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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10378803 No.10378803 [Reply] [Original]

It took me longer than expected due to having to pump a shitload of money into my house plus having a kid, but I have finally stacked up 500k REQ and am done accumulating. I genuinely believe that this project will be one of the most successful in crypto and while it's still going to be some time, I'm sitting comfy.

The constant fud about the price tanking (can't deny it) and the absolute braindead comments where people do things like compare REQ to Paypal or Venmo are laughable and people who actually follow this project know the team is as legit as it gets and that progress is being made every single week.

As someone who owns a stake in and helps run a multi million dollar revenue business, I see tremendous flaws in current payment and invoicing solutions and worst of all they are fucking EXPENSIVE. The Request platform has the ability to save businesses collective billions if not trillions of dollars while also bringing innovation to a space that is still dependent on dinosaurs like Paypal who can't make ends meet without continuously pumping up fees.

I'm not saying this is a guarantee, but in a very high risk space where everything is volatile as fuck, >50% of things are actual scams, and 99% of them will eventually fail regardless, I truly believe this is as good as it gets in terms of risk:reward ratio. Absolute potential to 1000x if they succeed, and though their success thus far is absolutely limited it's still leaps and bounds beyond the vast majority of crypto projects which exist today and are publicly tradable.

>> No.10378814

>As someone who owns a stake in and helps run a multi million dollar revenue business
...i shill jeetcoins on 4biz

>> No.10378815

the absolute state of req holders

>> No.10378824

>I just browse biz so I can go into threads where I'm bag holding and scream "sour grapes, mommy"

>> No.10378829

He’s not wrong

>> No.10378909

>I have a stake in a multi million dollar company
>took me a long time to accumulate 35k worth of something
>only brain dead idiots compare req to paypal
>req is better than PayPal because muh accounting
One of the worst larps I've ever seen

>> No.10378965

Actually not larping. I own about 3% of a company which had its last valuation at $30MM. I can't actually cash in on any of that because we are not publicly traded and I'd need a liquidation event. I just bought a $500k house and had to pump an additional $30k into it, so that was about $130k of my cash (which was most of it) out the door, and I don't like having less than $30k in the bank for "oh shit" reasons.

But then again, you're probably some fucking child in their parent's house, so I don't know why I need to convince you of anything.

>> No.10378982

Post proof of your 500k stack dumbass. I bet you don't own more than 10k REQ.

>> No.10378993

What good would that actually do? If I posted it you'd just accuse me of using inspect element. I don't care if you believe me, just shilling b/c I'm done accumulating and feel comfy now.

>> No.10379164


>> No.10379190

Doesn’t inspect element not work on something like ethplorer?

>> No.10379578

GL OP just remember they need chainlink to work :)

>> No.10379583

The absolute state of larping boomers in 2018.

>> No.10379587

req will be worthless or a top #20 token in a year
50:50 chance

>> No.10379599

Or REQ will be a top 20 token by EOY

>> No.10379636

Antshares vibes

>> No.10379641
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1531964326545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely believe that this project will be one of the most successful in crypto

That sounds more like a religious statement than a well reasoned, economic investment.

The REQ team have done nothing to prove they can not only pioneer, but monopolize the crypto-powered payment and accounting. A bunch of amateur fuck-ups, lost opportunities, and straight up incompetence.

Justify your belief in why THIS particular team of programmers can do it, and others can't.

>> No.10380574

I have 27k REQ, I am not selling till $50, no matter how long it takes.

and it will eventually get there thanks to token burning

>> No.10381426
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>don't compare it to PayPal you idiots
>it will save companies billions compared to using Paypal

>> No.10381431
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 1527184016766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn he got you good OP

>> No.10381838

absolute state of REQtards (me)

>> No.10381894

OP will be so god damn rich in future. I still don't own even 10k, will have to wagecuck a bit more for that.

