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10401674 No.10401674 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell has happened to crypto? If you look at the top 200 coins, like 50 of them are now Chinese whereas a year ago, you basically had NEO.

And take a look at VeChain. Nobody on their team can talk about anything technical. Sunny Lu sounds almost as bad as Justin Sun. He says they're written code for a blockchain from scratch but it looks like they ripped off large chunks of Ethereum and the whole EVM. Also, most of the trading that has pumped prices for VeChain is fake volume on LBank. Check CMC.

>> No.10401815

China century bro. Europe doesn’t innovate / are busy turning into an Islamic caliphate and the Americans are being bogged down by regulations.

>> No.10401957

Even if China collapses they will still be Chinese

In 20 years Europe will be a Brazil-tier ethnic swamp

>> No.10401962

Have you been living under a rock? China NEVER innovates. Fucking fags sucking the chink cock

>> No.10402010

Maybe 500 years ago. World’s a little bit different now. You can start by going to cmc and looking at the github of some of these projects.

>> No.10402213

China isn't bogged down by slave morality like the West is. They also have a fascistic government which is directing funds towards scientific progress that will benefit the Chinese people not currently possible under western Liberalism/Libertarianism and free market capitalism.

>> No.10402331


Still trying this huh?

>> No.10402626

What does that have to do with innovation? Most, 99%, are just copy and paste centralized block chain platforms.

Right, that fantastic government that China is world renown for, take your lips of their cock and read a book.

>> No.10402741

Bogged down by regulations, are you kidding? The old guard's tentacles are choking the government of any regulatory power by lobbying for complete corporate oligarchy. If America ACTUALLY had a free market it'd be better for all of us.

>> No.10402755

still better than being a chink

>> No.10402908

Chinese scam coins and exchanges are China's only economic weapon against the new tariffs put in place by President Trump right now. To fully win the new trade war, the USA must become the crypto capital of the west. Remove all funds from anything Chinese and never look back. There is a reason for the upcoming ETF, the impending Binancification of Cuckbase, etc and I wish I had a specific guess. The true bullrun will not be allowed to happen until a real USA based exchange and USA corporate partnerships are allowed to become significantly mainstream by regulators. The attempted banning of Monero will be a test for this regulatory surge around mid 2020. This and the following steps will fail, but the same question will remain throughout: Am I being scammed by a bunch of chinks? The volatility as a result will become unbearable for the worst traders, and they will come crying to the SEC through a compromised Twitter movement that will become the pivotal moment for all international and domestic cryptocurrency regulation through to 2025. Here's the thing though, this will fall on an election year. We will see crypto become a main election issue. Hope you faggots vote for the guy that has already proven that we can beat China. I'm so very sure of the way the cards are stacked on the China Probrem, especially since all of these China hustle/gook coin threads have that distinct Shareblue reverse pajeeting shit smell. POTUS DADDY I LOVE YOU TRUMPLINK EOY $2020

>> No.10402913

chinks will never succeed. leeching off of others and scamming is bred into their genes. in case youve never lived there, its an actual cultural thing thats encouraged. its also why corruption is so rampant there. the entire country is just a shitshow waiting to explode while gullible westerners suck their dick.
the only hope the east has are the japs and gooks.

>> No.10402947
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>basing your system on PoA with secret node operators
>using stupid cringy names like "power of Thor"
>claiming you're the most adopted crypto with 0 proof and 58 blockchain transactions
>having 75% of your volume on a chink wash trading site
>claiming those nodes are decentralized even though one group picked them all
>was a supply chain coin 6 months ago meant to track designer clothes and wine
>fueding with another Chinese shitcoin named waltonchain who's doing the exact same thing you are except they hired different shills
>setting up a bullshit "foundation" with handpicked insiders that dumps propaganda all day
>recruiting the shittiest possible ICOs and calling yourself a platform
>claim your poaching talent of ETH with a bet token and horse cum
>not being able to spell check your medium bullshit spam
>marketing to the west with chink spam groups like CREAM, boxmining and Reddit faggots
>having a fanbase that consists of attack shills and people that post the scam artist face on popular gifs
>thinking VTHO or whatever faggot coin it's called now is going to be worth anything with no demand
>thinking "billion dollar partnerships" means billions in revenue
>thinking you're going to absorb the entire supply chain business with no competition
>thinking companies like DNV GL don't invest in broad research
>thinking PwC doesn't have other partnerships
>assuming node operators don't sell en masse and make what little pathetic VTHO you mak
>diluting your main coin to copy TRON
>claiming your going to flip ethereum while being an ERC20 token with no product
>claiming you have a product that no one can publically use
>releasing financial reporting that's impossible to verify or audit as real
>bragging about retard angel investors like Tim Draper (Theranos? Six Californias?) as geniuses
>claiming Ethereum is not "Enterprise friendly" while every single company is part of the EEA
>thinking Western companies are going to trust a chink scamcoin while we're in a trade war

>> No.10402948

>that 30 year old boomer who had to leave his home country to teach english

>> No.10402962

if white people are the smartest and most innovative race you'd think they'd be able to create a technology that prevents their IP from being stolen in the last 100 years

also at my jobs white people are noticeably more stupid, it's like working with children

>> No.10403062

Imagine posting this over and over on 4chan thinking it affects anything

>> No.10403135

Hate to break it to you but Communism is one of the most refined forms of slave morality yet, China has had an explosion of it.

