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10388721 No.10388721 [Reply] [Original]

I am literally on the verve of tears now. I don't know how I'm not crying.

I had an interview today. Job says it doesn't even require a bachelors degree and it pays $14 an hour with bad health insurance (high deductible before they pay anything).

I have a degree and a few years experience. I show up in a suit and tie at the downtown bank office. Interviewed by two people. I just feel that I failed. I didn't do anything wrong, but they seemed to cut the interview very short even after they were ten minutes late in coming to get me from security.

Why does this have to be so hard? For fourteen dollars an hour. I want to die.

>> No.10388751

should have went to the job fairs your college offered

>> No.10388793

I did, but I graduated during the great recession. Like no one was hiring. I went to two job fairs and everyone said just apply on our website. There was no way in.

>> No.10388813

the great recession was like 8 years ago. what have you been doing since?

>> No.10388826
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hey buddy, relax
entering into the job market can be really scary, maybe I can help you feel a bit easier about the whole thing with a few pieces of advice:

don't expect to get your first job
if you don't have a job right now you're job should be applying to as many places as possible (8 hours a day)
when going to interviews the most important thing you should be doing is using them as a learning opportunity. it's kind of like a free class.
at the end of every interview ask the interviewers for feedback, literally just say "thanks very much for your time, do you guys happen to have any feedback for me on how the interview went? anything I could improve on?"

do this enough times and you'll be able to ace interviews really soon. it's like anything else in life, takes time and practice to get better at. hope this helps anon, you can do it!

>> No.10388837

Working for small businesses and investing my money. No corporate experience.

>> No.10388847
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Never go to those if you’re a white male.,.I have an aunt and a cousin who work for HR in 2 separate large companies and they both say those fairs are only there to eyeball directly and recruit ‘off white’ future employees to enhance company diversity

>> No.10388877
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Not sure why but your happy attitude makes me feel worse.

>> No.10388885

sorry about your defeatist attitude
you'll never make it like that

>> No.10388901

The recession times were just a meme... i literally knew nobody who couldn't get a job after an actual interview... the meme was just to put people off even trying... please tell me you didn't think it was real anon.

>> No.10388911

I was making $18 an hour packing shelves at a supermarket in 1997 in Australia.

>> No.10388980
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>> No.10389226

I got a job at the airport as soon as I graduated. I get paid 20 dollars an hour. I'm Italian but I look hispanic so I told them I'm a latino. I got the job within a week. Used to be the best job ever super easy and I banged a few flight attendants. Eat a dick OP.

>> No.10390005

Idiotic nonsense

>> No.10390158

aka extreme racism toward whites for those following along. The jews are behind these anti-white policies

>> No.10390210

most won't admit this

>> No.10390231

>in usa
>actually have a good paying job with supposedly "really good health insurance"
>one day i fall down some stairs
>ambulance has to come and get me because cant move
>stay in hospital 3 days
>month later blls come
>grand total of ambulance ride and hospital stay is 80 grand
>insurance says they are only covering half
>have to pay 40k out of pocket somehow
>dont have it
>have to declare bankrupcty, paycheck gets garnished, tax return taken, car gets taken
>on verge of being homeless

all because i slipped and fell.

>> No.10390237
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>> No.10390394
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You a nice

>> No.10390472
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You should try lying more. Fabricate a position you're currently employed with that's similar to the one you're applying for. This will make you more desirable to HR fags.

>> No.10390477


>> No.10390521

Unfortunately, bachelor's degrees aren't competitive, at least in STEM. Go for your Masters/PhD. Eat the debt, it'll be worth it.

>> No.10390594

Lol u got amerirekt. Me too bro. Made 25k last year and was told I'm making too much bank for healthcare. Now I get to chose between healthcare and an apartment to live in.

>> No.10390952

>car gets taken
This doesn't sound right. Generally from what I understand about bankruptcy court is they will not take away your only housing or your only means of transportation to a job (ie: your car).

