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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 653 KB, 1420x1084, FOMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10388539 No.10388539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a *reverse* FOMO contract. The timer counts down instead of up. It's genius.


>contract is taking off
>almost 5 PM on the East Coast, Americans haven't gotten home from work yet
>almost 5 AM in Hong Kong, Chinese haven't woken up yet
>contract is already going parabolic

Get in!


Continued from

>> No.10388552

why did fomofive thread get modded

>> No.10388560

what will happen when china wakes up?

>> No.10388572
File: 312 KB, 744x724, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 4.49.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it has grown over 100 ETH since that pic was taken

someone spammed like 10 threads, which is annoying, so I guess the janitors stepped up and did their job. Good job, janitors. Mods = gods, janitors = gods in training
we love you, you do it for free

>> No.10388603

The moon will become visible

>> No.10388636
File: 833 KB, 2304x1902, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 4.54.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houston, we have liftoff.

>> No.10388688

Mfw I was posting about this at 35 ETH. Why am I always right about everything?

>> No.10388704
File: 632 KB, 1386x1048, B52DE5E4-7C40-4930-A638-561190B70DD7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10388729
File: 294 KB, 742x660, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 5.00.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until Mr. Wu gets up and throws his degen stack into this

>> No.10388741

threads like this should be fucking banned

>> No.10388755

stay poor

>> No.10388763

yeah, so you can get back to pump and dumping shitcoins like link, right? at least this is fun.

made literally $500 today just playing this game

>> No.10388795

I don't understand the hate. And why mods keep deleting these threads. I unironically have made 3x my initial investment on this. Made some good money from some of the other clones too. At this point I'm convinced all the clone hate is just the original fomo 3d dev team being salty

>> No.10388798

Got in with 1eth at 25. Tried to convince my brother but he got burned with fomo3d
And now I broke even, making $$$

>> No.10388861

ehhh... ever consider that you might simply be wrong? The whole point is to get /biz/ in early. This is more than just some shitty ponzi scheme, it's a fun, distributed lottery, with actual strategy.

>> No.10388879

Invested 1.5ETH let's see how this goes

>> No.10388889
File: 46 KB, 960x686, smug lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.10388890
File: 126 KB, 736x736, 0841CC26-8A97-423F-9E31-43ACAA89518C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong side of history, bro.

>> No.10388905

if I withdraw from my vault will I stop getting divs?

>> No.10388939

No. Divs are reliant on keys. Aslong as the round continues you will get the same amount of divs.

>> No.10388949

shrimp.world is the alternative URL but fomofive.me is the original (if you use referrals, it will show fomofive.me so I hope this clears some stuff for you guys)
feel free to use my ref fomofive*me/352 (replace* with . [dot])

>> No.10388968

so I should withdraw my initial investment asap once I've broke even, correct?

>> No.10388984

so close

>> No.10389004

whats the point in withdrawing? You don't lose keys right?

>> No.10389006
File: 282 KB, 432x653, 4chan despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter as long as it's under "exit scammed".
Fuck me. 5th time this week probably.

>> No.10389008


>> No.10389022

When you withdraw, you get the "exit scammed" money. THe locked is the divs

>> No.10389030

it's slowing down

>> No.10389061

So on lockdown is whats gone into the pool?

I bought 5k keys before we hit 100. I should be in good position, no?

Only bought 300 keys of fomo3d when pot was <200 -___-

>> No.10389074

It's about to boom once the Chinese get in

>> No.10389084

just wait until amerimutts get home and chinks wake up and fomo in
To my understanding, yes. The lockdown = pooled and will be available to cash in once the round ends/ a whale buys it out

>> No.10389098

>Aslong as the round continues
what is dependent on a round continuing? just that someone has to buy a key or something else?

>> No.10389100

So lets say I have 1 ether in

My vault has 2 ether |exit scammed"

If someone exit scams (game ends) I lose my 2 ether?

>> No.10389102

I bought 5000 keys on the original fomo3d before 100 I’m eth rich now, so much so that I threw 1 eth at this one. I’m just trying to calculate how many keys there will be when it goes out. I think it can grow to the size of the current fomo3d pot. And yes I was able to withdraw some from fomo5.

>> No.10389134

how much did you make?

>> No.10389136

It instantly ends after roughly 4591 hours now. However, each key purchased reduces it by a second

>> No.10389140

exit scam = money you can withdraw now. Lockdown = keys from divs in pot. This is the one where you have to wait until round ends/ whale buys out to get gainz

>> No.10389148

How much eth roughly did you end up getting from Fomo3d? Or maybe I don't want to know what could have been

>> No.10389161

7-10 eth

>> No.10389179

I also put 15 eth into p3d before f3d began and made a stack of 60, I was worried about the security of the f3d contract or I would have done more.

>> No.10389180

good on ya mate, wouldn't call it eth rich but to each their own.

