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10403790 No.10403790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /biz/,
Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?

>> No.10403813

Yes and it ruined everything.

>> No.10403833

no that's for rick and morty fans, im too dumb to do that

>> No.10403839

Unironically yes.

>> No.10403854

Doesn't look like anything to me.

>> No.10403879

Every once in awhile I do engage in that thought process which usually ends with me experiencing like a strange feeling and then thankfully it goes away and I get lost in day to day activities again.

>> No.10403890

always do, no other way to make it

>> No.10403967
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Does anyone else see visual snow? I remember a thread from a while ago which demonstrated that a disproportionate amount of users had experienced this phenomenon

>> No.10403987
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>not realizing the non-dual nature of that which is

>> No.10404044

if you really want a mindfuck

think back on all of the times you took a huge risk

what happened to your life afterwards?

where would you be if you didn't take that huge risk?

just think on it

>> No.10404053

only when drunk

>> No.10404078


>> No.10404087

if i think back it's weird.
almost all the times i would got injured or dead many hundreds of times i got lucky.
every time i could get ahead in life financially shit craps out.

it's like a devil is watching over me can't die no easy way out but can't accomplish anything or get out of the maze.

>> No.10404123
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Freaked me out once I started to notice it.
What do you think it is?
Doctor just prescribed eye drops. Lol.

>> No.10404143
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Implying "I" exist.

>> No.10404151

no, you need glasses guys

>> No.10404154



>> No.10404193

You want an even bigger mindfuck?
You are actively creating your own parallel universe, it's quantum physics.
Don't think about all that bad stuff from now on, promise.

>> No.10404198


came to the conclusion the i am god. AMA if u want

>> No.10404215

why didn't Trump show his actual tax returns?

>> No.10404238

I am this 100% I feel like Constantine when he's tryna get lunch cancer and the devil takes it out. I spent this life making sure I learn the right things for my soul so I never have to reincarnate under any misguided emotions. Regardless it's been a blessing to be apart of this era with all you other souls

>> No.10404268

Yes. I wish I was still a blue pulled normie. Only now do I truly understand the phrase "ignorance is bliss"

>> No.10404280

i remember my first time meditating

don't forget about the sine wave brotha, but also don't forget what you have learned

for darkness there must be light

learn about your brain/nervous system

you're hallucinating your reality through a delay of the input of your senses

the only thing that is real is your thoughts... granted they're YOUR thoughts

work on it

>> No.10404371

hey me too. me you?

>> No.10404414

Yes a lot of times. Sometimes I just think every memory was just programmed and it’s my first day in some sort of simulation. All just test how I will react on certain events.

>> No.10404421
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I have no idea what it means, I didn't even know there was a name for it until seeing that thread. I've had it my whole life and I never knew how to explain it to my parents or anyone as a kid so I just never mentioned it. I noticed it a lot more then probably because I still had a wild imagination and I wasn't used to any of it. Nowadays I don't even notice unless I think about it.
There's nothing wrong with my eyesight though, it's better than average (20/10)

>> No.10404433

Yes, and I brought it up to my friend last week, and he sees it too. I have seen it since I was a little kid, asked my Mom about it and she said it was dust, but I argued that it was like "TV static" and she didn't understand what I was talking about and gave me the kid-blowoff.

>> No.10404464

Maybe it's the "veil" like in the Bible. As in the snow we see is a manifestation of the barrier between where ghosts and souls are.

This should be discussed in /x/. Bored at work, I'm going in there to make a thread in a bit.

>> No.10404603


god is everywhere


he knows it wont matter in the long run

>> No.10404649

your code

>> No.10404657


Yes, like why did the universe come into existence in the first place?

If there was nothing before the universe,what is this nothing and does it exist and why?

How can there be a nothing in the first place, and why would something called a universe need to start from nothing?

Why did I, a self conscious being with a "mind" suddenly come into existence 40 years ago just randomly in a hairless monkey body on a tiny planet?

> hurr durr your parents had sex

>> No.10405119

I believe this, but I believe the multiverses are all virtual.. and there are infinite layers up and down of universes (we will eventually create virtual worlds indistinguishable from our own)
when we make decisions or observe events we are forking reality. Is free will real or wishful thinking?

>> No.10405131

Everbodies brain short circuited when pondering my unanswerable questions.

>> No.10405161

The universe alternates between two states, existence and nonexistence, however, since few to no entities can perceive these periods of nonexistence, for all intents and purposes existence may as well be always existing.

>> No.10405189

unuronically this. depression drove me sort of crazy in college. im a bit better now but ill never be able to believe what Im seeing again

>> No.10405219

u get visual snow from using drugs that fuck your brain

>> No.10405231

u did drugs didnt you lmao

>> No.10405256

Yes. And it’s the very reason I know I will get rich with Chainlink.

>> No.10405276


Protip: Your brain is an antenna to the consciousness source (like Tesla hypothesized). Savants get more input than you. DMT/LSD broadens your spectrum as well.

>> No.10405293

But why does the universe even need to exist in the first place, and why does it have particularly specific laws like E=mc^2 etc. Where do these laws exist, are they outside the universe, are they written down somewhere lol.

And is nonexistence a thing in itself, or is this concept of nonexistence simply the creation of a human mind that doesn't fully understand?

Did nonexistence and existence persist for an infinite amount of time? What the fuck for, whats the point. Like, what the fuck.

It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10405309

The true nature of everything is oblivion, existence is the affront to the natural order.

