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File: 119 KB, 932x720, LoiNd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10414811 No.10414811 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever worry you wasted your whole life on the computer?

>> No.10414850

Where else would you rather waste it?
No matter what you do your life is a waste. You will be pretty much forgotten 10 years after your death.

>> No.10414863


kek life is meaningless. Might aswell do what you love.

>> No.10414982

No, my life was wasted when I was born short and deformed.

>> No.10415011
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OP, you must understand that it was over the moment it started.

>> No.10415104

I've thought about this long and hard. People think you're wasting time online but the truth is being online is exactly the same as traveling around the world. You meet different people all around, you see different things, you do whatever is available to you as a traveler of the webs. The only difference is you do it anonymously without showing your face and in the comfort of your own home.

>> No.10415155


fuck you faggot

>> No.10415166

Except it's completely different.

>> No.10415542

>conduit to all human knowlege
>waste your life

>> No.10415574
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you only say that cause you're a computer addict. Your existence is not natural.

>> No.10415827
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Do you actually think that you fucking retard?

>> No.10415838

I had over 400 days of play time on WoW by age 18

>> No.10415842

Shrek isn't natural either

>> No.10415946

I dont know. On one side the internet is endlessly entertaining and I've had some of my best moments playing with friends and interacting with people online, especially on games like rust and DayZ. On the other hand I wish I could be experiencing the same thing normies do, especially travelling. I've had this autistic obsession of visiting the partheon before muslims blow it up.

>> No.10415965
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>being online is exactly the same as traveling around the world

>> No.10415984

it's all just brain stimulus. do you think breathing the foreign air is somehow magical?

>> No.10415995

i feel almost none of my time on the computer is wasted whereas all of my time not on the computer is wasted

>> No.10416052

yeah you dont have to pay a huge amount of money for every little trip and spend all your saved up wagecuck money just you can tell the other wagecucks how nice your vacation was and think they are envious for you being in dingadonga land
and you think the people in dingadonga land actually give a fuck about you and dont just want to milk you for the money
and you think the experiences you have in dingadonga land are actually real and you have any form of expertise about the culture and people in dingadonga land while in reality you dont know shit about dingadonga land

>> No.10416067

Same for the most part, I think travelling to new places can be worthwhile but I get so burnt out socializing with normies its just like whats the point

>> No.10416099

yes until i started making money from the computer during the day and then going out with friends in the evening

>> No.10416105

Yeah I feel so burnt after normies too

>> No.10416112

lmfao he even has burger king foot lettuce

>> No.10416125


Had I not found 4chan 12 years ago as a spergy autistic teenager, I would never have developed into a functioning human being.

4chan taught me so much about being human. And I don't regret all the hours wasted to get to that.

>> No.10416198

Normies waste their whole lives in front of a fucking television or nowadays binge watching whatever for 8 hours at a time.

At least what I'm doing is interactive and has a huge variety of different things to do.

>> No.10416652

If this was true then long distance relationships over the internet would work, yet they don't.

The internet is just a FACE and a VOICE for the world, and often a shallow one at that.

>> No.10416669

The antithesis of squandering your tie playing video games online isn't fucking travelling, this is enormous meme that actually needs to die.

Travelling looks good on Instagram, and for some reason the idea of "having a life" is more or less reduced to a cliché of diving into a pool of water in Thailand and then going to a party or something, as if that shit is going to get you somewhere.

No, travelling is approximately as much of a waste of time as fucking around on the computer.

Making the most of life should involve the following factors, and the more of them you acquire, the more of a life you have had:

1) Having a lot of sex with attractive people
2) Learning a skill
3) Learning a skill that's translatable into earning money
4) Learning a skill that's translatable into entertaining people (music, food, youtube vids etc)
5) Actually using the skill(s) to make money
6) Actually using the skill(s) to entertain people
7) Using skills to expand your social circle and draw people together towards a common goal (entrepreneurship/forming a band etc)
8) Forging a sense of leadership amongst your expanding social circle
9) Discovering and sharing new knowledge
10) Participating in activities that others are doing, trying new things, find ways to learn from these experiences and to find opportunities in them

Having said all this I still live at home with my parents at the age of 31, still a virgin, on low income and I absolutely couldn't be bothered doing any of the above because I just can't be fucking assed.

So there we have it. If success at life is really important to you, you'll do the above. If it isn't, then who gives a shit, nobody is keeping score and AI is about to wipe the floor with everybody's idea of achievements anyway.

