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File: 239 KB, 1600x1200, SMGSpiceandWolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10416137 No.10416137 [Reply] [Original]

HMNY split goes live tomorrow edition

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed] [Embed]

Previous Thread >>10410765

>> No.10416158

I forgot to delete the first line, I did my best.

>> No.10416161
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You kinda late

>> No.10416177
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oh no

>> No.10416223

2830 soon

>> No.10416225

why are there so many goddamn tripfags on these threads

>> No.10416231

fuck anime

>> No.10416253
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>HMNY -40%
I warned you

>> No.10416255
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it... it was supposed to moon

>> No.10416278
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>> No.10416279

don't fall for the boomer dividend memes bro

>> No.10416302

it's too late
I'm down like 7% since I started trading and I don't know enough to get myself out of the hole

>> No.10416328

always do the opposite of what /smg/ says

>> No.10416342

first step to any trading plan is risk management. Know what you are risking and when you pull the plug.

>> No.10416385


RIP Ratsu Poster

>> No.10416435

so much for investing in dividend aristocrats
It feels like I've already read a compendium on trading and I still feel like I know nothing.
I have a lot more to learn.

>> No.10416442

for brainlets, just own the whole market


>> No.10416510

ded thread

>> No.10416522
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Why cant little girl win just for a once....

>> No.10416535

kill yourself

>> No.10416574

She is already terminally ill, what more do you want?

>> No.10416581

what the fuck there's another thread


>> No.10416640

They didn't link in last thread, my bad I guess. abandon ship.

>> No.10416663

>he actually believes some roleplaying faggot

>> No.10416962

Kek am alittle better now after surgeries but me LITTERALLY had Dr. SternMorbid give me the "it's not looking too good for you, kid" talk

>> No.10417274

Ayyyyyyy its a good time to buy in fellas!

>> No.10417619
File: 82 KB, 619x464, 2018-chrysler-300-homepage-promotile-C3C18CA4_048_2fec5119eef2c2004fce487b659330fb-retina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else riding the Chrysler dip? Oh lord the company was already undervalued. Now it's super undervalued.

>> No.10417897

I'm gonna show my idiocy for a bit. However, I made a few good bucks off bitcoin back before the crash. However, I don't really know shit about investing.
That being said, I opened an account with stash invest. So far, after a day on it, I've seen a 30 cent return on the 15 dollars I've invested. Yesterday it was down 7 cents.

That being said, I'd like to continue growing assets and making some wise choices.
Any good ideas?
In general I mean. Long run, decent returns on investments, no get rich quick schemes, but rather, expanding assets and security not only for the future but for now.
tl;dr I wanna continue the investment game but I don't know shit.

>> No.10418151

kek funny as fuck watching Obango's Treasury secretary trying to say how Trump lost the trade war.

Was such a fucking retard on it. Had no explanation for anything they asked.

He answered that even getting better deals from Trump's tactics would be losing since it lowered standing of America as a "north star".

>> No.10418214

practice > reading

>> No.10418237



>> No.10418486
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1 hour 20 minutes until my portfolio is obliterated

>> No.10418489

>implying it's a dip

It's got to go up to be a dip anon

>> No.10418490
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>Mondelez after hours


>> No.10418491

this is the new thread now

>> No.10418518
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This thread was a long term investment to celebrate the Golden Bull Trump gave us.

>> No.10418578
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>> No.10418593
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am not, am blaming the CEO for driving company into ground

thats from HMNY

;_; GoPro too pure for this world

me will have big sadness if this end up happening ;_;

pretty sure me closed shorts @ perfect time though

gimme one sec will show you

>> No.10418594

kill me

>> No.10418602

F wrekt

>> No.10418607
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>> No.10418628

Who going all cash tomorrow?

>> No.10418630



>> No.10418636

HMNY will ask for another r/s by the end of next week.

>> No.10418644

just invest long term, it's so much easier

>> No.10418655

Trump is dictating 30,000 dow EOY. BASED

>> No.10418661



>> No.10418665
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gotta keep the jet running somehow

>> No.10418670
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You have excellent taste in anime grils
Bought the dip today, such a cozy hold

>> No.10418671

ACB is proper oversold now on daily and shorter time frames. Buying in at open tomorrow.

Today's entries in to WEED and RTI didn't do much. WEED up half a percent, RTI flat. Action tomorrow, perhaps?

TBP warrants up 12.5% but not quite to the level I want to start taking profit.

>> No.10418678

new plan:
cut losses
wait for correction
put the majority of my money into ETFs
save the rest for option memes and meme stocks

>> No.10418684
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>> No.10418685

Trump 4d chess wins again. Poor bears.

>> No.10418698

Reminder trade wars are easy to win

>> No.10418706

Junck gives me full-body cringe spasms, someone please paraphrase what he is saying and how drunk he is.

>> No.10418729
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>Mondelez up 5% after hours
Ohhh god based oreos

>> No.10418735

Is that a terrorist in the cockpit?

>> No.10418742

sounds easy until there is a dip, and you cant decide if you go all in or wait for it to fall further.

>> No.10418771

Didn't the chinks do the same thing before the deal soured?

