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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 460x460, waiting_tables_in_a_recession_sticker_rectangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10399500 No.10399500 [Reply] [Original]

I know everybody here likes to larp about lambos but who in /biz/ waits tables?

Going on about ten years here. Is there any job more soul-crushing?

>> No.10399593

Never waited but I bartended for a few years, is waiting tables worse than dealing with drunk assholes, retarded teenagers and threats of violence all the time? Zero tips as well except the extremely rare times someone buys you a drink

>> No.10399724

Once you're good enough to stop concentrating on your job all the time while still being good at it, you can have more fun.
I talk shit with the customers which makes the day fun and with retarded teenagers like the bartenderanon mentioned I make fun of them when at their table, without them getting it because they are retarded.
Old people are cool because the only reason they go out is to have a show and see something new so they're the most curious of all customers, kinda like children.
But children are annoying
>tfw my job feels even more pathetic now

>> No.10399761

Call centre is very soul crushing my dude.

Ever since I bought Link the past few weeks have become more bearable. Like I know freedom is on the horizon and I have to suffer only a little longer.

>> No.10399846
File: 854 KB, 694x770, Capture+_2018-07-18-10-42-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going on about ten years here.

And during all those years you never could've saved up enough resources to start your own business or at least get git gud enough with trading. No, you chose to continue being at the mercy of customers helping you pay your bills with their tips and at Mr. Shekelstein's hour as he buys a new lambo

Clods and Gods, everyone. Clods and Gods

>> No.10399909

>Once you're good enough to stop concentrating on your job all the time while still being good at it, you can have more fun.
I do agree with this, at the very least you stop acknowledging people's shit after a while. There is something satisfying when a customer is getting mad about having to wait 5 minutes and all you can do is smile completely chill. Teenagers as well
>cocky kids who throw a fit when they have no ID and don't get served
>bring ID then???
>trying their hardest to come up with excuses about how they lost it
>thats a real shame hope you come back when you find it

>> No.10399995

I did it until I got fired for lying about having experience.
But they said I did a good job, so I used them as a reference on my next job - bartending (where I also lied about having experience).

>> No.10400050

How did they find out?

>> No.10400087
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Bartended for about a year and a half. Great fucking job. Also knew how to skirt the POS, so any table that paid in cash would always end up tipping me a few hundred percent. Now that's what I call service.

>> No.10400126

I worked on a skeleton crew in a factory that turned cow milk into protein powder for a year before my elbows blew out doing the job of the 5 people I replaced.
>had to dump 1500 20lb buckets of frozen milk into a giant vat EVERY NIGHT
>had to pH balance said milk with toxic chemicals which burned my eyes EVERY NIGHT
>had to shovel 750-1000lbs of separated fats out of a swimming pool of boiled milk EVERY NIGHT
>had to wash out every milk bucket with boiling water and soap as fast as possible EVERY NIGHT
I got used to seeing buckets of blood and found a few rats and cell phones frozen in the buckets as well. Also, the stench of rendered fat sticks to all of your clothes no matter how much you wash them, heaven forbid one of those frozen blocks splashes you with bloody milk or you slam your forearms into the sharp lip of the heating vat because frozen milk never wants to leave the bucket unless you POUND that shit hard.

The only upshot was that I could embrace my autism and not speak to anyone during my shift and listen to my favorite anime soundtracks EVERY NIGHT.
You have it easy, OP. I got paid minimum wage to do my job and unless you're some morbidly obese autist who spergs his favorite anime onto customers, you're getting paid better than I ever did.

>> No.10400136

I waited tables for about 5 years after high school. I still have nightmares sometimes where I’m stuck in the weeds and can’t seem to get any traction. This is over 10 years later.

>> No.10400149

Yes anon, I’m working as a dish washer and let me tell you it fucking sucks

>> No.10400165
File: 370 KB, 206x176, 1502517452303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon burns his eyes and does heavy work every night, receives minimum wage
>meanwhile, the white liberals in Silicon Valley win a few grand every year outsourcing all their job and doing nothing every day all day
I'm not a commie, but I find this absurd.

Respect, bro.

>> No.10400191

>1) I didn't know what the "line" was
>2) I didn't know what a "four top" was
>3) I didn't know what "marrying ketchups" meant
I'm sure that wasn't all of it.

