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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10398144 No.10398144 [Reply] [Original]

>you, a virgin investor
>live with parents until 35 (or until you kys)
>work 7 Days a week
>live in shitty (cheap) town
>drive a 10 year old cuckmobile
>wear old clothes all the time
>eat peasant shit like rice and beans all the time
>4 year old broken phone
>no vacations
>scrimp and save, living a miserable existence

All so you can “”””””””make it””””””” when you’re 55 (if you don’t suicide before then)

>inherited a $10mil trust fund on his 18th birthday

>> No.10398160

cool story bro

>> No.10398161

you can compare to God too

the only things that matters is, is your life better than what it was before, if yes, you are winning, if no you are losing

>> No.10398216
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Life is not a contest

>> No.10398262

spoken like a true loser

>> No.10398295

spoken like a true kike
it's literally not a contest, only schlomo would like you to believe that so you'd be forced to step on your fellow man

>> No.10398310
File: 9 KB, 632x217, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I like to think I'm doing OK

>> No.10398314

many of us have never lost money. we don't post because we are ashamed for and feel sorry for our biz brethren who are down 90% because of advanced brainletism. we show mercy by not bragging. 10 mil is a good goal. automate eerythng and use matth to win. you can do it bizards!

>> No.10398361

this. if you came before the second half of 2017 there is literally no way you lost money

>> No.10398413

synd att pengar inte kan bota din homosexualitet

>> No.10398481

fuck you.

>> No.10398492


>> No.10398501

>you, a virgin investor
nah not a virgin
>live with parents until 35 (or until you kys)
28 - live in a big flat within the house of my father. Pretty comfy and no costs.
>work 7 Days a week
yes, I do own my own onlinestore within a small niche. I always care for my business.
>live in shitty (cheap) town
5th most expensive city in Germany. I would rather live in a more rural city desu.
>drive a 10 year old cuckmobile
yes, 2005 Mercedes GL500. Looks like new though.
>wear old clothes all the time
Nah, but I dont wear trendy clothes. I buy my clothes twice a year online. Dont really give a fuck about clothes.
>eat peasant shit like rice and beans all the time
I like rice chicken and beans.
>4 year old broken phone
Just got a Pixel2 but I used a 2013 Nexus5 before so arent that wrong.
>no vacations
Dont go on vacations pretty often because I have to run my business since it is a small business and my employees will fuck everything up if I stay away for 2-3 weeks.
>scrimp and save, living a miserable existence

You arent that wrong anon. But all in all I like my life. Sage for blogpost.

>> No.10399040

>be OP
>be kike
>get gassed

>> No.10399078
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>/biz/ - Business and COPE

>> No.10399131
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just how small does one's penis have to be to behave in this manner?

>> No.10399172

you know the wood stock on the mp5 would be kind of nice but the garbage patterns just ruin it.

>> No.10399185

imagine the type of nigger that inherits $10 mill, then spends it all on irl gun skins, nigger cars and liquor.
you'll kys by 25 when you run out of money.

>> No.10399236

about tree fiddy

>> No.10399290
File: 191 KB, 757x936, 1520188724576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to buy a property where I can reserve a room for myself to bring a girl "home"? Living with mom is super comfy and I've been a social outcast all my life and it made me millions why should I abandon mommy for a whore?

>> No.10399553

nice airsoft faggot.

>> No.10399596

Nice, sounds 10x better than my actual life.

>> No.10399743

If you love your mother so much why don't you just give her the old lickeroo?

>> No.10399780


Buy an apartment building/duplex or an old house that’s been converted into apartments. Keep one of the apartments for yourself. Rent the rest. Rent the one you’re keeping for yourself on Airbnb if you want a little extra cash.

>> No.10399787

I'm not incestuous like you. It's unfortunate you don't love your family like I do, all this wealth I just want to make them happy and buy them nice things.

>> No.10399848
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