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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10422215 No.10422215 [Reply] [Original]

At what point did you realize you weren't a wagecuck and decided to start your own business?

>> No.10422233

dropped out of college to start my own business, wagecucked every year of high school. i dont do well with authority or being told what to do so i cant imagine id survive wagecucking so had to do a business or work from home with the least oversight as possible.

>> No.10422238

27, late....but I got it up an running.

>> No.10422248

age 24

1mil revenue by year 1, 2mil by year 2

>> No.10422254
File: 450 KB, 1023x766, sobaka_mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what business did you start? can you please give me some tips?
>i dont do well with authority or being told what to do
this is me but I'm wagecucking now, I want to die anon. I don't even know who I am anymore

>> No.10422294

The funny thing is that other will do everything in their power to demotivate you about being your own man and throw statistics like 90% of start up businesses fail. Uncovering the fail gate safe is the first step to enlightenment.

>> No.10422311


Fucking help me, every day is a mental prison and I know you're right.

I have no more excuses (aside from no money) but I'm not doing shit.

Fuck my life.

>> No.10422315
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i started with geocities, running forums, editing forum plugins, sites with content, like wallpapers on it, tv episode tracking sites, financial blogs, micro job platform, crypto mining. i just make sites over and over, just putting ads on em, cull the unprofitable ones, try to make the profitable ones more profitable. i learned how to code just from needing to install plugins on forums a long time ago. had staff for awhile and then after everything started to fail and almost went bankrupt decided id just do it all on my own. gotta keep putting money into crypto so i can retire to a specific country.

>> No.10422337

buy LINK


>> No.10422341

you started back when the internet was still good

are you still making ad revenue today? doesn't it pay shitty?

also what country? please help I want to leave this jewified nigger nation

>> No.10422342

That's not the optimal solution IMHO. A scalable product is better than any website spamming / ad revenue, more scalable and more rewarding. For each their own I guess.

>> No.10422368

All i want in life is to run my own gym / internet gaming cafe. How many link do i need for such a startup?

>> No.10422381
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I-I'm not a wagecuck? Please tell Mr. Goldberg that so he'll give me the day off tomorrow!

>> No.10422460

whats the point in starting a business? i'd rather enjoy my wealth as a neet

>> No.10422499
File: 43 KB, 773x935, E5F15A20-9C03-4022-AEAB-2EDF32A9EE8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Internet cafe

Third world shithole status absolutely confirmed

>> No.10422515

before starting business i worked a job i hated and sometimes had to work weekends or late nights b/c of crunch culture in gaming industry

first two years starting business were stressful and i worked a lot of hours

now i live the neet life making passive income while my employees do most of the work

>> No.10422517

I used to do the same. Eventually ended up making a forum that promised to deliver free http links to movies, software etc but all I wanted was their email address and password from my compromised version of vbulletin I was running. Surprising how many spastics use the same password for their PayPal account as they do on any random Warez forum. We made a cunt tonne of money, the dude I was in on it with was all over bitcoin back when it started, if I was still in contact with deathstar316 I'd dare say hed be lambo'd up these days

>> No.10422521

Only cus' you got dubs

First. Don't believe me or at least fully accept everything I say. A businessmans advice is almost as worth as the quote he gives you before a job.

Find a business you have a good idea about. Estimate your charges to start it. Market the fuck out of it. Don't charge cheap(you start competiting prices when you start you've failed). Literally make every waking moment of your life dedicated to it( i used adderall and booze to keep me focused)

But remember that the business you start should not be expensive to start to begin with and NEVER start cheap but find a way to convince people your product is good shit even if it isn't. People don't usually know otherwise

>> No.10422532

ad revenue is different but it comes in cycles. i do affiliate marketing on the side and every 2-3 years people would say its over and dead, and then the next trend would start. then its dead forever, then the next trend starts. you can run a large enough site off ad revenue, the larger you get the better/higher paying ads you get and the more lenient companys are. adsense used to blacklist my sites if they had a waifu in a bikini on them, but once you drive enough traffic/revenue, they let it slide instead of blacklisting. same how they treat youtubers differently based on size which sucks when you're small time but acts as a nice gate when you get bigger to prevent ppl from coming in to compete. im in a western country, own a house, etc. all bought off ad clicks. 85% of my income is still ad revenue.

thats just the path I took, I have my old sites still up on my server but am focused solely on a single project now though i could just live off the ad revenue from my older sites. people were debating both sides of many projects vs a single project since i first started making money online. even after i take my current project as far as i can, i have more sites i want to make.

>> No.10422541

>every 2-3 years people would say its over and dead, and then the next trend would start. then its dead forever, then the next trend starts
sounds like crypto

>> No.10422549

what country are you going to, pls help

>> No.10422550

>internet gaming cafe
That's a bet on people staying poor

>> No.10422559

Literally you can rent a a small store for $1500-2000 a month and make what you want from it. The issue is what's your start up cost the first few months

>> No.10422591

oh man, when i was still in high school one day, i got the idea to try one of my users email + pass on paypal at my local librarys computers. no one encrypted passwords on sites at the time so everything was plaintext but it worked and i was like oh shit. i logged out and never went any further, just started putting messages on my sites to remind ppl they need unique passwords. but yeah, i doubt ppl even practice good password security to this day. i regularly see people trying to run bots on my own projects login pages like testing user/email/password lists they got from somewhere.

there was a site back then called movieforumz or something like that but it was just a forum where ppl linked to where you could watch tv eps and movies. that dude made bank off ad revenue, bought a ferarri, got into drugs, then shut the site off before anyone cared about copyrights.

things were simpler back then, a lot of ppl i talk to its kind of funny most people had similar paths or ran similar sites.

>> No.10422616
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being an entrepreneurship-cuck is objectively worse than wage slaving nowadays. I'd rather have a measly $100k in steady income as a wage slave developer vs. eating boot leather so I can keep my doors open for another day.

>> No.10422655

Im not even sure where ppl should start nowadays. I know some ppl who just do mturk as a neet making $500-$1500/mo. if I was starting fresh Id probably just go into apps even now when ppl say its saturated. or work any job putting money into crypto. ive been lucky so far but im sure as each year goes by you gotta me more and more persistent and get a lucky break somehow. theres tutorials everywhere if you ant to learn how to code heres a tutorial on how to make crypto dapps for instance

just going to a major city in another western country. if i wanted to save money tho and be a digital nomad id head to bangkok.

>> No.10422742

what makes you want to move to another western country?

>> No.10423930


quit pizza hut with $500 and started selling weed. That was 2 years ago

>> No.10423975

Nah, just sell an information product. You don't have to deal with customers at all if you don't want to.

>> No.10423981

this girl is what, ~20 years old? can already see the cellulite forming on her thighs.

absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10424004
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>not doing both

>> No.10424060


Was doing both for a bit then was missing out on sales and more money than I made during the shift. Consistency and being on time are the most important things.

>> No.10424071

source on pic? dont tell me it's another instagram model

>> No.10424243

About a month ago. Launching next week doing commercial energy consulting. I didn't even realise how much money was in it until halfway in. I've got a background in sales/solar/energy so it's not that big a jump. This country has a shitload of energy subsidies as well for this kind of work, I think I'll be able to clear 100k in the first month of trading (profit before tax)