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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10410894 No.10410894 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /biz/ so against this? Not like shes capable of stealing your money and the end result is making her clingier

>> No.10410923

Women are bad with money and they encourage bad habits in the men they know who have it.

>> No.10410971

>encourage bad habits
but. you will never spend your crypto on her. just tell her about it, requiring her to stick with you to one day get taste of your gains

>> No.10410982

>understand nothing about women
If they know how much money you have, you will never be able to impress them again. Its all about expectations anon, if you say you are a poorfag, a dinner at a nice restaurant will get her wet. If you tell her you are a richfag it will take a yacht and probably a diamond ring just to get her to stay with you and you'll probably have to use lube.

>> No.10410996

As if you'd be willing to put up with her badgering you every day and just use your awesome manly willpower to not only not do what she wants but also don't tell her to fuck off and make her too pissy for sex or even spending any time together without her bitching about how you should cash out your internet funny money for real cash that you can spend on a vacation or some stupid shit that will last a short amount of time and decrease your networth for nothing in return.

>> No.10411005

>poorfag that buys expensive dinner
what the fuck. wouldnt that indicate youre not good with money and just went into debt to pay for dinner? Sort of like when poorfag takes out loan to rent a lambo for a week.

>> No.10411013

Because there is literally no reason to other than bragging and it creates a lot of potentially bad scenarios and you now don't know if you trust that she is with you for your money or you.

When you tell a woman who is thinking of leaving you how much you are worth she doesn't think

>Oh he is so rich I have to stay with him

She thinks

>Oh he is so rich how can I get my hands that money?

You now have someone who might be actively plotting to marry you or get pregnant so they can steal your money through divorce or child support. Not to mention the fact she can claim rape or abuse and take it in a civil suit.

If you tell a girl who loves you and was going stay with you regardless of your wealth it doesn't change anything. By telling someone who plans on leaving you or you think wants to leave you is the worst fucking idea ever. Because you just set yourself up to get your shit taken one way or another.

>> No.10411019

It would indicate that to a man, yes. We are talking about women I assumed.

>> No.10411022

>constant badgering
wouldnt the girl start giving me blowjobs to convince me to spend on her? Dont women give blowjobs all the time to get what they want?
the nagging does not work, does it?

>> No.10411048

Oh my god you don't have a girlfriend. You want to use the money to impress a girl to fuck you and just made the thread as if you had a girlfriend. Fucking hell man you are going to get your shit ruined.

Fucking read this >>10411013

>> No.10411093

Jesus fucking christ anons. Its so goddamned evident that none of you have ever been with a women.

>> No.10411101
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How would i ever get my shit ruined?
richfags fuck all the girls they want no problem and get no rape accusations (mostly)

Also. if i ever decided to marry. i would just do prenups

>> No.10411108

normie doesnt like the truth

>> No.10411110

>t. triggered femanon

>> No.10411118

The fact is that women are your adversaries until proven loyal. You spill the beans too soon and you're fucked 99% of the time.

>> No.10411119

I have been with several. The healthiest and happiest relationships were when we had the least combined money.

>> No.10411128

Telling you ten years-old wife is pushing it, but acceptable.
Your girlfriend, though ? You deserve to get divorce-raped you worthless dimwit.

>> No.10411129
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This is how relationships work.

>> No.10411132

>Richfags fuck all the girls they want no problem
They have basic social skills and based on this one thread I know the first girl to flutter her eyes at you and ask for something would drain your net worth to zero. You have no awareness and have clearly never actually had a girlfriend.

>I would just do prenups
What are you 15? Why do you think billionaires are losing hundreds of millions and even billions to their newly ex-wifes? That shit doesn't work.

>> No.10411148
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>you ten years-old wife

>> No.10411166

this guy fucks. unironically.

i mean, i assume you've been with some 4/10s but none of you have the slightest clue about women that's for sure.

p.s. i have told my networth to a woman before (fine, rounded down a bit) and the outcome didn't match anything mentioned here, i'd do it again.
then again, it really felt like the natural thing to do then and there. if you don't feel 100% like you should do it, do not do it.

it depends on one million plus one circumstances and women will have one million plus one different reactions.