I made 70 eth on a lucky chance from .1 eth on bitsler autorolling last year. Unfortunately I'm a degenerate gambler and have lost almost all of it in regular casinos and shit coins. Cheers

>> No.10389193

How much are you getting now? Since it has slowed down? Are you getting like 100$ per day?

>> No.10389221

On all contracts 1-2 eth

>> No.10389235

In f3d almost fuck all maybe 0.2-0.4 today

>> No.10389285
File: 320 KB, 796x664, C8E8FD8C-A8FE-42F2-8EBA-69F648007743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving on up, boys!
>tfw making more than my wagie friends per hour just tinkering with this game

>> No.10389324

use my link and get 5% off my stack

fomofive dot me/reversed

>> No.10389326

People buying into this shit are fucking retarded

>> No.10389337

Hey bros. When can we expect a whale to buy up the entire pot, ending the round?

>> No.10389339

It's retarded

>> No.10389347

track all the fomo clones at https://fomowars.surge.sh/

>> No.10389365

If you're buying .5 eth worth it's a risk. $1 in it for a gag won't hurt.

>> No.10389366

...holy shit

>> No.10389374
File: 299 KB, 742x684, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 5.41.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I agree there, fren

>> No.10389383
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>> No.10389412

I wonder what the Chinese FOMO will be like when we hit 200 ETH

>> No.10389417
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1531984453344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are retarded

>> No.10389423

really looks like it will be months dude, if not a year

>> No.10389443


>> No.10389448
File: 328 KB, 834x718, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 5.46.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, this is going vertical once Americans are home from work and China wakes up.

>> No.10389453

115 eth china fomo incoming

>> No.10389462

That's good anon. The game will continue for ever.

>> No.10389475

I'm a brainlet and never considered that possibility, this shit is gonna sell out fast if china gets involved.

There's 16 million keys left, and about 1.5 million have already been claimed. This shit is gonna sell out in a day or two.

the dividends will be glorious

>> No.10389510

What does it mean when some of your earnings are "on lockdown"? I have almost 1 ETH in lockdown in addition to my other earnings

>> No.10389528

it means that's what's available when the timer runs out

>> No.10389537

now, use my link get 5% of my stack

fomofive dot me/reversed

it was scary at the moment, trust me it will book in 2days

>> No.10389540

You get it when the round ends, which can happen anytime between now and Q2 2019.

>> No.10389555

Is the Website down????

>> No.10389559

>You get it when the round ends, which can happen anytime between now and Q2 2019.
Unlikely to be the latter since whenever someone FOMOs in the timer goes down

Try http://shrimp.world/ and be patient

>> No.10389576

Nope I just suck dicks

>> No.10389592
File: 428 KB, 200x183, power shrug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between fomo five and shrimp world?

>> No.10389617

This one is better desu. It’s finite and can’t go on forever like FOMO Long. As time starts dwindling the actual FOMO will kick in. Bought 3k keys thanks for thread friendo.

>> No.10389618

shrimp world is a safe alternative URL because the first one got spammed by Pajeets and the mods added it to the spam filter. It's the same website and the same contract, just a different URL

>> No.10389634

Everyone said we'd hit 100 ETH tonight but we already did... what's next? Can this really hit 200 ETH??

>> No.10389653

Even if not I am making a killing on this. $500/hour playing this shitty game kek. Can't wait to send this to my wagie friends

>> No.10389664
File: 143 KB, 603x1049, chrome_2018-07-23_14-55-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help out a brainlet here?
when I try to withdraw I don't have an option to change the amount of eth withdrawn?
it says max total .000233eth

or is it the gas limit that I can choose to change and that's what's represented in how much eth I'm withdrawing?

>> No.10389671
File: 27 KB, 992x200, 67CB38D1-330B-4F97-AA5E-683D5E1B7F22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.10389673

That's for calling the function you brainlet. Raise the gas to 5 and press submit.

>> No.10389679

How much ETH did you throw in?

>> No.10389686

after that all my total gains will be withdrawn to my metamask right?

>> No.10389688

1 ETH is all you need to make it. Just be patient. I've been sitting here refreshing all day long kek

>> No.10389691

Yes, you can even look at the handy dandy etherscan link and see what happened after the transaction is mined. If you post it here I can walk you through it.

But yes, just press submit.

>> No.10389710

turns out I was using too little gas, however it eventually went through and I got my 3eth
this is the tx here though it says 0ether?