>> No.10417034
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Think of it this way, people have been doing the same shit for thousands of years. There's nothing unique about working, socializing, getting drunk, partying, fucking. Its like the base level human experience. Our generation is the first to grow up with the internet and computers. You could say we're wasting our lives but we're doing it in a revolutionary way, we are pioneers of the digital space. Nobody in the past has ever experienced this, so I don't feel shame in indulging in this new frontier.

>> No.10417074

i feel like im wasting time when im away from my computer i hate to even sleep but when im on it i dont know what to do on it i think its an addiction

>> No.10417155
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Not really. I don't have the money on my wagecuck pay to do other stuff so i don't feel like I'm missing out. Being a slave isn't that bad anon.

>> No.10417177


No. But licking foreign pussy is tho. And you ain't gonna get that if you stay Infront of your computer in your underwear.

>> No.10417189

Yeah but what else am I going to do instead? Watch TV? Walk around the mall or something?

>> No.10417200


What is? Working 8 hours a day? kek

>> No.10417218

Im gonna answer this in a sincere manner. Screencap yourself then try traveling around the world for a few years and come back with your honest answer.

If you feel you are right then good for you, if you found out you were wrong then now you know what is right. Quite simple really.

>> No.10417226

eww fucking disgusting mansluts

>> No.10417229


>> No.10417239
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Shitposting like this is why I come here Anon.

45, lived in 6 countries, travelled to at least a few dozen, had relationships with 2 qts, spend all my money fucking at least 500 prostitutes and strippers ranging from skanks to supermodel types, never had kids, never married, got about $350K in savings. One satisfaction I get out of life is knowing that travelling the world is a meme and when I see any beautiful girl I've fucked at least a dozen like her. The one thing I miss is a inner circle of friends I had when I was 13-20 who I could shit talk and laugh with. That probably was the most meaningful thing in my life and I all alone living with a 21-yr qt who into retarded shit.

>> No.10417246

Great list man, i'm doing a lot of them and I live a very fulfilled existence and haven't been depressed a day in my life

>> No.10417249


>I am a semi digital version of the useless bum down the street outside the Inn where Meredith slipped in the shit from the horse carriage while arguing to those Chinese travelers trying to sell that shiny cloth.

>> No.10417290

i used to hang out with lots of friends, we would go out nearly every night during high school

i like this life better (also im poor now)

>> No.10417700
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>You will be pretty much forgotten 10 years after your death
more like a week

>> No.10417863
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>> No.10417876

I can't believe two separate sets of boomer parents thought up the same humiliation torture...

>> No.10417895


>He's never breathed in the incredibly fragrant and fresh air of the Himalayas.

Travel is no meme

>> No.10417915


>> No.10417923

materialist get out

>> No.10418037
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I've been online since I was 8 years old, I'm 30 now. I witness the old wild west days of the web and have built my business on the internet and never held a real job. I wouldn't say it's been a waste. I feel bad for people who haven't seen/experienced what I have online.

>> No.10418068
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>> No.10418086

>(((real job)))
Good for you, anon. Wage slaving is pathetic.

>> No.10418093

>The one thing I miss is a inner circle of friends I had when I was 13-20 who I could shit talk and laugh with. That probably was the most meaningful thing in my life and I all alone living with a 21-yr qt who into retarded shit.

I'm 24 and starting to realize this too... Spent the last 5 years only focused on making money or girls and I really fucked up my relationships with my friends. I don't think there is anything that can replace childhood friends. Even money is fucking pointless beyond like 1-2MM or whatever your number is to feel secure. All that matters is unironically family, friends and your own hobbies

>> No.10418156

This is why I don't do this shit, I refuse, they can all go fuck themselves. Just say no man jesus how hard is it you're 21, it's better to be alone smoking weed than to have endure this utter humiliation.

>> No.10418666

thought the same until i traveled
nope nope nope
years of reading books / talking to people online does not compare to experiencing the world. it's not better or worse but it's different. through either of these means you will get realisations you would have never gotten to through the other mean
this goes for getting laid with someone you love as well, so get on that instead of letting life pass you by

>> No.10418887

I feel like I had the best times on there. During my teenage years I made tones of great lasting friendships online, and met my now fiance on there. Now it's ten years later and I don't even have a PC anymore. Just a laptop I never use. They were good years man.