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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 88 KB, 2233x822, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10386111 No.10386111 [Reply] [Original]

I have been on the fence about chainlink and I do see the long term benefit of a decentralized oracle network but I am thinking there is not currently a market.

Take a look at the chainlink contract -

There is no testing. The little testing that happens (once every couple days) is a an api for eth to usd. You would think you would at least see ONE custom oracle contract on the chainlink test network but there are absolutely zero custom tests...only the eth api sample.

>> No.10386139

Plus, once you stake your tokens they can never be unstaked or sold.

>> No.10386143

And on top of that I have not heard of one major company considering using an trustless ledger like ethereum for smart contracts. The few major companies that are "exploring" smart contracts are going with corda which has oracles by default and since the network is trusted then they don't have a specific need for decentralized oracles.

>> No.10386193
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>on the fence
>about chainlink
>chainlink fence

>> No.10386240

Plus, do you really want to invest in project with a dead CEO?

>> No.10386249

ICO holder here, the lack of activity on the test net is definitely alarming. I don't buy the "COMPANIES WILL USE THEIR OWN PRIVATE TEST NET" bullshit, that sounds ridiculous.

>> No.10386258
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>> No.10386259


>> No.10386260

everyone knows that chainlink is just a meme on biz, no one actually owns it or thinks it'll suceed

>> No.10386283

...wait, really?

>> No.10386293

And people on this board say main net soon but I researched the project and here is my best estimation of what is left -

Right now test net allows you to act as your own oracle.
There is no network - to create the oracle network - 2 months
Aggregation of network - 2 months
Consensus - 2 months

Now you would have a network of nodes that can retrieve orders and come to a consensus...I see this point being end of year at best.

But then you have to have reputation providers, reputation scores, etc. Also, a whole process on bidding for jobs etc. Its not close to as simple as running an eth node.

This right here another 3 months. - now we at march 2019.

Then once everything is on test net I expect 3 months to test code contracts and bugs before launching on main net...hopefully by then there will be actually testing.

>> No.10386305

You are a retard.

>> No.10386357

Also, there are still 105 items in icebox. This is after the team took over half the items and put them on the scratchpad.

>> No.10386387

Oooo noooo it takes a finite amount of time to complete tangible work better sell guys and buy a real project like trxxxxxxD

>> No.10386493

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.10386521
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top kek this fud is so fucking nostalgic
like holy shit

>> No.10386618

It was fud originally but now months later since test net was launched its serious concern.

>> No.10386703

You are a MANIAC!

>> No.10386716

jesus fucking christ the ico has been almost a year ago why the fuck are people still talking about this absolute shitcoin, hop on the new trend already, fucking retards

>> No.10386723

Anyone asked them about the intent of the test network on slack?

>> No.10386734


This highlights a point that the whole crypto community is missing about smart contracts:

The promise of smart contracts isn't to have deterministic code that transfers ETH, it is to take the promise of blockchain (immutability, unkillability, trustless execution) and apply it to the real world.

In order to do that smart contracts have to work with existing business practices and must be able to show value without a huge hurdle to adoption.

The contract must:

• Execute in the local currency using existing bank accounts

• Have language that is understandable to a legal department, not just coders

• Use existing methods of endorsement to legally trigger the contract

Guess who had the foresight to know ALL of that before ever launching their project?


• Swift partnership which grants exclusive access to banking APIs which can freeze funds, check balances and transfer funds using existing bank accounts in local fiat currencies

• Zeppelin_OS, Reportix and all the other human-language smartcontract front ends partnerships to make Chainlink nodes the default nodes for data and API access for the actual people writing high value contracts in the corporate world.

• Docusign partnership which takes ESTABLISHED digital signature platform which already has legal precedent and is understood to be valid in the business world to use cryptographically secure triggers, linked to each entity, to start contracts.

The only people who could have seen all of these things years in advance would have insider/VC experience and have experience in the smart contract world back when blockchain was a novel concept.

