposed to be temporary while the artery heals properly. However if you are deficient in the above vitamins and minerals your body has no way to repair the artery and eventually the scab grows larger and can break off.

You can also have an infection in the scab from periodontal bacteria in which case it's like an abscess that ruptures.

If you want any chance of recovery anon you should make sure you're getting lots of vitamin C, magnesium, copper and other trace minerals in your diet.

>> No.10425858


>> No.10425882


>> No.10425897

I'll also point out numerous 'extreme sports' people suffer the same fate you are. When you exercise hard you sweat out all your minerals. Then you go eat food with almost no minerals in it. Eventually you run out of minerals and your body just falls apart.

Exercise without supplementation is suicide.

>> No.10425906

is it weird that small doses of magnesium/potassium make me want to pass out? all of this heart shit started right after i got out of keto and started taking prilosec for reflux which i thought was what was giving me pvcs. i was convinced that all of this was just a low-electrolyte reaction to prilosec so i started taking magnesium and potassium in low doses but i'd literally have to go lay down and nap for hours. since then i drink a lot of coconut water and eat a lot of bananas. eventually my family made me go to a doctor and i failed my stress tests and here we are. it's really weird that it all started to get bad right around taking that prilosec, i definitely don't remember having bad pvcs before then but that wouldn't cause me to fail a nuclear stress test

>> No.10425915

what brand multi vitamin should i take? right now i just take baby aspirin and a statin and try to get potassium from coconut water and bananas

>> No.10425933

I dont care, but i hope you wont die :(

>> No.10425968

Proton pump inhibitors ruin your nitrous oxide expression it's very well known risk factor for CVD

They also ruin your ability to produce acid in the stomach which means you can't absorb any nutrients in your food which makes your nutrient deficiency far worse

Your reflux is caused by too little acid not too much, you need to eat salt with your food (lots of salt). Not table salt with crushed glass though because that will further damage your arteries.

What is your calcium intake like? You shouldn't faint from taking magnesium with food. What other drugs are you on?

>> No.10425980

see you next fall

>> No.10425987

alright and.....roll

>> No.10425992

Try something like this: https://www.iherb.com/pr/Nature-s-Way-Alive-Max-Potency-Multi-Vitamin-No-Added-Iron-180-Tablets/4120

Also get yourself some seaweed (nori) and munch on that all day it's full of bio-available sea minerals

>> No.10426006

my resting heart rate is typically around 60 and on magnesium it's gone all the way down to 41. i take finasteride for mpb, that's the only drug that would have been in my system during the time i was trying to take mag supplements. it really felt like i was just overdosing hard on it, same with potassium

>> No.10426016

based, thanks anon

>> No.10426081

Unless you're still in a critical condition I would stop taking the drugs. Drugs are highly toxic to your system, good for acute illness but death for chronic illness. You can figure out the toxicity of something by asking what happens if you double the dose. If the answer is that you die then it's too toxic to put in your body unless under an acute emergency situation.

I would say that your reaction to magnesium indicates you have very low calcium. Magnesium ions are used to relax muscles and calcium ions are used to contract muscles in the body. For example if you have low magnesium the medical establishment will sell you a calcium channel blocker (instead of magnesium supplements) to block the effect of calcium rather than give you the magnesium you need. In your case it sounds like the opposite.

Back to finasteride, it disrupts repair of blood vessels so probably not a good thing to be taking. What was the reasoning behind prescribing it to you -- do you know?

With all these supplements start small work your way up, look for positive changes in your body. Listen to your body it will tell you what it needs, and what to do. Do you have a craving for something? You need to find out what mineral your body is asking you to feed it. If exercise of a certain intensity hurts or makes you black out STOP. Those are your warning signals.

>> No.10426091

Kevin Smith had this happen to him, not two months ago. They rammed a Stent in there and he was good as new.

>> No.10426112
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you won't die

>> No.10426116
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>> No.10426122

>They rammed a Stent in there and he was good as new.

That's like saying they glued up his open wound and he's as good as new

The absolute state of modern medicine

>> No.10426127

it's for mpb, not an illness. didn't want to lose my hair young. i haven't taken it in a while ever since this shit started happening.

right now the main triggers seem to be stress, anxiety, and exercise in the heat/humidity. if i just sit in the house all day i feel better than trying to go for a walk and overdoing it or having anxiety with all the cars driving past. i tend to feel very bad and slowly start to improve over a few days, then something happens like a major stressor or over-exercising and i go right back to where i was. it's not a scenario where i'm just getting worse and worse incrementally each day.

>> No.10426141

he got lucky as fuck. 5% of people survive that type of heart attack

>> No.10426144

ayyy roolll

>> No.10426178


yeah forget your hair lol focus on your heart

>exercise in the heat/humidity

yep this is your body telling you it's a mineral deficiency. If you start seeking cold quiet environments as a craving it's to restrict sweating out the last of your minerals. You need to get on pink salt in water + seaweed + multivitamin asap fren and off all the drugs

Try get the pink salt from your local super market and just mix a teaspoon of it in water. Sip on that for an hour or two slowly rebuild your salt levels and your blood pressure might go up a little too which you need.

>> No.10426179

i'm going to sleep, i will update in a month or so after more testing. if you do not hear from me again in 2018 i unironically died. godspeed /biz/

>> No.10426191

thank you for all the info. you have a good mind, hope you make it

>> No.10426192

good luck fren I hope you make it

remember the medical establishment kills more people than they cure with this disease so DYOR

e.g. 75% of heart attack patients in the US were admitted with low cholesterol. So why cholesterol meds?

>> No.10426271

did you notice that you won?

>> No.10426370


>> No.10426413

winrar op give him the stack

>> No.10426447

gn OP

you will make it


>> No.10426644

Let missed by 2 leface

>> No.10426662

Anon do you work in healthcare or is it just general knowledge? You sound like an autist I'd trust, can you pls redpill me about health?
>tfw you get redpilled about religion and you think you made it, then you get redpilled abobut psychedelics, then about banks and institutions, then you find out that even healthcare is jewed :(

>> No.10426675

Dont die