>> No.10400211
File: 2.95 MB, 390x293, 1369344506189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve respect for that holy shit

>> No.10400217

I would kill to sit in a clean office and type all day for minimum wage, never understood how such little work garners so much income.
Thanks for reading my story, anon <3 I have a better job now, manufacturing aircraft parts.

>> No.10400275

I bartended for a couple of months when I was 21, had tons of underageb& coming in with those excuses.
The best/worst part was that I quit after the manager fucked my paycheck. Just walked out and he had to bartend for the night - and then got arrested and shut down for serving drinks to minors.

>> No.10400281

shut up an get my food. If you mattered you would be doing something else.

>> No.10400295


the rewards of educational failure and poor choices

>> No.10400306

>a few hundred percent

Sounds legit

Keep larping kiddos, eventually those neetbux are gonna dry up

>> No.10400311

Thanks for ordering Mr Merchantberg, your herpes spit sandwich will be right out.

>> No.10400325

>never understood how such little work garners so much income.

Exam results
>deserve respect for that holy shit
No he does not. He deserves what he is paid. Nothing more. Sounds like a spoilt urban faggot who failed his life.

>> No.10400328


>waits tables
>Going on about ten years here

This isn't sarcasm or condescending. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.10400340

>Keep larping kiddos, eventually those neetbux are gonna dry up

I have 20+ years work experience in IT and a very easy and secure job. Keep crying. I sit here an shit post most of the day or maybe half an hour I do one very useful thing that you are not able to.

>> No.10400350

My parents didn't pay for my finance degree, I went to school for engineering and only got factory work after years of balancing college with waiting tables and mixing drinks.
I may not make as much money as you, but I at least don't have to pretend I'm better than anyone, nor suck the dicks of my """superiors"""

>> No.10400356

>Thanks for ordering Mr Merchantberg, your herpes spit sandwich will be right out.

well I don't et places with regarded looking millennials waiting and tables of teenagers, so you lived up to my expectations fully.

>> No.10400365

>I have 20+ years work experience in IT and a very easy and secure job.

Sure you do :)

>> No.10400378

>My parents didn't pay for my finance degree, I went to school for engineering and only got factory work after years of balancing college with waiting tables and mixing drinks. I may not make as much money as you, but I at least don't have to pretend I'm better than anyone, nor suck the dicks of my """superiors"""

Should have worked harder in your stuy and building work experience. Literally no sympathy. The market works and it put you where you belonged. The entitlement thing is a recent phenomena you know. Butthurt does not win prizes.

>> No.10400381
File: 86 KB, 432x707, 1371414569069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exam results
(You)'ve obviously never had a job if you think that means shit in the real world

>> No.10400383

>comfy IT office faggot makes money for doing nothing all day
See you on the factory floor when Ranjeet outsources you ;)

>> No.10400390

>Sure you do :)
Yup. Go pick up a plate.

>> No.10400397

>(You)'ve obviously never had a job if you think that means shit in the real world

But it does and anyone doing menial jobs after age 24 max has only themselves to blame.

>> No.10400417

Yeah, that's where the part about being actually valuable for what you can do that people want comes in. Not being butthurt at the world for only being able to so stuff any pleb can do or stuff no one wants. Cry harder or learn.

>> No.10400426

Honestly man for minimum wage you could've just gotten a job at McDonald's. No one forced you to be there.

>> No.10400438

You clearly don't actually understand what you're talking about.
I'll give you a hint: the market isn't "alive". It doesn't "correct itself."
Also "belonged" is the past tense. You meant "belong."
All in all I highly doubt you're successful. You're one of those trust fund kiddos who talks mad shit to people online while having no fucking clue what it means to work hard or be successful.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10400450

I'd say concrete/asphalt work looks absolutely soul crushing

>> No.10400452

fucking kek
You’re great anon, don’t let anyone tell you differently

>> No.10400463


Sounds like a middleclass suburban kid that has no idea how the world actually works.

>> No.10400470

The raging butthurt from some one who's only skill anyone will pay for is picking a plate up crying unfair at reality. That in a nutshell is why you ARE picking plates up. I did the shit you are doing as teenager. Get a fucking life you pathetic butturt looser.