>> No.10411174

I did walk into that one, but getting a wife as young as possible is definitively a good thing.
And don't forget to have as many children as possible, a mother is a completely different beast than a woman.
PROTIP : A female that is not either pregnant or taking care of an ifant is not a mother, but a woman.

Keep a contract ready at all time when nearing menopause, to assassinate her in case she threaten your wealth.

>> No.10411180

Women, just like jews, have 40% more white brain matter than humans.
You deserve what you gets for ignoring Reality.

>> No.10411181

if a woman is capable to control you to that level you're not a man and need to grow up anyways, kids aren't meant to handle money well

>> No.10411185

>hiding a significant part of yourself for 10 years into marriage
that would be like waiting 10 years to finally tell your wife you dye your hair
>thinks im a social retard incel who gets walked on by girls
Nice projection. How many girls have done this to you so far?
>prenups dont work
yet, you cant seem to find any specific celebrities who had failed prenups nor can find a news article, can you?

Want to know how i can tell youre a white knight?

>> No.10411191

have you ever considered youre a poor or average so no women would give a shit anyway?

>> No.10411207
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well yeah, become successful first, kid

>> No.10411208

Because she thinks it's her money too

>> No.10411210

If the majority of your net worth isn't in securities, you're doing something very wrong.

>> No.10411212

if the point of telling women your net worth is to get laid then i got news for you son, you're going to lose that game eventually

>> No.10411217

Alright look dude I was trying to help you. You clearly are a genius and know what you are doing so nothing bad will ever happen to you and you made this thread out of satire and asked questions like a five year old as a joke.

Stay defensive and remember you are smarter than everyone else.

>> No.10411230

just lmao at you bro
it's not about control. it's about filtering out entitled whores while in pursuit of something serious. tell me about your wife tho?

>> No.10411253

>it's not about control

lol, k.

>> No.10411265

>t. 30 year old boomer
>how many notches in your belt brother?

>> No.10411271

of course you are
fuck off beta. go back to prepping the bull just so you can tell me not to do it in 5 years.
when the fuck did i mention where my money is in?
dumb tard
are you trying to say, being rich has no influence on getting women at all?
>being this mad

>> No.10411298


Every single post that was before >>10411093 was just talking about women and money, or money with women, or how women want money, or how money gets women. imma make this real simple to you, if you are using money to attract women I dont care HOW much money you have.. your a beta- and are 100% better off spending that money on a nice escort who will treat your right and be on call whenever the need arises. Many of them are in fact, professional.

Flat out, the best sex, most connected people and interesting women i have been with / met - have not revolved around my financial success at all. Not even a little bit. Women dont care about that; they really dont, not until 30+. Sure money helps when doing things; no doubt, but purly to obtain a women with cash- you are gonna fail fopr all the aforementioned reasons.

If you truly think like you do, and see nothing wrong with it, then yes the women is smarter then you- she will control you - and you will be fucking powerless.. If you honestly cant see how easy it is to control women- Scratch that- people.. Then you my friend, are generally up shits creek. People are dumb, weak and submissive.. Women above all display this qualities on their sleeve.

>I also have been known to fuck myself as well !

>> No.10411313

I'm open with my annual salary and being debt free. She doesn't need to know my net worth. Really I've only been in two situations where it even came up. I gave half joking meem answers to everything and it didn't seem to bother her too much. It can only work to your advantage for her to not know. General lifestyle, behavior, and personality will be plenty for her to make a decision of whether she wants a slice or not.

>> No.10411316

It looks more like you didnt or are a damn roastie yourself
There is absolutely no reason to tell the girl about the wealth if she already digs you and if she wants to leave you she is worthless anyway

>> No.10411323

This is how i feel about everyone in this thread.


>> No.10411325

pretty much what this guy said, you are a beta for using money to get thots. chads will overdrawn accounts will cuck you into being a findom faggot soon enough.