>> No.10418778

He's crashing the plane with no survivors

>> No.10418779

This is like year 9 of a bull run. This shit makes no sense.

>> No.10418804

>Trump is forcefeeding Europe all of US' excess onions
I want to unsubscribe.

>> No.10418806

people have been saying that for 2+ years

and ive been ignoring them and making money every single day

>> No.10418808
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Am going 2 get serious now, have been mostly fun trading / sick trading. Every time make profit me blew it on gambles for learning experience.

No more of that!

first, the ticker was bouncing back really quickly between two pretty close prices, was weird, secondly, pic related on the indicator,

this strange line neutral / bearish price action perfectly between support / resistance levels
Was like "screw this, too much buying interest" then me closed shorts

>> No.10418823
File: 367 KB, 811x429, yuna1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because you are nothing but a little spec of dust small spec
smaller than anything, true human trash

>> No.10418835


It's what happens when you elect a business man as president and not limp wristed faggot lawyer.

>> No.10418838

>nobody paying attention to FB

>> No.10418840

>it's supposed to be predictable

>> No.10418856

oh no, they're at early july prices. who cares

>> No.10418857

I'm more concerned with F

>> No.10418868
File: 32 KB, 759x460, Current week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing this game right or wrong?

>> No.10418898
File: 197 KB, 600x600, 1242181988459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have what it takes to play this game
Golden Bulldog strategy is a sure thing, but you will scoff

>> No.10418900

While this is a wsb tier post, yes good job

>> No.10418920

According to CDAN he's allegedly on crazy drugs as well as being drunk off his ass. The fucking state of the EU!

>> No.10418926

now im pondering on what wsb is, and if i should know it..

>> No.10418957

Fuck you Ford, fuck you AMD.

>> No.10418963

Let the state of Kikebook be a warning to all of you. "The Big One" is coming, and it's coming "soon".

>> No.10418967

why would u buy ford? I litterly warn people agaisnt that stock in just about every thread, its not a shilling its a warning cause i care about u guys

>> No.10418979

Soon as in tommrow with amazon? lol. Fuck it i still had a green ass day but im mad as fuck that FB bulshit took like 30% of my gains

>> No.10418986

Bought calls on Ford and puts on AMD, this is the best gambling week of the year, have to take some chances every once in awhile. This one just happens to suck.

>> No.10418994

They make the f-150 lol.

>> No.10418998
File: 30 KB, 768x389, 2018-07-25-164848_768x389_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gone from like 15.80 to 17
what the fuck

>> No.10419012

Should i sell my shares of ATVI and buy TQQQ? I dont know if ATVI will climb for the holiday vidya game sales in the fall/winter

>> No.10419019

At what point does an ROi become long term stable in terms of dollars a day?
For example, I'm up 30 cents today, but that's not bad considering my initial investment was 10 dollars. Should I set a moderate term goal of 4 dollars a day ROI? Then go up from there?
I'm fucking 32 years old and only just began. I get paid 650 a week at my company, with an additional 840 coming in from army disability. I don't really have a lot of capital to work with but my company does provide a 401k I contribute to.

>> No.10419031
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what is this disaster post

>> No.10419032

someone post the flowchart

>> No.10419037

Guys wtf is happening FB is supposed to go up?

>> No.10419043
File: 30 KB, 763x406, 2018-07-25-165347_763x406_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK
the bell is going to ring tomorrow morning and it's going to drop like 3 dollars

>> No.10419050

A self confessed imbecile with some investments in stocks which provide dividends.
It's a disaster from a disaster artist who doesn't know enough but is watching and trying to learn.

>> No.10419053

subscriber data was not good

>> No.10419054

Was suppose to but It didnt just like AT&T yesterday
I dont think itll correct too much if at all, ur earnings was today aswlel i believe.

>> No.10419056

Fang is taking turns
amazon will go up to compensate

>> No.10419058
File: 114 KB, 848x480, B6AD5D13-2BCA-48A3-B7DA-B2209E1F2377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the GILD anon still lurks here
It is a bit worrisome to see the CEO stepping down amid all those changes in the management this year with no planned replacement yet.

Guess they are hiding something and "being at a dead end and getting desperate" may even be an euphemism now

>> No.10419059

They reported beats, why is a pop surprising?

>> No.10419060

earnings arent even out yet though

>> No.10419066


I know that's why I'm so worried about opening tomorrow

>> No.10419074

wall street bets. People constantly humble brag to ask for upvotes, only you do it for (you)s

>> No.10419081


Earnings numbers been out for almost 15 minutes. Read the filings dummy

>> No.10419117

just put all your money in dividend aristocrats

all bonds and dividend stocks are on sale, but dividend stocvks are infinately better so just buy it and watch 100% appreciation + 5000% dividend over 50 years

>> No.10419120

whoops, thought it was 22:30 GMT

>> No.10419130

hey didnt that one faggot hedge his $30k NFLX bet with bullish plays on the rest of FAANG?

cant wait for that anhero video

>> No.10419133

Run for your life my man.

