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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10387625 No.10387625 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a scam
>the rebranding is a pump and dump scheme
>the partnerships are fake
>DNV GL and PWC are actually trial pilot programs
>it's a scam
>WTC is going to destroy VeChain
>"i'm the 45th vechain dev I was fired for speaking out, the project is in shambles"
>it will go to 0 when sunny the rapist exit scams, he touched me in an elevator and slung feces at me
>it's a scam
>there's no whitepaper
>there's no code
>mainnet will never actually launch
>it's a scam part ii: i read the wikipedia for the movie "china hustle" and i know a scam when i see one
>ok there's code but actually hurr durr if you ctrl+F the word "ethereum"...
>actually nevermind all that but VET and THOR won't be worth anything

what other laughable bottom tier pajeet FUD from the last 7 months am I forgetting?

>> No.10387651

This not gonna age well. Hopefully you're still at a break even point where you can sell.

>> No.10387668

>omg! LBank pumped VTHO to 6 cents! We're going to be fucking rich!!!!

>> No.10387683

>"This not gonna age well"
This isn't plebbit or crypto twitter retard. You understand that the point of this thread is that every single piece of VeChain FUD that's been posted on here over the last 7 months has not aged well, right?

>> No.10387746

What the fuck are you talking about? VEN is down a lot from where we smart fags sold. None of you're bullshit hype posts have aged well. The chinks are extracting all they can from the market... recognize the VTHO pump for what it is.

VTHO was selling at 3x the price of VET today...you don't think that's fucking ridiculous?

>> No.10387766

If you're paying more for an egg than you are for a chicken....know that you're getting ripped off.

>> No.10387810

multiple posts in a row, I told you this isn't fucking crypto twitter

the whole market has been down for 7 months reject

the price of VeThor is irrelevant, there's no liquidity on lbank and the people trading it likely don't know what it is/think it's VET

You understand that the point of this thread is that every single piece of VeChain FUD that's been posted on here over the last 7 months has not aged well, right?

>> No.10387867

>he thinks VEN is the only coin down from january

>> No.10387895

the next one will be different
waltoncoin and stellar are both better

>> No.10387971

Vechain is shady as hell bro

>> No.10388042

>he's been holding coins that have been dropping since january

>> No.10388062

Ok, can you explain to me why this needs blockchain? You have to trust Vechain's sensors to report data accurately, right? If so, what are the benefits of a distributred ledger? Wouldn't a centralized database work just as well?

>> No.10388282

Why do businesses use Microsoft Office when they can just code their own kek
Blockchain is a tool that can efficiently process a high volume of transactions quickly and for cheap. Vechain brings this tool to businesses quickly and for cheap. As a business, why would I track all my product in a fucking SQL database, pay for server space and bandwidth, pay for employees to administer and secure it, when I can just phone Sunny Lu and be up and running almost immediately on an immutable global ledger?

>> No.10388563

This, although I wouldn't say up and running immediately

People don't seem to understand that using a public blockchain for supply chain ends up being cheaper and more efficient for the business while providing greater transparency to everyone along the supply chain, including the consumer.

However, it's not cheaper if you need to build everything from the ground up yourself and then maintain it, and you also lose the benefits of participating in a public ecosystem, which run up and down the supply chain. Enter BaaS.

The people who FUD VeChain on this board truly do not know what they're talking about. Trolls, teenagers, people from low socio-economic backgrounds who have no corporate business understanding and are only capable of small, short term vision.

Getting high and staring at charts after you finish your college econ class/shift at McDonald's does not make you knowledgable about anything. There is a reason the big boys (Jim Breyer, Tim Draper) are getting exposure to VeChain in every way possible - through both tokens and through equity in the BaaS consulting business, while you are daytrading shitcoins in your mom's basement.

There is a reason most poor people tend to remain poor - they're fucking stupid, and they think places like /biz/ are a legitimate source of useful information.

May god have mercy on your souls.

