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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 1746x787, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10405658 No.10405658 [Reply] [Original]

Just in case I have to point out the obvious to you GBR brainlets.
>pro-tip: I do

>> No.10405684

>Draws the line incorrectly
>Acts smug about it
Why didn't you just doodle a dick if you weren't going to do it right?

>> No.10405697

>He fell for the line meme
Anon I...

>> No.10405706

>trend line isn't even touching

>> No.10405718

bitcoin is about to pass 1 million dollars on the lightning network

>> No.10405725


>> No.10405727

Only horizontal lines matter

>> No.10405747

We get it, you shorted.
Don't forget to close after 10%.

>> No.10405766
File: 144 KB, 1746x787, D0ECF12A-5A18-4D57-BFA5-C2B313D2B2EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've been bullrun for a while now

>> No.10405793

Exactly, and now it is overbought as hell and due for a correction. Brainlets will hold while it crashes, while (((I))) get rich on their behalf.

>> No.10405810

>click line
>click start
>click end
How on earth did you manage to screw just that up?

>> No.10405814

just keep adjusting your lines faggot. lmfaoooo. stupid fuking bear

>> No.10405817

we bull until 8.5-9k. wait a bit

>> No.10405828

>just crossed 70

>> No.10405831

Did you draw that line this morning?

>> No.10405839


>> No.10405849
File: 9 KB, 258x149, rsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is overbought but we have more room to run

>> No.10405855

very impressive crash sir please tell me how to profit please sir

>> No.10405865
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't you just doodle a dick if you weren't going to do it right?

>> No.10405869

that's why i laughed....crossing 70 is just getting started when it comes to btc

>> No.10405918

>crossing 70 is just getting started when it comes to btc

its at 90 on the daily...

anyway i think we are going to almost 9K. Then depending on ETF shit we either keep going or dump.

>> No.10405923

this guy gets it
"overbought as hell" at barely touching 70 RSI?
Look at that chart. 70 RSI before the Dec bubble was at 6.6k or so. it tripled from there before coming down. bearfags were screaming dead cat bounce, double top, etc.

>> No.10405933

>almost 80 on Binance daily
>>just crossed 70
Loving your desperation, brainlet. I think I'm going to open up a x10 short with $1 MM right now.

>> No.10405970

>barely touching 70
My screenshot was from Bittrex, not Binance, and now it is well over 80 on Bittrex daily.

>> No.10405973

Shitty traders don't have a mil.

>> No.10405977

daily rsi can fall to 30 without us dropping below 8k or breaking longer term bull trends. happens all the fucking time. RSI is just a measure of which side is more patient, the buyers or the sellers.

You can buy 5000 bitcoin every day at increasing prices each day, but as long as you do so via limit orders that other people sell into, the RSI will drop.

RSI is not an indicator of price going up or down!!!!! It's an indicator of buying vs selling. It means different things in different situations. Calling bull or bear from RSI requires further CONTEXT.

>> No.10405999

i know that but hes saying it just crossed 70 when its at 90. i told him we still have room to go up tho

>> No.10406026

>TA in crypto
that's some delusional shit. risk selling at 8.5k if you want to but it's going to 50k

>> No.10406042
File: 298 KB, 415x476, alway_rember_happy_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made my day, anon youre cute.

>> No.10406062

Overbought is past 70. It is 20 points past overbought while it is hitting major resistance right now. It cannot get any more bearish than that.

If it hits $9k, I will literally go out and film myself sucking the most diseased nigger cock I can find and post the video daily here.

>> No.10406075

Please be real.

>> No.10406078

RSI needs context. I think eventually we are going back to 5k but this current mini bull has more steam

>> No.10406087

Yeah. You want that video of my sucking your cock don't you.

>> No.10406109

ITT people calling overbought and relying too much on TA. Market sentiment is way more important right now. Everyone who sold/tethered is fomoing and everyone is like: IT HAS BOTTOMED OUT

>> No.10406114

saved everyone yours DOLLAPENNY

>> No.10406115

Nah I don't care about the video. I just want my bbc sucked. Especially by an anorexic sissy twink bear.

>> No.10406128

re-read https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/rsi.asp

>> No.10406140

>Sudden large price movements can create false buy or sell signals in the RSI. It is, therefore, best used with refinements to its application or in conjunction with other, confirming technical indicators.

thanks for proving my point retard. if you sell now you could be missing out.

>> No.10406185

Sure thing Terri Schiavo. I'll enjoy your tears in a few hours.

>> No.10406213

no shit itll dip in a few hours retard it just pumped all day today. im talking about overall within the last 2-3 weeks. holy fuck how poor are you?

>> No.10406224

t. shorted 6.8 and 7.8k

>> No.10406258
File: 93 KB, 1746x787, support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i can do that too xDDDDDDDD!!!1!

>> No.10406395

Are you actually a literal retard? We're not talking about "overall within the last 2-3 weeks", we're talking about the crash that is going to happen RIGHT NOW.

>> No.10406413

>draws a support
>the price would have to go way down for it to hit support again

>> No.10406453

i thought i made it clear when i mentioned ETF that im talking about overall. perhaps not clear enough

>> No.10406466

Back and forth speculation over and over to me just indicates nobody knows what the fuck is even going on.

The only way to analyse BTC is with by guessing at the psychology of people who are just barely started to understand finance or crypto itself.

There's still so much we don't understand at this point. I still don't know where the fuck all this bitcoin shit is going, but its still there, so I'll just watch the bumps and compare them to the other bumps.
There's so much confusion, that barring any news stories reported outside those dumb crypto dedicated outlets, you might as well just look at those last three peaks and bottoms and doing lazy guesses off of that.

I doubt crypto is over-anything after that bubble pop and the price still bouncing around like this.

Personally, I'm just defaulting to selling now and waiting for the drop. Fuck it. It's almost credit payment time any way.

But then I'm a retard who just happened to see a no-brainer gold rush, bought early and then sold everything except for a pool of free money I allowed myself out of the sheer profit I got just as the needle touched that peek so fuck do I know.

>> No.10406491

I want it 4k please.

>> No.10406568

Hello? Are you still here?

>> No.10406583
File: 6 KB, 207x243, 1519687788941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, by your third grade logic, every market on the planet that goes down must go infinitely down to 0, and every market on the planet that goes up must go infinitely up to infinity... nice one /biz/, you've outdone yourselves.

>> No.10406643


>> No.10406658

a non-retard on biz

>> No.10406723 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 1746x787, meme lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously though, fuck your meme lines.
Look I can do it too.

>> No.10406761

OP is mostly right, and the current bullrun was predicted ages ago by the same TA users that people here try to make fun of.

The truth is that most people on /biz/ are fucking retarded and always end up losing money.

>> No.10407131

Just opened a 300k short with 10x leverage.

>> No.10407146

>shitty trend line

>> No.10407166

Will get rejected at 8.7k

>> No.10407232

this is what the trendline looks like
start lockin profits though

>> No.10407299
File: 222 KB, 1746x787, 2018-07-24 17.45.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407450


>> No.10407528


>> No.10407633
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1532417615901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you anons need to understand is that people on here only went bearish around the 6K mark(3rd dip). Thats when all the brainlets on here opened bitmex accounts thinking they were gonna make it by shorting, if people on here were only just cottoning on to the bear market 6 months in you can be sure they will be as stubborn and too late about the bull market.