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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10376823 No.10376823 [Reply] [Original]

>I just want my shitcoins to moon so I can buy a £600 piano

That's literally it man, I just want a fucking piano is that too much to ask.

Post why you guys wanna make money with crypto, big or small dreams idc.

>> No.10376835

I want to fix my old car, give it a nice paint job etc. Afrer the tranny gets repaired...

>> No.10376836

gimme ur wallet anon, i feel good today

>> No.10376837

Never have to work in my life

>> No.10376854

to start my own company

>> No.10376861

I want to go to europe and meet my LD gf, the woman I love

>> No.10376864

i want to buy qt waifus for my harem

>> No.10376873

Buy BNB and hold till next burn.
Voila - there is your piano.

>> No.10376944 [DELETED] 

I'm getting banned aren't I.

>> No.10378111

Did u get it

>> No.10378226

You gotta dream higher. I'm getting laser eye surgery and I'm buying or starting a business.

>> No.10378238

what country do you live in?

>> No.10378277

just joking bro

>> No.10378325
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>> No.10378368
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>$1000 piano
Get a Steinway. All or nothing fag.

>> No.10378400

To pay off student debt. Then forwards my own business

>> No.10378425

I want to buy my mom a new car and pay off her mortgage

Otherwise living a comfy life with an income sustainable for myself

Just trying to do the right thing man

>> No.10378432

Paying off my remaining $90k in student debt is the only reason I cashed out in January during that crazy bull run. I'm so lucky I didn't hold out.

>> No.10378451

Protip from some who regrets getting a PRK, ask your ophth for something called a prevue lens before you commit to laser correction. It's a contact lens that simulates the tiny optical zone you'll be stuck with if you get it done. Vision in the daytime is amazing but in dim/dark conditions you will likely experience shitty visual acuity, starbursts, halos and glare as your pupils dilate beyond your optical zone (hence letting light in from untreated parts of the cornea).

I won't say don't get it, it's your choice, just be sure you know what you're in for first. It's a permanent change. I used to be a night owl and love to take long meandering walks at night, now I avoid it because my vision is such a mess in the dark. There's also the nonzero chance you suffer really bad things, like keratoconus or having your LASIK flap fall out.

>> No.10378492

Thanks bro. Screenshotting this as a reminder. Sounds like a good precaution to take.

>> No.10378539

This. I had my eyes lasered, now I see stars in the very outermost field of vision pretty much anytime I change my head position. I think it's when my pupils dilate, something wacky going on. Drives me mad, because its like I see something and want to turn my head and look, and I'll never be able to look at it. At the follow up, the woman who did the op said nothing they can do about it, and I should wear light tinted sunglasses to try prevent it from happening. What?! I had my eyes lasered and now they tell me to wear glasses all the time? They want your money, anon. Simple as that

>> No.10378563

Ok maybe this lasik thing is not the best idea. Perhaps I should just wait 10-20 years for the tech to get better?

>> No.10378570


>> No.10378591

Don't actually decide anything based on anons on /biz/, I might be larping m9, let them shoot you with a laser in the eyes, it'll be great

>> No.10378593

Just get glasses or contacts. It's not that bad.

>> No.10378605

Here I thought PRK was safer and had less side effects...
Fuck guess I'll have glasses for life and my vision is terrible. RIP in an apocalyptic situation.
Also I just wanna write music OP so I try to hedge my crypto bets by putting money into projects that can help that out like Potentiam.io
it'll be a while until I find out if they'll be a winner for me or not but I'm eager to see their platform up. I would use all of their services.
And on another note it's dirt cheap on Mercatox right now..

>> No.10378613

I'm personally not gonna do that shit until maybe some point in the future when they have it foolproof. I've heard lots of horror stories. They comprise a small percentage of cases but those who do experience the side effects can be crippled by them.

>> No.10378618


Fuck man, that sounds scary as fuck.

>> No.10378620
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I just want a private island and a fleet of russian blondes in french maid getup at my side 24/7. Is that really too much to ask?

>> No.10378637

Dude as a fellow musician I'm hoping potentiam does well too. I bought in post-ICO and got it dirt cheap

>> No.10378673

if you want the best tech out there right now get ICL instead of lasik/prk. I had it done last year and it was the best decision of my life. The ICL has no side effects and you can have it removed if you choose to or your prescription changes. It does not involve altering the shape of your eyes which could lead to issues in the future.

>> No.10378676

I've been wearing contacts for the past 10ish years.

>> No.10378681

Redpill me on ICL

>> No.10379374

Don't you have to go in and get your eye fluid changed every decade or so when you have those in?

