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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, Basic-Attention-Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10377295 No.10377295 [Reply] [Original]

>$350m cap
>Coinbase listing soon
>Looks 'cheap' to normies
>Partnered with Dow Jones
>Solves real world issue
>Not affected by short-term ETH scaling limitations
>Chrome-based 1.0 desktop version in Q3
>Ad-testing underway

>> No.10377314

what you forget is the massive media attention it will get if it moons.
random youtubers will look at their account and have $1M. They will shill it to their audience. Guaranteed.

>> No.10377332

what real world issue does it solve again? that you can give people money for showing you ads on website? literally no market for this, no one wants to pay advertisers, they would rather pay the content creator directly. retarded idea

>> No.10377352

>being this retarded

This token is going to be at least $50

>> No.10377370

I used to have 30k bat and missed out on a lot of gains in 17. I sold it all. But now I have 2 eth worth of BAT so I hope it moons

>> No.10377371

this desu

>> No.10377374

You should Bing things before you run your mouth off and make yourself look like a retard.

>> No.10377387

3 min watch, clear and concise:

>> No.10377394

I see you BAT shills don't have any argument, just discreditory ad hom

lol weak pump desu

>> No.10377429

Do you ever imagine yourself driving a monster truck through gridlocked rush hour traffic?

>> No.10377447

>they would rather pay the content creator directly.
This is the idea behind BAT, as well as consumers getting a cut for watching ads. I'm not sure why you would think it's about paying advertisers.

>> No.10377480


>> No.10377497

Or perhaps this has been answered so many times that its not even worth acknowledging. Just like the $1 meme. Image the amount of hubris someone has to have to think that they know better than Brenden Eich or Peter Thiel.

>> No.10377516

tell me then, when is it going to coinbase? 1 month? 3 months? 6 months? or let me guess, you don't know lol

>> No.10377545

Of course we don't know when but Brian Armstrong has been mentioning BAT for a year on Twitter. It's also a perfect use-case for something 'real', rather than another platform coin.

>> No.10377585

What kind of stupid fucking question is this?

>> No.10377609

could be a year, could be never, you don't know. sounds promising lol...

>> No.10377649

You must be a PRL bag holder because you are literally retarded.

>muh ad hominem

>> No.10377650

if its too cheap normies wont buy.

>> No.10377671

Coinbase launch brings this to $1. Then all Brave has to do after launching ads is announce that they will token burn 5% of the ad profits annually, and that's how you get a $5 token.

>> No.10377710

>"partnered" with Dow Jones

Dow Jones isn't a person you fucking mongoloid 3rd world pajeet. How can you "partner" with an index you fucking idiot.

>coinbase listing

This is even funnier than partnering with Dow Jones. Coinbase is a speciality exchange. It does not list your pump and dump of the week vague idea shitcoin bullshit that was created in 20 minutes from scratch. Fuck off.

>> No.10377773

>pay advertisers
Nobody pays advertisers

>rather pay the content creator directly
Brave/BAT would put more money into their hands, along with the users who currently get nothing. So content creators (especially youtubers who are getting content flagged like drug education etc) that have something to gain from this would shill this stuff, gaining BAT a ton of free advertising, and when people learn they can make money for doing what they already do + having more privacy, they will switch. Notice how Brave usage is steadily growing? Remember Bitcoin from mid 2015 to mid 2017 when it was steadily growing (before the explosion)? Do you really want to FOMO in when it goes crazy, or when there are only 3 million users with quiet growth? Sat/fiat value may be stagnant with the market, but user growth is saying something - this is a very good sign. People are jumping on the train even in a bear market.

>> No.10377979



>> No.10378003

its not partnered with dow jones in anyway shape or form

>> No.10378012

on top of this, no one is going to use their shitty browser when the entire market is taken by chrome + FF

>> No.10378019

There seems to be some confusion about this: https://basicattentiontoken.org/dow-jones/

Dow Jones Media Group is part of Dow Jones, a unit of News Corp.

>> No.10378043

>Dow Jones isn't a person you fucking mongoloid 3rd world pajeet. How can you "partner" with an index you fucking idiot.
Oh dear...