>> No.10390994

Cultivate abundance mentality. Unironically talked my way into a senior management position by making them feel they needed me and I didn't need them. Don't look desperate, even if you're on your last dollar, they can smell it.

>> No.10391261



>> No.10391304
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Yes goy, the debt will be worth it.

>> No.10391417

you fell in the wrong country, bucko
the priority of every person that is born in a country without free healthcare/mandatory healthcare should be to move one which has already made this step forward

>> No.10391424

Nowhere else to ask so I'll ask here.
Just got offered the position of a life time.
85k starting and etc whatever.

Background checks. The job I'm at now I passed, but I'm making 52k a year.
There is a hit and run on my record. Neither jobs require driving, so maybe why I passed.

What are the chances I fail due to this? I'm freaking out.

I went through the most gruesome interview process OP, I feel like I REALLY fucked some of them up. Like REALLY badly. Yet here I am with the offer. Don't let it get you down.

>> No.10391447

have fun dying when the next superbug areives from china

>> No.10391462

Or mexico

>> No.10391465

>still crying over $14/hr prospective jobs
>hasn't joined the military yet

I don't feel bad for you OP as long as you continue eating dicks

>> No.10391471

why go work in a bank for $14/hour when you can get a construction or factory job that pays $18-20/hour and often isn't very physically demanding?

I have a degree but the most I could seem to get was like $14-17/hour starting and the competition seemed fierce and work conditions seemed shitty.

Instead I walked onto a construction site and asked if they needed a laborer. Before long I was making $19/hour drywalling, then I went and got my level 2 first aid ticket (cost about $800 back then) and became a site First Aid Attendant and they were paying me $21/hour to basically sit in the first aid trailer (air conditioned, brought my laptop as well) and it was chill as fuck.

Chasing these white collar jobs is retarded if they aren't going to give you a good wage or worthwhile experience, and your odds of gaining enough experience to really "make it" or start your own business down the road is virtually nil. When people say "college is a meme" this is the kind of shit they're talking about.

>> No.10391479
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Can confirm
>Last bull run
>Thought i didn't need a job anymore but i already was in the process of applying
>Through the negotiation phase i kept getting bigger and bigger offers which i rejected over and over because i didn't need it
>In the end got an excellent high paid job
>Crypto crashes on January and the job saved me from months of being stuck holding dumb bags and crippling despair

>> No.10391489
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military is the largest employer in usa after wal-mart. it is for people who cannot get other jobs so truly trash people go there. job market is shit so many people seem to turn for military so they could at least get employment

but it is clear problem when military becomes the largest employer cause standing armies are too costly to be standing and too many people rely their salaires on war

>> No.10391506

Yeah, because it's not true.

>> No.10391677

job fairs are gay
based advice. the first job will either be the hardest or easiest(those fuckers with jobs right out of college) job to get

>> No.10391699

It's a shit economy out there buy guns and ammo and prepare for the revolution anon

>> No.10391700

Not sure if I can fap to that

Yeah I can

>> No.10391742

Found a zoomer
What a stupid post. Kys

>> No.10391810

>I did, but I graduated during the great recession. Like no one was hiring
Fucking cry baby faggot. This is why people hate Millennials and generalize them. Do you think you were supposed to be automatically given a job upon graduating? Entitlement generation is too accurate.
I graduated in 05, couldn't find a job in my major (Engineering), took a few shit jobs for a while (2 years worth) until I finally did, great recession hit and got laid off from said job I had been looking for for those 2 years, said fuck this and took a different career path in IT.
Been solidly employed since and making more than I would have. Wouldn't change it for anything.

>> No.10391863


womp womp

>> No.10391896

The current job market is inefficient. Nothing will never change and will only get worse... until you opt out. If everyone started opting out of traditional employment, employers would be forced to actually adhere to basic supply & demand principles and adjust their wages, improve their efficiency, etc. just to remain competitive. But because you retards are all like, "Oh please I NEEEEEED this job, let me suck your DICK", then they can do whatever they want and the job market is shit.