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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10410031 No.10410031 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is swing trading for more linkies.

>> No.10410160

I'm too scared that link will continue mooning if I sell. I would rather buy more at a dip but even then I'm not sure I should withdraw position in BTC at this time. I wish I had more money.

>> No.10410170

This isn't big enough for the big moon. gotta accumulate before main net.

>> No.10410277

Considering swinging with 5% of my stack. Nothing too big.

>> No.10410290

why is it going up?

>> No.10410295

Website update

>> No.10410297

I, but not specifically with LINK. Just trying to get 2% gains on something then throw it into something that's dumping, rinse & repeat.

>> No.10410318
File: 21 KB, 248x189, laughing pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it mooning?
>literally anything happened
the state of linkies

>> No.10410345

30% for literally anything. Now imagine main net.

>> No.10410417

it will fucking dump fucking hard when main net is live. I have link but lets not kid ourselves faggots. no crypto in history has mooned after a main net launch.

>> No.10410432
File: 381 KB, 540x693, IMG_0733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically fucking cringed so hard at this post. It wasn't even the type of cringe that you just slightly wince at. No, this is a whole new level of cringe to the point I needed to take a step back from my fucking keyboard and pace around for a few minutes contemplating on how abhorrent and downright embarrassing something like this is. Do you have any idea the level of retardation and pure contrarianism a person needs just to make such a bold fucking claim like that. Downright embarrassing, cringe, bluepilled, and horrifying at how bad this post is.

>> No.10410445

mmmmmm taste good

>> No.10410605
File: 471 KB, 500x346, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