>> No.10381897

>Buying the ATH of the real estate market

Not gonna make it. Have fun bag holding a 500k house when it's only worth 300k in less than 3 years top kek

>> No.10381928

2k Reqtards reporting in

will i make it?

>> No.10382065

Show ethetscan.io wallet, you won't do it because you are a larp

>> No.10382232

OP is in the right. Only of us with real work experience and knowledge of the corporate-tech world know the true potential of REQ and its team.
We're gonna make it anon

>> No.10382296

>OP is in the right. Only of us with real work experience and knowledge of the corporate-tech world know the true potential of REQ and its team.
kek, only developers know how pathetic the REQ codebase and project is. How trivial it is for any team to come in and make something better than REQ.

Also REQ has 0 adption. So any company can come in and make something better and get more adoption in 2 seconds.

You business retards don't know shit about tech and will die poor.

>> No.10382350

>the tech is shit
Thats why you have people like Mike Ryan releasing python libraries for the Request protocol
>REQ has 0 adoption
you already have companies and businesses using REQ and you have live orders bought and sold within REQ's ecossystem. More than 99% of crypto projects out there. Adoption hasn't come for anyone so thats not really a valid argument.
>any company can come in and make something better
KEK. gr8 argument m8! Any company can come in and make [insert relevant tech space/platform/framework/product] better.
Jesus fuck how much of an idiot are you?! Not every company can get the 30M$ upfront for the development you dumb fuck!

>> No.10382352

I want to believe OP. At what price do you expect it to bottom out? Is it worth waiting?

>> No.10382359


>> No.10382385
File: 70 KB, 1274x665, PND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is, the team isnt competent and the project has to many external factors to succeed.

REQ is just a JS library. and a shitty one too.
Go look at the ARK code and compare it to the REQ code. then you'll know.

>> No.10382416

120k @6.5cent here, comfy af

>> No.10382457

Ohh ARK shill in disguise.. I thought all deluded ARK bagholders already committed suicide

>> No.10382474

ARK is atleast a decent project and is being used.
REQ aint shit and wont be shit for a long time to come.

Enjoy holding the req bags while the rest of the market moons

>> No.10382512

Like ARK lol?

>> No.10382742
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Tomorrow's update is going to be shit and trigger another dump, isn't it?

>> No.10382776

lmao what a shitcoin

You literally threw away something like 20k

>> No.10382865

I got 12K of it. Honestly I haven't sold because I literally don't know another project with so much done, and the FUD is ridiculous.
I'm still pretty pissed off because of the lack of marketing.
I dunno man, with the recent hires and tweets I feel like something good will come. I'm probably wrong tho

>> No.10383167 [DELETED] 

Is this shit dead?

>> No.10383759

>Singapore's brainwashing in effect

>> No.10384146

Yeah, I'm thinking we'll see $0.05 tomorrow. Their updates have been ass as of lately. I got a CBA of $0.12 going to dump the shit out of this when it gets there.

>> No.10384989



>> No.10385000

Hahah yes sell your bags to me cuck

>> No.10385106

Unfortunately the most idiots here ignore the fact that the req accounting/audit feature is the killer application. But I agree, the payment functionality is deemed to fail without a proper fiat integration, the crowdsale thing is still nice to have tho.

Still enough for me to hold a little bag.

>> No.10385358


nice get

>> No.10385586


You can't afford to buy jack shit, Pajeet. Stop LARPing.

>> No.10386525

good to see some people still think in /biz/

this guy is right. this project is as serious as it gets.
I have100% confidence the team will not abandon the project or do stupid shit. the ambition they have is massive.

I also work in a successful startup (raised more than $150M, although its not always a good signal) and payment is a PAIN IN THE ASS. so much engineering energy is wasted in third party payment integration (especially in third world countries).
If crypto is adopted then Req will be massive. It's still risky though.

>> No.10387113

Lol you can't afford my bags fagget

>> No.10387232
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Blood in - Blood out motherfuckers.