>> No.10411353
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>Not like she's capable of stealing your money
Got some bad news for you anon.

>> No.10411392

Information is power. You want as much information about a woman as you can get while volunteering as little as possible about yourself. Women don't make logical decisions. Obviously, you have to appear stable and not be a poorfag, that goes without saying, but they only need to know how you make them feel, not your finances or your sexual history or other intimate details. Meanwhile, you're free to rationally determine if she's a good fit or not.
If you decide to abandon logic/reason and flaunt your wealth (assuming you're wealthy), you're going to get emotionally attached to some bitch who will pump and dump you, inevitably.

>> No.10411405

Because i don't see why the fuck would your wife know about your securities you witless moron, even businesses can be kept cloudy if you just keep her busy with children you childless freak.

>> No.10411414
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You sperging incels seem to think im using only my money to attract girls and that im not already perfect on my own to do it.
I dont need white knight femanon talked by you whipped basedboy hubbies to give me a lecture on the right women.
All i know is, being rich is one of the many factors to being attractive to a woman. Im not saying being rich should be 100% why she with you. im saying it as a bonus that will influence her into bed.

Are you incels honestly saying, being rich does not help at all? Lets say hypothetically there are two chads going after one girl. One chad has 6 figs, the other is a millionaire. Who the fuck do you think is going to get laid?

>> No.10411443

>All i know is, being rich is one of the many factors to being attractive to a woman.

this is 100% true. how successful you are in your work is a factor just like all other, that add up to how much a woman is attracted to you overall

this is also true

>One chad has 6 figs, the other is a millionaire. Who the fuck do you think is going to get laid?

with that attitude, neither

>> No.10411467

>hypothetically there's 2 chads going after 1 girl
alright, so you're already out of the picture.
>being rich is 1 of many factors to being attractive to a woman
so what's the other factors about these 2 chads that makes them attractive to the girl? tell us your wisdom fren

>> No.10411540

Roastie getting toasty

>> No.10411589

>initially agrees with me
>immediately contradicts himself to get on a soapbox
holy shit, are you a girl? Just admit. Post tits + timestamp while at it
Im in the picture, the girl is your wife, cuck
>other factors
dressing nice and looking good
being funny and keeping her entertained
able to maintain conversation while being flirty.
being accompolished

And who do you think is more accomplished: someone who makes 100 k or 1 million?
You going to deny this? Are you trying to say being accomplished means nothing to a girl? Are you a femanon yourself who denies being a slut who wants to sleep with the more successful man?

>> No.10411595
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and yus. thats muh trip lol

>> No.10411633

lel, kys yourself faggot

>> No.10411673

>Why is /biz/ so against this? Not like shes capable of stealing your money and the end result is making her clingier
Because even the most loving, sweetest person you can imagine may on day decide that they deserve to be treated better and that you deserve to be hurt for not doing so.

I used to daydream about getting rich as fuck and surprising my exgirlfriend with half of my stack.

Then she decided that something I once said that hurt her feelings a couple months after we started dating was abuse and she "will never forgive a MAN for abusing her!" So she would sometimes get angry through our relationship and acream at me, and I thought she just had a temper problem... But in actuality, as she confessed months after breaking up with me (a year and a half after I said that one thing) she knew exactly what she was doing and still thought I deserved it. She actually fucking said that she was actually trying to abuse me to show me what it's like to be emotionally abused, so I wouldn't do it to someone else.

And I'm just.... What the fuck? This is the person I wanted to spend my life with. I trusted her more than anyone. She was so nice and I couldn't imagine her doing anything to hurt me by accident, let alone intentionally.

Now imagine I was rich as fuck and told her about it. In her mind, she can do anything she wants to hurt me because I said a *single* thing that hurt her feelings. It would probably have a been a bad idea for her to know I had anything worth having, considering she felt entitled to do whatever the fuck she wanted to punish me and one day just up and decided that she was going to do so.

Someone can to from loving you to hating you in a few minutes without you knowing what the fuck, and it will seem completely sane to them.