If Chainlink doesn't succeed, smart contracts won't succeed in the foreseeable future. Docusign knows that, Swift knows that, Intel knows that and they all want a piece of the cash cow.

Sergey is a genius.

>> No.10386804

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

>> No.10386822



Sergey has been having wet dreams about mainstream smart contracts before bitcoin was a thing

>> No.10386837


>> No.10386844


>doesn't understand memeposting

>> No.10386861
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>doesn't understand memeposting

>> No.10386864
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>> No.10386947

>perfectly, poetically, succinctly, rationally reasoned

The certainty of ChainLink succeeding is like the certainty of winning at the Texas Hold'em table with Ten, Jack & Ace Suited on the Table while you hold Suited King & Queen in Hand.

>go all in

>> No.10386952

Kys newfag

>> No.10387132
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link #2 7 March 2019

>> No.10387173

you're really not good at this

>> No.10387294

if Sir Gay dies you won't

>> No.10387620
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>> No.10387672

this is how i know you're retarded. EVERYTHING in the icebox DOES NOT have to be completed. where the fuck have you been the past few months. this has already been confirmed by the team.

>> No.10387678

You got duped anon get out now before $0 eoy

>> No.10387699

the problem with hired or co-ordinated discord FUD threads is that they're just too active from the get go. One person posts the FUD and then far too many swarm in thinking their stupid attempts at driving people away from this project on this board will actually work. Jesus christ, no one involved with Chainlink or any of its potential partners give a fuck about any of you. If the tech works, it works. Full stop. You people need to find real meaning to your life. A Japanese tentacle porn board isn't it.

>> No.10387802

japanese tentacles in your freshly brightened, with 20min crest whitening strips, anus? sure, it is your anus after all. no one here judges you..

>> No.10387813

I havr 10k links i fall for the neme and though this will open the doors to lamboland
I have read all the replies and havent evidence to discard the lack of test so its real and no one its interestef on this shit
Please biz tell me the truth

>> No.10387866

dude just stop already. put your mind towards cold fusion or something useful.

>> No.10387893

chainlink is the best thing ever made by a human

>> No.10387998

what's there to test if there is no consensus and reputation mechanisms?
what exactly do you want to test now? especially as a customer.
This is a testnet for node operators, for customers it's still too early

>> No.10388036

It's crap dude, it's a deluded circlejerk from this point on.

>> No.10388040

very good anon now youre thinking..we are so far away from completion and no one wants to test yet.

main net 2019

>> No.10388111

>very good anon now youre thinking.
I don't need your stupid approval

>we are so far away from completion and no one wants to test yet.
that's your wishful thinking. Customers will start testing as soon as those things are implemented. Your "2 months for this, 3 months for that" estimations are worth as much as my dog reading from the stars.

>> No.10388122

So better sell and buy something thats its profitable now and wait till mainet if they deliver on 2019?

>> No.10388132

Bought 1k linkies for suicide insurance

>> No.10388133

Guys i'd be surprised if LINK is under 3$ may 2018
kys idiots

>> No.10388203
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Yeah lol, you thought it was real? On the deep crypto web, 16chan and some other secret semi-clearnet forums we conspire continuously to bait retarded autistic newfags into buying shitcoins so that they will never be successful in life and will never procreate. We are preventing them from spreading their backward genes and degenerating the human race, we are literally doing God's work.

>> No.10388205

Whole market crashed, if the parabolic rise had continued we would be well above $3 by may.

>> No.10388286

Cold fusion requires a massive amount of infrastructure and governments aren’t providing enough funding for it to moon anytime soon. Link will moon before cold fusion becomes viable.

>> No.10388370

I'm capping this for when eoy comes and no main net...so much delusion

>> No.10388435

Funny how you retards keep moving goalposts for vechain, but keep making excuse after excuse for link.

>> No.10388525

OP do you understand what the test net consists of right now? It's a single node that you can point at an API. Almost nothing new or interesting beyond what was in the Ruby version. There's no reason to think companies would be interested in testing at this stage, as it's still in alpha and nowhere near completion because the compelling part, a trustless decentralized oracle network doesn't even exist yet.