>> No.10419138

That's the earnings call time. Price moves on the sec filings. Probably continued action during the call though

>> No.10419140
File: 62 KB, 750x1027, 5FB4C6A0-C67C-4BC4-BD4A-DB38A6E0101E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the big drop is about?

>> No.10419148

thanks for the teachings anon

>> No.10419149

Dumped on Trump lifting steel and alu tarrifs.

>> No.10419156
File: 195 KB, 804x720, 1525746908089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt matter because fang will go up rest of year

>> No.10419162

are you saying your portfolio is only worth 10$ ?

>> No.10419163

That doesn't really answer the question though. Let's say I make 30 cents one day but the next day I loose 10 cents and so on. What level of investment should I be at to see an average of one dollar a day for starters? This is assuming I put in 50 bucks a week to start.

I'm not really looking to get rich quick. Though it would be nice to see decent enough returns which allow me to reinvest say 50% of them and have it be a meaningful reinvestment.

>> No.10419174

It sure as hell matters to that reddit retard, his contracts will expire and devastate him.

>> No.10419175

Yeah actually. I'm starting small and putting in 50 a week starting on Friday. My roi on the 10 dollar initial investment was 27 cents today, though yesterday I lost 7 cents.

>> No.10419179

Fuck. Thanks for the info

>> No.10419185

well actually it does answer your question, because the average person cant day trade on a daily basis profitable for 50 years straight
For dividend aristocrats the income you are getting is printed on the certificate and it increases substantially every year

Just buy Kraft heinz KHC and GIS already. Just buy it

>> No.10419187
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>> No.10419188

a reason im thankful to have sold half my shares at more than $5

>> No.10419191
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>> No.10419193

this >>10419174
hes gonna lose like 200k when everything goes the wrong way

>> No.10419196

7,3k at 5%/year

3,65k at 10%/year,


How fucking dumb are you homie?

>> No.10419197
File: 53 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180725-170228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news is I'm back to even with room left on my swing. Bad news is I have 1k in FB puts that I was trying to get a quick few dollars off of but then realized if I did that I couldn't day trade and it wouldn't be worth it so now I have 1k in calls too so wish me luck for tommorow...

>> No.10419200

oh... options :)

>> No.10419202

Thats painful to read but When you do your 50$ investment and want returns in the $
I would suggest you Put it in TQQQ
Its a 3x leverged fund, basically a portfolio meant for solid gains.

>> No.10419204

In all seriousness, /r/personalfinance sounds more your speed my man.

>> No.10419250


>> No.10419261
File: 55 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180725-170822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how much do you think I lost off Facebook?

>> No.10419267

that's not even funny

>> No.10419273

i dont get why people always go for the short term OTM ones. time premium isnt that much money. fuck, give yourself 3 months. this shit isnt hard. these faggots cant into basic probability

>> No.10419276

Pretty damn stupid desu. Sorry for being dumb. I came here specifically to fix that

>> No.10419277

Did anybody read the articles? They said that they would be working on a zero tariff solution to all non-auto based tariffs, and that there was actually no concessions actually made just of yet.
I'm warning you to not be so confident, Germany is not going to like it when their cars are taxed and will likely try to veto any sort of trade agreements between the two.

>> No.10419284

He wants to make dollars off of 15 cents and with AMZN ER tommrow hes either gonna be buying into a massive dip on friday or a strong fucking bull run.

>> No.10419293
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>> No.10419302

so the real question do I sell AMD or hold

I assume sell so I can take profits before AMZN kills us all

>> No.10419304

I'll be putting real hard on amd tomorrow and if you had any sense you would as well.

>> No.10419305

LTBR is stabilizing, now it’s just the waiting game for 7:00 AM news announcements

>> No.10419321

Don't listen to guys like this >>10419202
Also don't listen to anyone who tells you to get UVXY (although I'm thinking of playing that tomorrow kek), TVIX, HMNY, DRYS, ALT, or LCI

>> No.10419322

sell half and minimize your cost basis
its very likely you wont be the only one doing it

>> No.10419325

Sell a small amount and put it in put options, you'll cover your ass either way. They should be on the cheap in the morning too.

>> No.10419326
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>> No.10419338

It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him.

>> No.10419346

>They should be on the cheap in the morning too.
heh i seriously doubt that m8

>> No.10419353


>> No.10419363


China next

>> No.10419365

those people hate America and are fucking globalist scum

>> No.10419367

It's important when you're holding SQQQ calls. AMZN completes the NASDAQ tumble tomorrow :)

>> No.10419379
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>> No.10419380

sounds like a load of shit desu senpai

>it lowered standing of America as a "north star"
wtf is this shit? whats a north star? some kind of prostitute that lets the entire rest of the world gangbang her and steal her money?

>> No.10419385

>sold KR right before earnings at $24
>mooned to $29

>sell BAC right after earnings at $29
>jumps to 31


>> No.10419386

Now I feel bad.

First of all, why is is your savings rate 3,35%? What are you wasting precious money in?

>> No.10419397


>> No.10419411

Take your meds. Like, all of them at once.

>> No.10419413

Stay mad nigger

>> No.10419420

Trump got his hands on the AMZN earnings report. He see's that the crash is coming so lifting the tariffs will make it so we can still afford steel and alluminum.