>> No.10388623

Tldr. Brevity is important

>> No.10388628
File: 48 KB, 344x517, AllBusiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basing your system on PoA with secret node operators
>using stupid cringy names like "power of Thor"
>claiming you're the most adopted crypto with 0 proof and 58 blockchain transactions
>having 75% of your volume on a chink wash trading site
>claiming those nodes are decentralized even though one group picked them all
>was a supply chain coin 6 months ago meant to track designer clothes and wine
>fueding with another Chinese shitcoin named waltonchain who's doing the exact same thing you are except they hired different shills
>setting up a bullshit "foundation" with handpicked insiders that dumps propaganda all day
>recruiting the shittiest possible ICOs and calling yourself a platform
>claim your poaching talent of ETH with a bet token and horse cum
>not being able to spell check your medium bullshit spam
>marketing to the west with chink spam groups like CREAM, boxmining and Reddit faggots
>having a fanbase that consists of attack shills and people that post the scam artist face on popular gifs
>thinking VTHO or whatever faggot coin it's called now is going to be worth anything with no demand
>thinking "billion dollar partnerships" means billions in revenue
>thinking you're going to absorb the entire supply chain business with no competition
>thinking companies like DNV GL don't invest in broad research
>thinking PwC doesn't have other partnerships
>assuming node operators don't sell en masse and make what little pathetic VTHO you mak
>diluting your main coin to copy TRON
>claiming your going to flip ethereum while being an ERC20 token with no product
>claiming you have a product that no one can publically use
>releasing financial reporting that's impossible to verify or audit as real
>bragging about retard angel investors like Tim Draper (Theranos? Six Californias?) as geniuses
>claiming Ethereum is not "Enterprise friendly" while every single company is part of the EEA
>thinking Western companies are going to trust a chink scamcoin while we're in a trade war

>> No.10388663

Ven is down by 80% in the last 3 months

It's a shitcoin kek

>> No.10388669

it takes 2,000 VET (chickens) to make 1 VTHO (Egg). seems to me like it would be safe to say that VTHO should be worth more than VET.

>> No.10388691

So much this

>> No.10388754


That entire FUD list was absolutely eviscerated one point at a time here:


>> No.10388777

Not really. It got destroyed here


In such embarrassing fashion that OP deleted the original post.

>> No.10388799
File: 900 KB, 171x141, StraightFace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>big boys
>Tim Draper
>spends millions trying split up California for no reason
>still defending Theranos in 2018


>tfw vechain shills are now touting LBank as a legit exchange

>> No.10388819

hi Acrimony

missed u hun

sorry i got you banned everywhere else

>> No.10388972

WTF are you even talking about?

There's no point in using a distribute ledger if you're relying on centralized data inputs. A normal DB would be cheaper and faster.

>> No.10389038
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 1361568561417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty fucking sad how delusional vechain shills are.

Nobody cares about your Reddit grudges fag lmao

>> No.10389063

Jim Breyer was paid to shill Vechain in VEN tokens.
He cashed out already (VEN is not in Breyers portfolio on his website anymore)

>> No.10389175

Nigga what? You sound like the embodiment of the dunning-kruger effect

>> No.10389177




Circle, Ethereum, VeChain, High Fidelity.

>> No.10389201

this entire board is just the dunning-kruger effect at work

here's what listening to /biz/ for investment advice will do for you, anons:


>> No.10389208

This is a blatant cash grab to shoehorn this shit into a blockchain project. It literally does not need a distributed ledger because you're still relying on a trusted third party.

>> No.10389241
File: 208 KB, 814x294, 1359578406994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Jim advises vechain
>b-but he's a node operator
>no way to prove that

Pretty much sums up vechain

>> No.10389259


>> No.10389296

>image board
>posts link to an image

I'm smelling curry

>> No.10389335

>the rumour is true

>> No.10389350

Notice how Breyer doesn't associate himself with VeChain anymore. He probably knew it was a vaporware project from ghe start but knew he could make money if he attached his name to it. Look at the Jan Ven Bullrun when it was doing over 100 million in volume in several days. Pretty sure Breyer cashed out a good 25-50 million. If he removed it immediatly from his portfolio, he would be labeled a pump n dump scammer.

Reminder he shilled in December when it wasn't that known, obviously Sunny managed to contact him and he bribed him in Ven tokens, probably in millions. His reputation has no stake either, he can easily say VEN went down cause of BTC and he can say he never actually recommended people to buy the VEN token.

