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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10417518 No.10417518 [Reply] [Original]

Is /biz/ dying?

>> No.10417533


wow, I remember last fall and winter when /biz/ had overtaken /pol/.

>> No.10417545

now we are here at bant's level

>> No.10417559

Yes, but wait for the planets to aline and they'll return.

>> No.10417583

i mean it's hard to compete with russian troll farms on /pol

>> No.10417621

biz killed itself with the cesspool of muh crypto shitty threads posted every second. muh link. muh mooncoin. muh making it to lamboland with muh buttcoin.

gone are the days you would find a diamond of real business info lurking around

>> No.10417655

The normies committed mass suicide after they saw their investment drop 50%. Only a couple of us left now still holding.

>> No.10417691

this. /biz is like 15 different people posting the same shit over and over

>> No.10417713

too true my friend. them and the pajeet/chink shills.

>> No.10417726

this. i'm using 15 different vps

>> No.10417770

I am no pajeet chink I am white

Please to buy vechink and holojeet sirs

Many moon lambos Wow!! ^^

>> No.10417798

>Is /biz/ dying?
shills and idiots senpai, long since I've gotten any useful information in this shithole.

>> No.10417803

/biz/ is a containment board for crypto, dumb newfag.

>> No.10417804

How can /pol/ have so much more post per day, yet less threads? Aren't their auto sage limit 500 or something?

>> No.10417812
File: 74 KB, 467x398, 1532205964278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know \biz\ is dead when memes you made are being posted daily.

>> No.10417844

Not weird really, since like half of /pol/ came here to "fight the juice" or some dumb shit

>> No.10417868

>that low thread count on /sp/

The mods really did their best to turn that board into Reddit, didn't that. Fucking sad. 2010-2014 /sp/ was God-tier before the fucking disgusting redditor mods ruined it.

>> No.10417871

this. I don't know why I keep coming here but the usefull threads and informations we got from summer 2017 are far gone.

>> No.10417877
File: 928 KB, 2146x1957, 1470681253595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am no pajeet chink I am white

>> No.10417887

>implying biz was made for cypto

how new are you? hope them bags are heavy

>> No.10417911

yea /biz/ is shit now..bunch of faggots shilling the same shit over and over...same memes everyday....way better /biz/ anons in 2017

>> No.10417927

I admit that I came here in December 2017, but I mostly lurk. I feel like I found bits of helpful information and have learned more about trading/crypto than I ever could have hoped to had I not found this board.

Do you guys think that the optimism/hopefulness of an upcoming bullrun helped with the usefulness of the board? I think things seem pretty pessimistic right now and maybe that contributes to how useless these shill/shitcoin threads all seem.

>> No.10417946
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>> No.10417957
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>> No.10417971
File: 110 KB, 500x308, 96D0AA22-7F1A-4358-B427-0B0658A6CA5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When 90% of content is completely useless garbage such as
>[COIN] is [the next big thing], [popular coin] is tanking and [COIN] will moon when normies bear about it
>Blatant shilling that the mods do nothing about

The other 10% is made up of babies first business question thread and /smg/ where people talk about waifus rather than stocks.

Unfortunately /biz/ is containment for crypto shilling.
Crypto should have its own board tbqh
Or just go ahead and call /biz/ what it actually is: /adverts/

>> No.10417975
File: 49 KB, 1347x492, 2018-07-25 14_33_16-4stats.io - live 4chan board & thread statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is /biz/ dying?

>> No.10417989

I am the 15th person that posts here.

>> No.10418006

lmao looks familiar senpai. they really did off themselves

>> No.10418010

Accumulate during lulls, hype your shitcoins during booms. This is /biz/ 101. You nouveauhomos have a lot to learn.

>> No.10418019

So this predicts the next bull run to be August- right?

>> No.10418029
File: 362 KB, 1200x1586, 1532271862440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some people forget that pre-2017 at least 70% of posts were babbies' first business questions and complaining about "wagecuckery", but with suicide as the solution rather than magical internet coins.

Late 2017 did have better crypto advice.

>> No.10418034

what website it this?

>> No.10418046
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 1511736873245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally the first thing in the image.

>> No.10418106

I just lurk. Its all a repost of a repost of a pajeet using the same old memes..
I dont even care of new tecnology anymore. Meh, im going back to pol to insult some retard while emptying another beer, btc rising nicely anyway, lets just call it a day


>> No.10418123

/biz/ was crap before the ico craze

>> No.10418153

I don't think we're on 4stats.io anon

>> No.10418249

Interesting, same number of posts from last summer. But quality has gone down. I used to love this place a year ago. Can't tell if biz has gotten worse or I've become less of a retard

>> No.10418326

Yes. Along with crypto.

>> No.10418618

This makes me realize how early we are in the crypto markets, literally nobody is aware of the shit we talk here.