>> No.10419429

you know youll make more money just trading calls on the Qs themselves right?

>> No.10419442

Unironically how involved are shady government agencies involved with giants like AMZN? I know cianiggers do all sorts of stuff with subsidizing Musk's projects. Bezos has to be in communication with government agents since his company represents such a giant chunk of the nations trade right?

>> No.10419446


>> No.10419448

those calls are going to drop like a rock as sqqq is going to be flat and all of the implied vol is gone after earnings have come and gone

>> No.10419452

Not all of it rhymes, I'll keep working on it for future use. The original is amazing
Also VIX is going to bump us to the moon tomorrow, be ready lads

>> No.10419462

you will make WAY more money w puts on QQQ
and you dont have to worry about the daily reset. calls on those things have FUCK huge spread. not worth it at all

>> No.10419472




>> No.10419474

Since you are trying to scam some innocent new friend out of his 60 bucks you shoulda atleast thrown a few good ones in there too to make it believable
Hes gonna know ur full of shit once he opens up google.

>> No.10419484
File: 182 KB, 500x500, eb7eb7d2fe347b94abe5c0a73f4199920673a8f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be certain that any sort of deal between the US and EU will actually be reached. If Trump was willing to suspend auto tariffs then I'd understand the exuberance but it's highly likely that a deal won't be reached.

>> No.10419495

bezos is a spook desu senpai
the fucker bought wapo for the election
and hes the richest guy on the books and doesnt pay taxes

i think i talked him out of it desu

>> No.10419497

Extremely. Wikileaks has a nice piece up on Google

>> No.10419505

Should I hold onto or sell all my leftover AMRS shares?

>> No.10419520
File: 301 KB, 472x605, d2d1307cc84432239ea472d4230b28976845094f913042241af4aa5644b77146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks up tvix
>"wow this is record lows; why I aughta throw 120 dollars into this one!"

Stock market's easy. Eaaaasy money.

>> No.10419525
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He needs to buy CARV

>> No.10419535

literally the only thing i care about is that the ridiculous pricing of agcoms will now be allowed to have some breathing room. and i have a LOT of calls on basedbeans and wheat

whens ER? this is supposed to be the make or break one, but i havent kept up w them at ALL

its a good meme, and an important first lesson imo

>> No.10419547


>> No.10419556

I expect them to keep going up over the year, since they're starting to actually sort their financials out and finally have something resembling a business model.
ER is anyone's guess.

>> No.10419562

To be honest fucking over Merkel would be nice. Really I all I want is cheaper beer.

>> No.10419575

Anyone planning on going for the SONOS IPO? Also how far are we thinking Facebook tanking will spread through the markets tomorrow?

>> No.10419581

oooh what the fuck was that, the rape wasnt over with Facebook holy shit

>> No.10419591
File: 161 KB, 640x600, 1532384766908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit thats even more than TUP

>> No.10419593

He sounded like he was European, if so he's morally obligated to invest at least 3/5 of his portfolio in CARV.

>> No.10419595

why is FB dumping if it beat

>> No.10419601

i still got my calls from last ER
might as well hold em

any more murmurs about dilution? that fucking killed the last run, dead in its tracks

>> No.10419605

it didn't beat

>> No.10419606

>temple of facebook

>> No.10419623

This is what you get when your tech sector is predicated on infinite exponential growth.

>> No.10419625

since tech/FAANG stocks dont have any real basis in financial reality, the classical metrics for ERs are literally irrelevant. they missed in all the places that still count

>> No.10419639

Ill hold on to them then, maybe buy a few more shares.

>> No.10419645

Post the zuckcuck images

>> No.10419654

Anyone with ah access could make easy bucks on fngd now, which hasn't rebalanced to price in the fb drop, then sell on open gap up

>> No.10419664

FB -17%
we're all going to get rekt tommorow aren't we.

>> No.10419678
File: 200 KB, 878x672, amon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha , itll be alright though Im still at a profit but not by much lol, Red or green days you gotta always keep your chin held high :)

>> No.10419683
File: 140 KB, 931x590, honk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk lol
we are still on futuires lunchbreak too

>> No.10419686
File: 25 KB, 500x333, 1485796598006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facecucks are obliterated

>> No.10419695

Well see you after COP's earnings comes out.

>> No.10419697

I'm just happy the 'buy what you know' MANFAG zoomers will be murdered.

>> No.10419714
File: 2.00 MB, 269x299, ana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-20% now

>> No.10419719
File: 31 KB, 488x236, Mental+gymnastics+trigger+mentionlist+googlescorrect+me+if+i+am+wrong_497b4c_6139546[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggy and his insane mental gymnastics

>> No.10419726

The dilution is from their convertible debt, which they clearly list on their statement. I had no idea why it wasn't "priced-in" last time.

Anyone tune in to their conference? Where are their profits coming from? Crypto is dying, nvidier is destroying them in gaming and AI, and intel crushes them in cpus. Do they have a secret mobile market revenue source or cloud services or something?

>> No.10419745

Thank god this only 1% of my folio. But qqq is toast tomorrow.