>> No.10389726

Value: 0 Ether
this means you sent 0 eth in the contract

Gas Limit:
Gas Price:
0.000000002 Ether (2 Gwei)

gas limit - this is like fuel for your car, you need maybe 1 gallon of fuel to get 20 miles, well here you need 116550 units
2 gwei - this means you're a cheap bastard, this is what you pay for fuel

pay less = slower

so you called a function, sending zero eth, but paying the transaction fee to process the function. the function then did its job and sent you 3.252948208680561846

>> No.10389730
File: 326 KB, 492x454, 152237727639368061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's over

do not buy in, you will not earn any money

chinks won't buy in and everyone will ignore this game since all the early buyers have already made their money

do not buy in, you will only waste your money like I did

>> No.10389731

> doing crypto on Windows
Now that's an easy way to get scammed

>> No.10389751
File: 395 KB, 910x868, 1644E4A7-F719-485A-92CF-6BBC1BE361FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol cope, it cums in waves newfag
You'll see and you'll feel bad that you didn't listen

>> No.10389764

fuck I need to read up on how contract transactions work more
appreciate the help though anon

>> No.10389765
File: 27 KB, 1012x224, 69E88D02-95A3-4AC5-A9D3-23ADB59CB4E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10389768
File: 199 KB, 1500x840, 1520724190535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1000 keys

>> No.10389784
File: 39 KB, 670x118, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.14.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's over
it has only just begun

>> No.10389898
File: 306 KB, 742x718, 3643AAB8-8777-4986-A6B6-83D184BFEFD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mere trickle flows from the crack
Until the dam breaks
And drowns is all


>> No.10389908
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 1530893368029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to do is wake up tomorrow and know I don't have to go to my shitty fucking job

>> No.10389916
File: 909 KB, 2280x2202, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.24.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of ETH waiting to get in
You have to work hard no matter what you do, whether that's shilling Ethereum games or scrubbing toilets.

>> No.10389923

can anyone tell me if this is actually legit? seems like most of the people posting about the site are shills

>> No.10389935

Well, once you get in you naturally become a shill, but yes it is legit

>> No.10389941
File: 55 KB, 648x547, fomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fomofive.me is the way. 100 bucks in a few hours

>> No.10389955

cant wait to 1000 eth pot size :D my god so easy

>> No.10389956

that's like not even 1.5 eth you nerd

>> No.10389975

So what, goofus? Those are practically guaranteed income that we know is on its way to the contract. So even though the pot is 118 right now, we know it'll be higher in just a few minutes. Not to mention the fact that more people are going to FOMO in. Stay poor.

>> No.10389976

it's actually legit
I was really skeptical about the first fomo3d thing and ignored it. then I read up on it from some article explaining how it works, learned that the other one maybe won't ever end unless the price per eth becomes way too high

this one is cool because it will actually end, I haven't made my money back yet but I have withdrawn from it so it is actually legit

>> No.10389990

Now is the time to bite the bullet if you're thinking about it, chinks wake up in a couple hours

>> No.10389991
File: 150 KB, 1834x452, 7474C492-C7B2-49D3-B2B3-4727C7FFA0A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are just going to sit by and talk shit while this moons just like the last time

>> No.10390009
File: 298 KB, 726x710, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.32.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg it's over
i t : h a s : o n l y : j u s t : b e g u n

>> No.10390024
File: 11 KB, 128x128, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.34.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They added a Chinese lobby on Discord
Prepare your butts

>> No.10390031
File: 34 KB, 680x94, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.35.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10390037

Why is it in traditional characters? Is mainland barred from this?

>> No.10390041

Are you Chinese? Perhaps you could advise them

>> No.10390043

Don't say "plenty" and then cream your fucking pants over nothing, you sound like a pajeet.

>> No.10390052

wait are you saying once it gets close, someone with a lot of eth can buy all the final keys needed to take the pot?

>> No.10390055

what is the estimate on this?

>> No.10390065

i think thats the idea, if you get in now tho you'd make decent return on the dividends

>> No.10390072

Yup! That is because each key lowers the timer by 1 second. Once it is in reasonable time, some whale can buy the rest and get the pot while we get the divs
Since this is the first type of reverse FOMO3D, I would expect minimum 400 -500 ETH by end of Week, assuming the chinese jump on this like fomo3d

>> No.10390090
File: 436 KB, 968x920, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 6.39.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to crack the champagne gifs, lads

>> No.10390101

>what is the estimate on this?
clock time ends in aprox 10K eth. Or a maximum of 200 days. You cant lose like right now. i buy 6 hours ago, made 110 bucks, cant wait to see my account tomorrow.

>> No.10390107

anywhere i can see how much dividends i will get for what i deposit?

>> No.10390118

wtf i can win this for biz IM A FUCKING WHALE

is this contract legit?

>> No.10390131

also curious about this. as these games become more popular, it would be nice if some math wiz made a calculator to help estimate dividends based on current pot size

>> No.10390134

I would say so. the pot went from 27 ETH to what it is now within the past 2 hours. I already double my investment, so it is up to you
Use my ref i you want lol
fomofive dot me/352

>> No.10390138

Yes it is, FOMO IN NOW

>> No.10390141

wait wtf is the link, shrimp.world or fomofive?