>> No.10400471

>anyone doing menial jobs after age 24 max has only themselves to blame.
mostly I will agree with this but exam results mean nothing but getting you into college straight from school. As soon as you're old enough to become a mature student (21) they are absolutely worthless because you'll have to re-meet requirements for college anyway and graduates straight from school are worth extremely little with no experience or connections. Employers give literally zero value to exam results

>> No.10400494

>Sounds like a middleclass suburban kid that has no idea how the world actually works.

Sounds like your an educational failure that is unable to do anything that is not pleb tier or that anyone actually wants to pay you for.

>> No.10400503

Don't cut yourself on all that edge, snowflake.

>> No.10400509

I did it in the hopes of being promoted to machinist, but there was no chance once I got in.
Also, the place I lived at the time had zero job opportunities - college town where I literally went to three interviews for a Starbucks job and got turned down (I did try to get away from the protein factory)

>> No.10400521

You sound like an over opinionated faggot who thinks his shit doesn't stink.
PS It's spelled "loser", and I'm not the waiter from earlier. I'm just calling you out on your faggotry.
Stay mad.

>> No.10400554

If someone comes to be, they can do something that not many can do and is in demand, if they did well at 18 got in a good degree and had a few jobs with good references while a teen and relevant work experience as a student, they wind up on six figures. You wind up picking up plates because while they were working you were fucking around stoking your own ego or lying in bed getting high. You are entitled to exactly nothing. Go pick that plate up or learn something people want to pay you for and how not to be a pain in the ass. Your tears matter not a shit

>> No.10400558

I don't entirely disagree with you. Sometimes people end up in bad places because of their own choices. But there are also those times when things end up badly because of others too, like when your parents decide that they will not help you get a degree.

>b-but muh capitalism is about generating value and not meritocracy
Okay. Then do you doubt that anon (>>10400126) was generating a lot of value for the company he was working for? He claims he was working for 5 people. Don't you think that he could at least get a better pay than a minimum wage? The problem here seems to be that you blindly believe that businessmen are flawless creatures and we should thank our masters for the mere opportunity of having someone to work to. But they're only human, you know. They can be wrong.

>"all you can do is pick up plates"
Showing low regard for anyone because they're not on a high-paying job does not make you a supporter of capitalism. It just makes you a dick.

>> No.10400567


Kid. I've worked my entire life from the age of 18 onward.

I worked my way through 4 years of college meaning 32 hours of work taking 18 credits. I've worked hard to be where I am and it took me 15 years of work to get here but I've had a lot of privileges that a lot of other people didn't have growing up that were out of my control.

One of which was being a middle class suburban white kid.

Takes one to know one. The difference is you sound like you haven't grown up at all, you're probably not even out of highschool yet.

>> No.10400574

The irony of a butthrt entitled plate carrier calling someone a snowflake.

stay poor.

>> No.10400577

So, you're saying your "high IQ" and your "work ethic" has landed you an office job where you shitpost on /biz/ and tell wagies they don't matter? Not everyone wants to do IT, faggot. You're overpaid and the outsourcening is going to leave you rekt if all the commies don't rope you first.

>> No.10400579

You're replying to a troll.
In the off chance he isn't actually trolling, you're replying to a brainwashed retard. There is absolutely nothing you can say that will get through his six-inch skull and into his pea-sized brain.

>> No.10400593

>like when your parents decide that they will not help you get a degree.

boo fucking hoo. I got shot at for my free education to useless dipshit. This thread is full of fucking losers.

>> No.10400605

>I know I'll just keep calling him a plate carrier like that's some kind of horrible insult!
You're brainless and it's giving me many laughs. Oh yeah, and LARPing about money you don't have by telling people to stay poor hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Do you talk like this in real life? I doubt it. You're probably easily pushed around, because you're weak.

>> No.10400630


>Not smart enough for scholarships or poor enough for grants so I decided to sign up the services
>As I said, not smart enough so I ended up being a grunt
>Because you're smarter than me you have no right to complain.

This is literally how your response reads.

I don't know why I bothered to respond, you've already told us you aren't that smart.