>> No.10388549

>There is no network - to create the oracle network - 2 months
>Aggregation of network - 2 months
>Consensus - 2 months
You are literally pulling these numbers out of your asshole

>> No.10388579

working oracles https://github.com/weeveiot/weeveNetwork posted this in another thread and it got deleted, you can check here >>/biz/thread/S10380881#p10388123 it's not on the front page or in the archive

>> No.10388595


If you call this serious fud you better be a 11yo because if not you must be a total cuck manlet who doesn't have a clue about life

Serious fud will be sergey getting killed

>> No.10388597

This can't even count as direct competition, but just wanted stir things up and get some opinions about this. Seems serious though? What do you autists think?

>> No.10388600

why don't you try it only a two man team, very poor fud again

>> No.10388621
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>> No.10388639

eh looks like a shit hope to be of what gravio is

>> No.10388672

>the problem with hired or co-ordinated discord FUD threads is that they're just too active from the get go. One person posts the FUD and then far too many swarm in thinking their stupid attempts at driving people away from this project on this board will actually work. Jesus christ, no one involved with Chainlink or any of its potential partners give a fuck about any of you. If the tech works, it works. Full stop. You people need to find real meaning to your life. A Japanese tentacle porn board isn't it

they seem tired, the incessant fudding and self loathing has eaten away their souls

>> No.10388674

Does anybody know what happened to his other projects like the Secure Asset Exchange? Did it fail and if so how?

>> No.10388685
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>> No.10388705
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>be right for months
>we are the idiots
I still have my money

>> No.10388724

Don't forget about CryptaMail, another one of Sergey's abandoned projects.

>> No.10388725


Secure Asset Exchange went into bankruptcy - all the petty cash was spent on Big Macs.

>> No.10388743
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Does no one remember they have private repos. It's not like they would put out the most valuable part of their code before release.

>> No.10388935

fuck this coin go for SKY, much better. as you know by now, it s all about blockchain 3.0

>> No.10388945

dont let your bags get heavy of link, this shit will dump hard like a dogs shit that was run over by a car

>> No.10388952

Sergey is shit leader and of course all of his projects will fail.

>> No.10389042

Shut down by the government for being too awesome of a tool does not classify as being abandoned faggot

>> No.10389108

do you even trust your coins? i m into SKY balls deep, know the wait will be worth it

>> No.10389249

Thats just because of the medula oblongata

>> No.10389344


Lol another Sergey abandonment.

>> No.10389346

This might be a concern
Again false been over the last two points many times I'm not doing it today.

>> No.10389371

I knew it

just sold 100k

>> No.10389400

This nigga straight up invested in early League of Legends

>> No.10389485


>> No.10389551

this guy just can't stop failing

>> No.10389558

LMAO pageets confirmed

>> No.10389566

kek..it just keeps getting worse

>> No.10389574
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>> No.10389588


chainlink fence is the scaling plan

>> No.10389606
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God-Tier FUD. Very nice.

>> No.10389611

dude... SO ARE YOU
you are in every fucking thread saying the exact same shit

"the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

>> No.10389636

We all know that node operators will be paid in LINK.

Does this mean companies will have to go to binance to buy it before they can make a contract?

>> No.10389718

buy from sergey... otc. the ones that can't get from him will buy from exchange

>> No.10389759

If i remember correct there should be also coming exchange in smart contract.com page.

>> No.10389790
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>> No.10389805

That is what I thought but I coudlnt' remember where I heard it. I just assumed that companies would just pay for the smart contract service in FIAT and the link token would be included.

