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10416106 No.10416106 [Reply] [Original]

Just got dumped by my long term sweetheart. She was my first and only, and I'm completely heartbroken.
Would you guys cheer up a fellow BCH, LINK, UTNP, BTC, CET, ETH, OMG and Tapas holder?

>> No.10416122

go all in on LINK and laugh at her when you're a multimillionaire.

>> No.10416123

TAAS* fucking autocorrect is salting the wounds...

>> No.10416167

No wonder she dumped you.

>> No.10416187
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I fell for the diversification meme, nice dubs though

>> No.10416208

diversification is for people with a lot of money or money that came from years of their hard labor

>> No.10416227

What would you propose?

>> No.10416282

Unironically holo, if you can understand it. I am a full time solidity dev working on a decentralized game dApp and we are looking at holochains to scale different tech like p2p chat and other features that are best kept off-chain

Its memed a lot here but the tech is solid and the fud about holofuel is for brainlets because holochains dont require holofuel. Holofuel is for normies who want to use holochain apps without providing their own resourced to the network for distributed computations.

The blockchain is OK for currency, but there has yet to be a decent developer platform for applications. I bought eth at $40 fyi

>> No.10416299

I got 100k in crypto - not a lot but looking at trading volumes, there's very few all in-able coins

>> No.10416301

$40 ETH.... you didn't need much foresight to pull that off.

>> No.10416319

in that case, half LINK and 25% ETH and 25% BTC

>> No.10417185

So what? The point is that I've been in eth for almost a year, did extensive research into the current state of scalability, and determined that holochains are a fundamentally radical paradigm for distributed applications, something ethereum can only dream of, as its using a centralized ledger which is impossible to scale to the needs of every developer.

How long have you been researching p2p technology and the state of the art? I've beem interested in the tech since bittorrent was a thing

>> No.10417365

Compare Holochain to RChain

>> No.10417639

all-in to get rich, diversify to stay rich

>> No.10417670

absolutely the correct attitude

>> No.10418087

Or all-in to go bust, and never get a chance to do anything else

>> No.10418096

Just take it slow, goy

>> No.10418141

Why do people take vodka shots? It's just alcohol diluted with water...it has no real taste. Either make yourself a cocktail or drink straight on something with character you heathen!

>> No.10419042

People don't, cats do, obviously

>> No.10419128

Pure Vodka is one of the best things actually, but I guess you never had a bottle of REAL vodka just chemical crap.

>> No.10419987

based and redpilled

>> No.10420671

You're about to get dumped again holding those shitcoins

>> No.10420715

Yeah cuz normies will totally go buy holofuel on binance just so they can pay to use your gay app lol holofags have no common sense also buying eth at $40 is basically when normies started buying congrats on that seriously

>> No.10420732

Go fuck a hooker, usually helps