>> No.10405334

Yes. By, funnily enough, contemplating a "chairness" of a chair.
It brought me to a weird state of understanding everything for a millisecond aaaand was gone as quick as it came. And I did not use any enhancers. Just discussed with myself
>>what makes a chair, a chair.

>> No.10405491

>>what makes a chair, a chair.
We need to sit down, so we invented a thing and called it a chair. It has chairiness properties such as supporting the buttocks and taking load off the feet.

>> No.10405544
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ITT: people arguing about existence without having proven their existence in the first place.

>> No.10405570

Ex heavy substance user here. Have visual distortions, tinnitus, hearing signals and feeling invisible drones at night. I think we are a part of the machine learning experiment. Sleep = full sync with the cloud.

>> No.10405572

We are a simulation in the ubercomputer of the eternal Bogs, this is why we make losing crypto trades ever time.

>> No.10405583

simulation. Speed of light is the equivalent of the speed of electron that can move through transistors. In our reality that's light. In theirs, it's electron speed.

>> No.10405600

See what I wrote just above you kek.

>> No.10405608
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I used to. But then I discovered crypto. Now I welcome the sweet embrace of non existence.

>> No.10405683

But electrons don't travel at the speed of light, they move actually quite slowly, bouncing off each other and moving energy. Like newtons cradle, (those balls on a pendulum that hit each other, the middle balls barely move).

I studied electronics and worked in the electronics industry for over a decade.

>> No.10405713

How many legs does it need to still be called a chair?
Does it need a back suppirt?
Can you call something a chair when is 3 " off the ground? Why would you call it a chair?
When exactly a chair becomes something else?
Why is it called a chair? Seriously think about the word chair and the object chair and see how nonsensical that is.
It's an exercise in trying to understand how abstract the language really is, so where the word comes from doesn't matter here. The sound that we make when we try to convey to someone, that we are going to sit on this particular object, is arbitrary and differed with language.

It really is an exercise only. I'm not trying to argue a point, just to show you how I got there.

>> No.10405731

Our speed of light is their speed of electrons. That's why we, in our reality, have the speed limitation because information can't travel faster than electrons passing through transistors on their side.

>> No.10405744



I smoked so much weed I became a schizophrenic....

seriously my reality is fucked up, but I think it is closer to the truth than what most people are experiencing. Everything is connected, everything is pre-set. Destiny is a real thing. We are all in this together, we are all connected, we all have a purpose. There are signs everywhere that guide us.

Actually these facts are pretty reasonable to consider as facts, as we are surrounded by matter. There is no empty space around us. There is something everywhere!

>> No.10405801

>>what is quantum entanglement
Mind fuck to me. Information possibly travelling faster than light.

>> No.10405874

I am not sure about
>>machine learning experiment
But I've seen a color that doesn't exist once in my dream. I have a vague idea of that color (as a kind of multicolor)but it was a fucked up experience. That dream was many many years ago and I still remember every detail of it because it was that bizarre. I don't use any substances to bring these on, cause I'm simply not ready to deal with mindfucks like this dream.

>> No.10405883

AND Gate

>> No.10406398
File: 72 KB, 640x640, 9B41FFD1-0E53-4BAA-9F0D-FDDF4DB0327F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an existential crisis at 16 haven’t been the same since

>> No.10406476

>the only thing that is real is your thoughts... granted they're YOUR thoughts
Well they are not. You're just observing what type body and subconsciousness does, thinking you're doing it. In reality it's just an illusion of control.

>> No.10406508

fucking this

>> No.10406531

I've played with ideas about reality being a simulation or hallucination, figured out it probably doesn't matter.
Here, would knowing whether you are just a brain or a brain + a body change your interaction with the external world if the simulated one is an exact replica of the "real " one? no . It makes no difference in the end.

Also, Cogito Ergo Sum, AI is too dumb to think so we're in here with you, infromation comes from the external so its the same experience either in/out of sim, etc. Basically it doesn't matter and its not something you should worry about because even if it were a simulation worrying would change literally nothing since, just like real life, you aren't in control of the simulation, only "GOD" is.

visual static can be hallucinated through the power of suggestion, and its also a natural product of not blinking very often (which happens when you browse in imageboard all day in your room).

>> No.10406635
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>> No.10406686

I do. Do you feel emotionally numb as well?

>> No.10406713

I give it a 20% chance this is some sort of coma dream or simulation. My risk appetite is therefore pretty high and I generally don't give a fuck about anything, so I do stupid risky deathwish shit or weirdo shit.

>> No.10406759

Thoughts like this are why I can’t do psychedelics anymore. I literally get so caught up in thoughts like this I experience a mix of drug induced psychosis sprinkled with intuitions that actually come true(premonition to huge life events that actually ended up happening in the future) I partly blame 4chan for exposing me to these thoughts that run wild like this is all basically
The matrix and that beings from other dimensions are harvesting our negative energy and that our bodies are nothing but meat sacks that serve as a battery or energy/food for these beings that feed off evil. When you start to see how readily the average person follows trends and just blindly follows whatever the electric Jew tells them you can’t help but to think “Is this all really real? Do I create my own reality?” When you start to think others might be NPC’s and you have the ability to shape reality it gives me hope I can build whatever life I want if I don’t cause to much trouble to those behind the curtain.

>> No.10406769

I recommend Plato. He beat you to this a few thousand years ago. It obviously still stands the test of time

>> No.10406778

I watched Rick and Morty and it turned me into a pedophile

>> No.10406802


Human mind perceives objects as tools. That's why things that are not a chair can be considered a chair. A chair is something to sit on, or something to throw, or something to build.