>> No.10400632

it's hilarious that you waiter wagies have a grudge against rich people who pay your bills
I worked as a dishwasher before I made it and the waitresses were pieces of shit and mean
I would help them on top of my job and almost never received a tip or thank you
they were condescending and retarded compared to the owner who was always cool and helpful

I stopped eating out because of this but if I do eat out for some reason I tip like 50% unless the server has a cunt attitude

>> No.10400642

I'm not waiting tables now but still at a wageslave job

what's funny is i've made two "I am a trader at a prestigious firm AMAs" and you stupid niggers trust everything I say even though my net worth is literally 2k

>> No.10400649


Roll it on moron pick up a fucking box. People like you disgust me just as much as spoilt brats. Blaming your background and parents because you're a fucking dope and clinging to the chip on your shoulder like a badge of pride. Your brain is fucking worthless which is why you get paid for picking shit up and putting it down. That's not a rare skill.
rewards reaped. Cry harder.

>> No.10400651

Actually I can only see one loser, and it's you.

>> No.10400659

This guy gets it.
At the milk/protein factory, I was handling $20k of raw product per batch every night, company was making bank off of the end product but the skeleton crew was unable to ask for better pay without HR beginning a hunt to replace said workers for the next expendable employee.

IT is next. I can't wait to see the tears of all the office workers who get blasted out by outsourced logistics. Ranjesh won't sit in his cubicle all day doing nothing at the pay level you're receiving, IQ guy

>> No.10400679

Officer actually. The great thing about butthurt losers like the contents of this thread is they never learn because they are to busy thinking up excuses than facing the reality of their own value and doing something about it.

>> No.10400693


>Shot at

Pick one.

Valor stealing scum like you need to be hanged.

>> No.10400694

B-b-b-but rich people are our friends! If it wasn't for Mr. Shekelberg I wouldn't be able to work 12 hours a day for minimum wage so he can afford a lambo!

>> No.10400695

Oh, Anon. You truly remind me of when I was a teenager. Showing empathy for someone does not make you a commie or anything. Maybe you'll learn someday.

I don't see anyone saying anything bad about rich people... As said above I consider them human, and all humans, no matter if rich or poor, are prone to mistakes.

>> No.10400699

>the market put you where you belong

Markets are inefficient, if they worked properly trash like you would be on the streets. You got into a pajeet tier job that anyone with a pulse could get during the easiest period in history to get such a job, you’re not special; you’re a glorified janitor.

>> No.10400704

We know, it is as entertaining for us as is to him
We pick up the plates and earn a living he collects universal basic (You)s

>> No.10400714

As another anon already pointed out, you're so full of shit.
PROTIP: you have to be intelligent to create a believable LARP.

>> No.10400724

Without a cut in pay, would you be able to handle picking up plates? Honestly, could you do my factory gig without crying? Something tells me you're in here to cope and its gonna result in you getting the rope

>> No.10400746

>company was making bank off

Kek'd out loud at this useless dope thinking he deserves a cut of profit for lifting bags. shit you are and shit you will stay until you shape your head up

>> No.10400756

maybe I'm projecting, I hope you make it the service industry is brutal

>> No.10400759

God damn I'm trying to imagine being this much of a bootlicking faggot, and I just can't.

>> No.10400767

>Kek'd out loud at this useless dope thinking he deserves to be paid for doing a job

>> No.10400770

you are reaching new degrees of pathetic. Its all empty raging butthurt and still the only thing left is all you can actually do that anyone wants is pick plates up

>> No.10400774

He's retarded. I thought that much was obvious?

>> No.10400782

>d damn I'm trying to imagine being this much of a bootlicking faggot, and I just can't.

This is why you lift things up and down or your bread. You're a fucking drone.

>> No.10400795

>Oh noes the anon pointed out why I am a larping faggot desperate for human interaction in the form of (You)s
>Better say HE'S the one who's pathetic

God damn you are a faggot. I would say "Don't breed" but we both know you're a fat unemployed neckbeard shitposting on 4chan, so it's not like you'll ever get the chance.

>> No.10400806


enjoy the next other 10 years serving tables

>> No.10400822

Yeah but he can try harder than that at least
You know there's more jobs than just waiting tables right

>> No.10400830


1. I never said I was a server, because I'm not.

2. Underage middle class kid confirmed.

You can't even string a cohesive sentence.