>hurr durr hes a billionare

Do you think a billionare takes down an opportunity to make an easy 20-30 million? Fucking brainlets

>> No.10389394
File: 200 KB, 449x401, 1365447027084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dunning Kruger

The entire vechain fanbase is celebrating absurdly unrealistic prices and screaming for moon lambos

The OP simply proves that point. It's an attempt to get in front of the inevitable let down and bad news in the future

The vast majority of VEN holders are holding huge bags. They'll indulge themselves in any alternate reality to further their own delusion.

>> No.10389465

He didn't get 'destroyed'. A deluded bagholder/paid pajeet just regurgitated the same old shit. Reddit is filled with paid vechink shills.

>> No.10389480




The "rebuttal" was fucking terrible. The fag can't even contain his emotions and responds to every post with a "you'll see" comment. No answers whatsoever.

>> No.10389711


>> No.10389769


CryptopherWalken is a fucking man child who got anally raped by me, FarmDatKiwi, so hard that he paid off reddit mods to have my account permanently banned. I know you're reading this, you "corporate lawyer" fag. How does it feel knowing a biz NEET got a higher LSAT score than you?

>> No.10389835

>/biz/ NEET
>complaining about losing his reddit account

Top kek

>> No.10389868

I got a kek out of that one

>> No.10389951
File: 75 KB, 685x474, 1362000723287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bragging about getting redditors banned

>> No.10390000

Remember when I posted every single day about how this shitcoin would crash with no survivors after mainnet "launch"? I predicted these enterprise migrations would take months (if they ever happen at all). You could have sold at 6 dollars like me. Given the size of your stack, that's cost you well over 6 figures by now. Enjoy spending your free time shilling a still overpriced coin just for the infinitesimal chance of ever seeing that money again.

>> No.10390006


I wasn't going to do this to you, but

"Gonna call bullshit

I'm responsible for at least 70% of reddit VEN FUD over the last 6 months. farmdatkiwi, talesfromdabasement, poointhelu, throwaway515, FoxyIT... all my accounts.

Ironically, I am an anti-FUDer on 4chan. See, I don't actually hate VeChain. What I hate is smug naive reddit fags. I hold quite a large bag of VEN. You might say what I'm doing is moronic, but some shitposter isn't going to influence the market, certainly not long term. My posts have become much more vitriolic as of late, because I am upset with price action, not having liquidated my entire stack.

FoxyIT was purchased from someone else on a forum. The kid apparently posted pics of himself several years ago, and now butthurt VEN holders are doxxing him. Sad. Currently banned from r/vechain and r/cryptocurrency, but I'll be back under a new name soon enough. 40 dollars is a small price to pay for max keks"


>> No.10390078

nice LARP, cricketz1234. Take your Aristada

>> No.10390112



>5 suspended reddit accounts from a self-righteous reddit campaign
>accuses someone of schizophrenia

top kek

you're actually much better at reddit than 4chan, u may want to go purchase a 6th account

>> No.10390115

Isn’t he a private wealth manager? Lol, I suggest to not put much stock on a non-STEM plebbitor trying to shill you crypto. It’s actually pathetic that he knows fully well he’s not investing yet still buys those shitcoins.

>> No.10390173

>big boys
>Jim Breyer, Tim Draper
Breyer is a nobody in crypto space. Not even going to entertain Draper. You’re retarded.

>> No.10390179

so all FUD and FUD associated accounts are owned by me because some LARP threw my name on their list to gain notoriety?

I'm flattered

>> No.10390180

Anthony di iorio

>> No.10390202

I'm looking at the daily discussion right now. Two wallets own 17% of the circulating supply and these literal brainlets think it's Jim Breyer and Draper. Top fucking kek

>what is a binance cold wallet

>> No.10390243

Transactions Spike on Mainnet! So it begins!

>163 TOTAL tx
*breathes in*

>> No.10390258

Perhaps he’s more “authoritative,” but that doesn’t guarantee moon. I’m not fan of investing based on experts’ opinions, especially when it’s not clear what positions those experts have. For example, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sunny gave Breyer an authority node more or less as payment for advisory/connections.

