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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10381545 No.10381545 [Reply] [Original]

How much Holo is needed to make it? I'm about to FOMO all-in on this thing.

>> No.10381563

i'd say 10kk

>> No.10381570

6 million

>> No.10381667

6 million

>> No.10381889

oy vey

>> No.10381918

5 million is good if you can keep your fingers off the keyboard until it hits a 15 Billion cap. You probably can't and will sell early.

>> No.10381996

So i never bothered looking at this one because /biz/ intense shilling made it look like another pajeetery (and maybe it is). What is it trying to solve and what are its selling points? How is this one doing things better than the other projects trying to do the same thing and that probably already have a bigger community and are ahead on the game?

>> No.10382007

Just read for once in your life. Dig through the archives and find that link dump, and change your life.

>> No.10382009


>> No.10382027

Already on it. :)

>> No.10382038
File: 433 KB, 1798x1448, holochain-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be a top 10 coin as I've always suggested. I was in the ETH ico because I saw potential. I see Holo the same way. Fudders here have been fudding it with boomer memes, lol. Realize Holo got listed on binance for virtually no payment/fees... Know what that means?? Binance themselves see a HUGE future with Holo and it will completely take over the web in a few years time with all the huge partnerships coming.

>> No.10382072
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>I'm a retard. Please spoonfeed me cause I am unable to read altough it was explained to me hundreads of times on /biz/.

Eat shit.

>> No.10382078

what's with the apple rumors?

>> No.10382085

Thanks man...
Ok so:
-no indians in the team
-good tech
-tries to make something that already exist better..so it has a purpose (it's basically siacoin+substratum for what I see)
-being new it still has hype around because they haven't fucked up things yet and lost their credibility.

-no relevant partnerships
-other projects are already on the same problems..cloud computing field is literally full of projects that are ahead, and the "new internet" thing is always scary..it's really hard to pull off something like that.+ nkn and substratum are on the same thing already but are ahead in the game.

There are money to be made here but I wouldn't hold it for too long..think I'll buy some on the dip after binance listing

>> No.10382095
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>> No.10382103

Sure. You do you, anon.

>> No.10382107
File: 483 KB, 510x490, 99519301230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention Elastos the behemoth of the new internet

>> No.10382108

partnerships are a meme

>> No.10382176

It depends on the kind of partnership. if big moneys are invested or a big company depends on a project for a part of their job to be improved I wouldn't say that. it at least give a cryptocurrency lasting power...but yeah most partnerships in the space are unclear and with such small names that they don't matter.

oh yeah and elastos lol, the new chink coin.

I wonder how people really invest in all of these biz shills without overdiversifying into like 50 projects.
Btc Eth and Xmr already take 3 positions and everyone should have some in their portfolio (unless you are investing 100 $ and you want a lottery ticket)
I mean sure, buy holochain constellation nkn elastos rlc + other 30 that get shilled here and 2 out of them will give you nice returns, but I would treat them as a way to have more btc and eth

>> No.10382522

>-other projects are already on the same problems..cloud computing field is literally full of projects that are ahead
this is where you get it wrong. Literally none of the other projects are ahead. Holochain exists and you can build dapps on it today if you want. Holo is the hosting platform built on holochain. They've basically been working for the past 10 years to build a new framework that is completely different from blockchain and millions of times more efficient. You should do more than 5 minutes of research cause all the other projects you listed as "competitors" are a joke, especially Substraum. This comes from a guy that researched the shit out of SUB and Holo. I 10x-ed my money with SUB and dumped it for Holo when I realized how much it shits on SUB.

>> No.10382537

honestly fuck off to plebbit and never come back, holy shit

>> No.10382543
File: 5 KB, 200x200, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is vechain better then holochain?

>> No.10382554


>> No.10382556

It's not even a comparable project

>> No.10382562

no vechain is still in its infancy compared to holochain. Just go read holochains whitepaper and all the github info on it.

>> No.10382573

i see what u did there

>> No.10382587

Probably Binance saw the massive volume HOT did,and approached the team to list the token, for a smaller fee maybe?

>> No.10382599

they are not comparable, but if you want to get technical, then yes it is better. You can build a supply chain logistics solution on Holochain that would be much better than Vechain. You could literally rebuild 95%+ of blockchain shitcoins on Holochain and make them orders of magnitude more efficient.
The problem is that when you talk about supply chains, the tech matters less than the partnerships so I don't think you should be worried about Holochain taking marketshare from VEN.

What you should be worried about is that VEN is a chinkcoin. Be careful with it so you don't get China Hustled. They lie and exaggerate like crazy and one day there might be a reckoning.

>> No.10382605

I think Binance must know something about some upcoming partnerships and listed it for free based on how much they are going to make in trading fee's from this.

>> No.10382613

I reread your question and realized that you asked if Vechain is better and I answered "yes". I meant "yes, holochain is better".

>> No.10382650
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I only serf cushtumah
No pershonal plofit wite boi

>> No.10382736

FOMO in at 50%+ already up 1000$ :-)

>> No.10383033

Here I go again FOMOing