>> No.10419771

Why does that dude in red have tits?

>> No.10419777

>Crypto is dying, nvidier is destroying them in gaming and AI,
business, (not consumer) profits are good and growing for the forseeble future

being %90 as good as nvidea tech at %50 the price is a great way to get business

>> No.10419778

They partnered with chinks to secure new contracts. They also partnered with Intel to provide some integrated gpus. Main driver is hype and potential future sales on their new processor and smaller manufacturing size. Big risk is chinks stealing their shit and Intel getting it's shit together on 10nm

>> No.10419780

intel sudoku'd themselves, amd is expected to get ~10% or more of the server market because of it.
but it's yet to happen.
reminder intel's marketcap is 17 times bigger than AMD, so if they steal only a fraction of the market share it's going to moon

>> No.10419788
File: 320 KB, 1280x960, 1530401874123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking OVER



>> No.10419799
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 4027D1E7-20A0-4309-852C-B45F80689FD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMZN and by extension QQQ are doomed. Aiwass. Elohim.

>> No.10419803

FB conference call NOT going well

FB stock -21% now


>> No.10419807

Press S to spit on that cuck bitch Zuckerberg

>> No.10419817

>intel crushes them in cpus
Not so much anymore. They're regained a foothold in the server market and since they ditched GlobalFoundires they've been shifting their business model shift so that they have more diversified fab base. They're basically following the boomertech trendh of commoditizing the complement trend where they're basically become a chip designer that outsourced the actual fabrication (as opposed to Intel which is still tightly integrated).
Meanwhile Intel ran into a technological dead end with their 10nm process and likely won't catch up for a gen or two.

>> No.10419821


When is the bloodshed gonna end?!

>> No.10419825

Off topic but when do us whites get our gibs that we are now owed from being completely cucked the last 15 years. Can’t even park handicap spot when your 95 with a walker because some 20 year old nog has the spot because of muh black skin handicap. Can’t make basketball team because all black automatically make team muh diversity. No fucking doing diversity when it’s all blacks playing

>> No.10419826
File: 12 KB, 241x209, images69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this bullshit mother fucker
my 20x facecuck long on 1broker is getting liquidated to shit tommrow

>> No.10419834

And everyone ITT complaining that I bought SQQQ calls...

>> No.10419841


the day of the small spec's revenge has finally arrived

>> No.10419844
File: 46 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180725-174816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 fucking grand from 2 options...

>> No.10419852

you gained 9 grand on your put options?

>> No.10419854

Intredasting, where I work all of our servers are running zeons. And intel cores are basically THE only option. If this is true and AMD can actually penetrate this market then its good for them I guess.

Which fab do they use nowadays, TSMC?

>> No.10419855

So should I sell my Microsoft calls or see if it goes up

>> No.10419866
File: 131 KB, 800x600, nov2017_a04_grizzlies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.10419871

At least if it stays like this, dropped 1.2k in for this

>> No.10419876

i thought i heard something about them issuing more convertibles desu
idk, its been a while since i even thought about them, i might be mixing it up

you wouldve made like 6x the money if you werent an invalid. QQQ puts wouldve been infinitely better. and probably cheaper due to lower vol

>my 20x facecuck long on 1broker is getting liquidated to shit tommrow

>> No.10419879


>> No.10419881
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x2400, ea8e4dae9556a7dc99d8835eeb4b4e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just like Netflix crash >_>
People will max leverage buy back tomarrow and the whole sector will gain 1% ;_;

>> No.10419887

Both GloFo and TSMC are making their 7nm, but iirc TSMC will make the EPYC server dies while GloFo makes the consumer ones.

>> No.10419890

yep, laptops with integrated vega GPU's at a decent price will be big

>> No.10419891

NFLX's failure and now FB's complete desolation have to be reducing faith in MANFAG right? Will baggy's joking AMZN predictions actually come to pass?

>> No.10419893
File: 82 KB, 600x791, 1494938747751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10419897

I'm 18 and have 500 euros for investing. I know it's a very little amount of money for this kind of stuff but its all I got right now.

Is it possible to turn a profit from that? I'm looking at individual stocks. What would you recommend for me to do?

I'm a noob but looking to learn

>> No.10419900

ballzy af m8
glad it worked out for you

>People will max leverage buy back tomarrow and the whole sector will gain 1% ;_;
this is a good thing for active traders rkg

>> No.10419908

What did the bulls do to you to break your spirit so?

>> No.10419916
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>> No.10419922

Go x20 long AMZN with CFDs.

>> No.10419937
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10419941

ROFL at that dude who bought FB at 219 ATH before it dumped

>> No.10419942

I had 700 in call which is why it's less. Way better than I thought

>> No.10419945

who cares
rkg covering ensured its going to be an absolute bloodbath for the end of the week

sounds about right
>Will baggy's joking AMZN predictions actually come to pass?
of fucking course it will
didnt you hear his thesis?
jewish magicks
and not only that but its a bloodmoon

plus mike just announced UVXYs ER is going to be 5 seconds before AMZNs

>> No.10419952

nah senpai, If theres a killing blow it would be tommrow with AMZN Facebook isnt too big on QQQ

>> No.10419962

>all those fucking basedboy zoomers getting their shit pushed in by Facebook

Feels good man.