>> No.10390296

The only thing that guarantees moon is token economics and the mouthbreathers have yet to refute my months old arguments for why VEN is overvalued

>> No.10390302

The retardation of the VeChain community is a red flag in my book. Why can’t VeChain hire some professional community managers instead of letting CREAM and his red army delusional shills manage?

>> No.10390321

It’s hard to refute when VeChain provides little to no concrete evidence to base analysis on. Likely exaggerated partnerships imo

>> No.10390324

You'd be right if that was all they had going for them. Vechain has working tech, good marketing (were sitting on an anime image board talking about it so its working), and powerful connections.

>> No.10390356

It’s a decent shitcoin if speculating shitcoin is your thing.

>> No.10390412

I don't doubt any of that. But it won't confer value to token holders until THOR demand is substantial enough to warrant the 2 dollar valuation. Even with liberal estimates of transaction cost, that would require a minimum of 50-100 TPS. Not to be seen for a long time.

>> No.10390489


Explain how any token in crypto is providing value to anyone in such a way that it warrants the token's valuation?

The thing I don't understand is why VeChain is the coin that gets singled out. You can make the same valuation arguments about the entire space. At least VeChain has some promising signs of adoption and pays you out something in the meantime.

>> No.10390491

At NYC meetup Sunny himself admitted that like 90% of VEN value is derived from speculation. What drives speculation? Exaggerated marketing. Plus the fact that hodlers have no investor rights, I doubt we’ll ever obtain enough info to derive real value.

>> No.10390534

pointing to other coin's as being overvalued doesn't negate what I'm saying.

VeChain is singled out because the reddit fags would have you believe that it's the only coin deserved of its valuation.

>> No.10390571


This is completely true. Vechain has the worst fans in the crytpo space. They're complete fucking morons.

That point by point "rebuttal" on Reddit is the absolute state of the community. They simply fall back on the same stupid talking points. No wonder people think it's a chink scam. When you reply in angry broken engrish people start getting suspicious.

>> No.10390572

What he said was that if you look at the stock market, tech companies' valuations are frequently 90% speculation about future earnings. Metrics were shown for google and tencent. He then went on to acknowledge that for crypto it's even higher - probably >99%. VeChain is aiming to be the first one that provides SOME real value.

If you don't recognize that speculation is what drives markets, you don't know shit. Look at Tesla.

>> No.10390621

Not all speculations are equal. At least with Tesla you have transparent, measurable indicators to speculate off of. Hodlers are not stockholders

>> No.10390671


>comparing a stock (ownership) of a real company with tons of assets, sales and patents to a chink shitcoin running a dubious blockchain with nothing but chinsese shills and bribed partnerships


>> No.10391343
File: 18 KB, 374x419, 1532243991759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't give a single fuck about leddit and cck fag
>Bought VEN due to Jim Breyer, Anthony Di Iorio and more recently that chink uber chinkman and the fact they have delivered on their dates
This thread proves the only ones fudding this shit are leddit refugees on a retarded personal crusade, for fucking free

>> No.10391428

I bet they have VeChain equity and you don’t

>> No.10391666

>muh equity
who cares? we know for a fact that DNV GL and PWC own both equity and tokens. the burden of proof on breyer and other VC/smart money owning equity lies with you

>> No.10391714

kek literal shitcoin.
>be vechain
>copy-paste eth code
>change mining param so tha only 100 nodes validated by yourself can produce blocks
>still only 1000 tps and 10 sec block times...

>> No.10391723 [DELETED] 

>who cares?

>> No.10391748

>who cares?
Baghodlers concerned with conflicts of interest

>> No.10391768

How the fuck is VTHO trading for more the VET?

so a XNode strength made about $450 today?
am i wrong?
FUCK U BIZ . you fudded it so bad i kept away. FUCK

>> No.10391887

lol. you people will always find something to fear-monger about.
>DNV GL and PWC invested money into a company to solidify business relationship
>omg conflict of interest!

>> No.10392035

I don’t know how else to explain your smugness (please tell me you’re not still hodling) besides delusion and retardation.

>> No.10392069

that is the funny part that these faggots are so butthurt they spend so much of their worthless lives fudding. just buy some rope you retards kys.