>> No.10378047

on top of this, no one is going to use their shitty browser when the entire market is taken by IE + FF

on top of this, no one is going to use their shitty browser when the entire market is taken by IE + netscape

>> No.10378074

this "partnership" is basically BAT paid this media group to "Partner" with them, and in return, they are giving limited subs to barrons to a limited number of users first come first serve. in return, this media group can see just how shitty this product is with live data

>> No.10378082
File: 428 KB, 1414x876, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 6.05.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing pal...

>> No.10378087

PRL shills are insufferable

>> No.10378096

Had to pivot from being a shitty miner to a shitty distributed database on the tangle. Fucking retarded.

>> No.10378103

>pulling averages in crypto when the top 1% of wallets contain so much money its not even funny
>easily tricks dumb fucking goyim like you who cant into math
>18k verified publishers [citation needed]

>> No.10378120
File: 29 KB, 472x840, 1433268841828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are going to replace google adsense

>> No.10378137

You want access to their internal databases?

>> No.10378141

Who cares when some mega whale owns half the fucking supply

>> No.10378150

that whale is this fucking nigger right here shilling his shit in a nice little ponzi scheme >>10378082

>> No.10378152

7% but try again pajeet

>> No.10378164
File: 242 KB, 1252x1102, BAT Bois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about top 1% of wallets owning all the coins but doesn't mention that this is literally all coins
>unironically believes in jooz conspiracy
>doesn't understand how metrics work


>> No.10378171

>constantly selling tokens weeks/months before coinbase listing

>> No.10378178
File: 200 KB, 1434x1020, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 10.29.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only have 20k actually...

>> No.10378207

just 12yr old boomer fud

>> No.10378211

>using the mean to employ jewish deception tactics to make it look like the "average wallet" has $15 invested at the very least

>retard STILL doesnt know that taking the mean when there are extreme outliers gives you intentionally misleading data
kys kike

>> No.10378237
File: 146 KB, 315x235, froggen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, astronomic retardation levels from BAT haters

>> No.10378246
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, 1520368702509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another normie that got suckered into buying a coin that will never get used

>> No.10378305

It's one of the few coins that actually sees usage.

>> No.10378319

not organically, its all forced / bribed through (((ICO FUNDS)))

>> No.10378335

if this coing starts to get adopted, and if coinbase lists it, im going to contact every single gay rights group in san francisco to make them aware of brendan eichs past and how he funded prop 8 to ban gay marriage, then coinbase will have every gay rights activist in sf picketing outside coinbase and boycotting their ass. ill make sure of it

>> No.10378355

You wont be able to bribe people to watch ads they don't give a fuck about. I think dapps not having ads anyway makes this even worse. If all a person does is use dapps from now on they wont see ads anyway.

>> No.10378389
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hate and FUD is relentless and desperate. Imagine not owning the lowest market cap project being added to Coinbase

>> No.10378390

>and boycotting their ass.
SJWs will never use crypto. They dont hold crypto and they hate everything about a non authoritarian solution to escape their fucking fucking useless asses.

You cannot boycott something you never use or intended to use in the future. If they knew anything about how crypto based social media will make it harder to censor people they would be out picketing coin base right now anyway.

>> No.10378401

I use it organically. I'm not invested in BAT at all, I only buy about 15 a month so I can use it.

>> No.10378857

Brave was funded by known faggot Peter Thiel so I'm sure that will work out well for you...

>> No.10379046

I have nothing to contribute other than saying you fudders in this thread are unbelievably shit tier baiters, try harder or just fucking stop lmao

>> No.10379078


>> No.10379298

I think they're still accumulating, I used to fud hard when I was accumulating.

>> No.10379403

Sounds like a plan that'd work great in 2014, problem is in 2018 nobody gives a fuck about SJW opinions. Most a protest would do is advertise Brave.

>> No.10379423


Good investment. I'd join in on the fun, but I only have lunch money to throw around.

>> No.10379555

if you can find me a streamlined place for me to buy, i'll feed into your shill. Otherwise, nobuy from me. cuck.

>> No.10379716

I love reading all these stupid fucking replies.

Will be a nice story to tell when people inquire about my large sums of wealth in the future.