>> No.10419964

>I had 700 in call which is why it's less. Way better than I thought
no you did it REALLY right m8
straddles/strangles is the only reasonable way to play ER
good job

>> No.10419971

Look at the qqq move right now. Fb sure as hell had an impact

>> No.10419974

big if true

>> No.10419984
File: 67 KB, 720x717, 1523391312452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facebook makes up 6% of QQQ, TIME FOR A MARKETCRASH
Post rare Zucks!

>> No.10420000

should wreak havoc on SPY tho
im so glad i managed to get those VIX calls in the last second

saw nikkei post about SPY hitting ATH like two minutes to close and rushed over to VIX to buy more

>> No.10420002
File: 395 KB, 918x919, floweroflifejewy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish magic under a blood moon is a legitimate factor to base speculation. see >>10419799

>> No.10420004
File: 129 KB, 900x1200, boosterseat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine Amazon fucking things up too after this Facebook debacle???

>> No.10420020

i wasnt kidding m8

>> No.10420026
File: 252 KB, 1333x792, AMZN 07252018 1 year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt matter, they will reach a new all time high within 3 weeks

>> No.10420029

oh trust me im not just seeing it but im feeling it.
fb is 5.94% of TQQQ
wher as amazon is 10.26% of TQQQ

So if amazon earnings loose us money tommrow its gonna be twice as brutal.

>> No.10420043
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>> No.10420045
File: 90 KB, 349x254, 1514226084145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-maybe this will boost Kraft heinz and stuff

>> No.10420050

amazon? cfd? x20? explain for the pleb please

>> No.10420052
File: 87 KB, 900x686, yes__right_there__by_noodlegirl35-d9rn2mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420057

Well yeah, but I'm planning on getting puts towards QQQ (AMZN are too expensive w/bad premiums) and then after they take a hit buying shares for cheaper.

>> No.10420062
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1528925508226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked wsb to laugh at reddit and a retard put 105k in calls on facebook

>> No.10420076

I'm gonna buy FAceshit rn

>> No.10420092
File: 5 KB, 450x66, le_reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another redditor getting upvotes

>> No.10420093
File: 165 KB, 1000x968, Something+something+subway+exodia+_ca719d4983b55ddbf4053ed3a56991fe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

match the FANGs to the card

and pray that he isnt summoned

>> No.10420096

Coulda woulda shoulda. SQQQ calls were cheap so I was able to grab a decent amount of contracts. Will be just about the same if not better.

>> No.10420099
File: 142 KB, 1412x938, 1502747412241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



you failed buffett-sama

>> No.10420100
File: 1.84 MB, 300x262, 1530284446540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine Amazon fucking things up too after this

its unlikely, but i can feel it in my soul, and in my brokerage account
my VIX calls are resonating

id say prolly
unless bond yields blow out again, in which case definitely

bring us caps
im hungry
but i shall not cross the valley into that wretched enclave, for whatever cost

>> No.10420118

wait what was that part about castration?

>> No.10420142
File: 60 KB, 1211x828, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This redditor is literally shaking and his post got removed because he is going to commit suicide LMAO

>> No.10420145

>Will be just about the same if not better.
as a guy who gambles habitually with short term puts on things, you are wrong
the quicker dollar moves, higher gammas, and lower cost of premium due to lower IV (from not being a 3x underlying) and not to mention the much lower spread, lack of daily resetting, and overall better liquidity, makes puts on QQQ MUCH better for your purposes. if you dont believe me, do the math

>> No.10420152
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1531502552089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time on this board, just came to laugh at Facecuck

>> No.10420157
File: 64 KB, 640x1138, -4t27WnZ-1zJDifqlSQ-CGgEtwK-LWhSGWrrc_9mTJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10420160

>that guidance
Literally game over.

>> No.10420163

Thankfully only one or two people here lost on it.
Sadly I like those people.

>> No.10420172
File: 34 KB, 614x242, chrome_2018-07-25_18-10-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420177

Is amazon before or after the bell tommorow?

Anyone feel like the trade news was made today to try to soften the imapct of impending fang failure? Now they can blame tech rather than tarrifs

>> No.10420185


>> No.10420190

youre in good company m8

>only one or two people here lost on it.
who dat?

>> No.10420193
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1532238622163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL its not even that that bad
Nasdaq not even down to todays start

>> No.10420197
File: 77 KB, 1262x847, heissad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420209

>im about to delete my facebook
thatll fucking show em kek

the literally shaking thing seems like a meme, but idk, cuz redditors are actually that fucking gay

>> No.10420215


>me whenever I try to short anything

>> No.10420216

Link? or just what subr*ddit

>> No.10420221


Name of subreddit so I can go there and laugh please

>> No.10420230

I started a month ago and I don't get it either but at least I know I can go find it on the internet without asking.

>> No.10420234

desu 193 avg isn't that bad. I think FB will bounce back just like netflix. It's one of those "too big to fail" companies.

>> No.10420237

Wallstreetbets baka. They're a great resource if you inverse what people there are saying.

