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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10403103 No.10403103 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is buying BTC st these prices?

Are the normies back?

>> No.10403183


>> No.10403187

muh institutions

>> No.10403190

idk but i just sold. no way we are going on a next bull run after only 6 months

>> No.10403191

>who is buying when BTC prices are low? they should be buying when its high

>> No.10403218
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A fresh cycle of normies, ripe for the picking

>> No.10403226

>has not been paying attention
>does not know what it looks like before assholes get dumped on
>will fomo his taco bell paycheck into the pocket of a whale
you would be stupid to miss this train op

>> No.10403240

It blew through almost every resistance. Also etf anticipation. I'd be really surprised if it didn't retrace to at least 8k now though.

>> No.10403245

>doesn't know how growth works
Don't forget to buy back before 15k anon

>> No.10403297

7800, come on
i have this weird feeling that 20 will be reached and surpassed before the year is over
that would put everyone in hyperfomo

>> No.10403311
File: 47 KB, 633x640, 30boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remember all those fuck heads who have been going on and on about institutional money starting a new asset class. Its happening right now bub

>> No.10403332

40K wouldnt surprise me
there is so much pressure built up btc could blow through 20K in weeks

>> No.10403531

yes its weird that this has actually been tanking for so long
i watched jihan wu on private central banks and it blew my mind. its on youtube for anyone who has 30 minutes and likes autists snicker on stage. if what he saying is true, there will be one megatrend we will all witness

a loss not of confidence in central banks, but central banks inability to compete with private central banks who can provide any kind of liquidity on an automated, immutable and shared platform
or something like that
i just want to know how long this will take

also, does anybody share the idea that the bitcoin crisis of the future will be the same as with housing
>>everybody buys/holds/trades derivatives built on housing debt because they are so profitable, but nobody actually holds the underlying asset - once people start calling bullshit, the whole house of cards collapses and the only people who win were those who held real estate
>>everybody buys/holds/trades derivatives of bitcoin but nobody holds the actual asset ...

>> No.10403651
File: 38 KB, 500x500, PinkOmega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too little time left till EOY. All those 20k+ crystal ball visions canät happen any more this year. Growth would be too vertical. This spooks investors and even stupid normies aren't THAT stupid.

I'm anticipating the conclusion of this lopsided bart back down to who knows where, and we will continue to sideways-bear for the rest of 2018 while major projects finally get themselves on their feet.

Come 2019, eyes on and wallets clutched, prepare for golden days.

>> No.10403748

>BTC goes from $1k to $20k
>$8k to $20k+ "IS TO VERTICAL"

where did you come from you fucking brainlet? fuck off

>> No.10403764

remember december?

>> No.10403796

People that are expecting a currency war


>> No.10403814

so both usa and china are going to inflate their debt away while smart money goes into the money of the future, crypto?

>> No.10403837

Oh damn seeing that really made me realize that we are doing 8-16 this year and then 12-25 next year.

>> No.10403856

Because after the 3rd degree burns normies and everyone else received from fomoing into BTC before January has not tempered the greed of those who are still willing to risk investment, right?`

The stupidest of dogs won't stick their nose where it hurts twice.

>> No.10403864

we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.10403867

Exactly, chinese insiders drove the price up last week, right before the yuan 5% devaluation

>> No.10403983

ever heard of the gamblers dilemma? think in the mindset of someone who buys something at 18k that was worth 1k six months before, and then loses 2/3 of his dollars
a person that dumb will panic sell at 6k and buy back in at 10k in hopes of making it all back

>> No.10403997

i heard the rumour that china has been buying up gold certificates and bitcoin through a variety of private hedgefunds in order to not make the market suspicious but i dont know shit about such things

>> No.10404007

The year is over? 20k?
Are you serious?
We'll be seeing 50k in december.

>> No.10404033

yep. Same shit but different. That's how they always get us good goys.

>> No.10404089

What are you a newfag?

Literally every single summer, there's a load of summerfags that have nothing to do with their time, and will run us up to a bull market because of their FOMO.

Inevitably, there will also by a crash by end of year, because of tax harvesting, university finals, etc..

It happens every single year. The smart money was buying all the way from from 8-9k to 5-6k, and will continue to buy until about 10-12K, and sell on the way up until the inevitable crash.

