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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10405956 No.10405956 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever stop and think about all of the things you could've bought with your pre-January gains before they tanked 90%? Why didn't you Tether up anon?

>> No.10405972

regretting past actions am what cuck incels do

>> No.10405976

Don't think about it that much. Think about how you can make 10x to get back to pre January levels

>> No.10405998

Haha yeah...

>> No.10406053

Feels pretty good getting into crypto after that drop.

I'm about even, probably doing better than you greedy fucks that didn't take profit in that bubble.

>> No.10406063

started two weeks ago up 1500%

>> No.10406073

Can't think like that. Learn from your mistakes, concentrate on bigger picture.

>> No.10406076

Yeah, then I think about how much money I would have lost out on if I'd sold everything at $3k last year and realize that you can't perfectly time the top and bottom.

>> No.10406196

Don't cry over past mistakes. They are only bad if you didn't learn anything from them and are going to repeat them. Learn from them. Like an AI learn paths which aren't right. Don't repeat them. Win.

>> No.10406227

Yeah, all the time.
I had 200k+ back then. Now I'm back down to 50k. Still a life-changing amount of money, and I've learned to be more protective risk-averse when it comes to investments, but damn, that 200k probably could have set me up for a retirement by 30 (I'm 20 this year)

>> No.10406242

200k will not get you a retirement, right now you would need 1m at most if you stay single the entire time lmao.

>> No.10406290
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>> No.10406327

i didn't think the bubble could be so short lived especially when you looked at the tech bubble and how long that took to play out. I guess it really wasn't since it had been going up all year, but a lot of alts only really went parabolic for a week or two in december and january. Oh well, I'm still up 2x from last year but it sure would have been nice to have cashed out back then.

>> No.10406378

>200k will not get you a retirement
I know, but if I invest it, and save aggressively from what I make at work, I can turn that 200k + my salary into about 1.5m savings in 10 years, which is when I'd be 30. That's enough to retire on. Fuck getting a girlfriend/wife, hookers and bar sluts are cheaper

>> No.10406402

Literally never gonna make it
That kind of mentality is how you end up pajeeted + depleted

>> No.10406502
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It honestly doesn't matter anon, you LITERALLY can't cash out, I cashed out over £550,000 in December during the bull run and let it sit in my bank for six months, went to move it to an investment account and the bank froze my account and it has been 1 month, cashing out is a huge meme.

>> No.10406544

nah not really, lost like $120k from my ATH but I make enough at my job and own a house so it wouldn't have changed my life at all really, maybe bought some new toys (better computer, upgraded my boat) or went on a 2 week vacation but besides that don't really care.

Once you grow up and start living like an adult these kinds of gains won't matter, life goes on.

>> No.10406566

well I wasn't actually...
what do you take me for?
I'm looking for a laugh, you ruined it for me

>> No.10407393

>Transferring $700k to your bank account
You're not gonna make it

>> No.10407482

Feeling regret is pointless, it's just self inflicted mental torture. It's wasted time you could have spent thinking of a solution to a current problem.

>> No.10407489


>> No.10407520

>bank froze my money
Its like some of you don't even understand why crypto is a thing in the first place.

>> No.10407536
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I fantasize about getting into a deep zen trance and with great concentration opening a time portal back to exactly one year ago. I'd take out a $100k loan, then load up on XLM, then XRB, then XRP, then XLM (again), then TRON, then VEN, then EOS. Ride some other flash pumps along the way too if I could remember them, like STORM and KEY. And I'd end the year here, today, with a billion dollars to my name. I did the math, with 100k starting money it would be well over a billion at the end.

Then I come back to reality and remember I'm down 60% on initial, down 93% from ATH, I'm a fucking FOMO dumbass who always does the wrong thing and I'm never gonna make and it just hurts even more because the fantasy was so comfy. Why do I torture myself like this.

>> No.10407647
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I was too busy handling my att real dollar gainz to worry about reinvesting the rest of my crypto unfortunately.

>> No.10407676
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Every time I see a Lamborghini I think about how I could have actually bought a Lamborghini at one point and it would have been a better investment than the garbage I bought on binance.

>> No.10408085

Could've bought a house but no worry, I'll be able to buy three McMansions in the golden bullrun of 2019.