>> No.10420240

>he owns a Nasdaq
the bogs walk among us

>> No.10420261

Not touching that the ceo has been dumping shares and that should be a red flag.

>> No.10420266
File: 1.88 MB, 300x277, 02d5ec991cc3e5654dbe74b20e5e3206ed081b87891dda9ec129ea3f5f2401a5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking cope...
its feeding me
i feel my power growing
i can feel their wealth being transferred into my account
this is intoxicating

keep it comin

>> No.10420276

Kind of like seeking alpha then which is why I used puts on Facebook. I owe them alot. Even if haliburton made me lose money.

>> No.10420281

Press F for F

Press S for FB

>> No.10420303
File: 1.44 MB, 960x960, 1528404860474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10420307
File: 272 KB, 1763x855, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who saw this coming....

>> No.10420309
File: 3.92 MB, 261x395, megachick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420312

I don't like treating my trades like gambling. I can do that at the casino.

>> No.10420328
File: 166 KB, 646x700, green5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously he was building capital so that he could pump it on the weakhands selling tomorrow

>> No.10420338
File: 62 KB, 1480x914, facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone makes fun of reddit
It is not well received

>> No.10420356

desu why should he hold? he's a gajillionaire and you can't buy hookers & coke with FB shares

>> No.10420362


>> No.10420377


>> No.10420393

I unironically made money on CARV

>> No.10420396

tfw shot sold fb stock


>> No.10420402

Obviously you blackmail the hookers into giving you coke by spying on their private photos

>> No.10420421
File: 1013 KB, 500x281, 4Wo75GJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going all in to FB tomorrow? Considering either tomorrow, or waiting for this next Monday.

>> No.10420434
File: 376 KB, 739x482, 1496719886440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


M icrosoft

A pple

G oogle

A mazon

>> No.10420440
File: 104 KB, 1599x775, put call oi SPY daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do this shit too
i love finding people dumber than me and just inversing them
PROTIP: watch put/call OI and volume, and also put/call IV. works best when zoomed out. bet with the options writers, and bet against the horde of retail buying long options. pic related

youre retarded. long options is always gambling. you can do certain things to minimize your risk, and make it less gamble-y. but its still one of the riskiest bets you can make.

point is, by doing calls on a leveraged inverse ETF, youve opened up a few extra points of risk (the daily reset possibly moving against you, the much larger slippage from spread, and the higher IV baked into the premium). and unfortunately, because SQQQ is only 12 dollars, even a 10% move in it will yield you less delta than if you went with QQQ puts

>> No.10420442

Man, the brokers are going to have to make a shitton of margin calls tommorow, folks are going to sell all their shit to cover.

FB gunna be Thanosd

>> No.10420450

I'm really tempted to buy FB calls right at open

>> No.10420476

wait a second after, the margin calls are going to drive it lower.

>> No.10420478

Do not buy stock in that 1984 kike spy network corp unless you want to burn your money on the ground
Faceberg needs to die, just let it happen.
Short it with all leverage you can take

>> No.10420479


>> No.10420493

>lists some of the least american, most pro-globalist companies in the world
your death will come quickly my fren
it shouldnt hurt too bad. just close your eyes and go to sleep

if you dont believe me, ask hi IV anon
if you must, sell a put

>> No.10420514

I have off hours access and 10k. What do I fomo at before bell to reap insane rewards

>> No.10420523

but hIV anon makes 10 percent every day!

>> No.10420531

Thank you Su

16.96 + 0.91 (+5.67%)

>> No.10420534

no, imperialist

>> No.10420539
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>> No.10420546
File: 206 KB, 720x1200, Di8wpHwVAAE3881[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420550

its had a couple good days, should pullback some tomorrow
tray and see if you can get some for under a penny imo

i dont think that was the same guy desu


>> No.10420553
File: 1.51 MB, 630x628, andrew jackson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420557
File: 113 KB, 656x589, 1508053460446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek pls
love to see facebook &
soon to be amazon get rekt
this enforces me view that this whole bullrun built on bull poop

>> No.10420579

i shorted the shit out of gold today
get fucking REKT m8
you know what happens to gold during crashes, right?

told ya you shouldntve covered
you chickened out at the TOP
whenever ATHs get hit like that, its a cue for some profit taking. FB crashing 25% is just a bonus

>> No.10420580

Based Trump carrying the entire market on his back.

Daddy Jeff will save us tomorrow

>> No.10420588

I'm a robinfag so no otc memes sadly
Why vxx over one of the leveraged etfs?

Currently very tempted to buy 7/27 fb puts, holy fuck they're so cheap and will skyrocket on bell. Wish I'd thought of this sooner

>> No.10420589

FB and NFLX are very different than amazon/google. FANG is a retarded construct

>> No.10420590
File: 741 KB, 1015x720, 1490190616479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your whore mouth bitch

>> No.10420594
File: 2.90 MB, 3000x4000, 1532221115024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that BTC am superior hedge against coming market crash

>> No.10420602

Holy shit thanks for the post now AMZN is gonna be up +50% tommrow before earnings and +70% after hours

>> No.10420612
File: 100 KB, 780x439, IMG_1285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone shop this photo to show zuck smiling

>> No.10420613

>Currently very tempted to buy 7/27 fb puts
dont do this
you dont know what youre doing w options yet and shouldnt be trading them

>> No.10420635
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 1529800991448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it with the cope
its pathetic

>> No.10420637

Yes I made 16% today but I'm not doing that gay call shit in the morning.