>> No.10379428

I had a similar dream. I just wanted a new computer that could run modern games without lagging. All my life my family only had shitty computers

That dream came true last year. It can happen to you too. Chin up

>> No.10379430

I want to leave my stupid wife but want to leave her with some cash to get by. I hate the bitch but don’t want her to suffer if that makes any sense.

>> No.10379442

I want to make enough money to move to another state and set myself up comfortably and not have to worry about not finding a job right away. I am just so tired of being around black people everytime I leave the house, I need to get away.

>> No.10379464

shit man...congrats on knowing what you want

>> No.10379798

Is she hot? Do you think she cheats on you?

>> No.10379863
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I want to travel, wife up a waifu, work on internet projects.

>> No.10379871

Did you blow out your tranny’s o-ring?

>> No.10379876

I made $1000 scalping BTC today, with 30k USD.

Takes money to make money.

>> No.10379878

buy a home, move out of Africa 2.0 aka Brazil, live off passive income for the rest of my life with my gf.

>> No.10379898

I just need to get about 20k to pay for my mom's surgery so she can live without being in physical pain every day.

>> No.10379963
File: 600 KB, 2500x1666, D2F1252E-5064-46EE-8666-41D5511CE661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make enough to live comfortably and have a white wife and make white children. My dad died when I was young and I want to have a son and be there for him, teach him all the stuff my dad never got to teach me. I had to learn the hard way on so many things in my life, life’s not fair sometimes.

>> No.10379979

i feel ya anon.. my dad is still around and married to my mom but he hates my guts. All I can remember is him bullying me.

>> No.10380003

I want enough to pay back OSAP. I need to get rid of my student debts quick...:( Also I need a jawb

>> No.10380030
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That sucks, the boomers are all screwed up. Most of them see children to raise as a burden, a hindrance to their happiness. Imagine having a child and seeing them as a leech, it’s really truly evil in a way. I was lucky in a sense that I was with my dad when he died, he had a massive heart attack and I could see he was in intense pain but he still managed to say he loved me before he died. A blessing and I curse, I know he truly loved me and to see him go, someone who loves you the most is gone for your entire life is devastating beyond anything I can describe. I hope your dad comes around anon.

>> No.10380052

I really hope you can buy the piano anon

>> No.10380057

You need to think big. Have you own german big-tittied human milk farms

>> No.10380067

We worked hard for you today fren.

>> No.10380072

I want to payback my family and my debts

>> No.10380075

vacation rental on big island hawaii

>> No.10380086

He is mentally ill at best.

He told me to my face that he never wanted me, my mother just cried her eyes out.

He used to call me a faggot in front of my friends

I remember that when I got taller than him he was suddenly pissed and called my doctor a liar because he said I was 6ft 2

He made me wear size 10 shoes when I was in high school because he could not accept the fact that my feet were bigger than his and people started to laugh at me when my shoes ripped at the seams.

He fucking loves my neet younger brother who never worked a day in his life and keeps calling me a loser and a lazy fucker.

I could go on and on anon, but you got the point.. he is way past the point of no return.

>> No.10380088

white nationalist had bad upbringing...go figure

>> No.10380099

Wtf? I made more than that on fomo3d and I only put $80 in... What are you doing?

>> No.10380119
File: 203 KB, 1196x827, C64D5341-0C38-4DEB-86D3-FF85C4817BAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Hitler

>> No.10380135

why is that white nationalist

>> No.10380141

Jesus, your dads definitely jealous and has the zog mind virus. Sorry anon.

>> No.10380145

I think if you read this thread and then say
>I want to have a son and be there for him,
you turned out okay

>> No.10380149

kek maybe not

>> No.10380161

im going for 10 billion $ networth, i use crypto as tool to get me there faster

>> No.10380164
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It`s ok - this shit used to bother me when I was 10.. The best revenge I can do is to move out with my girl and raise a family properly.
I managed to get my european citizenship through my father and I`ll move back to Portugal.

Raise your kids right anon, the world is already fucking filled with degenerates already

>> No.10380175


>> No.10380176

Well you don't only need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Just take a look at my cousin, he's broke, don't even do shit.

>> No.10380249

How does it feel that in europe this is for free lol. Inb4 muh commie. Oh nonono

>> No.10380282

To generate passive income to cover all my living expenses.

Then I want to travel and work fulltime on my record label/music

>> No.10380289

Hopefully your coins moon enough that you can buy a Fazioli <3

>> No.10380633

I am in Europe but the procedure is non-standard and thus not covered by the insurance.

>> No.10380785

Nah, long-term lack of lubrication by previous owners (I kid you not).

>> No.10380803

Op have you checked Craigslist? Lots of free pianos there