>> No.10411675

>has no argument
>leaves with a shitty joke
come on you fucking loser
you already married a landwhale wife who makes you eat bull cum out of her asshole, so its not like you have anything better to do than debate me >>10411589

>> No.10411685

the girl will play hard to get if she knows you're a millionaire. she'll go into all or nothing mode and choose nothing if she thinks you'd break her heart.

women ultimately want to be loved (by 'the right'/successful men) not fucked.

>> No.10411688

>Also. if i ever decided to marry. i would just do prenups
Judges love to nullify prenups.

>> No.10411714
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so basically. the only problem is getting accused with rape or abuse so they can sue you for money?
Well. Cant argue with that i guess. But i guess its a risk to go into consideration if you still want to fuck her pussy

Also. im sorry
>still keeping contact with your ex after a few months
why the fuck would anyone do this???
Also. if she was truly in a relationship with you for a year and half and secretly plotting behind your back the whole time. that doesnt sound like you two were really together, now does it.

>> No.10411717

Ironically, I showed my crypto portfolio balance to my fiancee last December and she told me to sell almost the exact day the market peaked

>> No.10411724

>She actually fucking said that she was

women aren't actually illogical like these /biz/ incels think, but they can't understand even themselves/their own actions. just because she said something, even if she was trying to be honest, doesn't at all mean it's true.

the bottom line is, she was a dick to you then left you. maybe it's because your abuse, but much more likely she just didn't find you attractive enough in the end, overall.

when you want to understand women look at what they do. also listen to what they say (it WILL help you understand), but never consider it true, because they are literally unable to understand what they do and why. doesn't mean there's no reason behind it, their brain is wired to think less conciously and more by intuition than mens'.

>> No.10411810

>play hard to get
let me tell you something mr incel white night cum sucking cuck boy.
Ever heard of celebrity impersonators? they are guys who look just like celebrities and even anons on here blog about it. If a guy looks like The Rock, goes to an LA Bar, and some dumb roastie thinks hes the Rock, are you saying she wont want to sleep with him that night? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you dumb fucking moron.

Money = being accompolished. Being accompolished = being more attractice. If youre more attractive, that means you have better luck with sleeping with a woman. it has nothing to do with seeing a potential marriage partner partner

Also i love this >>10411724
yet, you say women automatically play hard to get when they see a guy is rich? Or how you further go on to say
>they are literally unable to understand what they do and why
>contradicting yourself again

Again. Are you a woman? Im dead serious
Many women get out right offended when you call them on their bullshit and call men incels, and then go on a whole soapbox diatribe contradicting themselves in every way possible
well, at least she still sticks with you when you go poor lol

>> No.10411943

Shhh you are ruining the virgin cope. Its funny how all these woman experts on 4chan tell others how woman are monsters based off news articles and being bullied for being fat&ugly in highschool. These people forget their mom grandma etc are all female. Or was everyone here raised by crazy whores? (That would explain something tho)

>> No.10411953

But what if she tells you how much money she gains? Its like planning our future for example, i gain that much and you gain that much it would be cool if we put together our budget and make cool things, i see that like that

>> No.10412037

depends on her status as well. The family of my GF is about 10-20M € worth. She does not care about my networth desu.

>> No.10412044

Hi I'm married. Take my advice this is a terrible fucking idea.

>> No.10412055
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youre a fucking virgin.
look. women are monsters
But that doesnt mean there isnt a method to getting them and we should ignore it. like i said earlier in the thread. the factors are this:
>dressing nice and looking good
>being funny and keeping her entertained
>able to maintain conversation while being flirty.
>being accompolished
women are monsters for requiring all this from a guy. but the way i see it.
there are 3 types of guys in this world
they only know 1 or 2 of the 4 factors into getting women. And of those 2, they dont even bother trying to get
>the cucks
they have no idea about any of the factors. they are just naturally social and get a girlfriend that way, but soon deal with adultery and divorce because they are unaware of how women work
>the chads
they know all the rules and acknowledge women are monsters. but, they roll with it anyway, and succeed at them
women like to be dominated despite what anyone tells you. They dont want to view you as
>my money pal
>my best friend
You have to have a shred of mystery and power.
Just watch any shojo anime where a guy shows up to get an idea.
yeah. theres a reason why celebrities only seem to date celebrities.