>> No.10400831

he deserves to be paid just as much exactly as the next person willing to do it and since picking things up and putting it down is not a rare skill and he's a dumbass who things he magically deserves to be given a share greater than what the next man willing to do it will want, he stays in shit his whole butthurt existence,

>> No.10400836

You realize that if your "argument" relies on assumptions that are not demonstrably true, you don't have an argument, right?

I'm a drone? Irony. Ironic in the sense that, someone disagrees with you and, rather than attacking their argument (as an intellectual would) you resort to ad hominem.


>> No.10400845

Oh, I'm making good money now.
>(You) got a degree paid for because you were a cop
>(You) now work IT and shitpost on a Cambodian insect gambling forum

Sounds like you're a reeeaaallll hard worker, anon. Thanks for buying my crypto bags and all the NFLX I have dumped after buying with my factory wages over the years. I have more if you wanna get richer for doing nothing ;)

>> No.10400854

>he deserves to be paid just as much exactly as the next person willing to do it and since picking things up and putting it down is not a rare skill and he's a dumbass who things he magically deserves to be given a share greater than what the next man willing to do it will want, he stays in shit his whole butthurt existence,

Not an argument.

>> No.10400874

Look at you with your talentless existence and bland bush era ideas about service life. You are pretty typical of the decline in the USA. Now learn something people need and want or cry harder.

>> No.10400875

>nobody else willing to do it
>if nobody does it company doesn't make money
You know not all jobs have endless waiting lists of resumes signed up

>> No.10400895

>ignores the part where anon is balancing chemical analysis with heavy labor
Reading comprehension 2/10

>> No.10400906

the fucking millennial faggotry is rising. I shit on you all as the lazy, wasted self pitying talentless over entitled existences you are.

>> No.10400924

>chemical analysis
>I got used to seeing buckets of blood and found a few rats and cell phones frozen in the buckets

kek. retards be tarding

>> No.10400947


>Look at you with your talentless existence

Takes more talent to do what I do than you working on your homework JR.

>bland bush era ideas about service life

You literally don't even know what your talking about now and you're trying to deflect away from the fact that I caught you in a pretty badly constructed LARP.

>You are pretty typical of the decline in the USA.

Said the highschooler who has no prospective on life outside of his bubble.

>Now learn something people need and want or cry harder.

See? Not too smart. I have never learned something people need for the sake that they need it. I learn for the sake of wanting to help people and for broadening my own knowledge on subjects I'm keenly interested in.

That's the difference between me and you JR. I'm a free man, I get to do what I like to do and get paid for it. You will grow up to be some faceless employee who has to learn what his superiors want him to learn.

>> No.10400984

go have fun here you'll make some friends

>> No.10401085

This is bullshit, bootlicker. First off, you don't get to determine who deserves what, because you're a nobody and you will always be a nobody.
Finally, yeah sure you have the "choice" to work in about as much sense as you have the "choice" to die. Work is an unavoidable fact of life; so in fact your supposed "choice" is in fact nothing more than an illusion. So you have to go get a job. Okay. Whatever. You try to go get a job. So you start looking at entry-level jobs. 7.25. 8.25. Maybe 9 or 10, if you're lucky. After taxes, that's around $300 per week, $1200 per month.
What are your monthly expenses though?
Let's see:
Rent: last time I checked at rental prices, they were astronomical. Easily half of my pay check each month.
Car payment: probably $100-200 per month
So with two payments, that $1200 is largely gone. But that's not all! You have to pay car insurance, which is going to be anywhere from $40 to almost $200 per month depending
Jeez, looks like the pay check is already almost gone.
Then there's utilities that have to be paid. Food has to be purchased. You need toiletries like soap, shampoo, toilet paper, shaving cream, razors, whatever you can think of.
So that $1200 is gone. And you still have expenses, like gas, which is more expensive than it's ever been. God help you if your car should need maintenance, or if you should end up in the hospital.

You see, you have no idea what it means to suffer. You have no idea what it means to need something and not be able to get it. Daddy has always taken care of you. Daddy even paid for your college. You skated through life being handed everything you ever needed and then boast about how you "made it" through hard work and determination. Bullshit. Absolute fucking rubbish. You talk down on others to give yourself an ego boost.
Literal human trash. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.10401102

>Blah blah blah assumptions and projections because I have no brain to form a proper argument with
1/10 made me reply

>had to ph balance milk with toxic chemicals
Reading comprehension faggot. Get some.