>> No.10404131

If you think btc is too expensive you should invest in something else

>> No.10404266
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Very few normies actually invested into crypto in december. Many people heard about it but few of them actually took the steps to buy bitcoin or altcoins.
As soon as the news starts reporting that "bitcoin is back" we're going to see a lot more people coming into crypto thinking this time is their second chance to get into the train.

This combined with institutional money coming in will trigger the golden bullrun.

>> No.10404285

>>every fucking summer
I agree with the post with one exception: 2014
So it's possible that nothing is going to happen and we will be sideways until 2019.
Barry Silbert Twitted that 2019 will be great for BTC and that makes me think it's going to be 2019. I would like it to be 2018 though.

>> No.10404307

China is buying physical gold, not kike monopoly bills

>> No.10404333

China is a government we're talking about private citizens in China that want to protect their wealth from the serial devaluations that are coming because of this trade wars retard

>> No.10404353

imagine not understanding bitcoin this much

>> No.10404405


>> No.10404427

markets are weird right now. I don’t think you’ll find your answers here, I’ve been looking hard also. points of interest for those also investigating (can’t make sense of but may be related to larger picture things): gold crashing , yen/gold super highly correlated (implying forex traders are moving around since something about yen liquidity — not a forex dude so don’t know more than that), signs of massive short position in oil markets timed for late summer earlier August (price discrepancy on the contract expiration date hasn’t been arbitraged away, and it should have been and would have been normally unless something weird is up - citation macrovoices podcast the latest one- they post chsrtbooks too if you want to have a look at the numbers) Oil Prices are high now and rising , but August and later are lower and don’t match contract expiration date. What that means is that if you currently possess a large amount of oil , you can capture that gain instantly in the market by selling it now and buying contract later. But for some reason that isn’t happening, implying someones shorting or knows about a big down move coming up or something ) , currencies pairs are all over the place , markets increasing like crazy, fed rate hikes promised for all next year , markets still growing. Dollar still rising. don’t know wat it means but it isn’t normal. I think people are just hedging in case things start being wild elsewhere. Only explanation I have but no idea why or what it means , or even if that’s actually happening. Would be very interested in thoughts or comments though if anyone can point me places or has more info

>> No.10404431


>> No.10404479
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You should listen to >>10404266

The fact of the matter is he's correct. Yes a lot of people heard of bitcoin. Yes some even bought it. Some maybe bought $20 worth. Or even a $100!!
Very, very, few put in thousands.
MOST put in nothing.
MOST didn't and still don't know ANYTHING about it.

You kids haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.10404481

Chinese new year just ended so the wallstreet whales are using their bonuses

>> No.10404499

the golden bull is prepped

>> No.10404508
File: 223 KB, 1136x493, BTC 20K June 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10404531

>The fact of the matter is he's correct. Yes a lot of people heard of bitcoin. Yes some even bought it. Some maybe bought $20 worth. Or even a $100!!
I agree with this too
the people serious enough about crypto had time to research and we're entering the golden bull
most people I know bought under $500 worth

>> No.10404610
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Look man, I'm a normie.
I do normie things, talk with normie people.
>inb4 reeeeee
What I'm saying is true about most people buying any kind of crypto. They haven't.
I did my research on the space before putting money in.
And I still caught a falling knife this year.
Fuck me right?
No, because last nov-dec was a prelude to what you're about to see.
$20k was just a taste.

>> No.10404635

>people insisting on 40-50k just this year
Weren't that many months ago you faggots mocked twitterfaggots and their predictions to the same number.
Fucking hypocrite retards and newfags

>> No.10404674

Why does this graph replicate the post-Gox bear market, rather than the far ahirter, previous corrections? Seems like it was made by a noob.

>> No.10404776

>jihan wu on private central banks
can't find link for that video. can help a bit with this?

>> No.10404862

>The stupidest of dogs won't stick their nose where it hurts twice.
how /biz/ mangles proverbs

>> No.10404893

Bro, it will be 9k by the weekend

>> No.10404907

>The stupidest of dogs won't stick their nose where it hurts twice.

>> No.10405520

>what was 2011

>> No.10405585
File: 24 KB, 512x341, mtgox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong year, but an even better one
and arguably this is 6 months apart

>> No.10405640

Btc is not worth this price right now. It’s too parabolic of a movement for this time of year. Btc is worth around 6k for the summer of 2018.