>> No.10420652

Wouldn't market buying FNGD premarket for tomorrow be free money? It hasn't moved st all after market and since Facebook just tanked it should shoot up right?

>> No.10420653

>you know what happens to all fiat currencies over time, right?

>> No.10420657
File: 95 KB, 645x1147, original_131412240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some poor guy used his student loans to go all in on HMNY


>> No.10420661

Your digital shiny rocks are not even real. Electricity is a luxury and when humans lose it your wealth goes buh bye!

>> No.10420665


>> No.10420673
File: 298 KB, 626x778, It was her turn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420686

thats how he smiles

>> No.10420691

Yes it's really risky and I'm not going to fomo 10k at it. But humor me so I can understand: if I buy a put that's a few cents in premium but solidly in the money, why would that be a bad idea? Are you suggesting they'll have a huge recovery bounce?

>> No.10420693
File: 2.35 MB, 250x174, sad_girl_slots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, today in one gif.

Fuck you FB I was at an ATH

>> No.10420696

dipshit deserves it

>> No.10420697
File: 23 KB, 300x300, paki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wtf
me chickened out ~20 points before top, pls
sold @ ~282.20,
it later hit 284.5

could tell they were about pull some insane BS, wanted to short @ 287 or 290

>> No.10420709
File: 141 KB, 1280x960, HE_HATES_IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420738

"Computing and Graphics segment revenue was $1.09 billion, up 64 percent year-over-year and down 3 percent quarter-over-quarter. Year-over-year revenue growth was driven by strong sales of Radeon products and continued growth of Ryzen products. The quarter-over-quarter decline was primarily related to lower revenue from GPU products in the blockchain market."

Will this kill nvidia's quarter?

>> No.10420763

yes they inflate.
im aware
fact is, tomorrow is going to crush all precious metals and you shouldve listened to me on sunday when i was telling you to buy more metals ON the crash, not before it.

plus we couldve made some decent money on that plat swing and been frens. but NOOOO u gotta keep shilling people into buying gold and silver they day before they both drop another 5%

i love this so much

look up what vega is and how IV affects options prices. if you buy on the bell tomorrow, and vol calms down even slightly, it will crush a majority of your position. you wont even be able to back out at break even.

keep in mind that youre also betting that FB, a major memestock that just dumped 25%, is going to sell off even further. you might be right that margin calls will trigger and it will be an ugly open, but still, its not even a good gamble imo

NEVER FOMO in on options.

have faith in your thesis. being bear is all about the waiting game

>> No.10420772

No. They combine business segments and it's ryzen driving. They've stated they face continued gpu headwinds as crypto mining cools

>> No.10420792

You misread my original question. I have premarket access and would be selling on bell, not buying.

>> No.10420796
File: 11 KB, 171x266, trickynicky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying electrical systems won't outlive humans as the dominant force on our planet

>> No.10420799
File: 67 KB, 780x439, red zuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10420803

freshly baked bread

>> No.10420811
File: 39 KB, 1092x264, Actually retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, how are you doing?

>> No.10420830

aww shit
sorry grim
i didnt know you were in on that shit. i wouldve tried to talk you out of it. FB is not worth $200 in any world, even the world of golden bull

>> No.10420835

Did you misread, I was asking if the crypto lack of demand will hurt NVDA's quarter

>> No.10420858

you cant buy and sell options before the markets open m8

at least i cant. what broker you got? ive never even heard of that

>> No.10420861

ATVI looks overvalued to me and needs a serious correction.

>> No.10420869

Yes I did, my bad. This will impact nvidia but I doubt it will tank their quarter. They're more diversified and capture the high end gpu market segment, so the big gaming shit is disproportionately theirs

>> No.10420919

Ah, that's the info I was missing. Right, checked it and I can't off hours trade options

>> No.10421193


I don't own FB.

>> No.10421234

oh i thought that was u cuz of the chinese cartoon post

>> No.10421245

I am making my comeback! I turned green again today!!! Thank you AMD MSFT and JPM!

>> No.10421303

dont forget to lock in profits.
things might get hairy. im honestly looking at picking up some AMD on a dip, but QQQ is gonna get its shit pushed in, so i might wait till next week after the dust settles

>> No.10421368

Yes that's exactly what I have been doing, maybe a bit too early but it feels good to be green overall again. I swung from -11% to +1% in 16 days.

>> No.10421545

does he/she even know what impulse control is?

holy fuck hes going to be in debt for life, maybe fed prison

>> No.10421565

guilty by association

>> No.10421678

I've haven't had time to shitpost with you lads, but boy oh boy I hope you shorted Facebook. Don't FOMO shorts on FB. If you didn't have them today don't bother, consider buying calls.

Short SPY until 10 then buy calls -