>> No.10403243

>The Reddit with a vengance shills are still trying to pull off their fud on 4chinz and failing miserably
Maybe go buy more reddit accounts bro

>> No.10403274

Vechink shills have no self awareness.

>> No.10403448

unironically this. the west is on the decline and China is on the rise like it or not.

>> No.10403511

white people arent. but they did create the IP. also it depends on the country rather than race. americunts are stupider than their counterparts in europe, just like japs are more innovative than chinks or pajeets. even in europe you could argue say germans are smarter than italians etc.
regarding work, chinks are pleasant to work with as long as its not in mainland china or with chinks straight from china. much more so than pajeets.

>> No.10403593
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Imagine sinking what little money you have into a Chinese shitcoin on the advice of a planted Twitter account that's uses biblical and comic book language to fool you into thinking thinking you're going to get rich

>> No.10404311

They’re not. You can keep saying that, but it doesn’t change that China has the largest number of blockchain patents in the world. It doesn’t stop chinese companies from continually creating new products and businesses. You can either jerk off to Richard spencer for the rest of your life or actually step outside.

Yeah, regulations are reducing america’s capacity to innovate at speed. We’re in agreement?

>> No.10405306


>> No.10405466
File: 167 KB, 780x439, china-tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please name me a Chinese Tech company which has been successful in the United States or Europe?????

You can't. There are none. They only exist in China where they have a huge advantage. Enterprises across the US and Europe are not going be be buying scammy 3rd rate copy pasta Chinese software. It doesn't happen.

You have IBM and/or technially savvy Germans or Swedes sales people making pitches versus Chinks like Sunny Lu talking about Thunder nodes with his broken English who do you think is going to get the contract?

>> No.10405538




imagine just posting shit authoritatively when you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.10405914

>Chinese tech doesn't count because it's popular in China

I'm speechless.

>> No.10405991

Moron tunnel vision trumpvoter detected

>> No.10406052

These are pretty shit. The Chinese bought IBM's computer business. Again, no innovation.

Huawei is a Chinese backdoor knockoff.

>> No.10406105

They aren't shit. What are things you've made?

>> No.10406168

Half the telecommunications infrastructure in Europe and US is made by Huawei
Xiaomi is opening stores in Spain and Poland
Lenovo is one of the biggest PC OEMs
Also companies like MediaTek and Foxconn

>> No.10406985
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Lenova has turned to utter shit since it was acquired by the Chinese. Xiaomi is kind of successful with crappy phones in 3rd world markets. But I am really talking about...

> Enterprise Technology Solutions

There isn't a single Chinese technology company which has had i enterprise technology solutions adopted across the US or Europe. They all operate behind the Great Firewall in China.

You think fucking Chink Blockchain tech with Sunny Lu wielding a plastic hammer is suddenly going to penetrate the US and European market when giants like Alibaba led by Jack Ma are struggling to do it with hundred billion dollar companies?

>> No.10407049

it only has to penetrate the Chinese market, i could care less about subhuman whites

>> No.10407067

they have an office in silicone valley as of recently. But let's just say it's a chink scam operation center because some literal who on 4chan said so

>> No.10407180

This is how I know you're an uneducated chimp that has been living under a rock. So many tech companies in the west use huawei products wrap it in their own case, label it with their brand, and sell it as their own.

>> No.10407197
File: 5 KB, 200x200, VeChainCult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They may have an office in silicon valley because a thousand dumb mother fuckers donated them money fooled by the Chinese Thunder god and plastic hammer show.

They were around since 2015 without any revenues or clients putting on a dog and pony show. They fooled no enterprises. 2017 you dumb moon boys came along and it was easy money.

If they succeed they own 80% of the tokens from which they will get 200% bonus VeChink gas for their authority and other super nodes. Do you think there is any way you will profit from them other than from a BTC bull run that takes all cryptos on parabolic rises?

>> No.10407347
File: 87 KB, 300x243, 1527155411019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407403


China doesn't innovate. They steal ideas. Steal and scam is the Chinese motto, and I have actually LIVED in China and experienced that shit first hand. I would never EVER buy a China related coin after having lived in China and knowing how they operate. The only Asians that innovate are Japanese. The only coins I own are made by white autistics.

>> No.10407710


Lenovo was founded in Beijing in November 1984 as Legend and was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1988. Lenovo acquired IBM's personal computer business in 2005 and agreed to acquire its Intel-based server business in 2014.

you people are unbelievably uninformed

dunning-kruger effect continues

>> No.10408124

They also bought the IBM computer business. Something of which they didn't have, and basically couldn't because the Chinese don't R&D. What I said is still correct.

>> No.10408632

kek i have chink coins but even i admit that chinese are not an innovative people. they steal. quite well.

>> No.10409039

>like 50 of them are now Chinese
Isn't crypto banned in china or whatever, why the fuck are they dominating the industry?