>> No.10412095

because it gives her motive to manipulate and exploit you. all love fades, even when you're rich, but instead of the natural progression of her getting sick of you and either leaving or cheating, she'll still get sick of you and still cheat, but she'll always have that knowledge that you're rich in the back of her mind giving her that much more reason to hide her treachery and do things like "forget" to take her birth control

just don't talk about your net worth, especially if much of it's earned through investing and thus hard to pinpoint exactly. Obviously if you work some top tier job and it's self evident that you make a huge salary then it is what it is, but otherwise keep your mouth shut

>> No.10412417

Will you geeks fuck off already? You're passive-aggressive losers and shallow communistic assholes. Indifferent psycho cowards. Anti-social freaks with nothing good to say. You're robots. You cannot have emotional connections.

What else do you expect from your female counterpath? Benevolence, responsibility, love? why would the female version of you be any better than your male version?

Wake up to reality. Get better or die. You all disgust me when you pretend you don't understand the problem. You and your whole stereotype are shit and will always be shit. Change or kill yourselves.

>> No.10412700

It's fine OP, everyone in this thread is a spineless wimp but if you know you can resist female manipulation go for it.

>> No.10412706

because she will steal all your money, have fun with that op you fuckin retard

>> No.10413142

1)she doesn't need to know you "went into debt" to pay for dinner
2)she will think you appreciate her
>wouldnt that indicate youre not good with money
3)she is even worse and probably doesn't care

>> No.10413153

Naive boy. Prenups are worth as much as the paper they're written on. Judges use them as toilet paper.

>> No.10413163

Biz is against this because there are tons of lonely faggots with no girlfriends posting on 4chan lmao

>> No.10413179
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the real question is why this board is still infested with fucking normans

fuck your girlfriends and fuck you, you privileged pieces of shit

you cant have crypto and gfs at the same time, greedy sons of bitches, some of us actually need the crypto wealth to actually get any female attention

>> No.10413291

You see, anon, i, alongside 2 siblings of mine, own 3 farms that produce grain, we're building a hydroelectric plant in one of those and we have plans to build a second one, larger, in other one of those. I'm also in a process of recieving some money in switzerland from a trade we made, something like 400k and 100k for the next 3 years.
My girlfriends family doesn't have anywhere near the amount i myself own, i'm richer than her whole family. They are nice, her family, humble, funny, nice people overall, but i'm sure you know where i'm getting, because EVERYTHING and EVERYONE changes at the glance of money, especially if you see something that could give you resource for nearly your entire life. If i tell her, dear, in some point of time (it's not a IF problem, it's a when problem) she will tell someone in her family, that someone will tell the other and this will go on and when that happens, anon, someone will come to me and say "Haha, anon, you are such a great/humble/any other stupid adjective that tries to create a mutual feeling bond, we are sooo deep in the mud, i'm sure a guy like you doesn't have that problem, right? Haha, wouldn't you mind helping us in any way? I mean, you wouldn't even miss that much of money, i'm sure of it." and when i reply "no", anon, all hell will break loose, i will be put as a high nosed brat, a snob and not a good person. This will affect my relation with my gf and it will domino "affect" many things in my life, especially because i'm sure my gf family won't mind telling other people about how "rich and fortunate he is, yet he's a greedy bastard that wont help others in need", so there's problem there.
I love my gf, i trully do, i see her raising my kids, so losing her wouldn't be a nice thing.
Also, we recieved an ofer about planting tobacco in one of those farms, the guy asked us to export it back to Dominican Republic for ciggars and stuff, any opinions on that?

>> No.10414148

Lolz op is a raging faggot, gets called out, reveals his hidden 'id' and still remains a faggot posting fat anime bitches.