>> No.10389824

No... swift and friends developed / help implement in the system they will sell it to other giants. Most of this space will be automated too. It will be how AI charges other AI. Instead of people filling reports, editing reports, requesting affiliate companies for reports, implementing their reports to your company’s database.. etc. Literally all these companies are moving to cloud with easy interfaces. Enter data boom. Company wants to use said data, ai grabs payments through chainlink network paying the company micro payments for using their data.
Oh you have a profitable website, want to sell your metadata of customers buying from your website to advertisement firms? No problem. Btfo google search engine. Google search has wicked good guesses what you can buy, but they don’t have individual data on people making the transaction or not. Now not only can companies sell shit they can also double dip on the data sales. Although google will probably get into this business too. Which is good, more money for us. Literally the only data we had before was contained in FB GOOGLE AMAZON. But now this gives every other company the ability to monitize metadata.

>> No.10389986

Rather than Facebook becoming a lumbering giant and continuing to divulge data to Cambridge Analytica et al., their blockchain department are looking at selling their databases via APIs into Smart Contracts as this will increase profits considerably. Projects which incorporate API technology to allow communication between blockchains, and Smart Contracts will facilitate the API Economy, its boom, and consequently the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As websites are the communication portal to internet, APIs are the communication portal to blockchains and Smart Contracts.

>> No.10390073

Yea, that’s what I was trying to get it. You said it much clearer, thanks.

Also in your opinion how do you think it will work. Bob buys bread at Walmart using his visa for 5$. Walmart try’s to sell this as data to Sally who is unsure whether Walmart is telling the truth that the bread is 5$. Bread_getprice is called for and oracle randomly select 10 groceries stores ranging prices from 5$ even. Walmart’s best price guarantee, actually calls all bread prices in that local region and automatically matches them at checkout. Sally wants to be sure that bob actually bought the bread and was present at that time. Sally enters visa API_getinfo_onbob. Cryptographically secure and private bob did use visa at Walmart buying the lowest priced bread. Sally confirmed this data as true and is regretting spending 200 link to pay all these companies on one data point.

>> No.10390087

I’m cringing at my spelling. Tired brainlet reporting

>> No.10390125

You're right. Basically the smart contract creator would be paying for the contract creation (which includes the fee that will be converted to link to pay node operators)

>> No.10390152

apis may well be the 4th industrial revolution but they don't need blockchains.

>> No.10390169

API can generate whatever data. How do you verify it’s authentic? That’s the issue. It’s like if I killed you and nobody saw. Well whose telling the truth. But if 1 person saw ya maybe. Maybe he’s your friend. But if 100 people saw well them more than likely I’m fucked.

>> No.10390215

But this doesn't tell me how a smart contract creator is going to aquire the LINK with which to pay the node operator.

Will the apps that use chainlink charge a fee?

>> No.10390223

See my Walmart example

Sally wants to buy Walmart’s data via their API. Walmart could cook the books and say oh ya bob spent 100$. Walmart generated 1billion today. How do you prove that? More sources, that’s why I included visa in the example. Also the US is pretty good, not perfect. But think about china . Their books are fucking whack. So now think on a bigger scale. Whose gonna do international trade with China if America and Europe use a trustless system. America and Europe know their getting Nickeled and dimes by China, now if everyone is forced to use transparency, different story.
Don’t believe me, watch that China hustle movie.

>> No.10390240

You will never see chainlink. It’s B2B. It’s companies trusting each other. Why do you want API data ? Seriously, you don’t need it. It’s a protocol for trust. Do you know how a magnetic stripe works when you swipe your credit card? Probably not. You trust it. Same as companies being able to trust each other. You will never see chainlink or hear about unless your a nerd. That’s why they don’t market this shit.

>> No.10390261

Does anyone know if this picture is real? And when it was taken?

>> No.10390268

so what determines the price of a single token then?

>> No.10390272

That's good in theory but is completely ignorant about retail business. Walmart makes sure they're the lowest price outlet for a given vendor before they'll let you sell your shit in their store. They can do this because they're the highest volume outlet.

I understand this is only and example but I have autism.

>> No.10390319

I know that companies will be using Chainlink. I wonder if Chainlink will have a fiat onramp-- or if apps are built on chainlink, will they have a fiat onramp. I wonder about the AML/KYC considerations of such a thing.

