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10409522 No.10409522 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto emerged following the 2008 Financial Crisis so its hard to determine how it will react to a financial collapse.

How will crypto respond to the inevitable financial collapse of 2018/2019?

Will it crash with it?

Will it hold?

Will it be pushed up by the flood of people abandoning the USD or temporarily turning to crypto to secure their wealth?

>> No.10409581

the next crash will reset the global financial system. debt jubilee, currency collapses, commodity hoaridng, etc. In other words, a total shift in the balance of power. It's also laughable to think that we would go back to a hard money system of exchange with precious metals. that ship sailed long ago. what's left? crypto. how will it play out? it's anyone's guess.

>> No.10409718

I also think that crypto will one day replace precious metals but only if electricity, the Internet and super-computers are here to stay.

I imagine powerful computers powered by a combination of solar power and fusion energy maintaining the power that crypto requires.

I also think that if crypto becomes favoured over banks and precious metals it will become so big and unsustainable that it is slow, unusable and unreliable. In this case banks and centralised payment systems will become popular once again until there is further innovations in the efficiency of crypto algorithms and computer power-consumption.

>> No.10409758

Well that's the beauty of the concept of programmable money. to be completely honest, decentralization is a meme. It was a beautiful way to get people on this hype train. In reality the global financial system will work on top of a centralized crypto. Stuff like eos, xrp, tezos is probably closer to how the system will work. why? Because that's just the nature of power. Once you have it, you won't want to let it go. You can't.

>> No.10409771

*almonds activated*

>> No.10409785
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lol just peep what is happening in venezuela, people are flocking to bitcoin and crypto as a safe haven while evrything else is in flames, thats just on a microeconomic scale, now apply that same scenario to a world wide collapse

>> No.10409822


They are the NEW gold and silver

Any questions?

>> No.10409837


>> No.10410726

i don't think alt coins are digital silver I think they are just the new tech shares, kinda like if you were to have a share in uber.

>> No.10410747

crypto's a speculative market, it relies on people putting in spare investment/gambling money, if there's a major recession/financial collapse the normies and financial institutes won't touch crypto at all

>> No.10410756

thats only because of corrupt government who would steal their money

won't apply to countries like USA where that's not the concern

>> No.10411415

do yourself a favor and google "bail-in". it might open your eyes a bit.

>> No.10411450

They will dump them like a Phoenix riding from the ashes people will realize BTC is gods money when they can’t cash out from the bank. When the bank runs start buy the crypto dip

>> No.10411478

>solar power and fusion energy maintaining the power that crypto requires.

>> No.10411500
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BTC is digital gold, alts are worthless dogshit made to fleece idiots out of their bitcoins.

>> No.10411515

Tough to say really.

Some people will sell their crypto in order to get cheap stocks/real estate. Others will look to crypto for alternate investment opportunities. I think if the markets tank, crypto will tank as well, but crypto won't suffer as much.

>> No.10411602

it really depends on the level of adoption as a currency.
if theres a collapse and you can still buy ordinary shit with crypto, the crisis wont mean shit.
on the other hand, if its solely used as a means to speculate and gain value, its inevitably tied with the monetary system and will follow

>> No.10411636

yes normington with his fund will suffer. the fund manager will put in 20% of personal funds, wealthy people are forced to bail into crytpo 5 -10%. nirmington will eventualu be paid in sats and things will remain the same. the crypto elite 10btc - 100 btc plus will join the ranks of the rulers.

>> No.10411791

>It's also laughable to think that we would go back to a hard money system of exchange with precious metals. that ship sailed long ago. what's left? crypto. how will it play out? it's anyone's guess.

PM's survived thousand of years and represent a real store of value.

Crypto excists 10years and is highly volatile. Bitcoin has ONLY 140B. Yeah sure....all the richfags...insitutions...enterprises....royal families....banks....fucking nations....will run to crypto and buy them up in a financial crises....even fucking pete from the farm will buy into it.


>> No.10411808

Yeah we're going to go to the grocery store to buy food with gold and silver bullion. Yup. Totally. Jesus you're retarded.

>> No.10411819

Yeah we're going to go to the grocery store to buy food with our smart phone and wait half an hour to pay the goods. Yup. Totally. Jesus you're retarded.

Have you even checked the history about physical assets like gold and silver? Check out venezuela. They are pretty happy to have silver coins to pay their daily shit.

>> No.10411847

kek there isn't enough gold and silver for everyone on the planet to trade with it. don't be retarded. this is exactly why the paper money abstraction was created.

>> No.10411856

I feel like it does better in rumors of wars than it does when the market turns down. But as for what would happen in a real collapse, hmm, I real don't know.

>> No.10411860

Obviously. And i never implied anyone would use PM's for long term trading. No clue where you would have got the implicatio from.

PM's are a store of value and will always be one. Back something with the real store of value and everything would be good. If that's paper money or crypto, i don't care. Crypto wont be able to be a wolrd currency reserve since its unable to stay stable and cannot be a viable mean of currency. But who cares? Everyone is here for more money.
>Inbefore asteriod mining meme

>> No.10411864
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>the great redistribution of wealth

>> No.10411875

I believe the kikes are in control of Bitcoin and in fact were the one's who created it. It would make sense to me that their plan would be to fully normalize Bitcoin in the mainstream, then let the old economy die, meanwhile bringing Trump down along with it.