>> No.10390155
File: 177 KB, 660x828, IMG_20180724_012752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you got the 5% bonus from me?

get it fast

fomofive me/reversed

>> No.10390156

It's the same website, but shrimp world is not banned anywhere while the other one is banned everywhere and saying it pings the various administration parties to come ban your ass

>> No.10390168

I got in at 12:21 pacific time
It was at 59eth
Now its 3:46 and 120 eth

>> No.10390172

I got in kind of late but I just need 2% more of my initial investment to break even

>> No.10390174


fomofive dot me/play

>> No.10390190

>lying about immutable public smart contracts on a forum full of people who don't leave the basement
Step it up Pajeet

>> No.10390198

this is why /biz/ is using http://shrimp.world/ - shrimp is a historical meme, and fomof is b&

>> No.10390209

I hope this thread gives you all flashbacks of when you didnt buy into fomo3d at 100 ETH. This is the next one

>> No.10390226

What are the team distributions in this game ? Does it all goto divies and pot?

>> No.10390227

Kek, this. People sitting here talking about how "it's only 1.5 ETH" while they simply miss out on gains, and it'll probably blow the fuck up when China is awake. It would be really sad if someone watching this thread didn't get in and then khs because he missed out on one of the most obvious opportunities posted here

>> No.10390249

I did 1.5 eth pre 100 in f3d, did the same here ,

>> No.10390269

someone please post in fomo3d's chinese chat on discord.

>> No.10390284
File: 27 KB, 998x186, EE60D791-BE77-4B3E-BA69-765F76985105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw made over $100 in just 40 minutes and I wrote a freelance article during that time

Take note: this is what a winning mindset looks like. Notice how it differs from that of the plebs who drive by, leave their retarded comments, and leave

>> No.10390307

wanted to buy this when I was taking a shit at work today at 65 eth, too bad I didn't have the ability too, would have went heavy, bought $100 worth at 105 eth and $200 more at 115 eth, feeling comfy desu.

The most important thing about these contracts is the idea that they will go on long enough for people to purchase keys. and still be in profit, if this hits 1,000 eth it would be worth it for a whale to spend 950 eth on it to claim the reward.

>> No.10390328

Actually a smart whale would just use 3 accounts and wipe the whole pot and take divs at the same time, so basically once this gets any serious amount of ETH in it, it's going to moon and we're all going to be rich

And obviously people are going to keep buying for the divs and to snipe the pot

>> No.10390349
File: 60 KB, 2318x140, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 7.01.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More in the pipeline, fellow wealthy lads :)

>> No.10390358

post timestamp

>> No.10390362

your posts are cringe inducing

>> No.10390374

made 4 eth and threw 2 back in already. hype

>> No.10390385

Just waiting on this nigga's tx to go through: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8190f79a4046d829caecdf9dd8c7f5fc1299453a29bf378d167f71f71b8767dd

>> No.10390388

There are already way too many keys to earn anything, do not buy in

>> No.10390401

Trying but the transactions wont go through

>> No.10390402

Yeah, I can imagine it must suck to be confrtoned about being such a financial chick
>be poor
>want to stay poor
>fling mud at people who are making it
Post more pink Wojaks

>> No.10390428
File: 34 KB, 1102x236, 1660E848-1F31-47E0-8022-AC491C47D4F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatantly lying
I'm doing just fine, going to cap your post and repost it when we hit 200 ETH

>> No.10390429
File: 290 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20180724_015718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you get the 5% discount?
hurry up

>> No.10390430

ok i fomod in with ur ref

how much did you get from it btw?

>> No.10390456


>> No.10390463

no you just type (and apparently act) like a fucking obnoxious cunt, that's all

>> No.10390466

Using refs will yield 10% of what the person deposits. So thank you anon :D!

>> No.10390471
File: 10 KB, 322x58, 322CF5F2-1B23-47B1-ACC4-B3285541335B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10390481
File: 209 KB, 1091x659, Screenshot 24-Jul-18 01.4301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiots, Fomo2D dot io is much better
> Just started
> New contract
> The number of keys won't grow constantly like in fomo3D because of the hסlding feature

When you get into a dividends game look for the sustainability features or stay poor

>> No.10390482

you finna throw it back in?

>> No.10390492

lol of course not, this game is going nowhere from this point on

>> No.10390507

This has been online for DAYS and is actually a scam. Don't listen to this pajeet.
The reverse fomo has skyrocketed within 8 hours.

>> No.10390578

fomofive (((dot me / wojack
Use the official wojack referral link and know your money will go into good hands.

>> No.10390606

So all the pajeets hyping this shit have cashed out? Lmao

>> No.10390611
File: 534 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180724_022109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in now. don't be scared

>> No.10390626

yes, do not buy in, this is worthless