I'm also interested in creating normie friendly apps for p2p smartcontracts built on chainlink.

>> No.10390335

That's a rare pepe. Thanks

>> No.10390346

Yea you do lol.
Scarcity, supply and demand.
But really?
How well Swift and friends can estimate a futuristic market. It’s almost impossible, why do you think you see numbers like 35% B2B will use whatever or estimates about APIs. They are literally trying to figure out what it should be priced at. The end goal is everyone using the same network in the end. It’s like everyone agreeing to use tcp ip. Except there’s a huge money incentive .

>> No.10390418

Chainlink will be it’s own commodity/ currency. The on ramps aren’t a big deal. It’s like trying to sell gold. It’s easy anyone will buy it

>> No.10390617

>I don't need your stupid approval
Lololol edgy teenager detected

>> No.10390623

So the answer is that you don't know how it works?

I think that >>10390125 was right but I'd like to see the reference material about it. One of these stinkies where we can find an answer to this question.

>> No.10390776

>t. cuck

>> No.10390806

Why would you need to know? That’s government level stuff. Also chainlink isn’t smart contracts. It’s for smart contracts to sercurely, privately and verifiably to retrieve data. That’s all chainlink is. You make a smart contract on whatever Blockchain, and then transmit the data in. The data-in can use the chainlink network to “insure” it. Think of it as pressing the red seal of a letter. That’s basically all chainlink is. You can’t build shit off of the network, only take advantage of the network. I mean ya you could make a p2p application forcing all smart contracts to use chainlink. But it’s just a GUI at that point. Sometimes you don’t need chainlink, not all data needs to be secure / private. That’s why these companies don’t mention chainlink, right now they are introducing the ideas of decentralization and why it’s good. Look at sibos sidney day 1 program. The whole day is dedicated to this. Once they have people educated, you can introduce this model to them. Then you show them how it works, why it will save them money, why companies can be more trusting, why transparency is a good thing. Will they introduce chainlink at sibos? I have no idea. It’s a lot to digest. Maybe swift payments with chainlink will come first then API shit later can take advantage. It would be a pretty badass prototype to show people. “Ya were swift and we deal with billions of dollars securely using the chainlink network, we aren’t scared neither should you.”

>> No.10390854

Are you on crack or what? I'm asking a simple question that I think I've heard the answer to before and I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can find the answer.

Fuck out of here you junkie.

>> No.10390868

>API can generate whatever data. How do you verify it’s authentic? That’s the issue.
Chainlink cannot solve this.

>> No.10390892

Lol and you're a cuck too? Thanks for letting me know. It keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.10390902

Chainlink is only the mailman that ensures tamperless delivery...verifying that the data itself is authentic is getting into scifi territory.

>> No.10390911

No, nobody can. The idea is with more data points, you have more verification.

>> No.10390926

No, but you are.
Stay mad faggot

>> No.10390936


You can merge API data. GPS coordinates, sensors, ubitiquous AI. Ya it’s scifi but that’s what’s coming. Research ubitiqous ai.
You’ll go to Starbucks and your lattee will be prepared for you. You won’t even realize AI.

>> No.10390939

Ding ding ding. We've got a winner!
We really cannot know if the data is true or not. But we can (kinda) be sure that the mailman didn't swap the data and kept the original package for himself. Which could be needed in the future if enough companies adopt smart contracts. Kind of like the chicken and the egg paradox really.

>> No.10390944

I genuinely think that like Ripple, Chainlink is going to meme itself into relevancy and then get completely abandoned

>> No.10390962

To add. If the guy who orders the package, adds his API data, the bank sends their API, the X-ray API data , and the scale API data coupled with AI. Will tell you what is inside the parcel being mailed. It’s coming. Don’t be retarded

>> No.10390963

Nah famalam. It only eliminates one failure point out of 3 that are left, which is huge in and on itself.
If we get tamperproof sensors one day, then it's game over.

>> No.10390979

Stop thinking with old technology. This is a retarded way to live. We can verify it once we have enough data points.

>> No.10390981

Here here cuckycucky. Lol.

>> No.10391000

Not really, no. You need tamperproof sensors. Which are almost impossible to make, except in very specific situations.

>> No.10391009

If you honestly think AI can’t verify what data is going in. Then your absolutely retarded. Soon we will all be trusting our lives with AI as they drive us around. And you don’t trust it to input a data point. That data point is worth more than your life apparently. Fucking retarded mate.

>> No.10391041

No you don’t. You need AI that doesn’t fuck up. Why do you think Sibos’s day 3 is AI. Their day 2 is quantum computing. Christ think outside the box

>> No.10391047

not only a newfag but also retard, unironically you have to go back

this FUD is older than Link's trading history you faggot, you think you're smarter than the devs who overlooked it

>> No.10391065
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>I have been on the fence about chainlink

>> No.10391078

Don’t worry most people are retarded here.

>> No.10391091

price has gone nowhere but down for months and you goofs think it's gonna moon?

>> No.10391110
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If one thing on this god forsaken board is certain, it is that link threads are the only ones to consistently get over 100 replies. Meanwhile the rest of the board is dead.

Trust the power of collective consciousness.

>> No.10391115

Yeah we better buy the top of some other coin. That's how you make money

>> No.10391207
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The sweet smell of success.

>> No.10391231

I've believed in Chainlink for awhile, I just have held off investing because the opportunity cost is too high at the moment. I doubt that Link will perform as well as other coins this bullrun. I'm holding out on buying until after the next crash.

>> No.10391237

Not even a $1

>> No.10391243

Very hard for a project to bust when its Memes are in god tier status.

>> No.10391249
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>> No.10391382

You should leave

>> No.10391412
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We cannot be stopped.

>> No.10391439

Meanwhile Link falls below 2.5k sats. I wonder what 6 more month of radio silence will do to the price.

>> No.10391457
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Most brainlets on this board would be shocked to discover that many powerful people actively practice collective meditation for that sole power. The have been increasingly harassed because of our meme magik utilitlaztion. Link is going to be worth a lot of money and not one of you FUDDING faggots can do anything about it.

>> No.10391668


invoices via request. pay cash, node operator receives LINK.

>> No.10391756


This isn't FUD, is what chainlink does.

Why would saying what chainlink does would be FUD? Are you retarded?

>> No.10391939

they might buy a little from an exchange but they will mostly buy OTC from early investors that have millions of link. Signal Capital for example and probably anyone in top 200 wallets

>> No.10391954

there will be a marketplace for this. where massive link holders can connect with big corporations and make a trade.

>> No.10392074
File: 232 KB, 765x670, link2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I don't want to get my hopes up but that would be kick ass. I'm holding 250k. I'd definitely sell 20% to some fat cats in order to retire comfy and use the rest to stake for passive income. Maybe deluded but you have to dream big

>> No.10392101

this mongolian weaving image board is the only place link is mentioned, at least 100x daily I would say. the shills are insane, if you ain't a shill you got gooked, if it goes up, you'll be way down in BTC value in comparison

>> No.10392174
File: 627 KB, 904x670, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see all past Sergey failures and scams

You people are literally ruining people's lives for a meme. This is not install Gentoo from /g/ because you lose a bunch of hours in fighting some meme OS, in this case you are about to lose your savings.

>> No.10392527

If you put your savings into a CMC rank 124 token then you should be aware of the high risk associated with doing that.

>> No.10392699

The person using LINK to pay is giving out the contract to the node operators to use specified API sources. Also, reputation system for node operators.

>> No.10392713

>Maybe deluded
You are absolutely deluded.

>> No.10392717

Chainlink is one of the lowest risk buys in crypto tho.

>> No.10392720

You can't even FUD gold. Cuz it's gold and real

>> No.10392771

this defeats the fud

>> No.10392779

Hey I saw your response on twitter on some shills accounts that get everything wrong. Nice essay